Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 196: Hidden line


The scene at this moment shocked everyone. Ye Li stared in amazement at Xie Qi's head which had exploded, his chest and abdomen churning slightly.

Although he had killed many people with his own hands, none of them were as shocking as Xie Qi's death.

Just after Xie Qi’s head exploded and he died, a gray rune emerged from his body and was about to disappear between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Ye Li's natal talisman emitted a strong force of attraction, sucking the gray rune that was about to disappear in front of him into his sea of consciousness.

After being devoured by his natal talisman, the grey rune turned into the most primitive grey soul power and merged into his soul rune.

This scene was just like what happened during the beast tide, except that the soul power was insufficient this time. After Ye Li absorbed it, he was unable to continue increasing the number of strokes in the soul talisman root. It was still one character plus two strokes.

When such a scene appeared again, Ye Li's heart was shocked.

Because he seemed to have figured out some things vaguely. The mysterious man in black who was chasing the Luo family that Ye Canglong saw in the Monster Mountain Range, the inexplicable beast tide and the strange soul power that appeared in the beast tide and was absorbed by him, together with the mysterious organization that Xie Qi mentioned this time, were all vaguely connected together by a thread.

After seeing the soul-moving talisman in Xie Qi's brain, Ye Li also understood that this should be the work of the mysterious organization behind Xie Qi. From this, he thought that during the beast tide, the soul-moving power in the brains of those monsters was probably the work of this mysterious organization.

Then the mysterious person who used the power of the soul-moving talisman to kill several spiritual elixir-stage spiritual talisman masters of the Luo family might be a member of the mysterious organization behind Xie Qi.

The beast tide that attacked the six major families must have been man-made.

Thinking about what Xie Qi said, the other party's purpose of starting the war was to take human lives, so was the beast tide launched for the same reason

Ye Li made many guesses in his mind, but in his opinion, his guesses were more or less based on facts and might be close to the facts.

After thinking all this through, Ye Li became more and more curious about this mysterious organization. In his opinion, this organization seemed to be very proficient in soul-moving spells.

Before Xie Qi died, he spat out half a word "Gray". No one knew what this organization was called or why they needed lives.

But what really concerned him was the actions of this organization. An organization that could use the lives of countless innocent people to achieve its goals was undoubtedly extremely dangerous. After standing there and thinking for a while, Ye Li finally shook his head and came out of his doubts.

He now has too few clues, and no matter how much he thinks, it is useless and he still cannot solve the mystery.

What's more, this organization seems to be very dangerous. If he really discovers their secret, he probably wouldn't dare to do anything. If he is not careful, it may bring trouble to himself and his family.

Seeing Xie Qi's tragic death, the bandits nearby were all silent and knelt on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

They knew that Ye Li was asking Xie Qi something, but now Xie Qi suddenly died, and Ye Li didn't tell them what he wanted to know. They didn't know whether Ye Li would vent his anger on them.

Looking at the kneeling bandits, Ye Li said, "You bandits, you obviously have hands and feet, and your cultivation is normal, why are you unwilling to do some serious work, and instead do some robbing and stealing.

If you follow Xiong Sanba, will you earn more, or are you born with evil minds and only willing to do despicable and shameless things?"

The kneeling bandits looked at each other, and some of them showed a hint of shame on their faces.

One of the older bandits looked at his companions and answered, "Young man, we don't always want to work here with the boss. The spiritual stones and elixirs we can get from them are very few.

Many of us joined at the beginning just to find a place to stay, and even if we later found that this place was not suitable for us, it was difficult to leave.

After all, all the previous leaders were not easy to deal with, and if you quit the village at will, you will likely be retaliated against.

Besides, we don’t know where to go. We are all independent cultivators with few resources and backgrounds. Our own cultivation is also limited, so it’s hard to find a good place to hang out.”

After hearing his words, Ye Li pondered for a while and said, "I know that what you usually do is just following orders, so I won't bother with you too much.

The three main culprits here have been killed, so you can save your lives for now.

However, although the death penalty can be avoided, punishment is still necessary.

The group of traveling merchants you captured earlier should be in need of manpower now. All of you bandits, are you willing to work for them for half a year?"

The older bandit looked at the others, then nodded and said, "Young man, we dare not disobey your orders. Anyway, we have nowhere to go. We have been used to living together for many years. We are not used to living separately."

Now that the young man has arranged for us to work for those traveling merchants, as long as we have food to eat and a place to sleep, it will be fine. We can also use this half year to get used to life outside the village, and maybe we can find other jobs later."

Hearing what they said, Ye Li nodded and said, "This is the best. I warn you, working for the traveling merchants is your punishment. Don't even think about running away. All of you should supervise each other. If one person runs away, the others will be punished.

You all know my strength, if you think you can escape, you can give it a try."

In fact, it was impossible for Ye Li to guard against these bandits. He said this just to scare them.

The bandits kneeling on the ground nodded hurriedly. They were naturally aware of Ye Li's strength. The powerful people in this world are born with the right to speak. These bandits could not muster the slightest resistance to Ye Li.

After finishing speaking, Ye Li walked to the bodies of Xiong Sanba, Xie Qi and others and began to search them.

The spirit stones they extorted from the traveling merchants should still be on them. Ye Li plans to return these spirit stones to the traveling merchants.

As for the remaining things, they would naturally be considered Ye Li’s spoils of war.

Ye Li casually took a look at the Qiankun bag found from the three people. There were indeed a large number of high-quality spirit stones in it. He did not count them carefully, but put them in his arms first and waited until he met Li Xifeng and others to tell them.

Among them, Xiong Sanba was carrying two Qiankun bags, which contained a lot of various elixirs, spirit stones and sundries. It seemed that they were all resources accumulated in the mountain village. After all, he had no idea that Xie Qi and others were blackmailing and kidnapping traveling merchants, and he did not get any of the blackmailed spirit stones.