Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 49: [Science of Blood Race]


Zhanyi told Xiao and Kongchan to go to Carson's office to catch him. That teacher is a red sprite and a nocturnal monster. It's daytime. In other words, he has no fighting power and can be easily captured. Of course, if he doesn't mutate in the case of.

"Sure enough, it's a nocturnal monster!" Kong Chan launched the aircraft and drove to the teaching building.

Xiao yawned, "Arresting night monsters during the day, even a teenage girl can handle this kind of thing, why do you want us to go out?"

"Is it possible to do it by hand after catching it?" Kong Chan looked to both sides while driving, "Where's Clary?"

"Who knows, it's probably foraging." Xiao Wu decided to hand over this unchallenging job to Kong Chan, turned on the TV by himself, and browsed boringly.

However... He suddenly found that all the TV channels were the same picture.

"Are the black-blooded nobles holding a press conference?" Xiao touched his nose and looked at the masked old man who appeared on the three-dimensional screen, wearing a super-noble medal that symbolized supreme sovereignty.

"Justice Hearst?" Kong Chan was also a little surprised and increased the volume.

Justice Hearst is a black blood race over six hundred years old and a super noble of the original blood. He is one of the oldest part of the black blood and is the highest symbol of justice on this planet. The judiciary in this era has been quite perfect. Hearst has a high position and seldom appears before the public. When he appeared, it meant that there was an important decree to be promulgated.

Sure enough, Hirst took a document and announced that from today, the waste area F will be deposed, all descendants of the rebels will be pardoned, and their surveillance will be lifted. And it was announced that the air filtration device in waste area F had been turned off, the odor wall had stopped functioning, and all the blood clans responsible for monitoring were evacuated in accordance with order. Students in waste area F can also choose schools in other areas to study. After one month, the waste area will be completely emptied, and cleaning personnel will enter to clean the waste area. Abandoned District F was merged into District 5, and all discriminatory laws against the descendants of the original rebels were repealed today. At the end of the speech, Hirst wished all the children in the waste area, and hoped that they could integrate into the new society as soon as possible, comply with laws and regulations, and start a new life.

This unpredictable and explosive news completely detonated the media. For a time, major media began to report comprehensively. Many people were curious, why was the waste zone F, which has always been regarded as a thorn in the eyes of the blood clan, was suddenly lifted? There seems to be some kind of political exchange or conspiracy here? It was so sudden.

Kong Chan opened his mouth wide, "Wow..."

Xiao was in a good mood, "As a human being, this news is worth celebrating."

Kong Chan squinted at him, "Do you think this has anything to do with Zhan Yi?"

"There is indeed a lot of possibility." Xiao comfortably stretched his legs, "This kid must have grabbed some handle and slapped the top of the blood clan severely."

While speaking, the two had already arrived in front of the teaching building.

At this time, the students in the school rushed out.

The stereoscopic screen on the playground repeatedly played the picture of Hearst's decree just now, and the students in the waste area could hardly believe their ears.

At this time, a large number of red blood teachers gathered in front of the teaching building, and after completing the registration, they were ready to evacuate.

The principal of the school, an old man with a white beard, appeared on the holographic screen and gave a public speech to the students of the school. The old man was so excited that he was speechless. The whole speech consisted of only one sentence - we are free!

In an instant, the students on the playground cheered each other. Everyone's first action was to take off the badge that symbolized their "garbage" status and threw it on the ground. The entire waste area was immersed in a joyful atmosphere, as if to Bursting out long-standing repression.

Xiao and Kongchan got out of the car and entered the teaching building through the festive crowd. When they arrived at the door of Carson's office, they found that the door of the office was open.

Kong Chan pushed open the door and covered her nose, "Wow! Odor disruptor!"

Xiao turned on Zhanyi's communication headset, "Zhanyi, Carson ran away."

Zhanyi frowned, "What about Kong Chan and Clary? Let them find it according to the smell..."

"There is an odor disruptor!" Kong Chan leaned over and said, "I can't track it, that kid is probably ready!"

Zhanyi gave a "tsk", "Find him before it gets dark, the nocturnal monster will be difficult to deal with at night!"

"Oh!" Kong Chan and Xiao ran out of the teaching building, but saw people all over their eyes.

"Hirst's decree was promulgated at the wrong time!" Xiao frowned, "How did so many people find it?!"

At this time, Zhan Yi and others also walked out of the office building of the school hospital. They frowned when they saw the crowd of people celebrating outside. "It would be hard to find Carson if he mixed in with the crowd."

"I can get the student who sees him to report," Stoya said.

"As soon as possible." Zhanyi said, "Find him before dark!"

Stoya took Mills and the others to run errands.

Zhanyi looked at Bai Yu who was squatting on the armrest and tilted his head to look at the celebration crowd in the distance, "What are you doing?"

Bai Yu held his chin, "Oh, after so many years, human beings are still as easy to satisfy as ever."

"Let's go." Zhan Yi tugged at Bai Yu, "Go find that night monster, and you can go back after finishing the work."

Bai Yu raised her eyebrows mysteriously, "Night-walking monsters or something, trivial, this school has a bigger crisis."

Zhanyi suddenly thought that when they first came, Bai Yu had said that there was a demon in the school.

"What is the crisis?" Zhanyi was puzzled.

"Don't you think..." Bai Yu crossed his arms, "Does the red blood in this school degenerate a little bit?"

"What do you mean?" There is indeed a group in Zhanyi. The degeneration of the vampires here is very obvious, rude and ugly, and it stands to reason that vampires rarely have such inferior products.

"Hehe." Bai Yu raised his face, "I'll tell you if you drive away that kid from the Stoya family!"

Zhanyi looked at Bai Yu speechlessly, "He's only in his teens and you're over fifteen hundred years old, are you bored?"

Bai Yu squinted at Zhan Wing.

Zhanyi grabbed his long silver-white hair, "Don't tell me? Don't tell me, I won't support you!"

White Feather began to quarrel.

Zhanyi thought for a while, "If you said I'd buy you a gift."

Bai Yu blinked, "What did you buy me?"

"You pick it yourself." Zhanyi is generous.

Bai Yu muttered, "I want to go back to the seventh district."

"I thought about telling you for a while." Zhan Yi looked at him for a while and sighed, "The original security center is already building an air dock, and it will be completed in about half a month. When the time comes, the Snow Palace will be parked next to the original security center. , where it serves as the headquarters. The carrier of the Blood Palace is a large spaceship, which needs to be charged, and needs to be docked at the dock when it is not on the mission.

"Really?" Bai Yu was quite surprised, "Then we can live back to your house?"

Zhanyi nodded happily, "I also hate living a collective life."

Bai Yu's mood changed immediately, jumped down from the armrest, and beckoned to Zhanyi, "Let's go, I'll show you something."

At this time, near the parking lot, a tall man in a black cloak was spinning around.

Several students saw him from afar, and because the characteristics of the black blood aristocrats were too obvious, everyone walked around him. Who is this person? It was Demon Lord Clary who got lost by accident.

Clary walked through the woods, wanting to find something to eat in the cafeteria nearby, but who would have thought that after walking around in the woods for a few times, he came out and ended up near the parking lot. The Great Demon King wanted to ask a student for directions, but the students turned around and ran away when they saw him.

"What are these people doing!" Clary was annoyed, and heard a voice over his shoulder, "Clary, because you look so annoying!"

Clary turned his face, and it was the crow on his shoulder who was talking to him.

The crow on Clary's shoulder was at least twice the size of an ordinary crow, with a black body, black eyes and a black mouth. And his voice is old and cynical, and he seems to be a rather annoying old man.

"You actually started talking." Clary looked at the crow on his shoulder with a funny look, "I thought you were so frightened that you forgot to speak when you saw Bai Yu."

The crow turned his face, "I'm saving my stamina!"

While the two of you were hurting each other, they walked down a slope, and the light dimmed.

"You lunatic, you can't walk after seeing the road clearly!" The crow croaked at Clary.

Clary thought it was noisy, and digging out his ears, he found that there was a dead end in front of him. He also saw their aircraft spreading their wings. "Oh? It turned out to be a parking lot."

Turning to want to go out, the crow pecked him, "Clary, look at what's painted on the wall!"

Clary turned around, stunned for a moment.

I saw a huge wall painting on the wall on one side of the parking lot.

Clary approached and studied it carefully, then smiled, "Oh... No wonder so many students are missing, it turns out that there is such a thing in this school."

"Clary, you idiot," the crow scolded him.

Clary looked at the crow with sharp teeth. "You immortal!"

"You ugly bastard..."

Clary and Crow were scolding each other, but Crow suddenly stopped talking and looked behind Clary with wide eyes.

When Clary turned back, he saw Zhan Yi and Bai Yu standing not far behind him, apparently they had just arrived.

At this time, the expressions of the two were completely different. Bai Yu looked at the sky, and Zhan Yi stared at them with wide eyes. After a long time, Zhan Wing exclaimed, "Speak!"

Clary's mouth twitched.

"The crow actually spoke!" Zhanyi obviously couldn't accept it.

On the side, Bai Yu poked him and said, "That's not a crow."

Zhanyi was stunned.

Clary gave the crow a sideways glance.

I saw that the crow's originally black eyes instantly turned blood red.

Zhanyi frowned, "Blood animals?"

"It's just a parasitic body." Bai Yu said, "Some blood races died and their bodies could not be recovered, so they lived on animals. Only old monsters can do this, right? Utan."

The crow named Utan heard Bai Yu's words, and shrank behind Clary, as if afraid of Bai Yu.

Zhanyi looked at Bai Yu in puzzlement.

Bai Yudao said, "That bird was originally raised by the four gods and has an immortal body, and the one who lives on him is Utan, a scholar of the blood race known as the omniscient. He is a disgusting old ghost and belongs to the Clary family. private teacher."

Clary raised his eyebrows and said to Zhanyi, "Don't care, it has seen Bai Yu before, so it is more afraid."

Zhan Yi looked at Bai Yu with a little surprise - the former Bai Yu? Didn't this crow live for 1,500 years

At the same time, Zhanyi thought of the description of Bai Yu in the ancient books of the blood race—the most terrifying and evil existence.

"You guys came to see this too?" Clary said, pulling Zhan Wing back from his distracted state.

Spreading his wings and looking up, he saw that he was pointing to the mural on the wall. If you look closely, the wall painting looks like some kind of alchemy or witchcraft.

Zhanyi laughed dryly, "Is it some kind of witchcraft?"

"Tsk tsk." Bai Yu stretched out his hand and placed Wing's shoulder, "Yiyi, in fact, the so-called alchemy diagrams and witchcraft diagrams are just human misunderstandings of the blood race culture... To be precise, this is the science of the blood race."

"Science?" Zhan Yi sounded fresh, looking at Bai Yu, "What do you mean?"

"This." Bai Yu pointed to the picture on the wall, "It's actually the chemical equation of the blood race."

Zhan Wing was slightly taken aback.

Bai Yu narrowed his eyes, "Humans have always felt that it is not feasible to poison the blood race. In fact, it is not that the blood race will not be poisoned, but the human poison is useless to the blood race."

"Oh?" Zhanyi stretched out his hand and touched his chin lightly, then smiled, "That is to say, the blood race can still be poisoned, it just needs to be done in the right way."

"That's only valid for lower blood races," Clary emphasized.

Zhanyi is interested in all the methods that can destroy the blood clan, and points to the painting, "Then what is this formula for? Is it medicine?"

Clary looked at Ulthan, "What?"

Utan leaned over, looked at it carefully for a while, and said, "It's the formula of the fragrance."

"Fragrant agent?" Zhanyi frowned, "It doesn't sound very scary."

"There are not many medicines that can contaminate the blood of the blood race. The fragrance is an ancient and effective one." Utan said, looking up in thought, "Oh... No wonder the blood race here has degenerated so badly, it turned out to be poisoned!"

"The other party is targeting the blood clan?" Zhanyi lost interest immediately after hearing this.

Clary leaned over to the wall to smell it and touched his nose. "It smells like tobacco."

Zhanyi frowned and looked at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu nodded, "It should be painted by Carson."

"The dose of the fragrance directly affects the brain function of the blood clan!" Utan said, "If it is a small amount, long-term use will cause the blood clan to degenerate. But if a large dose is taken all at once, the blood clan will become frantic and out of control, resulting in a rampant phenomenon, then It's troublesome."

After listening to the crow's words, Zhanyi suddenly remembered something and asked Bai Yu, "I met Carson at dinner just now. Did he hold an empty bottle?"

Bai Yu blinked and raised his face, "It seems..."

At this moment, the communicator suddenly rang, "Wings!"

Zhanyi heard Kong Chan's voice, "Something happened! Those blood races suddenly ran away and attacked the students."

"Protect all the students!" Zhan Yi said, calling Stoya's phone, "Stoya, the red blood is rampant, you have all the students hide in the lobby."

"Uh... It seems that the problem is not too serious." Stoya replied, "The combat effectiveness of your human companion is amazing."

Zhan Yi and the others looked at each other, rushed out of the basement and ran to the playground, only to see the students all gathered together, staring at the other side of the playground dumbfounded.

In front of the teaching building, the red-blooded instructors who were gathered together and were about to leave in batches were piled up in a blur.

Xiao was holding a long knife in his hand, covered in blood, and looked very excited.

Kong Chan stood cleanly in front of the many students and shook his head, "Aiya, Golden Retriever is still as violent as ever!"

Wings went over.

Xiao smiled contentedly, "It's much more interesting to hurt the blood clan than it is to hurt the red sprite!"

Zhanyi frowned and asked Bai Yu, "How to detoxify the fragrance?"

Bai Yu spread out his hands, "All vampires have the same method of detoxification, drain the blood, and drink some new regeneration."

Zhanyi looked at Xiao next to him.

Xiao smiled, "Oh? Bloodletting for the vampires? I'm happy to help..."

So, after the scene was terrible, Xiao Kai happily began to treat the blood clan.

The students swallowed their saliva subconsciously when they saw this scene... The students here have basically been oppressed by the blood clan before, and I didn't expect to see such a scene today.

At this time, Stoya brought a student to Zhanyi's side, "Zhanyi, he said he saw Carson run into the woods."

Zhanyi looked at the dense forest in the distance and the gradually darkening sky, and said to Kong Chan and Colelli, "You gather all the students, don't let any of them fall, and protect their safety."

Kong Chan nodded, but Clary was dissatisfied, "Why should I protect low-level humans?"

Zhanyi glared at him, "If you don't go, I'll dye your crow white."

"Pfft..." Bai Yu couldn't hold back and laughed.

Ulthan exclaimed, "oh! no!" and flapped Clary with his wings, "Clary, listen to him! I don't want to turn white!"

As soon as its voice fell, there was a "swipe", and all the students turned to look at it and exclaimed at the same time, "Speaking!"

Ulthan rolled his eyes and pecked Clary hard, "I don't want to be a white-haired chicken!"

Clary couldn't help being pecked by it, so he had to compromise and go with Kong Chan to protect the human students.

Zhanyi looked at Xiao, who was "crazy" treating the blood clan, and didn't bother him, and dragged Bai Yu to the forest.

Zhanyi put on special glasses and connected to Kai at the back, "Let Fang Xu drive the surveillance aircraft over the forest and find Carson!"

Mei Duoji, Bai Yu heard the roar of the aircraft from the sky overhead, a huge flight monitor flew above the forest, the monitoring light at the bottom of the aircraft turned on, covering the entire forest, and then, a light belt Start scanning the same way.

In less than three minutes, a coordinate map appeared on the spread-wing glasses, a light spot was moving, and the mechanical alarm sounded - lock the target, lock the target.

At the same time, the red scorpion monitoring and alarm system began to sound, "Signs of a mutation in the scorpion, signs of a mutation in the scorpion."

Next to it, a red beam of light is rising.

The alarm system is automatically activated, "Tenth-level lesions, tenth-level lesions, the risk factor is set as super-dangerous, give up capture and execute directly."

Subsequently, the glasses system became the execution mode, and the visual field accuracy became super high.

Zhanyi took out the liquid bullet clip from the gun stock, put on the actual combat magazine, unbuttoned the windbreaker, and walked quickly into the woods.

Bai Yu followed behind, holding her face and following up - wow! Wing Wing is going to stage a restricted class!