Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 47: [Fair Trade]


The blond teacher stood in front of Zhanyi, looking at the black-haired black-eyed black blood in front of him.

To be honest, there are not many opportunities for humans to see the black blood race, let alone in the waste area F, which is almost closed to the prison.

"My name is Camille." The blonde teacher said, her voice a little nervous.

Zhanyi raised his eyebrows, "What's your purpose? I'm sick or not feeling well."

"No... I'm the teacher of those students just now." Camille said stumblingly, "I heard... You have some disputes."

Zhanyi raised his eyebrows indifferently, looked at Camille with his chin up, and motioned for him—continue.

"The children in the waste area have never seen black blood, so they may be naughty." Camille continued, "But they are not malicious, you don't mind."

Zhan Yi looked at him, "Aren't you a lackey? Why are you standing on the student's side?"

Camille smiled helplessly, "I just don't want an accident."

"Oh?" Zhanyi seemed to have finally picked up some interest and asked Camille, "Who are you worried about? I'm still those students."

Camille swallowed, "The students here have a strong will to resist, and..."

"And the force value is also good." Zhan Yi casually flipped through the file Carson gave him just now, took out a few photos of students and placed them on the table side by side, asking, "Are these your students?"

Camille began to sweat on his forehead, wiped it, and nodded.

Bai Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the ups and downs of Camille's emotions. This human seems to be hiding something.

Zhan Wing pointed to the past one by one, "Describe these people."

Saying that, Zhan Yi pointed at the red-haired girl with interest, "This."

"Her name is Vinnie," Camille introduced. "The girl who died before was her older sister, so she hated the vampire very much."

Zhanyi nodded, then pointed at the twins.

"Zhao Le and Zhao Lin, they have good academic performance and high IQ." Camille said, "Because the children in the waste area are basically together from birth, many of them are childhood sweethearts and have a good relationship with each other."

Zhanyi continued to point at the big fat man.

"His name is Philips." Camille smiled, "very strong."

Zhanyi raised his eyes and looked at Camille, "You seem to like these human students very much?"

Camille was stunned for a while, and then he restrained the smile on his face and said, "It's okay."

Zhanyi pointed at the black-haired, good-looking boy again, "What about this?"

"Oh, Mills, he's the vice president of the student council," Camille said. "Mills is very special."

"I've seen him kick red blood with one kick." Zhanyi changed his words, and his tone became lower.

"Uh, he is quite good in terms of physical fitness." Camille hurriedly explained, "But he will not be a murderer."

"how do you know?"

"Mils has a very docile personality," Camille said.

Zhanyi laughed dryly, "I didn't see it." Then, he pointed to a brown-haired boy who looked very intelligent with glasses, "What about this?"

"His name is Field. He is the first-ranked student with a very high IQ. His family has produced many accomplished scholars from generation to generation," Camille replied.

"What about this?" Zhan Yi pointed to a blue-haired, eccentric-looking boy. He remembered that when he was walking through the corridor just now, he asked himself a question and looked very active.

"He's Eric," Camille replied. "He's a very lively student, but just as easy to mess with as Mills."

"Can he also do the flying blood race?" Zhanyi asked.

Camille was silent for a while, and said, "Actually, many children in the waste area can easily defeat the red blood clan, and the red blood clan would not bully the students in the waste area. Everyone gets along pretty well. However, some students have disappeared recently. The police in the abandoned area were too lazy to handle the case, so the students became a little more sensitive and their sense of resistance strengthened, so new blood races were sent to monitor them. These blood races are all degenerate races, very rude and cruel, which caused the students to become even more ruthless. dissatisfaction, so the two sides have been in a deadlock recently."

"Are there many children missing?" Zhanyi asked.

"Yes, there are seven now." Camille was helpless. "The police don't pay attention."

Zhanyi nodded and finally pointed to a photo. The boy in the photo is tall, thin and handsome. In addition, he looks a little evil, but he seems to be very capable.

Camille's eyes were filled with undisguised admiration, and he said, "He's Stoya."

Bai Yutang looked up at the sky—he came again.

Zhanyi asked, "How is he?"

"Stoya is the head of all the students in the waste area." Camille said briefly, "He is very capable, but it is a pity that the students in the waste area are discriminated against, otherwise he will definitely do something."

"For example? What about leading humans to overthrow the blood clan?" Zhan Wing raised his slender legs, showing the arrogance that a blood clan should have.

Camille looked at Zhan Wing and nodded, "Yes."

Zhanyi suddenly laughed.

Bai Yu glanced at Zhan Yi, and felt that he must appreciate this student very much at this time.

At this time, Zhanyi's communication magnetic card rang.

Zhanyi answered the phone, and it was Kay who called, "Yi, everything has been shipped."

Zhanyi nodded, "Send it to school."

Camille looked at the wings in confusion.

"There is a medical examination car." Zhanyi said to Camille, "Organize all the students and teachers here to have a medical examination."

"All?!" Camille was surprised, "Even the teacher?"

"Of course." After Zhanyi finished speaking, he waved his hand at him, that means, get out.

Camille reluctantly went out the door.

Zhanyi waited for the other party to close the door, and quickly took off the pupils and rubbed his eyes, "It's so uncomfortable, isn't there a more convenient makeup tool?"

Bai Yu rubbed against Zhan Yi, "Yi Yi, I'm hungry."

"Do something serious before you eat." Zhan Yi asked Bai Yu, "Did you watch it just now? Where did Camille get the smell of Chi Chi? Or is he Chi Chi?"

"There is no problem with him, he is a low-level mixed blood, he doesn't know where he touched it, maybe he came into contact with it accidentally." Bai Yu said, "But it's a little strange."

"What's so strange?" Zhan Yi was puzzled.

"He's not afraid of you." Bai Yu said, "Although he was a little nervous at first, his mood quickly stabilized and he wasn't afraid at all."

Zhanyi narrowed his eyes.

"But when I read his memory, he had a very frightening and frightening experience." Bai Yu stretched out a finger and tapped his chin mysteriously, "It just happened recently, besides, he When talking to you, there are signs of searching for memory."

"Searching for memory?" Zhan Yi thought for a while, "You mean, someone taught him to talk to me like that?"

Bai Yu raised an eyebrow - it is possible.

"Let's have a meal first." Zhan Yi stood up, but Bai Yu grabbed the collar of his neck.

Spread the wings to look back at him.

Bai Yu pointed to the pupils that had been removed by the wings.

Spread your wings and look to the sky - bored!

Reluctantly, Zhan Yi took out the communication card to find Fang Xu.

At this time, Fang Xu was transporting the equipment of two large trucks and just arrived at the gate of the Blood Palace.

Tina helped him carry the suitcase, and both Louis and Musa came to watch.

"What are these?" Musa looked curiously at several large iron boxes.

"It's the most advanced computer equipment." Fang Xu said, the communication card rang, and he picked up, "Yi, I just arrived at the Blood Palace... Pupils? Only Pupils, there is no other substitute..."

Zhanyiqi hung up the phone.

Fang Xu raised his face and thought for a while, "Yiyi's violence value seems to be a little high today, are you in a bad mood?"

With Bai Yu, a follower, Zhan Yi walked to the school's dining center.

The food in the waste area is very retro, because it is closer to human taste.

In this era, materials are extremely abundant. The canteen auntie has only existed in legends. The huge catering equipment is all mechanically controlled. Students only need to line up the dishes they want at the beginning of the assembly line, and then go to the middle section to try the salty dishes. Whether you are satisfied or not, whether you want it to be salty, sweet or spicy, tell the machine to go to the terminal, and the food you want has already appeared in front of you, just take it away and eat it.

This is the first time Bai Yu has seen such a large-scale equipment, and dragged the wings, "Yiyi, that is so advanced!"

"This kind of equipment is only used in large factories, and the dishes made are always not as delicious as those made by hand." Zhanyi took Bai Yu to line up.

The two stood at the back of the line, and the students in the front line were all whispering, whispering about the two of them.

The story that Zhanyi taught the twins and beat up an elderly teacher just now had obviously spread, and everyone saw him with a bad look in their eyes.

It doesn't matter if you spread the wings, anyway, they are looking at the black blood clan, and it is completely correct for humans to look at the black blood clan with the same eyes as cockroaches!

At this time, a person came towards the two of them.

Zhan Yi and Bai Yu knew each other. He was the first person they came into contact with after entering the school, the running dog of the blood clan, and the teacher of the teaching office - Carson.

Bai Yu wrinkled his nose in disgust, the teacher smelled like smoke.

"There is a window dedicated to teachers." Carson pointed to a very clean window not far away, where there was a food vending machine commonly used by vampires. The food here is basically designed according to the taste of the blood clan, and there is a large amount of artificial blood provided, which should be prepared for the blood clan teacher who is in charge of monitoring.

Zhanyi took a look and found that there are still quite a few blood teachers. As Camille said, these blood teachers are all degenerate races, and their appearance is very ugly, which is rare among blood tribes.

"No need." Zhanyi raised his eyebrows indifferently, "I'm not a low-level red blood."

Carson smiled awkwardly, stopped talking, and went back to dinner.

Subsequently, more students poured into the restaurant, all of whom had just returned from medical examinations.

Kai drove a test car over, and he could test dozens of students at the same time. The students queued up one after another according to the class, and each one had to match the name.

Zhanyi called Kai and asked, "How's it going?"

"The students' tests have basically been completed, everything is normal, and no red sprites have been found for the time being." Kai said, "The teacher's turn is next."

"Everything is normal?" Zhanyi was a little surprised, "Everything?"

"Yes, except for a few missing people who didn't come, everything else is normal." Kai answered affirmatively.

Zhanyi felt very puzzled after hanging up the phone - if everything is normal, then the camera caught Stoya's eyes glowing red like a red scorpion mutation, what's going on

Just thinking about it, Bai Yu pushed him.

Spread your wings back.

Bai Yu pointed to the food that appeared on the conveyor belt in front, "Okay, Wing Yi."

Zhan Yi reached out and took it, and walked with Bai Yu to a table not far away to sit down to eat.

It was the first time that Bai Yu ate in the school cafeteria and felt very fresh and looked around.

Zhanyi is still wondering - it's not a red sprite but his eyes are red. Could it be that Stoya, like the music school students who went berserk last time, is an atavistic phenomenon of the red blood race, so he has special abilities? No, Stoya's ancestor was a human, and if he wanted to return to his ancestors, he would be turned into a monkey. Does it have anything to do with red blood

At this moment, the crowd seemed to have some commotion.

Zhanyi raised his head and saw four boys walking in at the door.

First was Stoya, followed by Mills and Field, and the last short man with blue hair, Eric.

The four of them walked into the school to line up, and when they spread their wings, they heard the whispers of the students around them.

"Stoya actually came to the cafeteria to eat."

"Yes, it's very rare!"

"Mills is so handsome!"

"I prefer Field's type."

"Eric is actually cute too."

After Stoya and others lined up to pick up the food, they passed by Zhanyi and Bai Yu. Stoya seemed to be unintentional and intentional, glanced at Zhanyi from the corner of his eyes, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the four of them sat down, Eric waved to the door, "Camille, you should treat yourself to escape again!"

Looking over, he saw Camille, who was talking to him in the school infirmary just now, walked over to their table with a smile on his face and reached for Eric's sandwich.

"Ah!" Eric grabbed food from him, apparently getting along very well.

Zhanyi turned around, Bai Yu was struggling with a grilled fish.

"What are you doing?" Zhanyi looked at Bai Yu in confusion.

Bai Yu squinted in disgust, "Why hasn't the fish evolved its bones?"

He spread his wings and looked up at the sky, motioning him to look at the table behind him.

Bai Yu glanced at it and pouted, "Oh, the people of the Stoya family are always recognizable at a glance, no matter how long it takes."

Zhanyi eats silently with chopsticks in his hands, faintly feeling that there is something strange in it.

After eating, Zhan Yi and Bai Yu left the cafeteria.

At this point, Kai had just done all the tests.

Zhanyi walked up to him, "How is it?"

"The teacher's test is also normal." Kai said, recalled the record, and said, "A few students are missing, do you know?"

Zhanyi nodded to show that he knew.

"Basically one is lost in half a month." Kai said, took a box and gave it to Zhanyi.

"What is this?" Zhanyi was puzzled.

"Your grandmother asked me to bring you the cherry pie, saying that Bai Yu liked it..."

"Wow!" Before Kai finished speaking, Bai Yu reached out and held it, "Grandma's cherry pie is the most correct!"

Zhanyi has some taste. He has never liked sweets since he was a child, but Bai Yu is just the opposite, so recently, my grandmother is always making sweets for Bai Yu.

"How's the situation in District Seven?" Zhanyi asked Kai.

"Everything is normal, BN is separated from the security center, the basic equipment has been moved to the blood palace, and Lan Luo is not around." Kai sighed with emotion.

Zhanyi raised his face and thought for a while, no wonder it felt very quiet recently, it turned out that Lan Luo, who was less violent, had been bouncing beside him.

"I'll send the data back first, and the research results will be given to you later." After that, Kai got into the car.

Zhan Wing and Bai Yu return to the school infirmary.

When I walked to the door of the school doctor's office, I heard a voice coming from inside, and the voice was a little strange.

Zhanyi frowned slightly and opened the door...

I saw four people in the school medical room.

Eric and Phil were sitting at the table playing electronic chess, and it was Eric who was making all kinds of noises.

Mills stood by the window looking at the scenery outside the window, while Stoya was sitting at the table drinking tea with a cup of tea. There was a bag of tea leaves on the table, or a gift box, a rare natural green tea.

Zhan Wing was puzzled and walked in.

Bai Yu followed curiously, feeling that there might be a good show to watch.

Zhanyi walked to the back of his desk and sat down. He stretched his legs and looked at the four human students who looked at him with a calm expression. Bai Yu had nowhere to sit, so he sat cross-legged on the medical bed, holding his chin to watch Field and Eric go down. chess.

Stoya pushed the green tea in front of Zhanyi and said, "Meet and greet."

The corners of Zhanyi's mouth moved, "You want to bribe the school doctor with a packet of green tea?"

"I'm just giving some gifts according to human habits." Stoya smiled slightly, took out a smart electronic card from his pocket, opened it, and there was a video in it.

Zhanyi glanced at it, and it was the video of the red scorpion detection test and the speech he did at the gate of the police station not long ago.

Bai Yu looked up at Zhan Wing - oops, exposed!

It doesn't matter to Zhanyi, he is happy to reach out and take off the pupil.

Stoya also took out a pair of pupils from his pocket and put them on the table. Unlike the black ones that spread wings, the ones he put on the table were red.

Zhanyi stared at the pupil for a while, and understood, "Everything is your plan?"

"I just wanted you to come to school, I didn't expect it to go so well." Stoya smiled, looked at Mills, and then at the door.

Mills went out and closed the door, apparently guarding it.

"What's your purpose of pretending to be Chi Xing and tricking me into coming to the school to investigate?" Zhan Yi took a packet of green tea, made a cup of tea, took a sip, and felt very fragrant.

Bai Yu also came over, took a sip from the cup with wings, and then stuck out his tongue - bitter!

Zhanyi kicked him, "Lower blood races go to drink lower blood plasma."

Bai Yu rubbed her ass and walked aside—Yiyi has become more and more arrogant recently, so violent and so cute!

"I think you can communicate, at least you hate vampires as much as I do." Stoya said, put down the teacup, and said earnestly, "Although I am not a chibi, I am sure that there are chibi in the school! And it is the cause of it. The previous students went missing and killed the vampire. If it wasn't caught, more students might be killed."

Zhanyi didn't speak. According to Bai Yu's statement, Camille smelled like chibi, indicating that there were chibi among the people he had been in contact with, but the students and teachers had already checked, and everyone's test results were normal. , Where is the red sprite hiding

"If you promise to cooperate with me, I can help you catch that red sprite!"

Zhanyi glanced at Stoya, "Is it the one who helped you catch that Akatsuki?"

Stoya shrugged, "I can provide clues you didn't expect."

Zhanyi held his chin, "Then how do we cooperate?"

"Dissolve waste area F." Stoya said seriously, "This system is unreasonable!"

Zhanyi smiled, "I really want to help you, but at most I'm just a BN supervisor, and I don't have the right to abolish Area F or anything like that."

"That's ok." Stoya said seriously, "Let the other students go, and I'll leave the vampire as a hostage!"

Zhanyi was stunned.

Not far away, both Eric and Field stopped and looked back at Stoya.

Zhanyi frowned and thought for a while, "I can help you convey it."

"I have a condition," Stoya continued.

"You have a lot of conditions." Zhanyi thought this student was very interesting.

"I want to join BN." Stoya replied.

"Objection." Bai Yu raised his hand.

Zhanyi looked at him puzzled, "Why object?"

"He's a human." Bai Yu reminded Zhan Wing.

"I'm human too," Zhanyi replied.

Bai Yu held her breath and glanced at Stoya - how is that possible! The descendants of the rebel leaders are willing to be the lackeys of the blood clan

"First of all." Stoya said seriously, "I'm not a lackey for the vampires, I just want to catch the red sprite and protect more humans."

Spreading wings gestured to him, and continued.

"Secondly, I want to make a gesture, what about the descendants of the rebels? Now it is different from before. The relationship between blood and humans is no longer predators and food, and can coexist peacefully. Furthermore, in fact, all The descendants of the rebels are all kept in captivity, and it is not a good idea to let their hostility and resentment accumulate. It is better to let them disperse everywhere. After all, after dispersing, they integrate into human society, and I am in your hands again, no matter how difficult it is for the rebels Organize to resist. It is not an easy thing to maintain the waste area F once and for all, and it wastes a lot of resources! In addition, this kind of discriminatory incident will be criticized sooner or later! So disbanding the waste area F is harmless!"

Zhanyi touched his chin, reached out and picked up the communication card, and made a call.

After a couple of chats, Zhanyi handed over the phone to Stoya.

Stoya was puzzled and looked at the wings.

"The person in charge of the security center." Zhanyi said, "You can talk to him." After speaking, he did not forget to add, "Of course, don't trust him completely, the vampires are dirty and untrustworthy guys. ."

Stoya nodded in agreement, Bai Yu could feel that the person in charge of the security center on the opposite side might have a black line on his face... Another thought, isn't the person in charge Lan Luo

After some negotiation, Stoya handed the phone back to Zhan Yi, who picked it up and listened.

Lan Luo said that he would ask for instructions from the upper management who could make the decision.

"When will I ask for instructions?" Zhanyi asked.

Stoya looked at the wings in surprise.

"Uh..." Lan Luo froze.

"Don't try to perfunctory me, call me immediately and give me an answer within ten minutes, otherwise the students in the waste area may have a collective tendency to violence." Zhan Yi said and hung up the phone.

Stoya squinted and asked Zhanyi, "Is that your boss?"

"I don't think so." Zhan Wing leaned back in the chair indifferently and said to Stoya, "I have already met your conditions, should you tell me the clues to Akatsuki."

Stoya felt that there was no obstacle in talking with Zhanyi. As expected, people who hate vampires are very cute, so he took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Zhanyi, "The real Chibi is him."

White Feather also leaned over to see.

Zhanyi picked up the photo and looked at it, frowning - strange, if he is a red scorpion, then why did Kai find out that he was normal when he had a medical examination