Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 255: Wood monster


Looking at the dense forest in front of him, Ye Li felt a lot more relaxed. After all, he was of the Fire Element, and fire overcomes wood. This should be the most advantageous area for him.

After standing there for a while, Ye Li began to walk towards the dense forest. It was a comfortable thing to be able to leave the depressing and dull underground world.

If Ye Li hadn't known that there was definitely danger waiting in the forest and someone was following closely behind him, he would have planned to rest in the jungle for a while.

While walking in the woods, Ye Li looked around vigilantly.

The jungle was very quiet. The sunlight shone through the dense leaves from above, casting a mottled shadow on the ground.

As Ye Li walked, he used his spiritual power to quickly explore the area within two hundred meters around him, but found nothing special.

He no longer kept his spiritual power released outwards. After all, after the previous rounds of battles and tests, his spiritual power had not fully recovered even with the help of elixirs.

He had originally planned to rest for a while after coming out, and continue exploring the ruins after he recovered to his best condition. However, now he had to move on because of the four people following him.

Walking in the jungle, based on his previous experience in the Rune Secret Land of Shanhai County, Ye Li focused his attention mainly on some vines and thorns, because he had been attacked many times.

But now it seems that this forest is much "cleaner" than he had imagined. Not only are the trees tall and straight, but there are no vines or thorns.

Ye Li couldn't help but feel confused, because he really couldn't guess how this wood trial ground would "welcome" him.

Ye Li walked in the forest for about half an hour. The position of the sun in the sky did not change at all. It seemed that it was indeed eternal daytime here.

Just when Ye Li's attention was a little distracted because there had been no changes for a long time, the "welcome ceremony" of the Wood Element Trial Site arrived.

He had just passed a big tree when he suddenly felt something tripping him.

Ye Li thought that he tripped over the tree roots because he was tired from not resting for a long time, so he didn't take it too seriously. After a stumble, he planned to continue walking forward.

However, before he could react, he felt a strong force pinching his right leg, and then he was lifted up and thrown to the side.

Ye Li was shocked and quickly cast a Lingzhong Talisman that he had not used for a long time on himself, and then smashed it heavily to the ground.

The Lingzhong Fu was completely smashed in an instant, which was enough to show how great the force that hit him was.

Fortunately, when the Spirit Bell Talisman was broken, it produced a strong airflow that dissipated most of the impact force on Ye Li. In addition, his skin was strong and his flesh was thick, so he did not suffer any injuries.

After quickly getting up from the ground, Ye Li hurriedly looked in the direction he had just passed, only to see that the huge old tree he had passed by had suddenly come alive.

The thing that just grabbed Ye Li was the roots of the old tree. At this time, they were intertwined and entangled together, and had turned into a giant palm.

The old tree's originally straight body began to twist and deform, and the branches at the crown began to soften and twist, finally curling into two long legs.

The big tree was like a person standing upside down in the sand. Suddenly, it supported itself with both hands, pulled its head out of the sand, and then stood upright in front of Ye Li.

Looking at the huge 20-meter-tall tree man in front of him, Ye Li did not have too much worry on his face. After all, no matter how big a tree man is, he is still a tree man, and his fire is definitely the opponent's nemesis.

Without any hesitation, Ye Li immediately began to draw the talisman.

Although the tree man's huge body brought great power, in Ye Li's view, the opponent was just a target.

As he waved his hand, six fireballs flew towards the giant tree man. Before the other party could block his fireballs, a giant green dragon appeared under the giant's feet.


A series of roars occurred in the forest. Only ten breaths had passed since the giant tree man appeared, and its body began to burn violently. Countless burnt branches and roots were scattered everywhere.

The tree man roared in the flames, and the sound swept across the entire forest.

Ye Li suddenly felt a violent vibration under his feet. The originally silent jungle around him suddenly began to change, and all the big trees came alive.

Within a few breaths, more than a dozen huge tree men appeared around Ye Li, and the burning tree man before, together with the surrounding tree men, released a strong wood-type spiritual energy, quickly dispelling the flames burning on their bodies.

Just when Ye Li was preparing to fight with the dozen or so tree people in front of him, these tree people unexpectedly began to gather together.

Their roots and branches began to entangle with each other, and their wooden bodies began to split and then combine with each other. In just a blink of an eye, a huge monster appeared in front of Ye Li.

The monster had an upper body and arms similar to those of a human, but its lower body was like that of a beast, with four huge claws.

Its entire body is composed of more than a dozen tree men that are nearly twenty meters tall, but the branches and vines are all tightly bound together, with almost no visible gaps. Therefore, its height is not much taller than before, but its physical strength is much stronger than before.

The monster's extremely heavy body could create a shock wave on the ground just by moving its feet slightly. If it weren't for Ye Li's powerful footsteps, which seemed to be rooted firmly to the ground, he might not even be able to stand steadily.

The monster lowered its head and looked at Ye Li, then waved its arms towards Ye Li. Wood-type spiritual energy surrounded its palms, and instantly rows of huge wooden arrows as thick as thighs condensed and shot towards Ye Li.

Looking at dozens of such huge wooden arrows, Ye Li didn't dare to take them head-on. With the activation of Feng Qing Huan, his body dodged to the side quickly like a gust of wind.

At the same time, groups of green flames gathered around him.

The huge wooden arrows that Ye Li dodged were nailed into the ground in a row. The moment they touched the ground, these wooden arrows split into thorn snakes and rolled towards Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't dare to hesitate. He dodged while releasing the Flame Armor Talisman and the Blazing Claw. These two talismans could provide him with minimum defense capabilities.

Then he waved his hand and a six-fire explosion talisman appeared, and six fireballs blasted towards the overwhelming thorns.

Six explosions sounded among the thorns a moment later. The flames that continued to burn after the explosion quickly burned the thorns formed by the wood element's spiritual energy into ashes.

However, before Ye Li could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge roar of air came from above his head, and a shadow had already covered his head.