Tales of the Blood Night

Chapter 54: new enemy


At the door of the security center, a pure white, Frisbee-like spaceship slowly entered the port and docked beside the Blood Palace. It is also white, the blood palace is simple white, and this flying saucer-like thing, with its wings spread, will look like a plate that has just been taken out of the dishwasher.

This belongs to the seventh district, the Grand Inquisition.

The chief judge is a noble elected by the blood clan, and his status is quite high. The blood clan does not have its own beliefs, so the order of the blood clan is mainly maintained through the decree of the blood clan, and the basis of this decree is to follow the instinct and ethics of the blood clan.

The Grand Inquisition is divided into upper and lower floors, and the upper floor is where the blood race is judged. This is different from other tribunals. It only hears cases related to the killing of blood clans, and it belongs to the place where several major families resolve their personal grievances. And the next floor is the legendary, vampire confinement room.

Because the black blood clan has a powerful lethality, and the black robbery is even more powerful than the black blood, so Zhanyi must be like those black blood clan suspects, wearing shackles and chains, locked in the confinement room until he is washed out Suspect, or find conclusive evidence, put the blood on trial, and then go to jail.

This white plate-like ship is called the Wheel of Fortune, and its shape is actually a reference to the turntable. Once you walk in, your destiny is out of your control.

After the Wheel of Fortune docked, the hatch opened, and four vampires wearing large white cloaks and three-cornered hats symbolizing power came out. The four of them worked together to carry a wooden box as long as a coffin.

These four people are called judges, and there are only the chief judge, two deputy judges and many judges on the wheel of fortune. The referee is under the command of the presiding judge, and they all have a certain aggressiveness. When necessary, they will take violent arrests.

The four referees walked to the aerial platform in the security center, put the big box on the ground, opened the lid... There was a pair of shackles placed in the shape of a human inside.

The instant explosive power of the blood clan, especially the black blood clan, can easily break free of all chains, so the chains that bind the blood clan are unique. This pair of shackles uses ancient refining techniques and cannot be opened unless there is a key.

The elevator doors on the top floor opened, and under the supervision of Mrs. Camille, Zhan Wing was taken to the platform.

Bai Yu kept a happy mood and followed Zhan Wing to the roof. At a glance... Seeing the chain in the box, Zhan Wing noticed the smile on Bai Yu's face.

"You seem very happy?" Zhanyi asked.

Bai Yu blinked at him, reached out and grabbed Zhan Wing's hands, "Yi Yi! I will visit you!"

Zhanyi was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say much, and glanced at Bai Yu suspiciously.

The chief judge ordered Zhanyi to be shackled and escorted to the Wheel of Fortune, where he was locked in the blood clan confinement room.

Afterwards, the Wheel of Fortune slowly started, left the port of call, and sailed towards the night sky.

Lan Luo sighed and turned his head to signal everyone to go back to investigate the case, but...

Xiao Siwai looked around and asked, "Where's Bai Yu?"

Everyone looked at each other - Bai Yu, who was still on the side just now, disappeared.

"Will I go back to the Blood Palace?" Kai asked.

But everyone ran to the blood palace and turned around, but found no trace of Bai Yu.

at the same time…

Kong Chan ran up, "Shangyou ran away!"

"The entire security center is closed, how did he escape?" Lan Luo was puzzled.

Kong Chan shook his head, "I didn't see him leaving in the surveillance, but he's gone!"

Everyone turned back subconsciously and looked at the wheel of fortune that had already flown into the air. Could it be…

The so-called vampire confinement room is not as terrifying as imagined.

Zhanyi was in shackles, and under the guidance of the four referees, he walked into the bottom layer of the Wheel of Fortune.

There was no one in the confinement room, it was empty. It can be seen that the crime rate of the blood clan is really low recently.

The referees guided Zhan Wing to an empty room, and after letting him in, closed the iron door.

Although Zhanyi is in shackles, he can move around freely in the room. The first thing that caught his attention was the material of the wall. When he reached out and touched it, it was hard and cold, and it seemed to have some kind of metal smell. Zhan Wing stretched out his hand lightly and flicked it, and the sound made a circle along the arc of the wall.

Zhan Wing raised his eyebrows clearly, it turned out to be sound-absorbing metal.

At this moment, a burst of breath caught Zhan Wing's attention.

Zhan Wing turned his face slightly and looked in the direction of the iron gate.

In the middle of the iron gate, there is the emblem of the blood clan, which is also hollowed out in sound-absorbing metal, which feels very retro.

As the breath became more and more obvious, there were also light footsteps.

Spreading his eyes stared at a shadow that appeared on the ground outside the door, and then smiled slightly, "It seems that humans are forbidden to come up here."

At this time, I saw someone looking into the door, "Spread your wings."

The person who appeared outside the door was a business traveler.

Zhanyi looked at him up and down, and saw that Shangyou seemed very nervous, looked left and right, and said to Zhanyi, "I'm here to save you."

Zhanyi smiled slightly, walked to the door, leaned against the wall and asked, "Aren't you afraid of the blood race? You actually ran on the wheel of fortune yourself?"

"I just heard a few black blood tribes discussing to take this opportunity to kill you." Shang You said, "This way no one can threaten the black blood tribe anymore."

As he spoke, he tugged at the iron door and asked Zhanyi, "How do I open this door?"

Zhanyi said, "It is estimated that you need a key."

"Where can I get the key?" Shang You asked, as if preparing to take a risk to steal the key.

Zhanyi stared at him for a while, smiled, and shook his head, "Don't you have a key, do you still need to find it?"

Shangyou was slightly taken aback.

Zhanyi said, "I originally thought that the highest level of the red scorpion was flush with the blood clan, but your ambition is obviously much bigger than my imagination... It seems that there are many varieties of high-level scorpions, for example... You can Control the blood clan."

Shangyou didn't speak, stood at the door and looked at Zhanyi, his expression was different.

At this time, the business tour has long since lost the nervousness and confusion before, replaced by a calm, faint smile that seems to be hanging on the corners of his mouth.

"Is your observation skills good? It's worth it that I appreciate you so much." Shang You smiled and waved to the side.

At this moment, two referees came over with a stool and placed it behind him.

Shang You sat on the chair, raised his hand and waved lightly, and the two referees stood behind him with their hands down, almost as obedient as a slave.

Zhanyi couldn't help but raise his brows. It was the first time he saw the vampires being slaves to humans, and he somehow found it quite enjoyable.

"I know you hate vampires." Shangyou crossed his legs, looking like a business elite, as if he was going to negotiate with Zhanyi, "Why don't we cooperate?"

"How to cooperate?" Zhan Yi also grabbed the chair beside him and sat down. The two faced each other, separated by an iron gate, as if they were negotiating.

Shangyou was obviously satisfied with Zhanyi's response, and said slowly, "Let's work together to eradicate the blood clan!"

"You mean, all blood races?" Zhanyi asked.


"Oh..." Zhanyi nodded without saying anything, looked at Shangyou and asked, "What about after the blood race is destroyed? Who will rule this world?"

"Nature is human." Shangyou replied.

Zhanyi laughed, "You don't seem to be human."

Shang You smiled, "Neither are you."

"The ability of the red sprites far exceeds that of humans. After eliminating the blood clan, you are the new superstructure, and you still rule the human race. What is the difference between this and the blood clan?" It seems that the low-level red sprite still retains various hobbies for enjoying human beings, and I doubt how you can coexist peacefully with food?"

After Shangyou listened, his eyes turned cold, "It seems... you don't hate blood clans as much as I thought."

Zhanyi laughed, as if he thought about the words, and then said, "Actually, it should be explained in this way. There are many kinds of dislikes. For example, I hate mice and cockroaches. This dislike is the same as my dislike of vampires."

Shangyou frowned slightly.

"But there is another kind of hate." Zhanyi said, "It's like saying that you hate scum or scum..." After saying that, Zhanyi raised his handcuffed hands and pointed to Shangyou, "It's like you This kind of…”

Shangyou obviously understood the sarcasm in Zhanyi's words and looked at him with a smile.

Zhanyi thought for a moment and asked, "Eric died by taking out his heart... Obviously he is not under his control at all. How did you control him?"

Shangyou shrugged slightly, "Control? You mean... like this?"

As he spoke, he turned his face and looked at a referee behind him.

The referee mechanically walked to the front and opened the iron door of the winged confinement room. After opening the door, another referee took out something that looked like some kind of firearm.

The corners of Zhanyi's mouth raised slightly, "As expected, you killed Eric."

"That's right." Shang You stood up, "Zhanyi, I am sincerely soliciting you. I think we will cooperate happily in dealing with the vampires together, but you don't seem willing..."

Zhanyi nodded again, indicating that he really did not want to cooperate with him.

"Then I have to follow the instructions to solve you." Shangyou seemed to be very sorry, "It's either a friend or an enemy, your existence is a huge threat, and..."

"And if I die on the wheel of fortune, everyone will think that I died in the hands of the blood clan. My family will think that it is the ghost of the Camille family, and there is a high possibility of infighting within the blood clan?" Zhan Yi asked He, "This is your original plan, right?"

Shang You smiled, "It's a pity that we can't cooperate." He looked at the machine gun in the hands of the referee next to him, "This is the hot melt gun used to destroy the blood clan... The temperature of the hot melt beam shot will instantly change. When it reaches 3600 Baidu, the body of the blood clan will melt in an instant."

Saying that, he waved his hand and signaled to the referee - to do it.

However, the referee held the gun, looked at the wings, and did not move.

Shang You was stunned for a moment, looked at the referee, "Do it."

But the other party still didn't move. After a stalemate, he saw the referee suddenly put down the gun, and then started to circle in place, twisting and turning, as if he had danced some kind of dance.

"It seems that your spells don't always work." Zhan Yi reached out and raised his hands, a metal key in his hand was bitten by his teeth and stuffed into the keyhole on the handcuffs, and then there was a click...

All the locks of the shackles that shackled the wings were loosened. Zhanyi shook his hand, and with a clatter... The chain fell to the ground.

This key was just before boarding the boat, and Bai Yu quietly stuffed it into his hand, and it was naturally Bai Yu who controlled those referees not to obey the order of the business tour.

Shangyou took a step back. At this time, the two referees also stopped their rather boring dance, blocking his way.

Shangyou wanted to run, but the referee surrounded him, apparently out of control.

Shangyou looked at Zhanyi in surprise, "What spell did you use?"

Zhanyi turned his fingers, "I don't dare to do magic, in this world, there are people who are more proficient in this way than you..." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed behind Shangyou.

Shang You was stunned for a moment, then turned around... He saw a man in white clothes and white hair leaning on the aisle behind him, rubbing his chin regretfully, but his eyes were looking at the wings, "It's fine if you didn't give Yiyi the key just now, How fun it is to be handcuffed for a while!"

Shangyou ordered the two referees, "Kill him!"

But the two referees remained motionless, looking straight into Bai Yu's eyes.

Bai Yu shook his head and snapped his fingers lightly.

The referees pounced on the business and held it down.

Zhanyi came out of the cell, reached out and took out the communication card in his trouser pocket.

The call was connected, and Lan Luo's voice came from there, "How is it?"

"Caught, has already confessed, he is the real murderer who killed Eric." Zhan Yi said, "I passed the audio recording to you."

"I have heard it." Lan Luo replied.

At this time, a woman's voice came from the other end of the phone. It was Mrs. Camille. Compared with the excitement just now, she was much calmer at this time, "Thank you, spread your wings."

Zhanyi raised his eyebrows indifferently, "You're welcome."

Hanging up the phone, Zhan Yi looked at the business tour that was chained.

Shang You raised his face to look at Zhan Yi, "Are you kidding me?"

Zhanyi smiled and said, "If you don't lead you to the ship, if you control other blood clans in the security center, it will be a little difficult."

Shang You sneered, "Do you think you can hold me?"

Before he finished speaking, Shangyou was put on a mask to prevent him from making a sound, and then put on a blindfold to prevent him from controlling others through his eyes.

After all the formalities were completed, the outer door of the confinement room opened, and the presiding judge and Ed walked in.

"Are you okay?" Ed asked Zhan Wing.

Zhanyi didn't say anything, just asked, "What are you going to do with him?"

"The evolution of the red sprites has far exceeded our expectations... We need new methods to deal with them." Ed said, and took the people away.

The presiding judge looked at Zhan Wing.

The two referees were still under control, and Zhan Yi looked at Bai Yu, and saw Bai Yu stretched out his hand and gently snapped his fingers in front of the two of them. The two suddenly woke up and looked at both sides blankly.

The presiding judge frowned and looked at Bai Yu, with only two eyes showing on his face wearing a mask, with some fear and distrust in his eyes.

Bai Yu completely ignored him and followed Zhanyi out, "Yiyi, shall we go to have a late night snack?"

"What do you want to eat?" Zhan Yi was obviously in a good mood. Outside, the Wheel of Fortune had already docked at a safe port.


Kai, Musa, Kong Chan and others ran over.

Xiao sighed, "I was almost scared to death by you."

"That's right, you have designed it, why don't you say it earlier?" Kong Chan also complained.

Zhanyi shook his head, "I didn't design it."

Bai Yu raised her hand, "Mrs. Camille and Irina made the design and acted. Irina gave me the key. They said that it would be better to isolate the dangerous element that can control the blood clan in Shangyou."

Everyone looked at each other silently, and couldn't help feeling that the two old monsters had been acting all the time.

Kai couldn't help frowning, "The red sprite has evolved to this point."

At this time, I saw Lan Luo hurried up, "You are all here, let's watch something..."

As he said that, he opened a stereoscopic imaging card, and the live TV content appeared in the air.

On the TV screen was a strange face with a retro-designed mask, behind him was a black wall, and on the wall was a red slave emblem.

Wings frowned.

"What's this?" Kay asked.

"The mask of the rebels." Bai Yu narrowed his eyes, "Diaoyou, does this mask work well?"

"Listen to what he has to say." Lan Luo turned up the volume.

This is a video that was recorded and played repeatedly. The people in it only repeated one sentence - Humans, come join us and destroy the blood race!

"It looks like Chi Xing has thought of a better way to deal with the blood clan." Zhanyi smiled.

Bai Yu also touched his chin, "Oh! The lower creatures are starting to resist..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked by Zhanyi.

"Do you know what that means?" Lan Luo asked.

Although everyone didn't say it, they were clear in their hearts - this meant that the confrontation between the red scorpion and the blood clan had escalated, and at the same time, humans had also been involved, and a new war was about to begin!

The author has something to say:…

"Blood Night Strange Stories" has come to an end here temporarily. The next story is "Blood Palace Strange Stories". The taste of the Blood Palace is much heavier than that of the Blood Night, so it is not suitable to open at this time. We will talk about it after a while. mwah.

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