Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 110: Mysterious platform


Ye Li stood in the formation formed by black stone pillars. The gray mist that filled the surroundings rushed towards him like a tide.

He was like a huge whirlpool, constantly swallowing up the gray mist around him.

The gray fog continued to be sucked into the space between his brows. The powerful force shook his sea of consciousness, causing tiny cracks to appear on his originally strong sea of consciousness.

Severe pain filled his mind, and he wanted very much to stop absorbing the gray fog. However, he had no control over this at all. Everything was controlled by his mysterious natal talisman.

He felt like a puppet, forced to accept the infusion of gray fog and endure intense pain.

The sea of consciousness that was shattered by the powerful force of the gray fog was immediately repaired by the purple fog. In the pain of constant destruction and repair, his sea of consciousness began to expand rapidly and became stronger and stronger.

The purple mist that Ye Li had accumulated for several months began to be consumed rapidly as he continued to filter the gray fog, becoming thinner and thinner.

And his spiritual power was constantly decreasing, Ye Li didn't even know where his spiritual power was used.

He stood motionless among the stone pillars like a statue, bearing the collision of the two mists.

The extremely pure gray power filtered out by the purple mist was quickly devoured by Ye Li's natal talisman.

After Ye Li swallowed a large amount of mysterious gray fog in the beast tide, a little gray light appeared again next to the new gray symbol in his mind.

One rune after another quickly appeared next to the original rune, until a complete grey rune was formed.

At the moment when the gray symbol appeared, a powerful soul force swept through his sea of consciousness, and actually expanded his sea of consciousness again.

Moreover, after the appearance of this gray symbol, the impact of the surrounding gray fog on him seemed to decrease, and his purple mist also seemed to be much easier and faster when filtering out the gray fog.

The gray mist emanating from the surrounding stone pillars was becoming thinner and thinner, and after a short while, it completely stopped.

This mysterious formation also completely stopped operating after losing the gray fog. The shadow of the big tree completely disappeared from Ye Li's sight, leaving only the black stone pillars engraved with golden runes still standing around.

The natal talisman in Ye Li's sea of consciousness stopped moving after swallowing the last wisp of gray mist, and fell into silence again. Three gray talismans reappeared next to his newly created gray talisman.

"This symbol obviously represents the root of the symbol. Could this new root of the symbol be the most mysterious soul-walking root of the symbol?"

After carefully feeling the characters next to his natal talisman, Ye Li muttered to himself in shock.

The Soul-Walking Talisman Root is an extremely rare existence. Its appearance is irregular, and its awakening is often not accompanied by the natal talisman, but is suddenly born on the subsequent path of cultivation.

Therefore, in theory, any spiritual talisman master has the potential to produce a soul-walking talisman root, but in reality, the number of people who truly possess this attribute is fewer than the number of people with the other nine attributes.

There were once powerful forces that tried to study what conditions were required for its appearance, but after all the efforts, it was all in vain, and no one knew how this talisman root was produced.

After the gray fog was completely absorbed, the purple fog in Ye Li's brain also calmed down and gathered around his natal talisman again. However, the originally rich and sticky purple fog was now only a very thin small ball.

According to Ye Li's estimation, the remaining purple mist could not even be used to check the perfect strokes of a talisman.

However, after obtaining the power of the Soul-Walking Talisman Root, Ye Li felt a strong sense of joy in his heart.

The more talisman roots a person has, the more diverse their fighting styles will be, and naturally the stronger their strength will be. He himself has already tasted the disadvantages of having a single talisman root in battle.

Compared with the diverse talismans of Ye Tianyi, Zhang Xun, Luo Kui and others, his fighting style is too simple. If it weren't for the fact that his talismans can basically reach the heavenly level, it would be really difficult to defeat these opponents.

The so-called soul-moving power is a kind of power that comes from the soul, and the power of spiritual consciousness is the manifestation of soul power. Therefore, after he obtained the soul-moving talisman root, the power of spiritual consciousness has become more and more powerful. Now it can cover an area of 30 meters in radius, which is twice the coverage distance of the spiritual consciousness power of the same level of talisman masters.

Moreover, his perception became inexplicably sharp, the things around him became clearer in his eyes, and his control over spiritual energy reached a new level.

Ye Li, who had inexplicably obtained a new power, wanted to test the power of this mysterious talisman root. However, the soul-moving talisman was extremely rare and his Ye family had never collected it, so he naturally didn't know how to use it.

Now he can only enjoy the spiritual benefits brought by the Soul-Walking Talisman Root.

After stopping the formation, the area around him became brighter, and Ye Li couldn't help but look around.

The materials of the stone pillars around him looked exactly the same as those of the Rune Tower, but Ye Li didn't know where they came from.

"Hey, what is that?"

After looking around, Ye Li suddenly discovered that a high platform appeared faintly in the depths of the stone forest.

He was stunned and suddenly felt curious, and couldn't help but want to go forward and explore.

After he estimated that there should be no danger around, he quickly moved towards the platform not far ahead, and soon arrived in front of this platform made entirely of black stones.

The platform is about five meters high, with only about ten steps in total. There is nothing placed on it, and it doesn't seem to be anything special.

However, when Ye Li walked to the front of the platform, he vaguely discovered something unusual.

There are many dents on the steps on the front and sides of the platform, which make the originally neatly arranged platform look a little messy.

These sunken marks are like the marks left by knives and axes, but if you look closely, they seem to have outlined a mysterious pattern on the platform.

Ye Li was stunned and began to observe it quickly. However, after a careful inspection, a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

At first glance, these sunken marks look like a pattern, but after careful examination, they are difficult to connect together. Even if they can be connected together, they seem awkward.

"What is this thing? It looks a bit like a spell, but it's discontinuous and disorganized. It can't be the traces of battle left by the previous owner of this rune secret place."