Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 186: Left alone


"Hurry, they are here, we have to break out and leave.

I will break open the entire cell in a moment, and you guys just run to the front of the stronghold and leave from there.

The guards and bandits in front have all been knocked out by me, so no one will stop you. I will block the pursuers behind you for you."

Seeing that everyone's hand and leg shackles had been opened, Ye Li quickly ordered them to come.

"No, Brother Ye, we can't leave you alone and run away!"

When Li Xifeng heard Ye Li say that he wanted to intercept the pursuers himself, he would never agree.

The others who were rescued were also unwilling to escape on their own.

Ye Li glanced at them and said anxiously: "You must listen to me this time, otherwise no one will be able to escape.

Now there are the second and third in command of Mangxiong Village outside. They are all talisman masters in the Linghai period. I can fight with them, but you can't.

If you stay, you will only be making things worse, and you will not be able to take part in the subsequent battles.

The purpose of my coming here is to rescue you. Now as long as you leave the village and escape from danger, my goal will be achieved and I can choose to escape.

Although I may not be stronger than the other party in terms of strength, but in terms of speed, I believe they will definitely not be faster than me."

Ye Li did not tell them that he intended to kill Qian Yue and Xie Qi. After all, if he said it, most others would probably dissuade him.

After hearing his words, although everyone was reluctant and wanted to stay and help, they also knew that even if they stayed, most of them would only be a burden.

After all, if one really has the talent for cultivation, who would be willing to be a traveling merchant

After exchanging glances with everyone, Li Xifeng said, "Okay, Brother Ye, I know what you said is right. If we stay, it will only cause you trouble. We will leave this area as quickly as possible.

You must be careful, we don't want you to put yourself in danger in order to save us."

Ye Li nodded. There was no time to say anything more. In his perception, Qian Yue and Xie Qi had already come to a place about ten meters away from the cell. They began to slow down their pace and slowly moved towards here.

"Listen carefully, they are here, but my Bone-Sparkling Flame Mist can temporarily block their investigation of the situation in the house.

All of you gather at the wall at the back. When I say 'run', I will burn the prison cell with flame mist. You can take the opportunity to rush out. I will find a way to hold Qian Yue and the others back. " The merchants also knew that time was urgent. Since they had already made the decision to flee, they did not say anything more. They just followed Ye Li's arrangement and gathered in front of the wooden wall.

Hongdou was held in Li Xifeng's arms. She looked at Ye Li with a worried look on her face and suddenly shouted, "Brother Ye, you must come back safely!"

Ye Li smiled and nodded at her, then shouted, "Run!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bone-scorching flames that had been clinging to the wooden wall but had not burned it instantly burned the entire wall of the cell.

The extremely dense and high-temperature flames instantly ignited the house. Under Ye Li's control, the flame mist burst out with a powerful impact force, directly blasting open the ignited cell.

The flames and wood splashed far away. Qian Yue and Xie Qi hurriedly led everyone to retreat a few steps to avoid the impact of the flames and wood.

After the flames burned through the wooden wall, a gap opened up on the side facing away from Qian Yue. Li Xifeng and others, along with all the traveling merchants who were taken hostage, took the opportunity to rush out and began to run away from the village separately.

"Damn it, it's that brat!

Hurry, those traveling merchants are about to escape, stop them."

When the flames and mist broke out, Xie Qi finally recognized the talisman, and after the flames and mist opened a gap, he used his spiritual power to see Ye Li's appearance inside.

Under his orders, the surrounding bandits began to chase in the direction of the escaping merchants, trying to intercept them.

However, how could Ye Li allow them to catch up? He looked at Qian Yue and Xie Qi coldly, waved his hands, and in the blink of an eye, shot a series of Earth Fire Spring Talismans into the ground.

At the same time, his flame mist suddenly expanded and turned into a curtain wall blocking the bandits.

Most of the bandits who came here with Qian Yue and Xie Qi were just martial talisman masters, but among them there were a few spiritual talisman masters in the spiritual mist period.

At this moment, when he was blocked by Ye Liyan's fog curtain wall, his first reaction was to break through the interception.

The martial talisman masters had almost no way to destroy the flame fog, while the spiritual talisman masters began to cast talismans one after another, trying to tear open the flame fog curtain wall that did not seem thick at all.

However, what they did not expect was that all the talismans released by the Lingwu Stage talisman masters disappeared completely without a trace when they flew into the curtain wall, like a drop in the ocean, without causing even the slightest ripple.

The water columns, wooden vines, ground spikes, golden swords and other talismans they released were directly swallowed up and burned by the thick flames the moment they entered the flame fog.

After all, the power generated by the talismans is merely concrete spiritual energy. The quality of the spiritual energy they embodied is far inferior to the fire spiritual energy of Ye Lishuo's bone flame mist.

"You guys step back first. He's very strong. You can't rush past him like this. Wait for my third brother and I to hold him back, then you guys can charge forward."

After Qian Yue gave the order, he planned to attack Ye Li together with Xie Qi.

However, just as they took a step, they felt several surging waves of fire-type spiritual energy coming from underground.

The two men were veterans who had been in the martial arts world for many years, so their reactions were still very quick. When they sensed the fluctuations of fire spiritual energy, they quickly jumped back to avoid it.

In an instant, five pillars of blazing fire burst out from where they had just stood.

After Ye Li released the Heavenly Grade Earth Fire Spring using his spiritual essence, its power was much greater than before during the Spiritual Mist Period.

"Damn it, this guy's spell is quite powerful, third brother, be careful, I'll test him."

Qian Yue started drawing the spell as he spoke.

After all, he was a talisman master in the middle stage of the Spirit Sea period, so his talisman drawing speed was not slow. With a flick of his fingers, he quickly drew a nine-character gold talisman.

The talisman was not triggered immediately. Qian Yue continued to move his fingers, and another nine-character earth talisman was drawn.

Ye Li understood it at a glance. The spell released by the other party was a compound spell composed of two nine-character two-character spells.

The power of this kind of talisman is often quite great, and the combination of attributes can bring about a huge change in the power of the talisman.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. Since you dare to rush into our Mangxiong Village to rescue people, there is absolutely no possibility for you to leave alive.

Take that, loot the earth."

As Qian Yue shouted, extremely strong earth and gold spiritual energy instantly condensed on the surrounding ground. A huge earth wave appeared in front of Qian Yue and began to rush towards Ye Li.

In the waves formed by earth and rocks, there are countless sharp blades formed by the golden spiritual energy, which look extremely powerful.