Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 46: [running dog]


"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

After three knocks on the door, a soft voice came, "Please come in."

Zhanyi opened the door and walked into the school's office in charge of personnel.

In the office, there is a faint smell of tobacco...

A middle-aged man in a white shirt and beige suit pants was sitting, processing some documents, with a simulated tobacco machine at his hand. This tobacco machine has long replaced real tobacco. It can release a memory message and give people all the satisfaction they need when smoking, except for nicotine, of course.

The man raised his head and gently pushed the monocle on the bridge of his nose.

Zhan Wing looked at him—the man had one red eye and one brown eye, with one-sided eyes on the brown eye, but not on the one with the red eye.

Bai Yu looked at Zhan Wing - it's a mixed race.

Zhanyi didn't move, but the man had already stood up. He was a gentle and elegant man who was neither tall nor short nor fat or thin.

"Hello, my name is Carson." The man shook hands with Zhanyi and glanced into his eyes.

Zhanyi dragged a chair out and sat down, still stern, but Carson seemed a little restrained and said in a low voice, "I heard that there will be a black blood to be a doctor, and I was also shocked."

Zhanyi looked at him again, trying to imitate the arrogance and indifference that Black Blood should have in his impression, "Someone should have told you that I'm here to investigate."

"Understood." Carson nodded and took out a thick document from the drawer, "This is the information of all the students in the school, and some teachers'..."

Zhanyi took the documents, "Where do I work?"

"That building."

Carson walked to the window, opened the window, and pointed to a white building not far away, "That is the center of the campus, with three floors in total, the first and second floors are the teachers' office area, the fourth floor is where the student union is located, and the third floor is where the student union is located. The third floor is the infirmary." "The student union?" Bai Yu sounded very fresh, "Is it a meeting?"

Zhanyi gave Bai Yu a slanted glance - do you need to expose the qualities that you haven't tried so much

"Hehe, human beings don't have a hierarchy like the blood clan, so the leader needs to be chosen. This kind of centralized system and the custom of choosing the strong to lead has always been circulated in the human community. There are some school students who are more appealing.

"Appealing power?" Zhanyi seemed to be interested.

"There are some students in the school who are more excellent, or have more characteristics and personalities." Carson said, giving Zhanyi a directory, "It is also a key surveillance target."

Zhanyi took it over and looked at it, and sure enough, the few suspicious students were on the list.

Wings stood up.

Carson escorted the two out and said he could be reached at any time if needed.

When the two of them left the office and walked out of the teaching building, Bai Yu asked Zhan Yi, "Who is that person?"

"Bloods usually have only two identities as human beings and mixed blood." Zhanyi replied casually, "It's either a running dog, or a wild dog. The one just now is probably the running dog that is usually referred to."

When the door of the teaching building was opened, the sunlight was a bit dazzling. Zhanyi frowned slightly, "This pupil is really uncomfortable to wear.

Bai Yu squinted his eyes and smiled at him, "You pretend to be black blood and you don't look alike at all." Zhan Yi squinted at him, "Where's the difference?"

"There is no smell of black blood on the body."

It doesn't matter if the wings are spread, "Humans can't tell the difference at all, it doesn't matter."

"Then Black Blood is not so cute." Bai Yu added.

The wingspan is very frustrating.

The two quickly arrived in front of the white building and walked to the center of the campus, and more students came in and out.

Zhan Wing went straight to the door, just in time, someone pushed the door and came out.

A young man with blond hair came out. He was stunned when he saw Zhan Wing.

Zhanyi ignored him, went straight in, and passed him.

Bai Yu glanced at him and saw that it was a human - very young and outstanding in appearance.

The three passed by.

Zhan Yi walked straight to the infirmary on the third floor, and Bai Yu suddenly poked him behind him, "Yi Yi, it smells like a red sprite."

Zhanyi stopped and looked at him, "Where?"

"The golden retriever who went out just now." Bai Yu looked back.

Spreading his wings, he looked at the blond man who was running into the distance in the sunlight, "Is he Chi-jin?"

"No, but there is a smell on him!" Bai Yu reminded, "He should have had contact with Chi Xun recently, and it was a relatively close contact."

Zhanyi frowned and looked at Bai Yu with disgust.

Bai Yu smiled, stretched out a hand and put a hand on his shoulder, "This is also called intimacy."

Wings looked at him warily.

Bai Yu obediently let go.

Spreading wings quickly went upstairs, but the arrival of the two obviously attracted the attention of many people. There are more teachers than students in this building, and Zhan Yi visually inspected the expressions of the teachers, and they can be divided into two categories. One is calm, and when he looks at him, he is a little disgusted. The other type is more excited, that is, seeing his eyes full of dissatisfaction and resentment, but it is a pity that they dare not speak out.

"It doesn't feel very friendly." Bai Yu reminded.

"Very good." Zhanyi was very satisfied, "Humans should have this attitude towards blood races."

"You are pretending to be a blood clan now, aren't you afraid that people will plot against you?" Bai Yu reminded him.

"Then it's best, I'll look for it later!" Zhanyi pushed open the door of the medical room, and it was pure white. Zhanyi frowned when he saw it, "It's so stupid."

Bai Yu leaned over in dissatisfaction and pointed to himself, which meant that people were also white.

Zhanyi pushed his face away, walked to the desk, and reached out to open the drawer...

Just before his fingers were about to touch the drawer handle, he stopped abruptly.

Bai Yu came over and saw Zhan Yi frowned slightly, staring at the table.

"Why?" Bai Yu leaned over and asked.


After a moment of silence, Zhan Wing suddenly stretched out his hand and opened the drawer... At the same time, he saw a long black object suddenly sprang out.

That thing was extremely fast, and it rushed towards Zhanyi. Zhanyi didn't even blink an eye, grabbed the thing with one hand, pressed it on the table, and took out a thermometer...


Zhan Wing pierced the thermometer through the black thing and nailed it directly to the table.

Then, Zhan Wing let go of his hand and walked towards the door.

Bai Yu looked down and saw a large black bug that kept squirming on the table. This worm looks extremely weird, its body is black, but not greasy, dry, with sharp teeth on the top of its head and no eyes. It was nailed to the table and was wriggling and struggling, but no blood came out of the place where the thermometer was inserted.

Bai Yu picked up a pen on the table and poked it gently.

The bug didn't seem to respond, and it didn't feel—like it was soft.

Bai Yu found another scalpel and cut a knife along the insect's body...

Looking at it again, you can see that there are entangled wires and metal bones.

Bai Yu raised her eyebrows—it was probably some kind of imitation toy. In fact, it is understandable if you think about it, the simulation people do it so much, let alone a bug.

Zhanyi walked straight to the door, and suddenly grabbed the doorknob and opened the door...

"Boom", a few students fell into the door.

Several people apparently eavesdropped at the door, and when the door opened, they fell directly in.

Zhanyi glanced down and saw three students, two males and one female.

The two boys knew each other, they were the twins who had passed by before, and the girl was the girl with short hair and chewing bubbles.

Zhanyi looked at the three of them, "Is something wrong?"

At this time, everyone saw the bug that was constantly struggling with the thermometer nailed to the table, swallowed subconsciously, and looked up at Zhan Wing.

Zhan Wing slowly crouched down and looked at the three of them.

The three quickly wanted to get up, but Zhan Zhao reached out and grabbed one of the twins and dragged it to the operating table, "It seems that he is ill, let me cut it open and see."


The boy hurriedly called for help, and his twin brother rushed to save him.

The girl also shouted to the outside, "Help! The doctor killed!"

Soon, his shouts attracted a lot of onlookers.

Most of the buildings in this building are teachers, and they are all human...

These teachers basically hold grudges against the blood clan, and they dare not speak out. What they saw now, the boy was thrown on the dissection table, and Zhanyi was turning over various tools in a large iron box beside him, as if he was going to be cut open.


At this time, an old man ran in, looking like he was trying to stop the attack.

The old man walked over to Zhan Yi, as if he wanted to stop him, but Zhan Yi lifted him up with one hand...

"You're crazy!" The girl quickly stopped, "He's a teacher..."

Zhanyi suddenly lowered his head and glanced at her, his black eyes were full of dead silence, basically no luster...

The girl sat down on the ground in fright.

Zhanyi shook the teacher and said coldly, "Teacher? Isn't it a low-level human being?"

After speaking, he threw the teacher out.

The old man must be at least seventy years old, and he almost fell apart when he was shaken by the wings... Fortunately, a group of young teachers at the door rushed to save him, so he didn't fall to the ground.

"Are you human!" The twins got up from the dissection table and pointed to the wings. "Even the elderly are hurt..."

"Of course I'm not human?" Zhanyi gave him a funny look, "It's said that humans are low-level animals."

"I put the bugs!" The girl stood up and patted her chest, "Come at me!"

The twins stopped her.

Zhanyi looked at the crowd, turned around, reached out and picked up the writhing bug from the table, and threw it out, "It's a welcome gift, human beings must have the self-consciousness of being a low-level animal, and open the door when going out. Bring it, you are welcome to come to see a doctor if you are sick."

After speaking, Zhan Yi's expressionless face gave everyone a smile, and the smile was shameless and villainous.

The teacher at the door and the three students hated their teeth, but they didn't dare to say anything. They could only support the injured twins and the teacher in the chaos and withdrew.

When the door was closed, Zhanyi took out a mirror and took out the black pupils in his eyes, "It's really uncomfortable to wear!"

"Yiyi?" Bai Yu tilted his head with his hands in his pockets and looked at him with a puzzled face, "You just..."

"Does it look like it?" Zhanyi narrowed his eyes with a rare happy expression.

"Like what?" Bai Yutang asked.

"Black blood." Zhan Yi was slightly proud, "Isn't black blood all this virtue?"

Bai Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You will hurt a lot of black blood's self-esteem."

Zhanyi stood up indifferently and went to find hot water to drink.

"You deliberately angered those teachers?" Bai Yu continued to be his follower, following behind Zhanyi.

"Didn't you just say that a teacher smells like a red sprite?" Zhan Yi whispered, "If it's against the teacher, the other party should take action."

"What do you mean, Chi Xun will come to trouble you?" Bai Yu touched his chin, "Let the snake out of the hole?"

"Not necessarily against me." Zhanyi said, and took out the communicator, "Are you there?"

"It's boring to wait." From the other end, Xiao and Kongchan's voices came, "What are we going to do?"

"Staring at these people, I'll give you the information in a while." Zhan Yi said, took out the folder, rummaged through it, and quickly found the twins and the girl's information, scanned it and passed it to Xiao them.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk…”

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Zhanyi frowned, unwilling to take the pair of pupils back, and said, "Come in."

The door is opened.

At the door was a young man with blond hair.

Zhanyi saw the person coming in, and subconsciously looked at Bai Yu next to him.

Bai Yu was also a little surprised, it was the young man who had just bumped into the door just now.

The blond man stepped inside, "I'm..."

Zhanyi's fingers flicked slightly, interrupting him, "Humans are all the same."

The young man frowned and seemed a little puzzled.

"The only difference is." Zhan Wing rested his chin with one hand and turned a thermometer with one hand, "Are you a running dog or a wild dog."

Bai Yu looked at Zhan Wing with some admiration - in his mind, black blood has been equated with gangsters and villains, Kai is really not easy...

At this moment, Kai, who was looking at the materials at the headquarters, suddenly sneezed.

Musa looked at him in surprise, holding the blood jar, "You won't be infected with the human virus, will you? Come, let me check you... oops."

Before Musa could get close, Kai pressed him back on the chair, shook his head, and continued to flip through the information.

The young man was at the door, and after staring at Zhan Yi for a while, he said calmly, "The lackey."

Zhanyi raised the corners of his mouth and nodded in satisfaction, "Very good." He shook the thermometer lightly at him, motioning him to—come in.

The man turned back and closed the door.

Bai Yu quickly glanced at Zhan Yi with a puzzled expression - what are you going to do

Zhanyi pointed to his eyes and gave him a snort - look at his eyes! Find the Akatsuki he got in touch with!