Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 41: [Blood Palace]


"The restaurant is downstairs." At the end of the corridor, a soft female voice came, "If necessary, it can be delivered to the room."

Everyone looked back... At the other end of the dark corridor, there was a neat girl in sportswear, tied with a ponytail, a red blood race, Zhanyi thought she was a little familiar.

Bai Yu thought for a while, "Aren't you the woman with Louis Casta?"

The red blood quickly nodded, thanking Zhan Yi and Bai Yu for saving her... Zhan Yi also remembered, this girl is the red blood clan who was taken down by Louis after being kidnapped by Chi Jin that day, how could she be here

"I am in charge of the room and board of the Blood Palace. If you have anything you can tell me to do, my name is Esmeralda Hemirtina."

Everyone on the other side frowned, "What's it called?"

I was embarrassed with red blood and red face, "Just call Tina."

"Oh..." Everyone nodded to indicate that it was almost the same.

"Master is waiting for everyone in the conference room." Tina said and led the way.

"Master?" Xiao wondered, "Who is the master?"

"It's the housekeeper of the Blood Palace." Tina replied.

"Blood Palace?" Kong Chan frowned, "This name is so ugly."

"It was originally called the Blood Palace." Bai Yu walked at the back, yawned, and asked Tina, "The housekeeper you said is Louis?"


Zhan Yi glanced at Bai Yu, as if asking him why he knew.

"Lou Casta is a member of the Casta family. The ancestor of this family is the housekeeper of the blood palace. He has genetic memory, so he should remember the structure of the blood palace. It is more convenient to be a housekeeper."

Everyone nodded.

Xiao saw a lot of oil paintings hanging on both sides of the corridor, all of them portraits, and asked curiously, "What are these?"

"Portrait of the original blood race." Bai Yu replied with help, "They are all dead long ago."

"Have there ever been so many original blood races?" Kong Chan admired the past one by one, "As expected, they are all beauties, shouldn't they be very powerful and should be immortal, why are they all dead?"

Bai Yu then yawned and didn't speak, Zhan Yi looked at him, still looking like he didn't care much.

Everyone walked to the end of the corridor and entered a huge room. The ornate decoration was reminiscent of a palace, and it was difficult to connect with an office location such as a "meeting room".

There is a huge antique table in the middle of the room, the table is cast iron, and the tabletop is inlaid with metal skeletons of various shapes, with different expressions.

Xiao bent down and looked at the tabletop, "Is the aesthetics very special..."

Behind the table and in front of the fireplace stood Louis, still dressed in black, but this time he didn't wear a coat, a vest, suit pants, white shirt, and the cuff clips on the shirt were very housekeeper-like.

Xiao seemed to think it was funny, "Are you playing games, and uniforms."

Zhanyi found a chair and sat down, and said to Tina who was bringing tea, "I'm hungry, what can I eat?"

"You can eat whatever you want." Louis also sat down and opened an antique box with ease, but there were precision instruments inside. After turning on the power, several three-dimensional display screens appeared around.

"Tina is very good at housework and is a good cook who can make food according to your appetite.

Everyone thought it was not bad. After ordering the dishes, Tina went down to cook.

Louie said to have a brief meeting first.

"Isn't there one person missing?" Kong Chan asked, "The Great Demon King hasn't come yet."

Louis looked at Zhan Wing, "You are the captain, you have the final say."

Zhanyi said, "Let's talk first and listen."

"This is the first case we're going to investigate." Louie showed multiple pictures on the display.

The scene is in a shady bar and the photo was taken from multiple angles, a bartender at the bar. The bartender looked in his thirties, very stocky and unshaven.

When he was pouring wine for the guests, he could vaguely see a small tattoo on the cuff of his short-sleeved T-shirt - similar to the tattoo of the rebel slave.

"Bartender?" Kong Chan was curious, "It doesn't look like anything special."

"This bar is called Changqing Bar." Louis showed everyone the appearance and internal structure of the bar. "It was originally just an ordinary bar. In the night market in the fifth district, because of its good location, there were many people. However, recently received a report, There were seven young people who went to this bar one after another and disappeared."

"That's seven?" Zhanyi frowned, "Who are they?"

"The information on the seven young people." Louis showed everyone, "I don't know each other, there are men and women, ranging in age from 19 to 25 years old, the only thing in common is that they are all mixed blood, C-6 blood type. After a detailed comparison of their data, it was found that all of them were diagnosed with indolence."

Everyone nodded. In this era, except for BN, almost any disease can be cured. Although indolence is rare, there are special medicines that can be cured. These young people seem to have just been diagnosed with the disease and are ready to receive treatment. The symptoms of indolence are not very obvious, but the patient will feel dizzy and tired, and in severe cases may suddenly faint. "

Xiao frowned, "You suspect their disappearance has something to do with the bartender?"

"This bartender only recently went to work at the Evergreen Bar." Louis continued to change the information. "He came for a short time. Not long after he came, disappearances began to occur."

"What's the use of catching those people?" Kong Chan didn't understand, "Eat?"

"There are no ill-conscious vampires in this area. The early investigators have ruled out the possibility that the disappearance was an accident. Besides, the vampires just suck blood and won't even eat people." Louis changed a document , "This is a disappearance report from the 8th and 9th districts."

Everyone looked up at the screen together.

"It was also in two ordinary bars where a dozen young people with inertia went missing in a row." Louis said, "These are photos found through later surveillance."

I saw that in the two bars where the disappearance happened, there was the same bartender. Although the clothes were different and the hairstyle was different... But the computer still analyzed the facial features through the comparison - the bartender in the Changqing bar.

"Then it's very clear that the disappearance case has something to do with him." Xiao held his chin, "Go ahead and catch the bartender?"

"He should just start, there are people behind." Zhanyi said, "It may be more useful to find out why he kidnapped patients with indolence."

"Correct." Louis nodded.

"Although indolence is not a rare disease, why are there so many patients going to the bar?" Zhan Wing was curious.

"This is also under investigation." Louis spread his hands and said that he hadn't found it yet. "A few young people disappeared when they went to this bar for the first time. Because the family has already called the police, I think it's better to act fast. Otherwise, the bartender may run away like the previous few times, and repeat the same trick in another place."

"The information has been introduced." Louis stood up, "My mission is limited to this, the other captains will direct." After that, he looked at the time, "It should be time to eat."

Wings stand up and go out to eat.

Bai Yu touched his chin and told everyone to go first. He went back to his room, and Xiao saw Bai Yu walking to the other side of the corridor. He was a little curious, but the silly-looking Kong Chan patted him on the shoulder, "Xiao Jin Mao, let's go and see. Looking at the food here, I wonder if I can prepare two fish for Elena."

Xiao frowned and gave him a white look, but then turned back... Bai Yu had disappeared into the dark corridor.

I couldn't help but make a "tsk". The surroundings of this ancient castle were pitch-dark, with no lights and no windows.

When they got to the restaurant downstairs, Tina had already prepared the food, and she looked delicious.

As soon as everyone sat down, they saw Tina easily carrying a basket of vegetables, fruits and a few fish, and said to go downstairs to feed Elena.

Kong Chan went with her with a plate, and only Xiao and Zhanyi were left to sit and eat in the restaurant.

Xiao glanced at Zhan Wing, who was eating leisurely and kept a certain distance from himself, smiled slightly, and asked him with interest, "I heard that Bai Yu was picked up by you?"

Zhanyi didn't answer, just glanced at him and signaled that he would ask if he had anything to ask.

"Why would he listen to you?" Xiao held his chin, "How much do you know about white blood?"

Zhanyi still didn't speak, took a sip of water, stood up, and went out.

At the door, Tina just came back. Seeing Zhanyi only took a few bites, she couldn't help asking, "Does it taste bad?"

Zhanyi passed by her and said, "The meat is too raw. I don't have the same taste as those beasts. Next time I will make human food."

Finished, go.

Tina walked to the table, and sure enough, the steak with its wings was cut a little bit and it was gone.

"Oh, personality and appearance are inversely proportional, it's really unflattering!" Xiao took the spread-wing plate in front of him and waved to Tina, "I'll eat it."

Saying that, cut it down with one stroke... and you will see blood flow out.

Xiao's mouth twitched, looking at Tina, "I'm human too..."

Tina had no choice but to clean up the plate. She didn't seem to know that there were powerful races other than the blood race, and she was dazed when she walked away with the plate.

Xiao took a sip of wine and saw Louis walking in, and a smile immediately appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as Louis walked in and saw that he was the only one there, still smiling at himself, he walked to the table and sat down, "Is there anything you want to ask."

Xiao smiled and said bluntly, "Bai Yu is different from what my teacher described."

"And then?" Louis smiled. "What do you want to ask?"

"After his personality changed, is his ability relatively weakened?" Xiao asked tentatively, "I heard that the demise of the blood clan, especially the original blood clan, was related to the collective weakening of the bizarre race. He slept for more than a thousand years. , is it also for this reason?"

When Louis heard it, he smiled, stretched out his hand and took a sip of the artificial blood handed over by Tina, wiped his bright red lips, and said in a low voice, "If you are so curious, why don't you try it yourself?"

"Try?" Xiao raised his brows slightly, as if curious, "How to try?"

Louis stood up, holding the glass, "I didn't say anything, you decide." After that, he left with the glass.

Zhanyi left the restaurant and walked out of the castle, looking for Bai Yu to go out for a big meal.

But after walking outside, Zhanyi raised his face and finally understood why this palace was called "Blood Palace".

I don't know if it was because of the light. There seemed to be thin blood vessels on the original gray-blue wall of the palace, and there was a feeling of blood spurting. I didn't see this feeling when I first came here. , but now it seems...

Zhanyi's gaze followed the wall all the way up, and stopped at the roof, where he saw a beast head statue protruding from the roof. I don't know what kind of beast it is. Anyway, it is not a common mammal. It looks like a combination of dragon and wolf. On the top of the huge head of the beast, stood a white figure with long white hair fluttering in the wind.

Zhanyi frowned slightly - Bai Yu stood on the head of the beast and yawned lazily, unable to see whether he was remembering or just in a daze.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhan Yi felt that the stone statue, which was originally dull, seemed to become fierce after Bai Yu's arrival, and even the empty eyeballs inexplicably showed a layer of blood, with a faint light.

Is it an illusion? Zhanyi looked around again, and the withered flowers in the flower bed just now became alive without realizing it, and the color has changed from the withered ash just now to the blood red now, the whole castle seems to have suddenly changed. He came alive in time, strange and energetic, and welcomed the return of the king.