Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 33: [Small expectation]


Zhan Yi and Bai Yu came near the university. Although Zhan Yi wanted Bai Yu to attack Nolan blatantly, after all, in broad daylight, they still had to track his whereabouts a little to find out who he usually hangs with. In addition, find a suitable place. Start.

Zhanyi was sitting in the car, and the surveillance cameras in the seventh district had already achieved full coverage. Some of them were used by the police, only the police knew about them, and there was a clear face recognition system. The surveillance vehicle adopts the technology of image perspective, suspended in mid-air and invisible from below.

The surveillance screen found Nolan's location and started a comprehensive tracking.

When Nolan returned to the school dormitory, it seemed that he took some things and went through the formalities for resuming school. Someone accompanied him, possibly a former family member.

In any case, Nolan's current condition is misdiagnosed, his family sees hope, and because his brother is too incompetent, it is really expected to accept him back home. And his parents are even more regretful and distressed. It is said that they have hired a strong lineup of lawyers to sue the security center and seek compensation and restore Nolan's reputation. The school is also very keen on this matter. After all, Nolan is well. , it is also good for any school.

Zhanyi yawned, leaning on the comfortable sofa in the monitoring room, holding his chin and looking at the monitor. There were some unknown people around Nolan, but they seemed to be professionals, and they were not particularly suspicious. In fact, what Zhanyi cares most about is Nolan himself...

The "red acid" he made up just now was just bluffing, but it was a fact that Nolan's symptoms disappeared. If this method is spread, they will not be able to catch Akatsuki from today. When the demon's mark disappears and it is completely indistinguishable from the crowd, it may not be far from destruction.


The door opened, and Bai Yu, who had just run out to buy food, came back with some things.

Zhanyi looked at him and frowned, Bai Yu was holding an electronic newspaper.

Today's media no longer use primitive carriers such as newspapers and magazines, but they are not completely extinct. If you want to buy them, you can still buy them in the old streets.

This e-newspaper is a recent new product. It is very thin. Usually, it can be folded into a small card and placed at will. After opening it, select various newspapers and media on the Internet and read it at will.

A few days ago, Bai Yu ordered it after seeing the TV introduction, but Zhan Wing seldom read newspapers on weekdays, not even TV news.

"Yiyi, it's all about you on the news!" Bai Yu got in and told Zhanyi in the first sentence, "But they say you are good or bad!"

Zhanyi yawned and stretched out his hand, "What does the bread taste like?"

"Croissants and pineapple buns." Bai Yu handed the food in his hand to Zhan Yi for selection.

Zhanyi found a very traditional bean paste and ate it.

Bai Yu often buys this brand of bean paste, which is the only popular food that Zhanyi can accept for picky eaters. Although Bai Yu has never found anything worth appreciating about this food, it is the most common and cheapest kind of bean paste bread. When Tsubasa eats this bread, he is very good.

"They said that you became the BN supervisor at such a young age because of your connections. They also said that you were the illegitimate child of the blood clan. They also said that you were kicked out of school for bad behavior when you were studying. They also said that you molested a female colleague..." Bai Yu took the newspaper to Looking at the wings, "Scramble, it's obvious that female colleagues are more likely to molest you and molest you!"

Zhanyi ate the bread, rolled his eyes at him, and said nothing.

"Did I blow up those newspaper offices and editorial offices for you?" Bai Yu seemed to be a little uneasy for Zhan Wing, "I'm a little disgusted, like swallowing a fly!"

Zhan Wing rummaged for drinks again, and said indifferently, "What's there to be angry about."

"These people who wrote things slandered you out of nothing." Bai Yu got into the car and squatted at Zhan Wing, "Aren't you angry?"

Zhanyi shrugged, picked out a bottle of drink, carefully looked at the ingredients, found that there were nasty carrots in it, frowned and threw it aside.

Seeing that he was indifferent, Bai Yu narrowed his eyes and approached, "I don't understand a bit."

Zhanyi looked up at him, waiting for him to ask questions.

"Why is the news oriented towards sympathy for Akatsuki and BN carriers, the security center and the police are both bad guys, but in real life, everyone is so afraid of Akatsuki and BN carriers, why do they blame the security center and the police for not being strict enough with them?" chin, seems puzzled by the somewhat paradoxical behavior of humans.

After listening to Bai Yu's words, Zhan Yi raised his head and looked at him for a while with surprise, "Didn't you live for tens of thousands of years?"

"Not that long..." Bai Yu gestured with her thumb and index finger, "A little less."

"Then there's no reason you haven't seen it before." Zhanyi finished eating the bread, reached out and patted some crumbs on his chest, and said disdainfully, "Behind every smiling face is a face."

White Feather blinked.

"Every face will pretend to be a smiling face." Zhanyi held his chin and took a sip, "When they see your smiling face, what they think of is your face, and when they see your face, they never remember that you also have smiley face."

Bai Yu held her face, "It's profound..."

"What's so esoteric." Zhanyi pointed to the electronic newspaper, "This kind of thing is called a cover, when you open it, you can see a face, and when you cover it, you can see a smiling face. Some people can't stop it if they want to believe you, and some people don't want to believe you can't stop it. Let the law force him, whatever you want."

Bai Yu shook the soft electronic newspaper and smiled at Zhan Yi, "Actually, don't you think... Although the blood clan is ugly, isn't the human race any better?"

It doesn't matter Zhanyi, "So what?"

"So your discrimination against the blood race is unfair." Bai Yu squeezed onto the sofa and sat down next to him, "It should be treated equally."

"Of course not." Zhanyi shook his head, "I have people I like, so I won't hate everyone. I don't have any kind of vampire, so I hate all vampires, which is logical."

Bai Yu frowned, reaching out to cover the position of her heart, "I also have a heart! I also have a heart!"

Zhanyi glanced at him, "Your heart is for blood supply, not for hurt."

"Then tell me." Bai Yu suddenly asked with great interest, "Why are the weaknesses of the human and the blood clan all heart?"

"The blood family has no heart, at least I haven't seen it before." Zhan Yi sat up and seemed to notice the situation on the monitor, and stretched out his hand to enlarge the screen... and saw Nolan got into a car, mysteriously, the car Drive off-campus.

Zhanyi sits in front of the surveillance vehicle and prepares to follow.

"Who is the person you like?" Bai Yu was still struggling with this question.

"Grandma." Zhanyi started the car.

"Apart from her?"

"And some, good-hearted." Zhanyi drove to keep up with Nolan's car.

"Then there isn't a vampire that you like?" Bai Yu asked tentatively, "I think you get along very well with Musa and Kai."

"I don't trust any vampires." Zhanyi said in a flat tone, "The vampires I trusted will eventually betray them. They are never trustworthy."

Bai Yu held his chin, leaned back in the chair and looked at Zhan Yi's side face who followed the car seriously. When he talked about betrayal, he had no emotional ups and downs.

"Then you keep me by your side..." Bai Yu asked with a smile, "Will there be a little expectation?"

Zhanyi stopped the car without making a sound, and focused on the situation below.

They were moored near a very quaint black building at this time. There are strong electromagnetic interference facilities above the building. Unlike ordinary houses, the wings cannot be approached. And Nolan's car drove directly into the long passage in front of the castle and entered the gate. Then, the dark iron gate closed.

Wingspan frowned—started to search for this building and found that it was an old-fashioned church. The map records have been abandoned, but why is it equipped with electronic interference equipment


Bai Yu suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched Zhanyi's chin, turned his face back, and looked at him, "Answer the question!"

Zhanyi was a little puzzled, "What's the problem?"

"Didn't you hear it just now?" Bai Yu narrowed his eyes, his expression a little childish.

Zhanyi frowned and clapped his hand away, "Concentrate on work."

"I'm not getting paid, why should I concentrate on work?" Bai Yu was dissatisfied, "You don't lack money, why do you protect those human beings with all your heart? The ones you like are your grandmother and a few good-hearted people, protecting them. Just a few? Those bad guys are smiling or stinky, why do you care about them?”

Zhanyi is quickly turning on the scanning device at this time, trying to find some flaws from the periphery of this abandoned church that can be peeped into the inside, but the strange thing is that it is obviously a dilapidated church, but it is as well-defended as a fortress, with no flaws at all. .

Zhan Yi patted Bai Yu, who was beside him with a stern face and an unattractive face, "Did you smell anything?" After asking, Bai Yu didn't say anything.

Zhanyi turned to look at him.

Bai Yu squatted on the seat, holding her chin in her hands and didn't seem very happy on her face.

Zhanyi frowned, Bai Yu seems to have some atavistic phenomenon recently, he has lived for more than a thousand years and still looks childish, but think about it, even if he has a really long lifespan, isn't he sleeping for a thousand years

Zhanyi stared at him, "What are you doing?"

"Why?" Bai Yu asked back, obviously in a fit of anger.

Zhan Wing simply turned his face to look at him.

White Feather was silent.

"What do you want?" Zhanyi finally asked.

Seeing that he seemed to be interested, Bai Yu was about to speak when Zhan Yi's phone rang.

The wings were connected, and it was Kai calling.

"Wing, don't go near the church, the situation is unknown." Kai was a little worried, "No one or living thing can be detected."

"Impossible, I saw Nolan go in!" Zhanyi changed his hand to hold the phone, and continued to check the surveillance video just now.

Bai Yu was interested but pouted, and sighed to see the clouds floating outside the window.

After hanging up the phone, Zhanyi heard a "click", and Bai Yu opened the car door.

Zhanyi frowned, "Don't move, be careful to expose."

Bai Yu said with a sullen face, "I want to run away from home."

Zhanyi was stunned for a while, giving him a puzzled look.

"I'm angry!" Bai Yu said seriously, not joking.

Just as Zhan Wing was about to speak, he saw a door at the bottom of the church opened. Some data anomalies appeared on the computer monitoring, which seemed to be flawed.

Zhanyi quickly controls the computer.

"If you don't stop me, I really leave!" Bai Yu stepped out of the car door with one foot.

Zhanyi frowned and operated the machine. Hearing him speak, he replied casually, "Wait a minute..."

The monitoring successfully broke through the interference and detected the situation inside. Zhan Wing found that there were not only people in the church, but a lot, and there was also a reaction to the BN virus.

He stretched out his hand to touch his chin, and was a little puzzled—Is it possible that Nolan was in contact with other red sprites, this is a place like a base camp

Thinking of this, I spread my wings and raised my head...

But when he looked up, he found that the passenger seat was empty and the door was open.

Zhanyi was stunned for a while, then turned back to look in the car, there was no sign of Bai Yu, and then opened the door and probed out to look for him, but there was still no trace of him.

Spreading his wings back to the driver's seat, he was a little lost.

At this time, the communicator rang again.


The call was from Fang Xu, "The barrier of electronic interference has broken through. There is a violent BN reaction inside, and there may be red sprites gathering. In addition..."

"What?" Zhan Wing got his weapon ready.

"This group of interfering signals is very special and the situation is not very clear..."

"I'll take a look."

"Yi, don't act alone, wait for me to bring someone to turn with you." Kai was a little anxious.

"Do it as soon as possible." But Zhan Yi had hung up the phone, opened the car door and left the car, and landed in an alley near the church.

Walking out of the alley, standing on the spacious and empty road, I spread my wings and looked up at the sky, and swept around again, it was empty, and there was no trace of Bai Yu.

He lowered his head, spread his wings and hid the gun in his windbreaker, walked into the alley, and walked around the back door of the church.

When Zhanyi walked out of the alley, at the entrance of the alley, a white head took a look. Bai Yu didn't know when to squat there, pursed her lips and squinted her eyes, watching Zhanyi's back disappear at the end of the alley.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Bai Yu noticed the trace of loneliness that flashed across his expression when Zhan Yi had just left - as expected, there is still hope, what a dishonest person!

Standing up, Bai Yu raised his face and sniffed the air around him. A rancid smell spread almost all over the street, looking at the dark church... It was supposed to be the residence of the gods, but now it is crowded with rancid souls, that is what is really ugly and not worth looking forward to.