Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 16: hunting


In this world, besides humans who know how to practice cultivation, there are also monsters who also know how to practice cultivation and possess great power.

These monsters are born knowing how to absorb spiritual energy to make their bodies stronger. Some of them even have innate runes in their bodies from birth, and can use the power of spiritual energy to launch various attacks with attributes.

They are no weaker than humans, so they occupy a very large area in the entire continent, and the Monster Mountain Range is one of them.

The Monster Mountain Range is located to the west of Dahuang City, stretching for more than ten thousand miles. Except for the occasional humans who go in to hunt, the entire area is the territory of monsters.

It contains a large amount of natural treasures and rare minerals, but no force dares to go deep into it on a large scale to search for treasures. There are top-level monsters guarding it. Except for a few of the most powerful talisman masters, anyone else who goes deep into it will inevitably suffer a doom.

Ye Li was going to the outskirts of the Monster Mountain Range now. The monsters were strictly divided into different levels. The powerful monsters occupied the middle area, and the weak monsters could only stay outside.

Standing on the outskirts of the Monster Mountain Range, Ye Li took out a map.

This was received within the family. The family also had a special hunting team that would come to the outskirts of the mountains to look for materials and hunt monsters. Therefore, a more detailed map was drawn, marking the spheres of influence of various monsters, as well as possible dangers.

Ye Li quickly found the locations where the three monsters lived, which were not too far away, so he went to the nearest earth dragon rhino first.

The earth dragon rhino is similar in appearance to a rhinoceros, but its body armor is harder and its feet are not hooves but sharp claws.

The demon beasts in the Spirit Gathering Stage do not have much demonic power in their bodies and mainly rely on physical strength.

The battle between Ye Li and it was not too difficult. He had already learned in advance that the attack method of this monster was mainly direct impact, and its weakness was in the abdomen, where the armor was the weakest.

After Ye Li released the light body talisman for himself, he no longer suffered from speed disadvantage. The earth-level talisman he drew made his body extremely light and agile.

After he dodged several attacks from the Earth Dragon Rhino, he also sent out a spiritual energy bullet to test it. Even if this attributeless attack talisman reached the earth level, it would be difficult to break through the monster's hard armor.

After some observation, Ye Li finally found a way to attack the Earth Dragon Rhino's weakness.

The moment the Earth Dragon Rhino rushed towards him, he dodged and fired a spiritual energy bullet, which hit the Earth Dragon Rhino's right leg that had just fallen.

The powerful impact caused the Earth Dragon Rhino's leg to tilt, and its center of gravity suddenly became unstable.

At the same time, its forward momentum did not stop. Its heavy body lost its center of gravity, swayed to the side, and fell to the ground, exposing its abdomen.

At this time, Ye Li, who had already flashed to the side of the Earth Dragon Rhino, drew out another spiritual energy bullet with the flick of his fingers, and hit the Earth Dragon Rhino's abdomen which was not protected by armor.

This time the power of the earth-level talisman was demonstrated. The powerful force caused the Earth Dragon Rhino to spit blood from its mouth. Although it stood up soon after, it was also seriously injured.

Next, Ye Li patiently launched several consecutive such clever attacks and finally killed the seriously injured Earth Dragon Rhino on the ground.

This was his first time killing a monster, and he inevitably felt a little reluctant. However, after thinking of his promise to his father's spirit tablet, he hardened his heart and dismembered the earth dragon rhino, taking away the rhino horn and other valuable and important parts.

After Ye Li recovered his spiritual energy and spiritual power in the forest with the help of the Spirit Gathering Technique, he went straight to his second target - the agile ape.

The monster, the Agile Ape, looks like a monkey and its characteristics are just as its name suggests, it is extremely agile. Ye Li's spiritual energy bullets were unable to hit it at all, and he was attacked repeatedly instead.

Even with the light body talisman, he was unable to keep up with the opponent's movements and could only rely on the defense of the spirit bell talisman to support him.

Fortunately, the Earth-level Spirit Bell Talisman is extremely strong, and the agile ape is not good at attacking, so it cannot hurt him in a short time.

However, when Ye Li seized the opportunity and used the Binding Talisman the moment the agile ape attacked him, the battle became one-sided.

The spiritual energy emitted by the Earth-level Binding Talisman was like strands of silk, instantly wrapping around the agile ape's limbs.

The agile ape was not very strong and was unable to break free from the restraints of the spiritual energy. It barely ran two steps before falling to the ground and was killed by Ye Li.

He placed all the materials stripped from the monster into his Qiankun bag, and then rushed towards the habitat of the iron-clad stag beetle.

But this time, his battle was not easy.

The ironclad stag beetle is not too big, about the same size as a wild wolf, but its special insect-like body structure not only gives it super strong defense, but also good speed and strength.

Ye Li's spiritual energy bullets could not break the iron-clad stag beetle's shell, and the binding talisman could not bind it too tightly. Relying on its powerful force, even the power of the earth level, it could only slow down its speed.

What made Ye Li feel even more troublesome was that the ironclad stag beetle's abdomen was covered with a shell, and its only weak point was a small gap in the shell under its neck.

He originally wanted to use the same trick he used against the Earth Dragon Rhino, to knock over the Ironclad Stag Beetle by attacking its legs. However, the Ironclad Stag Beetle not only has six legs, but also a pair of wings. Although it cannot fly, it can maintain balance very well and has extremely high burst acceleration capabilities.

Ye Li dodged several times but was caught up by the Iron-clad Stag Beetle's instantaneous burst and shattered the Spirit Bell Talisman.

For a while, the battle fell into a stalemate. Ye Li had no way to deal with the opponent. It seemed that he could do nothing except escape.

However, Ye Li is not someone who gives up easily. He still has more than half of his spiritual energy left in his body, so it is a little early to talk about escaping.

After observing for a period of time, Ye Li discovered the attack pattern of the iron-clad stag beetle. This insect monster would often suddenly explode after getting within a certain distance, approaching him at the fastest speed, and then raise the pair of large shovels on its head to charge fiercely.

Several times he didn't have time to dodge and was hit by the iron-clad stag beetle's explosive attacks. If it weren't for the Spirit Bell Talisman, he wouldn't know how many times he would have died by now.

While dodging and observing, Ye Li thought for a while, and actually changed his fighting style, actively rushing towards the iron-armored stag beetle.

The distance between the two sides was shortening rapidly. Just when they were about to enter the explosion range of the iron-clad stag beetle, Ye Li suddenly jumped into the sky, drew a talisman with his fingers, and condensed a spiritual energy bullet.

Talisman masters have a unified standard for the speed of drawing talismans, which is the number of strokes drawn in the instant of a finger snap.

The spiritual energy bullet released by Ye Li had a total of three talismans, and each talisman had nine strokes, so he drew twenty-seven strokes in the blink of an eye.

However, this is not his maximum speed. He has done tests himself and now his maximum speed is thirty-three strokes. If he is faster, he can draw four symbols.