Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 202: Register to participate


Although Ye Li was somewhat surprised at the other party's identity, his expression did not change, and he said coldly: "I believe that the four elders of the Mo family are like gods, and they led the family to rise rapidly, and they definitely did not rely on your arrogance.

Didn't your family teach you when you were a child that you should be modest and prudent? There are many capable people in this world, so why act so arrogant? "

Hearing Ye Li's counterattack, the middle-aged man seemed to be furious, the flesh on his face squeezed tighter, and said: "Stinky boy, when is it your turn to teach me a lesson

I have reasons to look down on you. You look so young, how deep can your mastery of spells be? It would be easier to say that you are from a family of forgers, but do you dare to introduce yourself and tell me where you are from?"

Ye Li was unwilling to reveal his origins. After all, the Ye family was far inferior to the Mo family in strength, and there was no need for him to make his family a target.

"Where I come from has nothing to do with you. Just because I'm young, does that mean I don't understand spells? You're being too absolute.

I don't want to continue talking to you. I came here to sign up for the competition, not to argue with you. If you have any doubts about my ability, you can see for yourself on the field."

Ye Li really felt that it was meaningless to continue arguing with this person. Strength is not something that can be boasted about. Moreover, the other party was obviously prejudiced against him. No matter how much he explained, it would be useless.

He has seen too many things like this since he was a child. In the past, Ye Tianyi would often use this biased cognition to attack him, and his explanations were often in vain.

Instead of continuing to argue, it is better to prove it with facts, just like when he personally defeated Ye Tianyi in the competition, Ye Tianyi has never called him a waste again since then.

Seeing that Ye Li was unwilling to introduce himself, the fat man from the Mo family seemed to feel that he had won, and said with a smug look, "Hehe, you don't dare to introduce yourself because I'm right.

You are definitely not from a family of weaponsmiths, and I am not wrong when I say that you don't know much about talismans.

Young man, I advise you not to participate in the competition. The A-B Linglong Pill is not something that someone like you can dream of. Why would you want to humiliate yourself in the competition?"

Ye Li was in no mood to continue talking to the other party at this time. He snorted coldly and said, "My participation in the competition is my business. Even if I lose, it has nothing to do with you. There is no need to say anything more."

After finishing speaking, Ye Li no longer paid attention to the other party and looked aside. Seeing that Ye Li had no intention of continuing to speak, the fat man raised his head with squinted eyes and looked like a victorious rooster.

In his opinion, Ye Li was clearly speechless after hearing what he said.

After muttering a few more words, the fat man ignored Ye Li. He didn't really want to persuade Ye Li about anything. People like him just wanted the pleasure of defeating others, no matter in which aspect, including bickering.

The person in charge of registration was not slow and the line moved very quickly. Ye Li didn't have to wait long before it was his turn.

The person who registered him was an old man in his sixties. After seeing how young Ye Li was, he showed a slight surprise on his face.

However, he did not make any comments on this. He just smiled at Ye Li and said, "Young man, please tell us your name and cultivation level. We will register you. On the day of the competition, you can come and get your number plate."

Ye Li nodded and said: "Old man, my name is Ye Li, Ye as in leaf, Li as in parting, my strength is at the early stage of the Spiritual Sea Stage."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people around him all gasped, and the other registered contestants standing behind him showed expressions of disbelief on their faces.

They recalled the conversation between Ye Li and the fat man from the Mo family just now. Originally, they had similar ideas to the fat man from the Mo family. They all thought that Ye Li came here to sign up for the competition because of greed and obsession with the Jiayi Linglong Pill, and the result would most likely be self-humiliation.

But now it seems that a talisman master who can cultivate to the Linghai stage at such a young age is almost always an elite from a large family. It is impossible for him to be blinded by desire for a Jiayi Linglong Pill. It is obvious that he must have something to rely on when he comes to participate in the competition.

The people in the Foundry Hall were also a little surprised, but their expression was not obvious.

Although they are not considered a noble family, in terms of strength and influence, they can reach the level of a third-grade noble family. Therefore, they have a lot of experience and are more or less immune to elite talents like Ye Li, so they are not as shocked as those who followed.

However, the attitude of the old man in charge of registration did change significantly when he spoke.

"Mr. Ye seems to be of considerable importance, I am sorry to be disrespectful.

However, this time the Wai Fu Contest is hosted by Master himself, so it is very fair. No matter where the contestants come from, they will not receive any special treatment. Please don't mind, young master."

As a master-level weaponsmith, Ou Qianxie holds a very high status. Although his weaponsmith hall is only of the third rank, he will be treated with the highest level of courtesy even if he were to go to a first-rank family.

The competition hosted by him personally was indeed very fair, and no one could use their status to suppress him.

Ye Li knew that the other party had misunderstood his identity, so he did not try to explain anything. He just nodded and said, "Old man, you are worrying too much. I will strictly abide by the rules set by Master Ou Qianxie."

The old man nodded in satisfaction and said, "I have registered you. The competition will start on time at noon three days later at the Fanlu Hall in the city. Please be there on time."

After Ye Li clasped his fists and thanked the other party, he turned and left the registration point.

Compared with Shanhai County, Fulong County is obviously not as remote. There are not only many shops here, but also many people setting up stalls outside to sell snacks. Ye Li wandered around with great interest.

While walking in the city, Ye Li imagined what it was like when his parents were walking together here more than 20 years ago. He wondered if the Golden Dragon City looked like it does now.

With this extremely strange mood, Ye Li wandered around the city until night before returning to the inn to rest. He tried all the special snacks in the city that day.

The next morning, Ye Li left the inn. He asked the waiter about the special attractions nearby and planned to go sightseeing while he had nothing to do.

This is also a habit he has developed in the past six months. Whenever he goes to a place, he will go to see the surrounding mountains and rivers.

At first, Ye Li just wanted to relax his tense nerves. However, when he often traveled among the beautiful mountains and rivers, he would occasionally have some very strange insights.

Just like when he was practicing with Ye Wuming before, he suddenly saw a scene that seemed like the origin of heaven and earth while taking a bath in the stream.

This occasional feeling can slowly improve Ye Li's understanding of the talisman and the source of power.