Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 48: [Hidden Evil Spirit]


On the photo Stoya showed Zhan Wing, there was a familiar face to everyone. The teacher who first received Zhan Wing and them was Carson.

Zhanyi frowned slightly at the photo and asked Stoya, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Stoya nodded.

"Evidence," Zhanyi said while holding his legs and drinking green tea. "All faculty members and students have undergone rigorous testing, and no Bn lesions have been found."

Said, looking at Bai Yu, "Did you smell anything?"

Bai Yu thought for a while, then raised his face, "Who is that person? I haven't seen it before."

Zhan Wing was speechless, raised his foot and kicked him.

Bai Yu dodged and looked at Zhan Wing dissatisfiedly, as if he was dissatisfied with his acceptance of Stoya into Bn.

Seeing his expression, Zhan Yi was stunned, then smiled and hooked his fingers at him.

Bai Yu glanced aside, but still moved to his side.

Zhanyi raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Are you dissatisfied? Pets?"

Bai Yu looked at Zhan Wing with a flat mouth, and the two looked at each other... The atmosphere was suddenly a little awkward.

On the opposite side, Stoya and the others looked at the situation here with great interest—the pet and the owner were coquettish, and they could see...

I was in a daze, and suddenly, I saw Bai Yu rubbing against the back of a swivel chair beside him, "Hate! Little devil!"

Zhanyi kicked him again, "Speak."

Bai Yu sat on the swivel chair, slid beside him, and said, "It may be that the smell of tobacco overwhelms the smell of rotting blood."

After thinking about it, it is possible.

So, Zhanyi called Kai.

"Wing?" Kai's voice came.

"In the teacher's blood sample, look for a man named Carson." Zhan Yi said, "Let Musa analyze it carefully."

"Oh." Kai hung up the phone, and at the same time, the phone crossed the line, and there was a dissatisfied voice of Colelli, "Human! How long will we have to wait?" "Yeah, it's so boring!" Kong Chan and Colelli Grab the phone, "It's getting dark, Yiyi."

"It's dark..." Zhanyi seemed to have thought of something, and pressed the phone.

"Hey Hey hey?"

The empty cicada looked at Colelli.

Corelli glanced at the phone card disapprovingly. "I'll go find something to eat."

"What are you looking for to eat?" Kong Chan looked at Colelli, who was walking into the school's grove. "If you eat people and spread your wings here, you will be killed!"

"Take a short cut to the restaurant, idiot!" Colelli said, a dark shadow flashed... Kong Chan saw him instantly transformed into a group of bats and flew into the woods.

Xiao, who woke up after a nap, looked at the time and frowned, "I haven't found a clue yet?"

Kong Chan seemed to have thought of something, leaned over and asked, "Hey, have you ever encountered a kind of red sprite before that has a pathological reaction at night, but is a normal human during the day?"

Xiao frowned, "I met one before."

"I've encountered it too." Kongchan nodded and asked, "Guess, all the tests have no clues, could it be because of the type of encounter?" Xiao frowned, "It's not impossible."


"It only happens at night?" Stoya and Bai Yu said in unison when they heard what Zhan Yi said.

The two looked at each other, and Stoya suddenly asked Bai Yu, "What breed are you?"

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth twitched, the variety...

"Blood race." Zhanyi helped answer.

"But does the blood race have white?" Eric and the others seemed to be curious about this question.

"Tell me the evidence that you suspect that Carson is a red sprite?" Zhanyi didn't explain much.

Stoya said to Eric, "Call Vinnie over here."

Eric stood up and walked out of the room. After a while, he saw the red-haired girl walking in.

The girl hid behind Eric, obviously a little afraid to spread her wings.

Spreading wings looked at Stoya in confusion.

"You should know that Vinnie's sister was the deceased in the previous case." Stoya said, "Vinnie was the first to discover the body."

Everyone looked at the girl.

Stoya went on to say, "Vinnie has a very strong sensory ability."

After speaking, Zhanyi blinked, "Sensing ability? Special function?"

"Um... Natural red hair?" Bai Yu suddenly touched his chin and asked, "The descendant of Terena?"

Everyone was stunned, and Vinnie looked at Bai Yu in surprise.

Zhanyi asked Bai Yu, "Who?"

"Hateful witch." Bai Yu turned her face.

Stoya had some doubts about Bai Yu, "You know our family very well?"

Zhanyi frowned, as if thinking of something.

At this moment, the phone card rang.

When Zhanyi saw that it was Lan Luo who was calling, he clicked on it without saying hello, just asked, "How's the negotiation going?"

Lan Luo sighed, "The above is willing to conditionally reach a settlement with the waste area..."

"I said Lan Luo." Before Lan Luo could finish speaking, Zhanyi asked with great interest, "You do everything possible to suppress the humans in the waste area... Could it be because most of the descendants of the rebels have excellent human genes?"

Lan Luo was stunned, "Uh..."

"Excellent human bloodline heirs can easily kill the blood clan, but the humans living outside the waste area rarely know that human beings have always thought that their bloodline is lower than the blood clan or even mixed blood, so they have never thought of resisting. You deliberately keep inferior species , to suppress the excellent species in order to maintain the stability of the blood clan, and at the same time prevent the excellent human beings from further multiplying, so that the survival of the fittest human beings will eventually defeat the degenerating blood clan, thus threatening your control of this planet, right?"

"Uh..." Lan Luo continued to be speechless.

Zhanyi tapped on the phone card with his fingers, "This is the best bargaining chip in the waste area, go to negotiate with your superiors, if they don't want this news to spread in an instant tomorrow..."

"Spread the wings!" Lan Luo was speechless, "Your behavior is betrayal..."

"Lan Luo." Zhan Yi smiled, "Did the degeneration of the blood race cause your brain to shrink? I am a human."

"Don't forget that you are half bloodline." Lan Luo said, "You work for the security center."

"You can fire me." Zhanyi raised his eyebrows indifferently, and knocked on Lan Luo's bamboo pole mercilessly, "Anyway, I have chips in my hand now, you can negotiate with the upper hand yourself, and give you ten minutes..."

"Spread the wings!" Lan Luo roared.

Bai Yu expressed sympathy for the high-ranking black blood clan on the side, and Zhan Yi has been torturing him.

"Hurry up, I wish you success." After Zhan Yi finished speaking, he continued to turn off the phone.

On the other end... Lan Luo threw the calling card, "Stinky boy!"

After Zhanyi hung up the phone, he looked up and saw a room of human students, all staring at him dumbfounded.

After a long time, Vinnie tugged at Eric and asked, "That... is he our friend?"

Eric didn't know how to answer either, looking at Stoya.

Stoya is looking at the wings.

Zhanyi continued to drink tea and raised his eyebrows indifferently, "We just have the same enemy."

Saying that, motioning to everyone - continue!

"Vinnie has sensing ability and sensed that her sister was in danger, so she ran to the toilet..." Stoya continued, "When she arrived, it was exactly ten seconds after the power was cut off. In the dark, she felt someone hit her. Hit her." With that, Stoya looked at Vinnie.

Vinnie nodded, "I smelled tobacco when that person bumped into me."

Zhanyi frowned, "I didn't hear you mention it during the investigation before."

Eric nodded, "Because we are investigating the blood race, we don't believe in the blood race at all."

Zhan Wing was silent in thought.

Bai Yu was curious and asked, "That vampire killed the little witch's sister, and this teacher killed the vampire, which is equivalent to avenging you. You are all human, right? Why should you report him?"

Stoya nodded to Mills behind him.

Mills came over, took out a small box from his pocket, pressed the button, and a three-dimensional image appeared on the desktop in front of the wings.

The image formed is the corpse of a woman, who should be the victim.

"This was recorded during my autopsy," Mills said.

"Your autopsy?" Zhanyi raised his eyebrows, seeming a little surprised.

"Mils has the wisdom above all blood races." Stoya said proudly, "He knows a lot of things and can learn everything."

Spread the wings to see the white feathers.

Bai Yu laughed dryly, but did not express any opinion.

"The official autopsy result only says that it was strangled, but I don't think that monster would have the courage to strangle the students in the waste area." Mills said, showing the results of the autopsy to Zhanyi.

Zhanyi asked him to wait for a while, opened the communication video, and contacted Musa to watch it.

Musa watched the video in the blood palace with the plasma cup.

"I found that she didn't die of suffocation, but her neck was completely broken," Mills said. "It was caused by a huge external force and twisted to one side, but the monster in the video just stuck her neck, and at most strangled her. faint."

Spread the wings and look at Musa.

Musa touched his chin and nodded, "Well, it seems like it was caused by a huge force that slammed her to one side." With that, Musa asked Mills to see if there were any cracks in the left side of the corpse's skull.

Mills looked at it and nodded, "Yes."

"Look at her right shoulder and arm for fractures." Musa continued to ask.

After checking it, Mills nodded, "Yes."

"Well... she wasn't strangled to death." Musa said seriously, "someone slammed her head on the left side. Due to the force of the impact, she flew up and hit the wall or fell to the ground, causing Broken neck and died."

Mills nodded, "I think so too."

Stoya looked at Zhan Wing, "We then sent someone to follow Carson for a period of time, and found that he often went out at night, and it was unclear where he went, but he would return to the dormitory on time before dawn."

"Where did you not follow him?" Zhan Wing was curious.

Stoya smiled, "We have no reason to take such a risk, after all, the other party can kill the red blood in ten seconds."

"Um..." Zhanyi thought for a while and asked Vinnie, "Did you see that person that night?"

Vinnie shook her head, "It's too dark, I can't see my face clearly..."

"I saw it, or didn't I see it?" Zhan Yi asked, "It doesn't matter if you see it clearly or not."

"I see." Vinnie nodded.

Zhanyi pouted at Bai Yu, which meant to read her memory.

Bai Yu was helpless, walked to Vinnie's side, and smelled it a little first.

Vinnie hid behind Eric and looked at Bai Yu, "What do you smell?"

"Well..." Bai Yu hooked her fingers at her, "Look at my eyes."

Unconsciously, Vinnie was attracted by Bai Yu's pair of lavender eyes. She watched... Gradually, the purple eyes began to change color, turning blood red, and then... She felt as if she was drowning. in the red ocean.

Vinnie heard a very moving and moving song ringing in her ears, with a certain comforting feeling.

Vinnie gradually relaxed and relaxed again. The sadness, tension and fear during this period gradually disappeared from her head, and finally... I saw Vinnie shake it slightly.

Eric, who was standing beside him, quickly caught her. Seeing her collapsed, he seemed to have passed out. He was startled and looked up at Bai Yu, "What did you do?"

"Don't be nervous Eric." Mills looked at Vinnie and patted him on the shoulder. "Vinnie was just asleep."

Bai Yu shrugged and looked at Vinnie, "What a pitiful low-level creature."

"What did you see?" Zhanyi asked.

Bai Yu turned around, smiled at him, and pointed his nose lightly, "I smelled a rotten smell mixed with tobacco."

Zhanyi nodded.

At this time, Musa, who had been watching the video, took the information that Kai handed him next to him, and after taking a look, "Yiyi, what you are dealing with is a nocturnal monster!"

Zhan Wing raised his eyebrows, "Sure enough."

"What nocturnal monster?" Stoya wondered.

"There are many kinds of red sprites, and there is one that is extremely rare. It is a normal human during the day, but it will become a red sprite at night." Zhanyi looked at the time, "It is better to arrest at night."

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Lan Luo who called.

Zhanyi smiled and answered the phone, "How's the negotiation going?"

"Zhanyi, I hate you!" Lan Luo said firstly.

Spread the wings and smile, it seems to be quite useful.

"All of your requests have been agreed." Lan Luo finished his words.

Stoya and the others looked at each other in dismay - unexpectedly...

"There is no basis for words, and the decree will be issued within half an hour." Zhanyi said.

"Are you crazy?" Lan Luo was excited, "I have already agreed to the conditions."

"It's the same sentence, I don't believe in the blood clan." Zhanyi said, "At this time and another, now we have a higher bargaining chip, so... within half an hour, we can do it, or pull it down if we don't."

"Okay, okay! I'm afraid of you!" Lan Luo said, "Watch TV in half an hour. Also, the air filter system in the waste area has been turned off, and the smell will be completely eliminated after a night."

Zhanyi nodded in satisfaction, "Very good."

After hanging up the phone, I heard cheers from the room, and Eric and others cheered and celebrated.

Bai Yu frowned and poked out her ears, "Noisy low-level creature."

Stoya was also obviously excited, and said to Zhanyi, "We owe you a favor."

Zhanyi held the cup, smiled indifferently, opened the contactor, and said to Kong Chan and Xiao, "I'm ready to act, go catch that nocturnal monster!"