Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 238: Outside the 103rd ruins


The next morning, after saying goodbye to his master and fellow brothers, Ye Li left the Foundry Hall and strode towards the misty valley outside Golden Dragon City.

According to the map, the ruins are located deep in the Misty Valley, which is shrouded in fog all year round.

These fogs not only block the view, but also have the miraculous effect of preventing the penetration of spiritual power.

As for why there is such a strange phenomenon here, no one can explain it clearly. Many experts have explored it over the past thousands of years, but they have not been able to give an answer.

The ruins are located deep in the Misty Valley, but not in the very center, but slightly east of the center.

Following the guidance of the map, Ye Li soon arrived at the outskirts of the Misty Valley.

Looking at the valley jungle shrouded in mist in front of him, Ye Li couldn't help but want to use his spiritual power to explore the interior. However, after trying it, he found that his spiritual power was unable to penetrate the obstruction of the fog.

There was no other way. Ye Li could only walk into the valley according to the markings on the map. He didn't dare to explore other places. After all, he was unfamiliar with the place and if he went astray, he might get lost in the valley.

You should know that although the Misty Valley is called a valley, in fact the valley part is only the small section that people enter.

Because people can only see that there is a valley at the entrance, and not many people are willing to actually go in and explore the internal terrain, this place is simply called the Misty Valley.

In fact, the valley extends very far, covering the entire surrounding mountain jungle. It would be completely fine if it was called the Misty Mountains.

When Ye Li entered the fog, his visibility suddenly shrank to less than 20 meters. He could basically only see the environment within a small area around him.

Although it was a bright sunny day outside the valley, once you entered the valley, the sunlight above your head was almost completely blocked, making it look like a cloudy day.

The entire valley is filled with plants that like shade and hate sunlight and prefer humidity. Walking among them, Ye Li only feels waves of damp and cold air.

Fortunately, the cartographer of the map was very attentive and recorded some easily noticeable terrain markings so that those entering would not lose their way due to the fog.

Ye Li followed the map's instructions, crossed two streams, climbed over three hills, and finally came to a long and narrow valley. This was the last section of the journey recorded on the map. The entrance to the ruins was at the bottom of the valley. It was already dusk outside. In order to distinguish the road, Ye Li did not dare to walk too fast. Otherwise, with his speed, he would not know how far he could walk in half a day.

Because this place is also shrouded in fog, the sky outside at dusk looks like the time after the sun sets and before the night falls, when only a little light is left.

Ye Li had no choice but to take out a crystal lamp and use the light to continue on his way.

This long and narrow valley was deeper than Ye Li had imagined. He walked in it for more than an hour before he finally saw the last signpost - two stone giant statues standing on both sides of the valley, as tall as the mountain wall.

The mountain walls on both sides are about forty meters high. The two giant statues are built directly with the rocks on the mountain walls. Their feet are at the bottom of the valley, and their heads are level with the top of the mountain walls.

The reason why he could see the two giant statues clearly here was that for some unknown reason, there was no fog in the space at the bottom of the valley starting from the giant statues.

The space without fog is only limited to the valley. Even the area above the mountain wall is completely covered in fog. After nightfall, it looks like a thick black cloth is covering the outside of the valley.

With the help of the light from the crystal lamp, Ye Li began to look at the huge statues on both sides of the valley.

The two figures looked like two guards, fully armored and holding long staffs with snake heads carved out of huge stone pillars. They did not look like spiritual talisman masters, but rather like two martial talisman masters.

After observing for a while, Ye Li was only shocked by the majesty of the two stone statues. There was nothing else that deserved his special attention.

After passing the two stone statues, Ye Li seemed to have entered another space. The fog that had followed him all the way completely disappeared from his side here.

Turning his head to take a look, he saw that the other side of the stone statue was indeed filled with thick fog, but there seemed to be an invisible wall of air between the stone statues, completely blocking the fog outside.

After entering here, Ye Li felt a sudden sense of relief. Although he had amazing physical strength, he had to trek for a whole day and concentrate on the route, which was quite exhausting for him.

What's more, the road was surrounded by moist mist. His clothes had already been soaked through with water vapor, and his face and head were covered with water droplets.

Although he was not afraid of the cold, the feeling of clothes sticking to his skin was really uncomfortable.

After walking forward about fifty meters, Ye Li finally arrived at the bottom of the valley. A huge stone gate almost as high as the mountain wall appeared in front of him.

Ye Li walked to the stone gate, raised the crystal lamp, and shone it towards the stone gate. Now he could clearly see the patterns carved on it.

The patterns carved on the stone gate are very complex, including the sun and the moon, trees, flowers, flowing water, flames, rocks, and gold and iron weapons.

Ye Li understood it at a glance. The pattern on it clearly represents the power of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

Apart from these reliefs, there is nothing else on the stone gate. There are no protruding mechanisms beside the door, and there is not even a single hole around the gate. The entire stone gate seems to be growing on the mountain wall.

According to the records on the map, this is the entrance to the ruins, but it is not yet April, so the gate is still closed and cannot be opened.

There is also a note on the map, which roughly says that the stone gate is indestructible and any talisman attack will be absorbed by it and bounced back, so explorers should not try it lightly.

After observing the stone gate for a while, Ye Li didn't find anything special about it, so he found a sheltered place under the cliff nearby and rested down. It was still a whole day before April.

Ye Li took out the wood and other things that he had prepared long ago from his Qiankun bag, and directly lit a bonfire under the cliff.

After practicing the Nine-Character Six-Character Spell alone for a while and still failing to reach the Heavenly Level, Ye Li lay down in his clothes beside the campfire and fell into a dream.

The next day, Ye Li stayed in the valley for the entire day practicing the talisman. Finally, before nightfall, he practiced the nine-character six-character talisman to the heavenly level. The fire character next to his natal talisman finally had another stroke added to it. Now the fifth talisman also had the first stroke.