Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 198: Kindness


Ye Li touched his nose, then nodded and said, "I did take out the three leaders of Mangxiong Village by myself, and now their entire village has completely surrendered."

Hearing Ye Li's exact answer, the eyes of the traveling merchants were filled with shock.

These people's cultivation is not high, but they are quite knowledgeable. They know that it is definitely not an easy task for Ye Li to defeat three talisman masters of the same level alone.

Ye Li looked around and said, "Everyone, this isn't a good place to talk. Why don't we go into the city first?"

Everyone nodded, and then followed him towards Yeyu City which was not far away.

Hongdou was exhausted after a night of tossing and turning. She fell into a deep sleep when they were approaching Yeyu City and has not woken up until now. In the past few days, the little girl has been living in fear and has suffered a lot.

Soon, everyone returned to Yeyu City, and they found a private room in Letian Inn and sat down.

After a night of tossing and turning, everyone was tired and hungry, even Ye Li himself was a little starving.

After asking the store owner to prepare some meals, everyone started to eat, while Cha An and the other two stood behind Ye Li with respectful looks on their faces.

After everyone had finished eating, Ye Li took out several Qiankun bags from his arms and said, "Uncle Li, these are the Qiankun bags I seized from the three leaders of Mangxiong Village. There are quite a few spirit stones in them, and I guess there are also some that you lost.

But I heard before that they distributed a lot of spirit stones to people from other villages, so the spirit stones here may not be enough to compensate for your losses.

But it’s better to have something than nothing. You can take all the spiritual stones here and divide them up. Xiong Sanba’s Qiankun bag also contains the savings he has plundered from the village over the years, which can compensate you a little.”

Seeing the Qiankun bag that Ye Li placed on the table and hearing his words, all the traveling merchants showed expressions of gratitude and admiration.

After exchanging glances with the traveling merchants, Li Xifeng said, "Brother Ye, we can't take these spirit stones.

In order to save us, you risked your life to break into the mountain stronghold and fought one against three for most of the night. It would be very unkind of us to take these spirit stones back.

Although the previous losses were not small, now all of us have saved our lives and regained our freedom.

Compared to these spiritual stones, freedom is the truly precious thing to us.

Although we did not see the battle just now, we know that it must have been extremely dangerous.

We are already feeling guilty that we cannot fight alongside you, Brother Ye. If you take these spirit stones away, we will not dare to see you again in the future."

Hearing Li Xifeng's words, Ye Li was slightly stunned, and quickly refused, saying: "Uncle Li, everyone, I rescued you out of righteous indignation, and I have no intention of repaying you. These spirit stones originally belonged to you, how can I take them away..."

Li Xifeng didn't wait for Ye Li to finish, and quickly stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder, saying: "Brother Ye, you don't need to say anything more, I just represented the opinions of all of us.

We all know that Xie Qi's stomach is a bottomless pit. If you are really locked in there, you will definitely be subject to his endless exploitation.

Compared to these losses, the spirit stones we handed over before are really nothing.

You are a person who does good without expecting anything in return, but we are also people who know how to repay kindness. Please accept these spirit stones, otherwise you might as well lock us up back in the mountain village."

Ye Li originally wanted to say something, but after seeing everyone's determined gazes, he finally hesitated for a moment before putting the Qiankun bag into his arms.

Seeing Ye Li put away the Qiankun bag, the expressions on the faces of the traveling merchants relaxed. To them, Ye Li's rescue of them was a great favor. If they took the spirit stones as well, they probably wouldn't even know how to talk to Ye Li afterwards.

"By the way, Brother Ye, why do you bring these three people with you?"

Li Xifeng intentionally changed the subject. He glanced at Cha An and the other two who were standing behind Ye Li with respectful expressions, and asked.

Hearing Li Xifeng's question, Ye Li slapped his forehead and said, "I almost forgot, Uncle Li, wasn't your trade fair very successful this time? I believe you will continue to hold these trade fairs in the future.

This time you suffered from the lack of manpower. If you had enough protection, Xie Qi would not dare to attack you.

Most of these people in Mangxiong Village are acting on orders, and it is impossible for me to kill them all. Now I might as well give them a chance to reform.

I want them to help you as guards and handymen in the next six months.

With the help of more than a hundred people, Uncle Li, you should be able to set up the venues in various counties very quickly, and security will be guaranteed.

If you can hire some more Spiritual Sea Stage Spiritual Talisman Masters, then everything will be safe."

Hearing Ye Li's words, Li Xifeng, Tie Xiaohua and the other three immediately showed expressions of great surprise, and then said to Ye Li with a look of emotion: "Brother Ye, we really didn't expect that you would still think of us in such a matter. We really don't know how to thank you."

Ye Li didn't think there was anything wrong. In his opinion, although Li Xifeng and the others were very old, their ambition to pursue their dreams was no less than that of young people. Such people were worthy of his friendship and help.

"Mr. Li, you are too kind. We are friends now. I am glad to be able to help you.

But there are quite a few of these bandits. If you really want to use them, you may have to worry a lot. At least you have to ensure that they have enough food."

Ye Li said with a smile.

Li Xifeng nodded, glanced at Cha An and the other two, and then said to Ye Li: "Actually, after this incident, we also understand our own weaknesses.

After all, this world still respects strength. If we want to do big things, we can no longer hold on to the same mentality as before.

In the past, when selling goods, people would just find a place to set up a stall inside or outside the city, and leave after selling their goods, and they would hardly get into trouble.

Even if there are troublemakers occasionally, we will just suffer a small loss and that’s it.

But it is different now. If you want to hold a trade rally, there will be more people and interests involved, and disputes are inevitable.

If we can't even guarantee the most basic transaction security at a trade fair, then there's no point in us doing anything else.

So after this, we will take out our past savings and hire a group of guards of our own.

If these bandits are willing, we can train them into a guard team to provide security and defense for us. After half a year, they can continue to stay here, and we will pay them spirit stones as compensation. "