Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 24: [taste of love]


The news of the demise of the Ogura Family Elder Council shocked the entire blood clan. The next morning, almost everyone was talking about it, except for the sleepy Zhan Yi and Bai Yu.

After leaving the Presbyterian Church yesterday, Zhan Yi did not return to the security center, nor went to the crime scene, nor went home, but went to his grandmother's place.

Because after leaving the Presbyterian Church, I received a call from my grandmother, saying that I bought a lot of apples and couldn't finish it, so I made apple pie and waited for them to eat.

So, the two ate apple pie all afternoon.

Zhanyi, who doesn't like sweets at all, eats apple pie very hard, and doesn't have the picky eater in the past.

Bai Yu has always been open to delicacy, and when he watched Zhan Yi eat with his heart, he was a rare good-natured person, and his appetite improved a bit.

While helping grandma wash the dishes, Bai Yu quietly asked her, "Did you know that Zhanyi also has a grandma?"

Grandma looked at Bai Yu with a funny look, "You mean Elena?"

"Are you on good terms with her?" Bai Yu started to gossip. Logically speaking, the old relative's family should have a good relationship, right? But one blood race and one human being, and obviously one perverted and one normal, will there be intersections

"I don't have much contact, it looks very complicated over there, Yiyi doesn't want me to ask." Grandma patted Bai Yu on the shoulder, "You seem to be someone who has come here, so take good care of Yiyi."

Bai Yu was surprised, and looked at her grandmother with a smile, "Anyone here?"

"Um..." Grandma held the dishcloth in one hand and the apple pie plate in the other, the smile on her face was the most beautiful one found on all old ladies' faces in Bai Yu's eyes.

"You look very unhappy, and so is Yiyi, but you make me feel very capable." Grandma opened the water hose, and the crystal water flowed out. Cool ice.

"I'm not happy?" Bai Yu seemed to find it ridiculous.

"I sometimes don't understand why young people are more likely to be unhappy than older people." Grandma thought seriously, with a very cute expression, "At first I thought it was because youth was short? But when I contacted Some vampires found their youth eternal, even more unhappy than humans."

"Grandma." Bai Yu was familiar with her, and called her grandmother as she spread her wings, even though she was actually more than N years older than her grandmother. He put one arm around his grandmother's shoulder and said very closely, "The happiness of the blood clan doesn't seem to have much to do with youth and eternity."

Grandma looked at him, "What does that have to do with it?"

"This question is too esoteric!" Bai Yu shook his head very depressed. "The blood clan is so boring. In the eyes of others, you should be happy, but you are unhappy. Some people think you should be unhappy, but you don't care." Side Said, reaching out to turn off the faucet, "Don't think about it, I've been thinking about it for over a thousand years and I haven't figured it out."

Grandma reached out and rubbed his short white hair, "Why are you so miserable?"

"Huh?" Bai Yu looked at her grandmother in surprise, "Where am I so miserable?"

"Oh... No." Grandma shook her head, "I'm just surprised, you haven't found someone you like for over a thousand years?"

Bai Yu blinked and touched his chin, "How can someone who likes them know why they are happy and why they are not happy?"

"Of course." Grandma laughed at him, "Do you, like Yiyi, don't believe in love?"

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth were raised, her face raised in a contemplative state, "Love is not a necessity."

Grandma nodded, "For some people, it is optional, for some people... it is an important existence that will die without it."

Bai Yu thought grandmother's words were very interesting, but for more than a thousand years, it was true that he had not found a person who was worthy of love or moved his heart. Let alone a human being, it may be because the blood of the white blood race is too excellent, and he does not have the slightest attachment to any living or dead thing.

In the next time, Zhanyi walked with her grandmother, and Baiyu Yoda was behind, thinking about life.

The next morning, the two arrived at the security center.

"Wow, Wing!" Musa flew over. "The whole security center is talking about yesterday!"

Zhan Wing was expressionless and asked him, "How's the analysis of that meat ball?"

A complicated expression appeared on Musa's face, "So what... Yesterday... "

Spread your wings and raise your eyebrows, that means - work!

Musa suppressed his curiosity in disappointment and told Zhan Yi, "The DNA of that meat ball is similar to Chen Wei's, genetically related."

"What did you say?" Zhan Yi thought that he had heard it wrong, so he reached out and licked his ears, "Hereditary?"

"Show you something." Musa hooked his fingers to the two and entered the laboratory.

The meatball was still in the bottle. It had grown a little bit bigger than yesterday. It was not like a prune, it was like a small apple, and its color had turned red.

Zhan Yi and Bai Yu felt a little nauseated, and somehow thought of the apple pie they ate yesterday.

"I took an X-ray of this little thing, you can see his internal structure."

Zhan Wing and Bai Yu looked at the X-rays in front of the lights, both frowning...

Bai Yu touched his chin, "Why does this thing's bones look like a person curled up in a ball?"

"He is indeed developing in the direction of the fetus, and you see." Musa pointed to the part of his mouth, "What a sharp tooth!"

After seeing the X-rays, Zhan Yi and Bai Yu silently turned to look at the weird red fruit in the bottle, the eyes above their heads looked out of the bottle curiously, and their long teeth hit the glass bottle gently, making a "click". Click" strange sound.

Zhanyi walked over slowly, bent down and looked at the bottle.

"Is this also a red sprite?"

"Well, it's true that the blood type is Chishen, but the disease level is twenty-one."

Zhanyi raised his head and looked back at Musa in surprise, "More than twenty levels? Why would the descendants mutate more than the previous generation?"

Musa shrugged and shook his head, indicating that he couldn't figure it out either.


At this moment, Kai came in.

Zhanyi looked back at him, Kai's expression was still a little complicated, especially when he saw Bai Yu, obviously... He didn't trust Bai Yu very much.

Bai Yu ignored it and walked to Musa's side, holding the X-ray film with two fingers as if thoughtfully.

"Someone came to claim Chen Wei's body." Kai whispered to Zhan Yi, "It's his wife."

Zhan Yi and Bai Yu looked at each other and asked together, "What does it look like?"

Kai was stunned for a while and replied, "It's pretty."

Both Zhan Yi and Bai Yu frowned slightly—the photo that Xiao Xia showed them that day, her sister was clearly as skinny as she was suffering from anorexia, how could she be so pretty

"Where's the person?" Zhanyi put down the document.

"Outside." Kai pointed out.

Zhan Yi and Bai Yu looked back together, and both had some illusions...

On a white couch outside the glass door of BN7's office, sitting a beautiful woman in her twenties, with snow-white skin and a pure and pleasant appearance.

"Oh, she's really a beauty." Fang Xu glanced up and sighed, "Why did you marry a monster like Chen Wei?"

Zhanyi's brows were slightly wrinkled, and an interested smile appeared on Bai Yu's face.

"Ask her to sit in the inquiry room." Zhan Yi whispered.

"Huh?" Kai was surprised. "She came to collect the body..."

"Just tell her it's the restroom, and the corpse will have to wait." Zhan Yi said as he went to the side and took out his phone, wanting to call Xiao Xia.

However, the little girl's phone call was not connected, and Zhanyi's brows were slightly wrinkled, and she felt a breath in her ears, and she turned back... Bai Yu's face appeared in front of her, her mouth pursed, as if she had found something very proud. .

Zhanyi looked at him, "What do you want to say?"

"Oh... I remembered yesterday that my grandmother said I was a failure." Bai Yu smiled.

Zhanyi was a little puzzled, and didn't understand why he suddenly said this at this time.

"Grandma said I couldn't find a lover for more than a thousand years. Do you think I failed?"

Zhanyi decided not to play tricks with him, and was going to talk to Xiaoxia's sister in the inquiry room.

But as soon as he took two steps, his arm was gently held by Bai Yu. Zhanyi looked sideways at Bai Yu's hand on his elbow, and said nothing, waiting for what he wanted to say.

"Grandma said that some people have love, and some people can't live without it." Bai Yu saw a trace of impatience on Zhanyi's face, and said the following sentence with a smile, "Did you know that there is a kind of creature called spider ."

Zhanyi raised his eyebrows slightly, that trace—do you think I'm an idiot

"The love of spiders, they entangle their mates with silk, kill them after they have loved them, lay their eggs, and raise the next generation with the corpse of their lover..."

Zhan Yi glanced at him, "Do you want to say that Xiao Xia's sister is a spider spirit?"

"I just think it's like." Bai Yu reminded close to Zhan Wing's auricle, "That sister... doesn't seem to have good eyesight."

Although Zhan Yi was talking to Bai Yu, her eyes were always paying attention to Sister Xia's every move. When she got up and walked into the interrogation room, she almost hit the glass door...

Zhanyi had already made a calculus in his heart, and followed into the inquiry room.

Bai Yu walked to the monitor, sat on the table and leaned against the monitor with one hand, crookedly looking at Sister Xia, who seemed a little uneasy in the questioning room.

"Can this camera take X-rays?" Bai Yu asked Fang Xu.

"It can be seen through." Fang Xu nodded, "Do you suspect that there is something wrong with this woman's internal structure?"

"Take a look and try?" Bai Yu narrowed his eyes.

Fang Xu adjusted the camera.

Kay and Musa both leaned in to see…

After just one glance, everyone frowned—through the clothes and flesh, they saw a human skeleton, but it felt slender and a little weird... The most special thing was the large shadow in the mouth, which was not clear, but definitely Not a human construct.

Musa's face wrinkled, "It turned out to be a mutated red sprite!"


At this time, there was a sound of heavy hitting the glass. Everyone followed the prestige and saw that the small meat ball in the glass bottle was actually hitting the bottle. It seemed that they saw Sister Xiao Xia in the monitor and became very excited.

"Is this elder sister a red scorpion, or is it a fake?" Bai Yu watched with arms crossed.

Zhan Wing pushed open the door of the interrogation room and walked in.

Xiao Xia's sister looked up at him, "When can I take Awei's body away?"

"Don't you ask how he died?" Zhanyi sat down, faced her, and began to observe her appearance. Her skin and expressions looked very natural, young and full of vigor...

"Didn't you say he committed suicide?"

"What's your name?" Zhanyi changed the subject.

"My name is Lu Xia."

Zhanyi frowned, "Do you have any siblings?"

"Well, I have a sister."

Zhanyi felt puzzled, her sister said that her name was Xiaoxia, are there two sisters with the same name? Or is that Xiao Xia lying

"This floor doesn't seem to be the police, is it..."

Lu Xia was the first to speak, breaking the silence.

"This is BN7, specializing in the case of Chijin." Zhanyi didn't hide her, and asked directly, "Do you know that your husband is a BN carrier?"

"I know." Lu Xia nodded.

"But he's not on the watch list." Zhanyi observed the change in her expression.

"He is controlled by medication."

"Medicine?" Zhanyi was puzzled, "All BN's drugs are controlled, where did he get it?"

"Very effective medicine, given to him by a friend of his."

"What's his friend's name?" Zhanyi asked.

"Well, I'm also a doctor. Chen Wei has been taking it for a long time, and his body is very good, except that his personality is a little gloomier than before..."

Zhanyi asked Lu Xia to write down the contact information of that friend and let her leave.

Lu Xia ran to collect the body, spread his wings and returned to the room to drink tea.

"Yi, you just let her go?" Kai was a little worried, "This woman may also be a BN carrier or a mutant."

"I know." Zhanyi nodded and shook the piece of paper with the contact information in his hand, "Since she wants me to go to this place, she might as well go."

After speaking, Zhan Yi called Xiao Xia again, but no one answered.

Zhanyi put on the windbreaker, left the security center, and followed Lu Xia away.

Lu Xia didn't need any means of transportation on foot. He walked very slowly, and spread his wings as far away as possible, "Shhhh."

While waiting behind a street lamp, Zhan Wing felt that the wind was blowing on his earlobe again... He reached out to cover his ears and turned his head in dissatisfaction.

"It's so cute." Bai Yu smiled, looking at the reddish ears under Zhanyi's white fingers, and found it interesting.

Zhanyi was disturbed by him and walked away. Looking back, Lu Xia was gone, and he quickly pushed Bai Yu away and chased forward.

But after crossing an entire alley, Lu Xia was still missing.

Wings frowned.

Bai Yu touched his nose, and before Zhanyi opened his mouth to scold him, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the other side, "Run over there."

Zhan Yi hurriedly chased after him, and walked out of the alley. On the opposite side was a road with a little more traffic, but Lu Xia was nowhere to be seen.

Confused, Bai Yu raised his hand and pointed lightly at the entrance of the orbital transportation not far away, "Over there."

Zhanyi looked in the direction of his fingers and was stunned... Because the one who was walking quickly into the entrance was not Lu Xia, but the little girl, Xiao Xia, who had entrusted them to kill Chen Wei before.

"Why is she here?" Zhanyi frowned.

Bai Yu leaned over, intensified, her lips almost overwhelmed the wings' auricle, "It tastes the same!"

"What is the taste?"

Bai Yu smiled mysteriously, "The taste of love!"