Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 237: Famous teacher


The talisman ink prepared in the stone chamber is the same as that used in the competition. It is ink that can be used to draw various attributes. Unlike the talisman ink prepared by Ye Li in the past, which can only be used to draw fire talismans.

Of course, the value of this kind of talisman ink is far higher than the one he used before, and he couldn't afford it with his savings in Dahuang City.

Spreading the talisman flags on the table, Ye Li held the talisman brush dipped in talisman ink and quickly drew a nine-character symbol on each of the three flags.

The moment the nine-character runes on the three flags took shape, they gathered in the air to form a complete talisman, and then split into three again, turning into three balls of spiritual light and drilling back into the three flags.

It was not until this moment that Ye Li's three flags were completely completed.

Ou Qianxie watched Ye Li draw the talisman the whole time, so he naturally knew what kind of talisman he was drawing. The only thing he didn't expect was that the quality of the talisman drawn by Ye Li was even higher than he imagined.

He originally thought that Ye Li had a pretty good grasp of the origin of the Fire Rune, and had made some progress, and the talismans he drew were almost at the Xuan level. What he didn't expect was that the talismans drawn by Ye Li with the talisman pen had actually reached the Tian level.

"Ye Li, you can actually draw a nine-character three-character Shimmering Bone Flame Mist to a heavenly level, this is really amazing.

Are you really only eighteen years old? You're not just looking younger as that kid from the Mo family said.

Drawing spells to the heavenly level is not an easy task even for a genius. It takes time to achieve. At your age, have you been practicing since you were in your mother's womb?"

Ou Qianxie looked at Ye Li with surprise in his eyes. He now felt more and more that his new disciple could no longer be described as a genius, but was simply a wiz.

Ye Li scratched his head embarrassedly. The fundamental reason why he was able to draw talismans to the heavenly level was actually because of the help of his natal talisman.

However, he couldn't tell anyone else about this, so he could only respond to his master with a silly smile.

Shaking his head, Ou Qianxie patted Ye Li on the shoulder and said, "Ye Li, you have completely mastered the craft of making talisman flags. What you lack now is proficiency. You just need to practice more in the future."

Hearing Ou Qianxie's words, Ye Li smiled and nodded.

After thinking for a while, Ye Li said, "Master, I have been here for almost a month. I think I have to leave for a while. When I left home to venture out, I haven't completed the things I planned to do yet."

It is now the end of March and April is coming soon. The ruins outside Jinlong City will be opened soon. Ye Li must find the entrance to the ruins in the last two days of March.

Ou Qianxie originally wanted to teach Ye Li how to make talisman weapons starting tomorrow, but when he heard that Ye Li wanted to leave, he was stunned.

However, he had agreed with Ye Li from the beginning that Ye Li could leave here at any time and he would not restrict Ye Li's freedom. Ye Li only needed to come back once every six months or so.

After a slight hesitation, Ou Qianxie nodded and said, "Okay, are you planning to leave right away?"

Ou Qianxie was a very straightforward person. He did not ask Ye Li where he was going or what he was going to do. He only asked when he would leave.

Ye Li thought for a moment and said, "Master, I want to leave tomorrow, but I should be back in a month at most. Then I can continue to learn weapon casting from you."

When Ou Qianxie heard that Ye Li would be back in just one month, he immediately smiled and nodded, saying, "That's good, after all, you don't have the foundation for casting, so you still need some time to learn.

Once you have mastered the basics, all that remains is to accumulate practical experience, and then you won’t need to stay with me all the time.”

In fact, after a month of living together, Ye Li didn't feel disgusted by this place at all.

Ou Qianxie is a very good person in both character and temper. He is also very sincere to Ye Li and shows great patience when teaching him how to cast weapons.

In general, in Ye Li's opinion, Ou Qianxie exudes the demeanor of a master, which makes people respect him.

Ever since his father Ye Hao passed away, he has been alone almost all year round, and few people come to teach him or care about him.

Now he suddenly has a master who can give him guidance and care in casting, cultivation and even life, which really makes Ye Li feel warm and trusted in his heart.

"Master, thank you for your teachings over the past month. I have benefited a lot both in casting and cultivation.

After I finish my own business, I will come back and listen to your teachings. "

As Ye Li spoke, his expression was very respectful and he bowed deeply to Ou Qianxie.

Ou Qianxie looked at Ye Li's serious expression, and suddenly laughed. He stretched out his hand to grab Ye Li's shoulder and pulled him up from the state of greeting. "Ye Li, I am your master, why are you being so polite to me

As the saying goes, once a teacher, always a father. This not only tells the apprentice how to treat the master, but also tells the master how to treat the apprentice.

I have accepted four disciples in my life. Although there is a big age difference between you, I treat you all equally. I regard you all as my own children.

The four of you must also remember to live in harmony, unite as one, and never have any thoughts of intrigue.

You are my youngest disciple and also the one with the best talent. Considering your current age, it is not suitable for you to stay by my side every day to study the art of casting like your senior brothers.

At your age and level, you should spend more time out there exploring. This is the best way to broaden your horizons and improve your strength.

Of course, when you go out to explore the world, you must pay attention to safety. If you accidentally provoke an overwhelmingly powerful enemy, come to your master or your senior brother. We will be your backing.

However, remember not to have any evil thoughts. If I find out, I will personally expel you from the sect."

As he spoke, Ou Qianxie's eyes became stern.

Ye Li nodded heavily and said, "Master, I remember it."

"Okay, that's good. Let's go back together now. I'll ask your second brother to prepare some delicious food for us to have a couple of drinks together.

Don't forget to take your flag with you. After all, this is your first forging, so it has some commemorative significance."

After saying that, Ou Qianxie patted Ye Li on the shoulder, turned around and walked out of the stone chamber.

Looking at Ou Qianxie's tall and burly back like a mountain, Ye Li felt so at ease for the first time.

Looking back, he felt that he was extremely lucky. If Tunri had not asked him to become his disciple, he would have almost missed out on such a famous teacher.