Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 31: hidden


The location where the BN lesion signal came from was near a bridge at an abandoned pier in District Seven.

When Zhan Yi and Bai Yu arrived, Kai got out of the car. Walking to Zhanyi, "The mutant's name is Nolan, he is..."

"It's that person." Zhanyi stretched out his hand and pointed to a boy sitting on the bridge who seemed to be painting.

Bai Yu raised his face and looked up - he found that he hadn't seen each other for a while, this Nolan, seems to have changed

To be precise, the appearance has not changed, the dress has not changed, but the expression and temperament have changed - now he looks like a top student in a famous university.

Kai took out the sedative gun and jumped onto the bridge.

Nolan turned his face to look at him, and at the same time, his eyes glanced over the wings under the bridge, intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhanyi frowned slightly - isn't he mutated? With such a drastic mutation, why is there no feature at all on the shape? Something is wrong.

"Hands up." Kay pointed the gun at Nolan, who was still painting leisurely.

Nolan looked back at him with an innocent face and gentleness, as if puzzled, "What crime have I committed?"

"We want you to go back and check. If you cooperate, I will not use force." Kai also seemed to see some problems.

Nolan stood up and raised his hand... The pencil in his hand rolled from the bridge to the ground, and the drawing paper floated out of the bridge and erratically landed on the blackened sewage, floating...

At the moment when the drawing paper was floating, and another moment when it fell, Bai Yu, who was on the bridge, saw that the drawing on the paper was a portrait, a portrait with wings, the same perfect facial features, but a pair of cold eyes, so startling At a glance, very similar, but very different...

Bai Yu vaguely felt that it was very strange.

When Nolan was handcuffed by Kai, he asked, "Why arrest me?"

Kai didn't speak, just took him away.

Passing by Zhanyi, Nolan asked, "Just because I attacked him just now?"

Kai was stunned for a moment, and he spread his wings inexplicably.

Zhanyi didn't speak, just got closer and looked into Nolan's eyes - Nolan did not mutate... Why did the electronic monitoring show that he was extremely mutated

"Can I hire a lawyer?" Nolan asked Kai as he walked, looking very rational and calm.

"I won't know until after the inspection." Kai replied and put him into the car.

At this time, the scavenger's car also came. The scavenger came down wearing a mask and looked up and down, left and right. He didn't find the scene of blood flowing into the river, and he didn't see the corpse, so he was a little puzzled, "Hey, spread the wings, the corpse. Woolen cloth?"

Zhanyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Kai's car.

Kay tied Noh's seat belt and came out, shrugging his shoulders at the scavenger.

"Alive?!" The scavenger seemed to have heard something strange.

Bai Yu asked Zhan Yi curiously, "What's the problem?"

Zhanyi shook his head, "Usually with such a high-level mutation, it is impossible not to resist. Resistance is basically execution... Nolan's situation is very unusual."

"But he did mutate." Bai Yu replied.

"Are you sure?" Zhanyi was studying the detection system and found that the pointer didn't seem to change.

Bai Yu pointed to his nose, "This kid is definitely mutated, the smell of stinky blood is the most obvious."

Zhanyi nodded, since he surrendered, it was the best, so he took Bai Yu home. Originally, he was also on vacation, so it was OK to leave the matter to Kai to deal with it according to the procedures.

Kai waved his hand lightly to the two of them and walked away with them.

When the car slowly drove away, Zhan Yi saw that Nolan in the car was facing him, and smiled slightly. This kind of smile—even if it was not evil, of course it could not be friendly, it just carried a feeling of secrecy. , like some conspiracy is brewing... It's disturbing.

Zhanyi didn't think too much, because he received a call from his grandmother, asking him to take Bai Yu home for dinner. Grandma seemed to have cooked a lot of good dishes.

The two went there happily, and after having a pleasant meal, they forgot everything.

But at the end of dinner, when the three returned from their walk, Zhanyi received a call from Kai.

"problem occurs."

Zhanyi frowned slightly, Kai's tone is very rare.

"What's up?"

"You turn on the TV and watch the news live."

Zhanyi was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the TV to Bai Yu who was beside him.

Bai Yu turned on the TV and found that many stations were broadcasting live, which seemed to be a press conference.

A middle-aged man with white hair but not very old looks like he is in a suit and leather shoes. He seems to be talking angrily. There are many people behind him and reporters in front of him, all in a mess.

"Who is this person?" Bai Yu wondered.

"His name is Schmidt, he's the best lawyer in District 7, and he's a toothless vampire." Grandma seemed to know him better.

"Oh?" Bai Yu felt amused when he heard it.

Zhanyi frowned, staring at the TV as if surprised. Following his line of sight, Bai Yu found some "accidents"! Because Nolan, who was supposed to be in the police station, actually stood behind the lawyer, bowing his head and looking sad.

"Why did this kid come out?" Bai Yu was puzzled.

"What's the matter?" Zhanyi asked Kai on the other end of the phone.

"Something strange happened..."

Before Kai could finish speaking, Musa avoided the call, "Wing! Nolan's blood test came back negative!"

Zhanyi was silent for a moment, "What?"

"I don't know what happened. The monitor did show that he had mutated, but after he brought it back, he checked it again. Not only did he not mutate, but even the BN virus in his body was gone!"

Zhanyi was stunned for a while, "I don't understand very well? Is it cured, or is it self-healing?"

"Impossible!" Moussa said firmly, "I take my professional guarantee! BN is impossible to recover at all, and once it is obtained, it is irreversible."

At this time, Schmidt on TV was impassionedly complaining to the media about the incompetence and absurd mistakes of BN7, the Security Center and the entire police force. The general meaning is that due to unprofessional testing, Nolan, who has no BN virus at all, was misdiagnosed as a BN carrier, and this young man with a promising future suffered, not only was his future ruined, but also abandoned.

"Detection error?" Zhanyi asked Musa with a frown, "Is it possible?"

"It's impossible!" Moussa was excited, "BN's detection system is globally recognized and undisputed..."

But just when Musa was excited, a surging crowd appeared on the TV screen, and there were tens of thousands of BN carriers detected, holding signs asking for another medical examination, and requiring the intervention of authoritative institutions to maintain Fair and transparent.

Mr. Schmidt was even more fierce. He has now said that the entire security system for BN carriers is fundamentally discriminatory. He also said that the entire BN system is a conspiracy. He doubts whether the BN virus really exists. It may be The conspiracy of the vampires to suppress the good humans... and so on.

"Oops." Although my grandmother is not a police officer, she seems to have some opinions from the perspective of an ordinary citizen, "If these people are re-tested, and then one or two people who do not carry the virus are detected, the entire BN testing system will collapse. Well, at that time all BN carriers can doubt the fairness of this test, conspiracy theories will be expanded, and the current social structure may be changed. BN patients will also have the same low status as the blood family or even higher than humans. , Humans may even worship the red scorpion because BN carriers have higher intelligence and ability than humans and can even compete with the blood race, and then the conflict between humans and the blood race will be made public, and it will be unstable."

Bai Yu looked at her grandmother with admiration. Don't look at her as a gentle old lady at home. Sure enough, Zhanyi's bloodline has excellent genetics, and her wisdom alone is higher than many others.

Zhanyi naturally understands the seriousness of this matter, but the question is, "Why did Nolan get a negative blood test for the second time?"

Musa blushed over there, "I don't know..."

Zhanyi held his forehead, "Did you keep a blood sample from him?"


"What about the first time?" Zhanyi asked.

"..." Musa was suddenly silent for a while, then clapped his hands, "Ah!"

Zhanyi nodded, "You can compare his earliest blood sample with this one, and you'll know if there's a problem." "Yiyi, you're so smart!" Musa threw the phone and ran to the sample bank to get a sample .

Kai took the call and asked Zhan Yi, "He said he attacked you before?"

Zhanyi nodded, but didn't say much, "Tell me the results after the sample comparison." After that, he hung up the phone.

The news is still going on. Most of BN carriers are discriminated against and excluded. Their original destiny is like they have been sentenced to death. They are also guarded as a demon who will become a murderer anytime, anywhere. This time I saw a turning point in life. , One after another came out to protest, and there was some commotion in the street.

This kind of protest has won the sympathy and solidarity of many people. Other organizations that are radically opposed to the vampire aristocracy and are dissatisfied with the status quo that the economy is controlled by the vampires have also begun to protest.

For a time, the originally peaceful world suddenly split, and opposing camps appeared.

The streets began to be chaotic, but the military and police could not intervene, and could only maintain order on a small scale, because too much violence would stimulate human dissatisfaction, and the confrontation with the blood race would intensify.

"That's why." Grandma shook her head. "All peace is only superficial peace. There is nothing more fragile than this in this world, but everyone just doesn't cherish it."

Bai Yu seemed to be very interested in Grandma's point of view, and sat beside her, "Grandma, you are also human, don't you support human beings against the blood race?"

Grandma smiled, "Why do you think human society will become fairer after all the blood races are wiped out?" Bai Yu raised the corner of his mouth, "Then at least humans and humans are equal, blood races and humans are not equal Yes."

"That's why old people and young people think differently." Grandma took a sip of the delicious milk tea, "I just hope that Yiyi's life will not suffer too much turmoil, so that his life trajectory can be smooth and simple, even lazy. Yangyang doesn't matter."

"I'm also an old man, grandma." Bai Yu pointed to himself as he was talking, and Zhan Yi patted his shoulder, "Are you sure Nolan is Chi Jin?"

"That's right!" Bai Yu nodded, pinching his nose, "The blood of Chi Xing is rancid, and you can smell something strange if you find any black blood. If you don't believe me, ask Kai."

Just as he was talking about Kai, Zhanyi's phone rang again.

Zhanyi frowned, "Is there a result so soon?"

But when I picked up the phone, I heard Musa's weak voice, "Yiyi..."

Some miserable calls made Zhanyi guess that there might be an accident in the investigation results, so he asked, "What's the result?"

"I can't find it..."

"What do you mean?" Zhanyi was puzzled.

"Who knows, I went to the sample library and found that the refrigeration system and the constant temperature system were collectively shut down. After three days, no one found out. Now all the specimens are corrupted and cannot be tested at all."

When Zhanyi heard this, he had no doubts, "So everything was premeditated, wasn't it?"

Musa was silent for a while, then asked in a low voice, "You suspect..."

"Is the second blood sample still there?" Zhanyi asked.

"Yeah, I'll bring you..."

"Wait." Zhanyi stopped, "Divide it in two and hide it. I have plans later."

"Oh… "

"You and Fang Xu follow Kai, don't run around." Zhan Yi said, "Let Lan Luo prepare some guards for you."

Musa was slightly taken aback, "Why?"

"Just do it." Zhanyi hung up the phone, and when he turned to go out, he hooked his finger to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu smiled, stood up with his hands in his pockets, and followed slowly.

Grandma instructed from behind, "Be careful."

Bai Yu nodded, indicating that he would look at Zhan Wing.

When I went out, I opened something similar to a wire box at the door of my grandmother's house, which was installed in a relatively hidden place on the wall.

Bai Yu leaned over to take a look, a little puzzled, and saw a button inside the wire box, Zhan Wing pressed it, and left with Bai Yu.

Bai Yu followed, and when the two of them arrived at the car and were about to leave, in about thirty seconds at most, the car was already parked in front of grandma's house.

The car door opened, and a large number of black bloods walked down. It seemed to protect the safety of grandmother. The leader was very familiar. Bai Yu remembered that it was Zhanyi's perverted grandma's subordinate, what was his name...

"What are you going to do next?" Bai Yu got into the car.

"The other party definitely has a great background and came prepared."

"We are very passive." Bai Yu held his chin with one hand and looked at Zhan Wing, "You seem quite calm, what are your plans?"

"I don't have a plan, but I have leverage."

Bai Yu blinked and tilted his head to express his confusion.

Spread the wings to start the car, turn to look at him, "You."

Bai Yu pointed to his nose, "Me?"

"You are invincible, the highest level, the closest to the gods, aren't you?"

Bai Yu smiled, reached out and touched Zhanyi's chin lightly, "Remove the last 'is or not', use a more positive tone, worship a little, and say it again."

Zhanyi smiled and said cooperatively, "You are invincible, the highest level, and the closest to the gods."

Bai Yu nodded with satisfaction, "Then what are your orders?"

Zhanyi's smile gradually faded away, "A tooth for a tooth."

Bai Yu narrowed his eyes, "I like it."