Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 205: Grab the baggage


Ye Li was still standing on the top of the bamboo, looking at the direction where the girl in white left. In his opinion, the girl seemed to be extremely extraordinary, because he had just felt it. The thing that made so many people around them fall into illusion was not a soul attack at all, but pure music.

The young girl's attainments in playing the guqin were extremely high. Just by changing the seven notes, she could allow everyone to see a series of pictures. In Ye Li's opinion, this level was extremely high.

After looking at the direction the girl in white left for a while, the noise around them became louder and louder, and some people even started pushing each other because of their different opinions about the girl in white.

Listening to these guys talking and arguing, Ye Li felt bored.

Although he didn't know who the girl was, it was a great gain for Ye Li to be able to listen to such a moving piano piece in this beautiful place.

Looking at the noisy environment around him, Ye Li didn't want to stay here any longer. He moved his body and turned into a breeze, passing through the bamboo forest and heading towards Golden Dragon City.

The next evening, Ye Li came to Yingyuetan Lake again, and the bamboo forest was still crowded with people.

However, everyone waited until the moon was halfway up the sky, but the girl in white did not appear again.

I heard from others that the girl in white came for five nights in a row. Everyone thought she would come again, but she disappeared completely today.

Looking at the disappointed looks on everyone's faces, Ye Li himself was also a little disappointed, but he didn't think much about it. He turned around and quickly left Yingyuetan and returned to Jinlong City.

The Golden Dragon City after nightfall is completely different from that during the day. The originally crowded and noisy downtown is now so quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

Only occasionally can you see one person hurriedly passing by on the street, and it is obvious that he is also in a hurry to go home.

Ye Li was walking towards the inn where he lived. Just as he turned an intersection, he suddenly heard a scream and a cry for help coming from an alley not far away.

After a moment of shock, Ye Li moved his feet and went into the alley where someone was calling for help.

As soon as he entered the alley, he saw an old woman struggling with a sly-looking man deep in the alley. The old woman was pushed to the ground by the man, and the bag in her hand was snatched away.

"Someone's robbing me, come quickly, help me!"

The old woman sat on the ground and seemed unable to get up. She could only open her mouth and shout. However, this alley was located in a remote part of the city, and there were few people living around it. There were only a few shops. It was already night, and there was no one after the shops closed. Naturally, no one responded to the old woman's cry for help.

After snatching the old woman's bag, the man with a rat-like look quickly went deep into the alley, turned into a small path, and soon disappeared into the night.

Seeing all this, Ye Li couldn't just pretend he didn't see anything, so he quickly rushed to the old woman's side, squatted down and said, "Old woman, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

The old woman had a look of despair on her face, not caring about her own body, and cried, "My things were robbed, including the belongings left by my son and my husband. My husband passed away early, and my son is the only one left at home.

Unexpectedly, my son passed away last year. An old lonely woman like me earned some money working for others some time ago, and I was planning to return to the countryside to retire after a while, but I didn’t expect that I would be remembered by someone today.

How can I live like this? I might as well die."

Seeing the old woman crying sadly, Ye Li hurriedly said, "Old woman, do you know who stole your things? I will help you get him back."

Ye Li had already noticed that the person who had just robbed the old woman's things was just an ordinary person. If the old woman knew the other person's situation, he might be able to help the old woman chase him. After all, his speed was much faster than that of an ordinary person.

When the old woman heard what Ye Li said, her face lit up, but then she shook her head and refused: "Young man, you are kind-hearted. I know who they are, but they have a lot of people, and there are also many martial arts masters. If you really go there, it will definitely be dangerous."

When Ye Li heard the old woman's words, he quickly smiled and said, "Old lady, don't worry. I am a spiritual talisman master. If the other party is just a petty thief or a martial talisman master, I think I will not be in any danger."

After hearing Ye Li's words, the old woman struggled for a while before she said, "Young man, if you were a talisman master, you might not have to be afraid of them.

The man who robbed my bag was called Shu Lao Si, and he was a member of the Gold and Silver Gang, a small gang made up of ruffians. Their lair was on Shu Lao Ridge outside the city, but I didn't know exactly how many people there were.

You may not be able to catch up with them now, because they know the city's topography very well, and you won't be able to find them if you go through the doors and houses."

Ye Li nodded and said, "It's okay, I can go to their lair and wait for that Rat Fourth. He will take back the things he stole.

Old lady, where exactly is the Mouse Ridge you just mentioned?"

The old woman said, “Mouse Ridge is in the northern suburbs of the city, not too far away.

If you walk out of the city gate and along the main road, you will soon see a small hill shaped like a mouse's head. That is Mouse Ridge.

The members of the Gold and Silver Gang live in an abandoned village next to it, but there should be quite a few of them. Do you really want to go, young man?"

Ye Li nodded and said, "Don't worry, old lady. I am aware of my own strength. This kind of gang in the city should not be dangerous to me."

There are actually quite a few gangs like this that specialize in illegal transactions in Dahuang City. Ye Li has naturally known about this since he was a child.

These people usually rob and steal from ordinary people, especially outsiders. If the city guards see them, they will definitely stop them. However, it is impossible for the guards to kill them. At most, they will teach them a lesson. After a while, they will return to the city to continue doing these no-cost businesses.

Seeing the old woman crying pitifully, he felt pity for her. Besides, this kind of gang was indeed not dangerous, so he decided to help the old woman get the bag back.

After asking for directions, Ye Li helped the old woman to sit on the steps next to her, and then said, "Old lady, I think it won't take me long to go back and forth, and maybe I can run into that Rat Fourth on the way.

Please wait here for a while, I will be back soon."

Hearing Ye Li's words, the old woman said gratefully: "Thank you so much, young man, but you must be careful."

After Ye Li smiled and nodded, he turned into a gust of breeze and ran towards the north gate of the city.

When the old woman saw Ye Li's terrifying speed, her face was shocked, but she also showed a hint of worry.