Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 145: Be a target


Hearing Ye Wuming's words, Ye Li turned his head and exclaimed "Ah", his brain still hadn't reacted.

"This practice relies on the risk of possible injury to force the Spirit Talisman Master to exploit his potential. Every time Ye Hao fell down, he was knocked unconscious. Although he was not seriously injured, the pain forced him to do his best to prevent himself from falling.

After all, when people are forced into the right situation, their potential can be maximized, so this kind of practice came into being.

Your body is too strong. I estimate that even if the stalagmite is twice as high, you will not feel any pain even if you fall. In this way, you will lose the pressure of the form, and the effect of your practice will be greatly reduced. "

After Ye Wuming explained and thought for a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand, drew another talisman and threw it on the ground.

I saw that around the thigh-high stalagmites on the ground, circles of tiny stalagmites as high as thumbs quickly grew out.

These stalagmites are very dense, but not sharp. The originally sharp tips have become somewhat rounded under the control of Ye Wuming's spiritual power.

"Fifth Grandfather, this is..."

"It's just a little trick. Now Xiao Yeli, you won't feel anything when you fall from above."

Ye Wuming looked at the small stalagmites on the ground and a smile appeared on his face.

Ye Li felt a little nervous and asked, "Fifth Grandpa, will it be okay if I fall on it?"

Ye Wuming shook his head and said, "Based on your physical strength, I estimate that you will at most feel pain, but it shouldn't hurt you.

Go up and give it a try. If you don’t want to fall and get stabbed by the stalagmites, try your best to keep your body on top.”

Ye Li also knew that this was cultivation. After taking a deep breath, he no longer hesitated. He condensed his spiritual energy on the tip of his index finger and stood up again against the stalagmite.

After the experience of the first time, he persisted a little longer this time, but he only stood upside down for a few breaths before falling down.

Ye Li couldn't help but scream when he fell on the stalagmites. Although the stalagmites were not sharp, they were extremely hard. One by one they pressed against his body, causing him to grimace in pain.

Stimulated by the pain, Ye Li turned over and stood up from the ground, almost jumping to rub the place where he was hit by the stalagmite.

"Hahaha, that's right, it seems the effect is quite good."

Seeing Ye Li jumping on the ground with his teeth bared, Ye Wuming laughed out loud, seeming to be very satisfied with the effect.

"Okay, just concentrate on your training here. If you don't want to fall and be stabbed by the stalagmites, then try your best to maximize your potential and stay on the stalagmites for a while longer."

After Ye Wuming finished speaking, he ignored Ye Li and walked to the side, found a rock to sit on, and started reading.

Ye Li looked at the extremely hard stalagmites on the ground and couldn't help smacking his lips. It felt really uncomfortable.

After taking a deep breath, a tenacious expression appeared on his face. The path of cultivation was not easy to begin with. With the help of his natal talisman, he had already gained a great advantage. Now, the training of his spiritual power could not be achieved by shortcuts, so he could only persist.

Ye Li spent the next three days in constant falling and groaning in pain. With his strong body, he flattened the stalagmites on the ground dozens of times.

Ye Wuming took the trouble to help him put the stalagmites upright again and again. He was also amazed at the fact that Ye Li's body had only slightly bruised in the past three days. After all, he had never seen such a strong physique in a low-level family.

Although Ye Li suffered a lot during these three days, he finally succeeded in increasing the time he could stand upside down on the stalagmite to half an hour.

Today, the spiritual energy condensed at Ye Li's fingertips looks extremely solid, like a solid entity, and the strength of his spiritual power has been increasing exponentially.

After repeated training, even the size of the sea of consciousness has increased, and the coverage area has reached 120 meters, which is not much different from that of an ordinary spiritual sea period late stage spiritual talisman master.

With a thought, Ye Li's spiritual power was able to cover the entire valley, and Ye Wuming was even more amazed by this.

After completing the task of standing upside down on the stalagmite for half an hour, Ye Li finally began the next stage of practice.

Ye Wuming also came to the stalagmite and said, "Xiao Ye Li, now your spiritual power is barely strong enough to enter the next stage. Next, we will practice the ability of multitasking.

Not only does this ability give you greater control over your spells, but it also forms the basis for the ambidextrous style.

You have to know that only a few people are capable of mastering the ambidextrous technique, which allows you to draw two different spells at the same time, effectively doubling the speed of combat.

And some high-level spells with multiple runes also require the use of both hands to complete, so the basic ability to multitask is very important. "

Hearing Ye Wuming's words, Ye Li nodded and said, "Fifth Grandfather, what should I do next?"

Ye Wuming said: “Now you should try your best to stand upside down on the tip of the stalagmite, and then I will use some basic spells to attack you.

I will try to minimize the power of the spell, but if it hits you, it will still hurt you.

What you need to do is to use the skills you have mastered before to strengthen your spiritual energy with the power of spiritual consciousness. Stand upside down and deploy spiritual energy on your body at any time to defend against my talisman attacks.

Well, do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Li swallowed his saliva and said, "No way, Fifth Grandpa wants me to be a target

I feel like I have already done my best to maintain the spiritual energy on my fingertips, so how can I spare the energy to use my spiritual power to control another ball of spiritual energy for defense?"

Ye Wuming raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Isn't this what you want to practice? Try to use an extra spiritual power to control the defense while doing your best.

If it is very easy to do, it can't be considered as practice?"

Ye Li knew that what Ye Wuming said made sense. It was obvious that his father had also experienced this method in the past and it was a very mature practice technique.

Since this is a method that has been tested in practice and his father Ye Hao can do it, Ye Li naturally will not back down.

Ye Li cheered himself up and jumped up headfirst. Then he gathered a ball of spiritual energy at the tip of his right index finger and stood upside down steadily on it.

This was also the result of his three days of hard training. Just using his spiritual energy to support his weight was no longer a problem at all.

After Ye Li stood upside down steadily, Ye Wuming said, "Ye Li, you'd better adjust yourself and devote some of your attention to the surroundings.

You don’t need to concentrate too much spiritual power on your fingers, just enough to keep the spiritual energy from dispersing.”