Talisman Emperor

Chapter 27: The forbidden land of the Southern Barbarians


"No! Junior Brother Qu and Junior Sister Duan, be careful around you!"

Hearing the continuous roar of the beast, the blue-shirted young man's expression suddenly changed, he stopped attacking the Silver Wind Leopard, put the knife in his chest, and was on guard.

Almost as soon as the young man in blue shirt finished speaking, the man and the woman also stopped attacking one after another and moved closer to the young man in blue shirt. Their faces were filled with panic.

Swish, swish, swish... Accompanied by the beast's roar, more than ten Silver Wind Leopards appeared around the rock pile, surrounding the three of them.


The Silver Wind Leopard, which was almost cornered, walked slowly to the center of the group of beasts and let out a proud roar facing the three of them.

"Damn it! I didn't expect to be ambushed by this beast!"

The young man in blue shirt looked extremely ugly. Faced with this scene, how could he not have guessed that the Silver Wind Leopard just now was just a bait to lure the three of him here

"Senior Brother Lu, what should we... do?" Another man with a round face and small eyes, a childish look on his face, said in a trembling voice with a frightened expression.

The strength of a Silver Wind Leopard is equivalent to the acquired perfection state, but there are more than ten Silver Wind Leopards around at this moment. With the cultivation level of the three of them, there is no chance of winning.

"What else can we do? We are surrounded by these beasts. It is impossible to escape."

Senior Brother Lu replied with a calm expression. He was also extremely anxious. This was in the southern barbarian mountains and forests, and it was late at night. It was impossible to seek help.

"Senior Brother Lu, Senior Brother Qu, I'm sorry, it's me who has caused trouble to you. If it weren't for obtaining the fur and claws of the Silver Wind Leopard, you wouldn't be in such danger. I'll lure them away later, and you guys can take advantage of the opportunity. Run away." The girl next to her was delicate and thin. When she spoke, her eyes had already filled with tears, and she looked regretful and regretful.

"Junior sister Duan, stop talking nonsense!"

Senior Brother Lu shouted violently, raised the long knife in his hand, and said coldly: "Let's go together, kill one by one, even if we die, we will be together."

"Yes! The Palace Master often said that if you always try to escape when encountering danger, you will never become a true swordsman in your life. I support Senior Brother Lu!" Junior Brother Qu said through gritted teeth. There was no longer a look of fear on his face, and his childish round face There was a determined and ruthless look on his face.

"Senior brother..." Junior Sister Duan hesitated, she was so moved that she could not speak.


Senior Brother Lu smiled slightly, glanced at the junior brothers and sisters beside him, and immediately showed a strong murderous intent on his face. He shouted loudly, held a long knife in his hand, and attacked the Silver Wind Leopard first!


Junior Brother Qu and Junior Sister Duan followed closely, holding their long swords tightly and filled with fighting spirit.

Roar - Seeing that his prey was struggling to the death, more than a dozen Silver Wind Leopards moved out one after another, their strong figures crossing the night sky, waving their three-foot sharp claws, and headed towards the three of them to fight.

"These three people are in danger..."

Chen Xi silently watched the battle situation in the distance, looking at the three Red Leaf Academy disciples who were struggling like straw among the beasts, and in his heart he admired the three people's courage and the kind of friendship that never gave up.


With a shrill cry of pain, a Silver Wind Leopard took advantage of the gap and slashed two deep bloody marks on Junior Brother Qu's chest with a pair of sharp claws.

"Junior Brother Qu!"

Senior Brother Lu shouted loudly and wanted to rescue him, but he was entangled by the three Silver Wind Leopards in front of him and couldn't get away. His face became twisted with frustration and anger.

"Senior Brother Qu, hurry up and leave with Senior Brother Lu!"

Seeing that Junior Brother Qu was about to be killed by the Silver Wind Leopard, Junior Sister Duan ignored the attack in front of her and struck at the Silver Wind Leopard on Junior Brother Qu's side.

"Junior sister!"

Seeing Junior Sister Duan disregarding her own safety and going to rescue Junior Brother Qu, Senior Brother Lu couldn't help but change his face and exclaimed in surprise.

brush! brush! brush!

The three Silver Wind Leopards took this opportunity to jump up suddenly and claw at Junior Sister Duan from behind with their sharp claws.

"Two senior brothers, I will be your junior sister in the next life..." Junior Sister Duan knew that death was coming and slowly closed her eyes.

"Junior sister!"

"Junior sister!"

The roars of the two senior brothers came to her ears, and she felt happy and sad at the same time. She thought to herself: "I don't know how I can hear their voices again..."

boom! boom! boom!

A dull and dull sound suddenly sounded, like a thousand-jin sandbag falling from the sky to the ground, accompanied by a series of miserable beast roars.

Are you not dead yet

Junior Sister Duan opened her eyes in confusion, and when she saw the scene in front of her, she felt as if she was dreaming.

At some point, a strange young man stood in front of her. With a thin and tall body and a handsome and determined face, he stood there quietly, like an unshakable mountain, making people involuntarily feel a sense of solidity and security. Feel.

And at the young man's feet, there were three silver wind leopards that were roaring miserably.

The young man was Chen Xi. His purpose of saving people was very simple. When he saw Junior Sister Duan sacrificing her life to save people in the tree, he was extremely moved by this companionship that was as good as gold and stone. How could he watch her die on the silver bank? Under the claws of the wind leopard

"The Great Beng Fist is really powerful. With my current strength, I can kill these Silver Wind Leopards by myself!"

Before taking action, Chen Xi never thought that the entire skeleton of the three Silver Wind Leopards would be shattered in just three punches. At this moment, looking at the three Silver Wind Leopards lying on the ground that had lost their fight, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement rising in his heart. Come with a strong sense of self-confidence.


Chen Xi's sudden appearance caused a brief lull in the attack of the Silver Wind Leopards. When they saw their companions lying on the ground and howling miserably, unable to stand up, these Silver Wind Leopards were completely aroused and gave up on their side. The opponents all roared and rushed towards Chen Xi.

Well come!

The look of solemnity in Chen Xi's eyes flashed away, and he rushed forward in a flash.


With his body like a bow and his fists like arrows, Chen Xi punched out and his energy suddenly spread out. A Silver Wind Leopard was smashed into the depths of the rock more than ten feet away like a ball that was whipped away by a stick, and could never crawl out again.

As soon as the move was successful, Chen Xi did not stop, crossed his waist sideways, and dodged the incoming attack. His right elbow was thrust out like electricity, and he punched the sneak attacker in the abdomen.


The arm directly penetrated the belly of Silver Wind Leopard, opening a bloody hole the size of a bowl. Blood wrapped around the internal organs and flowed down.

After waving his hand and discarding the body, Chen Xi pounced towards the other Silver Wind Leopard again.

At this moment, Chen Xi's chest was filled with fighting spirit. After the Great Beng Fist reached the first level of "breaking rocks like beads", his two fists were wrapped with the dual power of the physical body and true energy, and they were like two heavy axes and hammers. Likewise, as long as the Silver Wind Leopard is hit by him, all the bones in his body will be shattered and he will be killed on the spot.

The more war he fought, the happier Chen Xi felt. Before, he had been practicing alone. The way to prove his strength was to break rocks with his fists. How could it be like now when there were dangerous attacks that could kill people from all directions? Being in it, he could not hold anything back. to release all his strength.

This feeling is like meeting an opponent in chess and encountering a good talent. His fighting spirit continues to increase. The more he fights, the more ferocious he becomes. His fast and sharp Big Beng Fist is also honed to become more skillful, smooth and skillful.

"That's awesome! Is that Big Beng Fist?"

The three people from Hongye Academy have gathered together. With Chen Xi joining the battle group, the pressure on the three of them has been greatly reduced, and they can't even get involved at all, so they can only stay aside obediently. Seeing Chen Xi in the night like a god of war, killing silver wind leopards one after another with ease, Junior Brother Qu couldn't help but let out a heartfelt admiration.

"It is indeed a Big Beng Fist, but it seems to be simpler and more effective than the ordinary Big Beng Fist moves. Not only does the power increase by a level, but the power is also extremely amazing."

Senior Brother Lu's eyesight is extremely sharp, but given his level, he is still unable to discern the secrets of Chen Xi's boxing skills. But even so, he can't help but feel amazed, vaguely feeling that Chen Xi's boxing skills should soon enter the "Zhiwei" state. realm.

Zhiwei, that is a realm that only Zifu realm monks can master!

What puzzled Senior Brother Lu was that the young man's cultivation didn't seem to be enough to open up the Purple Mansion. What was going on? Could it be that this guy is a disciple of a large sect

"I don't know who this guy is. Among the younger generation in Songyan City, why have I never heard of such a powerful person like him?"

Junior Brother Qu exclaimed in surprise while treating the wound on his chest.

"Hmph, what is this guy? Senior Brother Qu, please pay attention. This senior saved our lives." Junior Sister Duan gave Junior Brother Qu a hard look.


Senior Brother Lu smiled, it seemed that in Junior Sister Duan's heart, the young man was already an old monster with unpredictable cultivation.

In the world of cultivation, as long as you open up the Purple Mansion and lay the foundation for Taoism, not only will your appearance not change, but your lifespan will also make a qualitative leap. Some great monks can live for hundreds of years at least, and for thousands of years at most. Therefore, when facing unfamiliar monks who are more advanced than themselves, most people will address each other as senior.


Chen Xi knocked away the last Silver Wind Leopard with one punch, looked around, looked at the corpses on the ground, smacked his mouth with unsatisfied thoughts, turned around and planned to leave.

The most powerful of these Silver Wind Leopards only have the strength of the acquired perfection realm, which can no longer meet his fighting needs, and there will be dawn in only three hours. Dawn means that he will return to the small black room to practice cooking skills, so We must seize the time to find a real Xiantian Realm Great Demon to hone our practical experience.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay."

The lives of the three of them were saved, how could Senior Brother Lu and the other two helplessly watch their savior leave and quickly chase after him.

"I am Lu Shaocong of Hongye Academy. This is my junior brother Qu Cheng and junior sister Duan Ying. Thank you for your life-saving help. I dare to ask your friend's name and where he lives. When we return to Songyan City, we will definitely repay you with generous gifts. "Lu Shaocong stepped forward and said respectfully.

"No need, it's just a piece of cake. Monsters are raging in the southern barbarian mountains and forests, so you should leave early." Chen Xi shook his head, but did not want to reveal his identity and walked away.

Lu Shaocong and the three of them were stunned. Seeing Chen Xi walking away and about to disappear into the night, Duan Ying suddenly shouted: "Senior, are you going to hunt the big monster in the southern barbarian forbidden land? I have a share here. A map may be useful to you."

The forbidden land of the Southern Barbarians


Chen Xi was startled and stopped abruptly.

(End of chapter)