Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 128: Cohesion


The Ye family compound is much more lively during the day than at night, with countless family members coming and going, each busy with their own things.

Ye Li's appearance shocked many people. They had more or less heard about Ye Li being trapped in the Rune Secret Land. Even if they didn't know the exact news, they knew that after the trial in the Rune Secret Land, many family members failed to return.

In the previous month, the entire family was shrouded in sadness.

And now, suddenly seeing Ye Li, almost everyone stopped and rubbed their eyes. Some of them couldn't believe that this person was still alive.

"Ye... Ye Li, you... you are still alive. It's just as Brother Canglong said. He said he believed you would be able to get out!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from the side, with a tone of surprise.

Ye Li turned his head towards the voice and immediately recognized the person. It was Ye Qishan, a member of the family who had always regarded Ye Canglong as his idol.

“Qishan, it’s you, I was just lucky to find a way out.

By the way, where is Brother Canglong? Have you seen him?"

After being trapped for more than a month and struggling for life and death, Ye Li was naturally very happy to suddenly see an acquaintance. He asked with a smile on his face.

Ye Qishan had already walked up to Ye Li and shook his head, saying, "Brother Canglong is not here anymore. He followed the hunting team to the mountains for actual combat.

Not many of them survived last time, and Brother Canglong has been feeling resentful about the fact that he couldn't help you and could only ask you to cover their evacuation from behind.

The few survivors, including Ye Tianyi, joined the hunting team and went to the mountains to practice actual combat with Brother Canglong. They said that they hoped that next time they encountered such a situation, they would be able to do more than just run away, but take the initiative to save people like you did.

Ye Li, I am also about to break through and enter the spiritual mist. The Thousand Illusion Stones you obtained for the family have raised my family's Spirit Gathering Technique to a higher level, and our cultivation speed has also increased.

When I enter the Spiritual Mist Stage, I will also join Brother Canglong and his team. There are no cowards in my Ye family. We are all the future of the Ye family."

From Ye Qishan, Ye Li could feel a sense of belonging to the family.

It seems that although the family suffered great losses after this beast tide, it was precisely this sadness and anger that filled the hearts of the younger generation with fighting spirit and cohesion.

This is the most important thing for a family, even more important than the Thousand Fantasy Stone he obtained.

Ye Li reached out and patted Ye Qishan's shoulder heavily, saying: "Qishan, you should also work hard. It is not just one individual who can make the Ye family revitalize and rise, but every member of the Ye family.

I still have to go to my grandfather's place, so I won't stay here long. See you later."

Ye Qishan also nodded with a face full of fighting spirit.

As Ye Li walked the short distance toward Ye Wujiu's residence, the Ye family members he met looked at him with respect in their eyes.

After all, the news of Ye Li obtaining the Thousand Illusion Stones had long spread in the family. Now that everyone in the family can practice a stronger Spirit Gathering Technique, it is all thanks to Ye Li.

The family members' views on Ye Li have changed little by little since the family competition began. Now, not only do people no longer hate him, they are even full of admiration for him.

Ye Li was actually filled with pride at this kind of atmosphere. Being recognized by everyone proved that he had not brought shame to his father.

They soon arrived at Ye Wujiu's residence. After seeing Ye Li, the guard at the door did not go in to report, but let him in directly. It was obvious that Ye Wujiu had already made instructions in advance.

Ye Li entered Ye Wujiu's room. Ye Wujiu had already noticed his arrival and was sitting on a chair in the living room waiting for him.

"Grandpa, I'm here."

Ye Li looked at Ye Wujiu and said.

When he saw Ye Li, Ye Wujiu smiled and said, "You must be quite tired after coming back yesterday, that's why you came so late today."

Ye Li touched his nose embarrassedly and said, "Ah, it feels best to be home. Maybe it's because I haven't been home for too long, so I slept until now. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, Grandpa."

Ye Wujiu waved his hand and said, "Ye Li, there's no need to be so polite.

You have earned the respect of the entire family through your own efforts, and I no longer have to avoid many things like I did in the past.

I know you used to address me as "you" on purpose, but I don't think you need to address me like that now."

Hearing Ye Wujiu's words, Ye Li's expression became a little awkward. He had always been very polite to Ye Wujiu in the past, but this was just a passive protest.

Because his father Ye Hao has never allowed Ye Li to blame Ye Wujiu, although he is obedient, he still has his own ideas and it is difficult for him to truly regard Ye Wujiu as his grandfather.

That was why he had always addressed her in a very polite and distant manner, to show that he only regarded the other party as the head of the family and there was no family affection between them.

Now, after the two had a detailed discussion last time, many misunderstandings had been resolved, and Ye Li really had no reason to continue calling the other party that.

"I understand, Grandpa. I never understood your thoughts in the past, so I blamed you secretly in my heart and hoped that you would forgive me."

Ye Li looked at Ye Wujiu and said sincerely.

Ye Wujiu shook his head and said, "I should be the one to say this. I have always been drifting between Ye Hao and the family, and I really haven't cared too much about you two. It's reasonable for you to hate me."

Hearing Ye Wujiu's words, Ye Li was about to say something, but Ye Wujiu smiled and waved his hand, saying, "Okay, no need to say more, let the past be the past.

By the way, I asked you to come here today, in addition to giving you the reward that belongs to you, I also want to ask you, when you were escaping, who attacked you and almost killed you by the sickle centipede?"

Hearing Ye Wujiu's words, Ye Li was slightly stunned, and then an angry expression appeared on his face.

He had been struggling to survive before, and almost forgot about these things. Now that Ye Wujiu asked about it, he was immediately angry and said, "Grandpa, I didn't see the specific appearance of the person who attacked me, but he must be from the Luo family because I saw his clothes.

And judging from his back, I guess he is most likely Luo Kui from the Luo family.

He had wanted to kill me in the Rune Tower before, and even took out the rune flag to use. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to survive.

He thought he had a sure win at the time, so he told me in person that the Luo family was very wary of me and wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible.

But what worries me most now is that he saw me killing Zhang Xun. I think the Luo family will probably use this information to attack the Ye family."