Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 199: The forgotten linshi jade


After hearing what Li Xifeng said, Ye Li turned his head and looked at Cha An and the other two, and said, "Did you hear what Uncle Li said

If your people are willing, they can stay here forever, but now you must work for them for free for half a year, and only after half a year can you receive payment. "

Cha An and the other two looked at each other, then suddenly knelt down respectfully and said, "Young man, we are willing to stay here and work for the traveling merchants.

Our spiritual talisman masters in the Lingwu period can take on the guard work, and the martial talisman masters can do odd jobs for the traveling merchants. We are very satisfied with this arrangement.

Although the young man was nominally punishing us, he actually helped us a lot, turning us from hated bandits into ordinary security workers.

Compared to our past life, future life is what most of us want to live.

We are not born to be bandits. Most people join the bandits because they can't make it anymore. If there are better options, we don't want to be hated by others.

Now these traveling merchants are willing to accept us, which is a great favor to our group of people.

We sincerely thank you, young man. Your kindness to us is like a rebirth."

Although Ye Li didn't like these bandits very much, they had now expressed their willingness to mend their ways. Now that several of them were suddenly kneeling in front of him, he still felt somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hurry up, there's no need to do this.

As long as you can sincerely help Uncle Li and his men, I believe they will not treat you badly, and your future life will definitely not be worse than that in the mountain village."

At Ye Li's strong request, the three village managers finally stood up.

Then, Ye Li said to Li Xifeng: "Uncle Li, these bandits should be willing to surrender, you can use them to form a guard team.

These people have been together for many years, and their ability to work together and their discipline are definitely higher than those of the casual cultivators recruited temporarily."

Li Xifeng also said to Ye Li with a grateful look on his face: "We really don't know how to thank you. It's like sending a pillow when we need a guard. You brought us such a suitable candidate when we needed one.

Ever since I met you, you have been helping us all the time. It is all thanks to you that we are able to stand here and continue to consider the future.

Brother Ye, in our hearts, you will always be our friend and benefactor. The five of us, as well as the future Merchants Association, if you need our help one day, just say one word, and we will go through fire and water for you. " After Li Xifeng finished speaking, he saluted Ye Li again very solemnly, and Tie Xiaohua, Chen San and Chen Wu also followed suit and saluted Ye Li, their faces full of gratitude.

Ye Li quickly waved his hands and said, “Don’t be like this, I’m really not used to it.

Since you all say we are friends, why are you being so polite? If I need your help one day, I will naturally ask for it. "

After hearing Ye Li's words, Li Xifeng and the others finally nodded and smiled.

After that, everyone chatted for a while and then prepared to go to rest.

When Li Xifeng was about to pay the bill, he remembered that all of their Qiankun bags had been taken away by the bandits when they were locked up.

With an embarrassed look on his face, Ye Li quickly paid the money first, and then said to Cha An: "Cha An, are Uncle Li and his Qiankun bags still in your village?"

Cha An was in charge of the daily chores in the village, and he nodded immediately and said, "Their Qiankun bags are all in the warehouse, and the money and belongings inside are also in there, and I put them in there myself.

The items in each Qiankun bag are also recorded. They were originally for the common use of the village, but they are no longer needed. When we return, we will take out all the items and return them to everyone."

Hearing his words, everyone nodded happily. After all, there were quite a few spiritual stones and other sundries in it, many of which were useful personal belongings. It would be best for everyone to be able to take them back.

At this time, Hongdou, who had been sleeping nearby, suddenly woke up, rubbed her eyes and started calling "Grandpa". Only then did everyone remember that Lin Shiyu was not here yet.

"Oh, I forgot about Uncle Lin. He must still be guarding that guy at the foot of Zimu Peak. I'll go get him right away."

Ye Li had been wondering if he had forgotten something since a while ago, until now he suddenly remembered that he had hurried to Mangxiong Village to rescue people, and asked Lin Shiyu to keep an eye on Hu Qingshan. Hu Qingshan's hands and feet joints were dislocated, so Lin Shiyu probably couldn't take him away, so he must still be at the foot of Zimu Peak now.

After explaining Lin Shiyu's affairs to Li Xifeng and the others, Ye Li said, "Uncle Li, I'm going to Zimu Peak to look for Uncle Lin. You can stay here and talk to Cha An to arrange the next things. When I bring Uncle Lin back, you can be reunited."

Afterwards, Ye Li rode a horse and led another horse out of the inn and headed towards Zimu Peak.

When he arrived, he found that Lin Shiyu was still at the place where they had separated before, and Hu Qingshan was also lying beside him. Both of them looked a little depressed.

After all, it was cold outside the mountain, and the two of them almost stayed awake all night. Especially Lin Shiyu was injured, and he was worried about the safety of his granddaughter and friends, so he looked extremely haggard.

"Uncle Lin, come back with me quickly. I have rescued all the people and I have also dealt with the three leaders of Mangxiong Village. You should not be in danger anymore."

After Ye Li arrived at full speed, he looked at the listless Lin Shiyu and quickly called out.

Hearing Ye Li's words suddenly, Lin Shiyu didn't know where he got the strength from, he jumped up from the ground, rushed to Ye Li in a few steps, grabbed his arm, and said: "Brother Ye, are you telling the truth? Did you rescue Hongdou and Xifeng

You have also dealt with the three leaders of Mangxiong Village. This is really incredible!"

Ye Li nodded and told Lin Shiyu roughly what had happened before.

Lin Shiyu was so excited that his mouth was a little unsteady.

“Okay, okay, that’s really great.

I feel relieved as long as everyone can return safely.

Brother Ye, come on, let's go back to the city, I really miss Hongdou."

Ye Li nodded, then looked at Hu Qingshan on the ground.

"Young man, you are back. I hope you can rescue the people successfully. I didn't lie to you before.

Could you please let me go? I won't dare to be a bandit anymore."

Hu Qingshan forced a smile and said to Ye Li.

Ye Li walked to his side, lifted him up from the ground, and said, "You did not lie to me before, and according to the agreement, I can let you go.

But I also give you a choice here. Your entire village has surrendered and is now preparing to become the guard team of the Traveling Merchants Association. If you are willing, you can join them.

If you don't want to, I'll let you go now, and you can leave on your own."