Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 251: Nine whirlpools


At this time, the Water Shadow Pig Dragon was pushed into the air by the impact of the Earth Fire Dragon Rising. The flames burned on its body, emitting bursts of white mist.

Ye Li did not stop the movement of his hands, and a little blue flame appeared at the tip of his right index finger.

Without waiting for the Water Shadow Pig Dragon to fall into the water, he had already pointed his finger out, and a blue flame instantly cut through the space and appeared on the forehead of the Water Shadow Pig Dragon.

As Tunri said, the defensive ability of the Water Shadow Pig Dragon's body was not strong. Although it was covered in armor, it could not withstand Ye Li's attack at all. It was like a piece of thin paper that was easily pierced by the Extreme Flame Finger.

Just as a big hole appeared on the forehead of the Water Shadow Pig Dragon, the moment it died, it turned into a ball of water spirit and disappeared in mid-air, and all the pools of water in the entire cave returned to silence.

This water shadow pig dragon is not a real physical monster, but a monster condensed from the water-based spiritual energy of this trial field.

"Ye Li, it seems that your battle intuition is really good. You can find a way to defeat the Water Shadow Pig Dragon in such a short time."

Tunri sat next to Ye Li's natal talisman and spoke, his eyes full of praise.

Ye Li was covered in wounds at this time. He took out medicine to heal his wounds and said, "It is thanks to you, Senior Tunri, that I can understand this monster. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to find out how it hides itself.

If I don't understand this monster first, then I won't be able to defeat it."

Tunri nodded, his expression of serious appreciation even stronger, and said: "Not arrogant after winning, that's good.

With your qualifications and character, if you were in the Jinshan Sect in the past, you would have barely been qualified to be the successor to the headmaster."

Tunri has been following Ye Li for quite some time. Although it spends most of its time comprehending its natal talisman, it would occasionally pay attention to Ye Li. It was not until this moment that it truly affirmed Ye Li's abilities.

Hearing Tunri's praise, Ye Li also smiled.

After taking the pill, the bleeding on his wounds stopped, and with the help of the medicine, a scab quickly formed on them.

Looking at the clothes on his body, which were torn everywhere, Ye Li thought about it and decided not to change into new ones. There would be battles to come anyway, so he could wear this one for a while.

After a short rest, Ye Li started on his way again. This time he did not encounter any attacks.

However, there was one thing that made him difficult to calm down, and that was the sound of fighting behind him, which became clearer and clearer, indicating that the person behind him had also passed the previous test and was approaching him.

Ye Li was actually very curious and wanted to know who was following him, but his reason told him that the right choice was to speed up and leave.

After passing countless small pools of water along the way, Ye Li came to the end of the cave along the narrow path in the water, where there was a huge pool of water.

There is a small dark hole on the wall opposite the big pool of water. According to the map, that is the exit of the cave.

Looking at the pool of water, Ye Li knew that the next step would be the test of the water trial ground.

Without any hesitation, he stepped into the pool of water in front of him. The narrow path was now hidden under the water, so he had to wade through it.

After going through the previous two tests, his character had become more resilient, and he had no worries about the third test.

Just after he stepped into the pool, the water level suddenly began to rise.

Ye Li noticed that there were many small openings on the surrounding mountain walls, and at this time a large amount of water was rushing into the pool.

In the space behind him, a transparent shield rose up out of thin air and covered the outlet of the pool. Except for some extremely thin streams that could still flow out, all the water in the pool was blocked by the shield.

The pool of water and the entire cave hall above it seemed like a huge jar, and the water level inside had risen to Ye Li's knees.

Seeing the changes around him, Ye Li hurriedly stopped and stood at the entrance of the pool, observing quietly.

As he watched, he asked Tunri, "Senior Tunri, this should be the final test in the water trial area, right? What is this test about?"

Tunri scratched his chin lightly with his claws, revealing a human-like expression of rolling his eyes, and said: "In order to ensure the effect of the test on you, I decided not to tell you yet.

You should experience it yourself first. If I told you the method to pass it at the beginning, it would be difficult for you to gain any understanding from the test."

Hearing Tunri's words, Ye Li was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He believed that Tunri could not harm him, so he stood calmly in the water, waiting for the water to rise.

The water in the pool rose very quickly. In just a short while, the water level had risen to Ye Li's chest.

The water flow also began to become no longer calm. Ye Li could see nine white dragons suddenly appearing in the water in the center of the pool not far away.

The nine little dragons did not seem to be physical entities, but rather something created by the spiritual energy of water. At this moment, they were slightly submerged in the water, and were slowly rotating with their head and tail connected.

The nine little dragons spun faster and faster, and soon nine huge white whirlpools appeared in the middle area of the pool.

The huge waves caused by the whirlpool swept across the surrounding area from the center of the pool. Ye Li, who was standing on the edge of the pool, was also affected and was hit directly on the shield behind him.

No matter how strong a person is, it is difficult to stand firmly in the water. After all, the buoyancy of the water flow can make a person's feet float and unable to take root on the ground.

The holes around the pool were still filling with water, and the water was about to cover Ye Li's head. He had no choice but to float up along with the water level.

After losing the support of the ground, Ye Li suddenly felt as if he had become a duckweed in the wind, powerless to resist in the waves.

All of a sudden, at a certain moment, all nine white dragons in the pool rushed out of the pool, floated above the pool, and then continued to rotate head to tail.

The nine dragons formed nine continuously rotating circles in the air, and in the pool below them, the corresponding nine whirlpools were getting faster and faster, gradually beginning to suck the surrounding water over.

Nine huge water whirlpools were spinning wildly in the pool, each rotating in a different direction. The water was colliding wildly in different directions between the whirlpools, making a continuous roar.

Faced with such a huge test, Ye Li's expression became more and more serious. If he wanted to continue forward and reach the exit on the opposite side, he had to pass through these nine whirlpools first.