Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 50: key


Zhanyi walked into the woods with a gun, the monitor had locked on the target, and a three-dimensional image of the terrain ahead appeared in front of him. It was a groove similar to a basin, and the target was in the middle of the groove, but...

Zhan Wing frowned - only one person, why is it so big

When Zhan Yi and Bai Yu walked to the edge of the concave and looked inside, they both frowned.

I saw Carson standing in the middle of the depression.

At this time, the teacher who was very good before can no longer maintain a complete human shape. He is like an eggplant that has been split open after rapid expansion.

Zhanwing frowned, he smelled a strong smell of tobacco.

Bai Yu pointed to the tobacco flavor maker that was thrown aside, no wonder the flavor was so strong. But looking at the mutated red sprite below, Zhanyi is glad that he put a flavor maker here, at least it doesn't smell so bad.

What Zhanyi saw through his glasses could be seen by Fang Kai and Fang Xu, who was operating the computer.

A computer system assessed the variant red sprite.

"It's mutated." Kai said, "Wing, or just use the monitor to destroy him."

Bai Yu just listened, puzzled, "Do you mean to destroy him with a cannonball?"

"It's a laser beam." Fang Xu said, "This thing has no value anyway."

After Zhanyi heard it, he smiled, "It's the people around you who say he has no value."

In front of the computer, Fang Xu and Kai subconsciously turned to look at Louis who was standing beside them.

Reluctantly, Louis pressed the call button, "Zhanyi, there is no need to fight with worthless mutants, no need to take risks..."

"He is obviously very valuable." Zhanyi took a step forward and looked at the terrain. "At least I want to ask him how he learned that kind of blood race formula. If there is a textbook, it can be widely printed."

Louis took a deep breath and suddenly understood the meaning of Lan Luo's schadenfreude smile after hearing that he was going to be their contact person.

Zhanyi took the knife, jumped down the basin, and walked down the slope to Carson.

Bai Yu crouched above, watching with great interest.

It was only when Zhanyi got closer that he could see clearly that Carson didn't swell and split by himself, but grew some proliferative bodies.

"Hello." Zhanyi called him, but the thing rushed towards him without saying a word.

Zhanyi jumped up into the air and found that the monster was in a state of complete inability to communicate, so he put away the gun.

Bai Yu was a little puzzled when he saw Zhanyi put away the gun.

Seeing that Zhanyi had landed on the hillside, he pulled up the zipper of the windbreaker and pulled the collar, blocking his nose and mouth.

Only then did Bai Yu understand what the big collar of Zhanyi's windbreaker was used for. It turned out to be a mask when connected.

Zhanyi's face was almost covered at this time, the huge cool glasses and the natural mask formed by the collar, plus a slim black trench coat, black leather boots and long legs, Bai Yu continued to hold his face, "Yeah! It's fun!"

After Zhan Wing pulled the zipper, he seemed to reach out and turn something on his wrist, and then jumped down, the monster just rushed towards him, and the huge body blocked Zhan Wing.

Bai Yu was blocked by the huge monster, and was about to look at it from another angle, when he saw a light appearing on the monster's body, and then the light expanded, showing an oblique angle, the monster was split into two, and its wings appeared in the behind the gap, holding his half-activated knife in his hand.

Bai Yu had seen Zhanyi's magical knife, from bracelets to sticks to long knives to whips to huge sickles, which could be changed as needed. When attacking at close range, Zhanyi chose the knife.

This knife split the entire monster, and the wings well avoided Carson's original head and shoulders.

With a "Boom", both halves of the body fell heavily to the ground. Of course, half of them fell because they had no life. The other half landed because the center of gravity was unstable.

Zhanyi stepped forward, turned around and raised his feet in one go, kicking the monster into the air, and then with another knife, he cut off the other half of the proliferative body.

"It's a triangle cut this time!" At the back, Musa was watching the battle with a cup in his hand. "Is it a square cut before?"

Carson's mutant was weaker than he imagined. After spreading his wings and cutting all his proliferative bodies almost completely, he took out an electronic net gun and fired a shot at him.

Afterwards, Carson was bound by an open electrified metal mesh, and after falling to the ground, he was completely incapacitated and completely unable to move.

After reading it, Bai Yu pouted, "Not intense enough!"

Zhanyi also felt a little strange. It stands to reason that the mutants with the tenth-level mutation should be stronger in combat. Why is it so bad

Walking up to him, he found that Carson was still in a state of unconsciousness, irritable, furious, and his eyes were red.

Zhanyi frowned, took out a needle-like thing from the pocket of his trench coat, pushed out the needle, and stabbed a needle in Carson's shoulder.

After a while, Carson fell silent.

At this time, Bai Yu also came down from the slope and leaned behind Zhan Yi to watch the fun.

Carson gradually regained consciousness, and the red eyes began to fade slowly.

Probably because of the proliferation just now, the clothes were all bursting, and only a few tattered pieces of cloth were left on the body. So... Zhan Wing and Bai Yu saw the tattoo on his chest - the Slave Badge.

Zhanyi frowned, the slave badge was scratched, and it was the same as the ones I encountered before—a defective product!

Zhanyi took off his glasses.

"Hey!" The screen on Louis's side turned into snowflakes, connecting the middle end.

"Switch to the monitor." Louis urged Fang Xu.

Fang Xu transferred the monitoring to the monitor.

From the monitor, I can look down, but I can't hear them talking.

Louis was helpless, "Did Zhanyi always be so uncooperative when he was in BN's operations before?"

Kay replied, "He's the head of BN, we just need to listen to him."

"Who did he listen to?" Louis asked.

"When he was hired, no one told him who his superior was." Kai didn't care, "Lan Luo is the head of the entire security center, but he can't control him at all."

Louis was a little worried about his future, "So uncooperative."

"It's not that there is no spirit of cooperation." Musa reminded him on the side, "It's that we are determined not to cooperate with the blood clan."

Louis sighed, "Fortunately, I'm just a contact person, and the person in charge of the new department is not me."

Kai, Musa and Fang Xu were stunned for a moment, then looked up at him, "New department?"

Louis looked at everyone, "You don't know about the renovation of the security center?"

Fang Xu frowned slightly and opened the satellite map to see the seventh district. Seeing that a tower bridge suddenly appeared above the original shorn-shaped security center, it seemed to be building a berthing port for aircraft.

"What is this?" everyone asked.

"Home port." Louis pointed to the floor under his feet, "The final stop of the Blood Palace."

Everyone opened their mouths, but Musa was very happy, "Meaning we can still go back to the seventh district?"

Louis nodded, "The whole security center is over there. The Blood Palace is the same as the spaceship. It is more convenient to dock in the past. When there is a need for investigation in other areas in the future, just drive the Blood Palace directly there."

"How to open this blood palace?" Fang Xu opened his mouth, "Is this a spaceship?"

Louis looked at them with a complicated look, and finally sighed, "You really don't know anything."

Kay was puzzled.

Louis was a little regretful, "They are red blood and mixed blood. I don't know if they are excusable. You are also a black blood noble, but you haven't heard of it?"

Kai was speechless.

"Oh..." Louis remembered, "By the way, I almost forgot that you are the youngest of all the black blood races."

Kai looked at Louis with a half-smiling look, obviously intentional.

The black blood clan aristocrats are basically very old, and the blood clan, especially the black blood clan, grow slowly. In the eyes of Louis and the others, Kai is not much different from a newborn. It is also because of this that Lan Luo has been following him like a fart, but... He really doesn't know much about the Blood Palace.

"The Blood Palace is alive," said Louis. "When Bai Yu was sleeping, the Blood Palace fell to the ground and most of it collapsed. The current buildings were rebuilt later and have been preserved as part of the museum. When Bai Yu woke up, the blood palace also woke up and floated again."

Everyone opened their mouths wide, "What's the principle of this?"

Louis said, "My Eye of Memory preserves the memories of my ancestors when they followed Bai Yu. At that time, he was really not what he is now."

"What was he like?" Musa asked tentatively.

Louis was helpless, "I can only save some of the memories that my ancestors saw with their eyes, but my ancestors were obviously not timid, and they closed their eyes every time they saw a scary place."

Everyone had an inexplicable urge to kick him.

"However, this blood palace is closely related to Bai Yu. When Bai Yu wakes up, it can float in the air. We just installed a propeller and a mooring bracket for it. When the time comes, we will let him return to the safety center by traction. No energy supply is required," Louis replied.

"Isn't that incompatible with the laws of nature?" Fang Xu, as a scientist, found it incomprehensible, "How can it be suspended without energy? If it is alive, how does it maintain its life?"

A slightly weird expression appeared on Louis' face, and he shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's better if you don't know."

The three were still curious, but Louis's eyes were attracted by the monitor screen on the screen.

I saw Zhanyi crouch down and pick up something from the grass beside him.

Just when everyone wanted to take a closer look, Bai Yu's white head leaned forward, blocking the line of sight.

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched - on purpose! Absolutely on purpose!

Louis sighed and sighed again, "Fortunately, I am the liaison officer, and the person in charge is not me."

Kai asked him, "Who's in charge then?"

"Didn't Lan Luo tell you?" Louis was quite surprised.

Everyone looked at him, "Who is it?"

"Lan Luo." Louis replied.

Everyone opened their mouths, "Isn't it?"

Louis shrugged helplessly, "Among the high-ranking black-blooded nobles in the entire security center, the only one who can say ten words to Zhanyi without being cut off, seems to be only Lan Luo, who can't be found if you don't find him?"

Everyone was speechless again.

Kai was also very helpless. After two days of cleaning up, he was going to be nagged by Lan Luo again, and this time it was even worse... My immediate boss.

Zhanyi looked at the thing in his hand, it was a needle tube, and there was still some grass-green medicine left in it.

"It's such an ugly color." Bai Yu has always hated this kind of grass green, and it was simply unbearable.

"What's this?" Zhanyi put the needle tube into an evidence bag, and asked Carson, who seemed to be quite awake at this time, "You are a nocturnal monster, there is no reason to mutate during the day, because this drug causes you Mutation? No wonder the combat power is so scum."

Carson looked at Zhanyi and smiled, "Don't you hate vampires? Why are you still a lackey of vampires?"

Zhanyi looked around again with little interest, "Why do you ask the same question every time, no creativity at all."

Carson stared at Zhan Wing, "Master will kill all the blood races!"

Zhan Yi and Bai Yu glanced at each other. These words sounded familiar. The monster who caught them earlier also said the same thing.

"How did you come up with that blood race formula?" Zhanyi continued to ask.

Carson suddenly laughed and said something in his mouth, "Glory is with humans! Humans are the best species on this planet! The blood race is destined to perish!"

After Zhanyi listened, he applauded for him, "Well said."

While speaking, Bai Yu suddenly pinched his nose and pulled Zhan Wing back.

Wings are puzzled.

"It stinks!" Bai Yu complained

At the same time, Zhanyi saw Khaseng struggling, and then his body began to crack and deform.

Zhanyi frowned, "Something familiar..."

Bai Yu was surprised, "Yi Yi, your taste is getting heavier? Did you have a friend who made meat sauce before?"

Zhanyi frowned and glanced at him, "It's the same as when Nolan did."

"Who is Nolan?" Bai Yu raised her face to recall, and finally remembered, it seemed that there was a frozen college student.

Zhanyi looked at Carson's change, frowning - the second mutation, this time it's helpless. He looked at the needle in his hand again, not to promote mutation, but to let him explode.

Seeing that it was irreversible, Zhanyi didn't stop, he pulled Bai Yu and turned around, and by the way reached out to open the communicator on his glasses, "There's no way to save it, let's destroy humanity."

The voice fell, and a column of blue fluorescent light shot down on the monitor above. After a moment of silence, a half sphere of light formed on the ground, covering Carson. With a flash, the sphere of light disappeared.

When Bai Yu looked back, he saw that the mutant red scorpion had disappeared, and the ground on which he had just lay was bare and barren.

Without turning his head back, Zhanyi put away the knife, pulled the collar of his windbreaker away, and walked up the steep slope.

The aircraft completed its mission and flew away.

Bai Yu jumped up the steep slope and ran to Zhan Wing's side, and asked curiously, "What did you take from Carson just now?"

Zhanyi stretched out his hand to show him, and saw that there was a key in his hand.

Bai Yu thought that he was blinded. After he came to this era, he had never seen such a thing as a key.

"Don't they all use fingers and eyes to open the lock now?" Bai Yu took the key and looked at it.

"So things that are locked with a key are insured."

Bai Yu wanted to return the key to Zhan Wing, but Zhan Wing said, "Keep it."

Bai Yu blinked, "I accept?"

Zhanyi nodded, "This kind of key looks like it's locked in something ancient. You are old, maybe you can find it..."

Zhanyi didn't finish his words, and suddenly turned his head.

Not far away, several bushes swayed gently.

Bai Yu didn't move, looking at the key, he seemed to be looking for a place to put it.

Zhanyi asked, "Is there anyone just now?"

"Yes, but not a human being." Bai Yu replied with a smile.

"Blood?" Zhanyi frowned, "Where?"

"It's gone." Bai Yu put the key in the pocket of his trousers, patted it, and felt it was safer to put it here, so he put his arm around Zhan Wing's shoulder, "Let's go eat?"

Although Zhanyi was puzzled, he left with Bai Yu, and asked, "When did the black blood come?"

"Just now, there was a flash, and when you turned back, you ran away." Bai Yu said, seeing Zhanyi frowning, and said, "We've met before."

Zhanyi was stunned, "Didn't you see it?"

Bai Yu poked his nose, "But I smell it!"

"Who is it!" Zhanyi asked quickly.

Bai Yu suddenly laughed, leaned closer, and whispered in Zhan Yi's ear, "Do you want to know?"

Glancing at him, "Bullshit!"

"Then you beg me!" Bai Yu smiled and walked forward.

"Hey!" Zhanyi chased after him, "Speak."

Bai Yu raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhan Wing, that meant - a gift! what is the benefit

Zhanyi thought about it and said, "What do you think?"

"You let me..." Bai Yu's hand gently wrapped around Zhan Wing's waist and blew in his ear.

Zhanyi frowned and squeezed his arm, quite forcefully

"Let me stay in your room!" Bai Yu emphasized, "If you have a bed together, you can't drive me out!"

Zhanyi struggled for a long time and sighed, "Okay."

"you said!"

Zhanyi nodded, "Who is that blood clan?"

Bai Yu leaned over, covered Zhanyi's ears and said a name.

After Zhanyi heard this, his face turned bad, "What the hell!"