Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 29: [Erased existence]


At the entrance of the largest car dealership in District 7, there is a smiling aircraft salesperson standing there.

As soon as they got out of the car, everyone's eyes lit up a little, as if they were staring at a moving piece of fat.

Seeing Zhanyi walk around the car shop, Bai Yu reminded in a low voice, "Your behavior of a prodigal son doesn't match the impression of your appearance, do you think it's a little superficial?"

Zhanyi glanced at him indifferently, "When did I say that I am a deep type? I am just superficial."

Bai Yu tutted, "I like it!"

Zhan Yi asked a salesman he knew well, "Where's the car I want?"

"Upstairs." The salesman led the way up enthusiastically, "Three young masters are well informed, the new car has just arrived."

The booth on the second floor is much more luxurious than the one on the first floor. Someone is trying the car that Zhanyi fancy.

Bai Yu glanced at the person who was testing the car, only to realize that Zhanyi was fundamentally different from the superficial one, and the one in front of him was really superficial.

The test drive is a young man who looks like a human, with black hair and black eyes and a little make-up. At first glance, it will be mistaken for black blood. He was dressed in white and was sitting in a black aircraft, next to a young woman dressed very sexy, presumably a female companion.

The salesman walked to the front of another car, which was silver, and introduced to Zhanyi, "This one is the most equipped. According to your preference, the power has been tripled."

Zhanyi nodded, walked to the rear of the car, and opened the lid to check the internal assembly.

Bai Yu leaned against a large aircraft beside him, resting his chin with one hand to appreciate the way he was looking at the car with his wings outstretched, and felt pleasing to the eyes. The so-called people rely on clothes and horses to rely on saddles is simply bullshit. To say, whether the clothes and the car are good or not, the key is to see who is wearing and who is driving.

Bai Yu admired it alone, and there were a lot of sales girls whispering next to them.

"Master Yi hasn't been here for a long time!"

"That's right."

"Hey, who's the one with the white hair?"

"Wow, it's more stylish than the model photo next to you, why don't you ask him to speak for him?"

Zhanyi asked in detail about the performance and power of the car, as well as the fuel usage, and seemed very satisfied.

"Two of the same configuration, black and silver."

The salesman cheerfully called someone to pick up the car.

At the same time, the man in white over there also paid readily, but instead of picking up the car, he had the car sent to the hotel, and he left with a satisfied beauty.

"Yiyi." Bai Yu saw Zhanyi staring at the "superficial" man who was going down the stairs in a daze, and patted him, "What are you looking at, he's not as handsome as me."

Zhanyi seems to have come to his senses, frowning and pondering, "I seem to know him."

"No..." Bai Yu's mouth moved.

"No, I've seen his profile." Zhan Yi suddenly remembered, "He's a liar, and he specializes in lying to girls."

"Yeah!" At this moment, a salesman ran over and said to the shop owner, "The customer's e-check just now cannot be cashed, it's a fake!"

"It's so annoying, it turns out to be a liar." The salesman muttered and walked away.

Spread the wings to go downstairs.

Bai Yu grabbed him, "You have to take care of this too?"

Zhanyi rolled his eyes at him, "The woman next to him may be deceived."

Bai Yu showed a look of contempt again, "If you cheat, you will cheat. That woman will not be cheated if she is not greedy for money, so I should teach her a lesson."

Spreading his wings and looking at the sky, he didn't bother to explain, so he walked down quickly.

White Feather followed in dissatisfaction.

"The man's name is Sid, and I've read his profile." Zhan Yi walked out of the car shop and looked around, and finally chose a quieter road and turned into the alley, "He is not only a liar but also a murderer, The women he deceived will be killed in the end."

Bai Yu laughed, "Lan Luo is right, Yiyi, you really have an accident wherever you go."

While speaking, he gently stretched his wings, "Blood smell."

Zhanyi frowned, "So soon?"

Bai Yu could easily find the body following the smell, but what appeared before him did not look like a girl who had gone astray and had been deceived. The white suit and the face of the fake black blood... The only one who was in high spirits at the car dealership just now. The difference is that his eyes are now dilated, staring blankly at the narrow sky above the alley, without any anger.

"Why is the dead man?" Bai Yu looked at Zhanyi in confusion, then clapped his hands, "I see, the thief master met the thief woman and was bitten back!"

"That thief seems to be there." Zhan Yi stretched out his fingers and pointed to the corner of the alley ahead.

Bai Yu frowned and saw a woman's leg, but it seemed to be shaking... Could it be that she was not dead

The two exchanged glances and walked over, only to see a woman curled up in the corner, covered in blood.

Zhanyi saw that she didn't seem to be seriously injured, but her leg was broken and she couldn't bend over. She was sitting in the corner with her head in her arms, and she was probably frightened.

"Hello." Zhanyi called her.

"Ah!" the woman screamed unsurprisingly, "don't kill me..."

Zhanyi frowned, ignoring the magic sound, and turned back to look at the body of the deceased.

This person's way of dying is quite special. There is a hole in his chest and his heart is gone... This kind of method is usually used to attack the blood clan. It seems exaggerated to deal with people like this.

Zhanyi called the police, and after a while, the black-faced Lan Luo rushed over with the police.

"Wings!" Lan Luo just walked into the alley and started to roar from a distance.

Zhanyi frowned and pulled out his ears, and tilted his head to Bai Yu, that meant - gone.

"Stop!" Lan Luo chased after him, but Zhan Wing and Bai Yu moved faster.

"Oops..." Lan Luo was in a hurry to chase. He didn't watch out for stepping on something. He looked down and found a sticky black pool, and he didn't know what it was.

Looking up again, Zhan Wing and the others have long disappeared.

Zhan Yi and Bai Yu left the alley before returning to the car when they heard light footsteps.

Zhanyi frowned, "Here again."

"What's coming again?" Bai Yu still didn't understand.

Zhanyi had already jumped up the alley, and easily jumped to the other side, blocking a short girl who was holding a camera and escaping quickly.

Bai Yu squatted on the wall and looked down. This girl looked in her twenties. She was dressed in sportswear, neither beautiful nor ugly. She was sneaking with a big bag on her back.

She looked back, but was blocked by Zhanyi in front of her, and was startled when she turned around.

"So coincidentally?"

After taking a deep breath, she stood up straight and looked at Zhanyi with a smile, "Oh, it's been a long time, Master Zhanyi."

Zhanyi looked at the camera in her hand and reached for it, "What did you capture?"

"Alas!" The girl hurriedly scrambled, "Don't mess around, there are trade secrets in there!"

Where did Zhanyi take care of her? He opened it and looked at the photos. After quickly flipping through it, he stopped at a certain one and showed it to the girl, "What did you take?"

The girl's mouth was flat, and her face was so unfortunate.

Bai Yu glanced at it and found that it was a very blurry photo, but he could still see it clearly. It was the man in white just now, and a black shadow flashed behind the man in white in the picture. The most clear thing is that there is already a bloodstain on the chest of the man in white. A turquoise hand with sharp nails is penetrating his chest and appearing in the picture... This moment was captured very clearly.

While Zhanyi stared at the photo in a daze, the girl snatched the camera and turned around and wanted to run, but the way was blocked by Bai Yu, she didn't take precautions, bumped into Bai Yu, and then fell to the ground with her butt, rubbing her forehead. hey.

Bai Yu asked Zhan Yi curiously, "Who is that?"

"Her name is Mila, she is a reporter on the surface, and her actual job is a clue seller." Zhanyi explained to Bai Yu, "She is usually hired by some bounty hunters to track criminals." Then, asked Mila, " Someone hired you to catch that rogue this time?"

"Yeah, that hooligan lied to so many people. Someone wanted to kill him to avenge his friends, so hire me to find clues. Finding clues is not against the law!" Mila put away her camera.

"You know the man who killed him?" Zhanyi asked.

Mi stretched his hand, "You know I'm disciplined."

Zhanyi handed her a piece of money.

Mira looked at the denomination and lowered her voice, "I don't know, that's not from a human."


"It's not like that. He was wearing black clothes, but he moved very quickly, like some kind of monster, and disappeared with a swish..." Mila said angrily, "He killed my cash cow, so many photos were taken for nothing!"

Seeing that there was no clue, Zhanyi wanted to leave.

"Oh, wait!" Mila suddenly caught up, "Would you like to pay for a big news?"

Zhanyi saw that she had some intention of offering treasures, and smiled lightly, "I'm usually not interested in your news."

"You must be interested this time." Mila took out a photo from her bag, "I'll give you a discount first!"

Zhanyi took the photo that Mira handed over suspiciously, and saw that there was a pattern on the photo—this pattern Zhanyi had seen a few times recently, and it was the weird "slave" tattoo.

Zhanyi thought about it and asked, "How much do you want?"

Mira took out the calculator she carried with her and put a number for Zhan Yi to see.

Zhanyi nodded, indicating that it was acceptable.

Mira immediately took out a folder from the big bag and handed it to Zhan Wing.

Zhanyi gave her the money.

Mira took the money and left happily.

Open the file bag to reveal a pair of information glasses. Zhanyi put it on, and it counted the origin of this tattoo in detail. In the first half, Zhanyi felt that the money was not worth it, it was all nonsense, but in the second half, there was some information that made Zhanyi cheer up.

It is related to several recent cases of prison robbery and escape. These repeat offenders who have sneaked away or been rescued by unknown persons have records of this tattoo pattern. This matter also has something to do with the "Cassel" who escaped from the subway bombing during the escort process at the Amenity Gate not long ago.

This Cassel has no criminal record, no information, and the personal file is blank. According to Mira's investigation, there are some mysterious prisoners in the Gate of Ease, who are kept in solitary cells and never let go of the wind. These people have no past or future, and they are called people who have been completely erased.

In addition, someone in the black market has made huge sums of money to get rid of Cassel. There are very few clues about the mysterious fugitive himself. Mira is indeed a master at finding information, and a blurred photo is found. This photo should have been taken by the surveillance equipment in the subway. In the picture, a man in a prison uniform is tearing off his hood and walking outside the subway. The subway behind him is blazing.

The chain on the man was exactly the same as the one that was thrown by the subway, and his face could be vaguely seen. The strange thing was... This should be a fugitive from an older blood clan in Zhan Yi and Bai Yu's guess, and his facial features turned out to be completely human.

Zhanyi took the photo and looked at it for a long time, frowning and doubting whether he had been cheated by Mila, and got some fake news to deceive people, but the credibility of the clue seller is very important, Mila has never sold fakes.

After thinking for a while, Zhanyi looked back at Bai Yu who was absent-mindedly waiting for the time.

Bai Yu turned around and looked at Zhan Wing.

"Are you hiding something?" Zhanyi asked.

"Which aspect are you referring to?" Bai Yu asked back with a smile, walked a few steps, spread his wings next to him, and looked down into his eyes, "I've kept a lot of things hidden from me."

Zhanyi blocked the picture of the slave pattern in front of his eyes, "This."

Bai Yu glanced at it, and flicked his wrist with his fingers lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Oh, this, alas, it's a long story..."

Zhanyi frowned, "Then make a long story short."

"Modern people actually believe that humans and blood races can coexist peacefully." Bai Yu shook his head, "It's so naive."

Zhan Wing is impatient, "Speak the point."

"It is absolutely impossible for humans and blood to coexist peacefully, absolutely!" Bai Yu spread out his hands and said - the main point is over!

Zhanyi didn't quite understand, "What do you mean?"

"It means that wanting to coexist peacefully is usually just the wishful thinking of the strong side." Bai Yu said slowly, "The blood clan now has artificial blood, and of course they want to coexist peacefully with humans, just as humans have left the forest after they have eaten their fill and left the forest. It's like starting to talk about animal protectionism."

Spread the wings silently.

"But humans at the bottom of the food chain don't think so." Bai Yu smiled, "It's like you keep a cat at home and think it's good to it, but it may think about killing you or eating you, especially When that cat didn't have your physique, but had your intelligence."

Zhanyi sneered at the doctor, "Don't talk about something, I just want to know, why do people live so long?"

Bai Yu's fingers gently smoothed the collar of the windbreaker, and said, "If you don't want to die, there will always be a way, hehe."

Zhan Yi felt that Bai Yu's last tail "hehe" was very unpleasant, but at this time he didn't care about teaching Bai Yu, because someone seemed to be approaching behind him.