Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 268: Unavoidable cooperation


When they suddenly saw the overwhelming Soul-Splitting Monsters, the five people were extremely shocked. How could so many Soul-Splitting Monsters appear at once

"Feng Changming, what kind of monster is this? Does your map say it? Why are there so many of them?"

While casting a defensive spell on himself, Ram Detroit shouted to Feng Changming.

Feng Changming was also shocked at this time, frowning as he looked at the pool full of soul-hunting monsters, and said, "I don't know, the map doesn't describe in detail what we will encounter.

My aunt didn't mention it much at the time. She just said that the tests in the ruins would not be difficult for me.

Oh, by the way, she did mention the Fire Trial Land specifically. She said that for some reason, there was no danger in the Fire Trial Land except for the last test. Even the last test was very weak, and she passed it with almost no effort. "

Ye Li also heard Feng Changming's words. Although these words were not spoken to him personally by his mother, he knew that these words came from his mother's mouth, and a sense of intimacy always surged in his heart.

However, after the intimacy, his heart was full of doubts, because what they saw now was completely opposite to the scene his mother described.

"Damn it, are you sure your aunt didn't deliberately trick you into coming here to die?"

The Detroit Rams asked angrily.

Feng Changming had already thrown a large fire bomb into the Soul-Splitting Monster. When he heard what Gong Yang Telu said, he immediately shouted angrily, "What are you talking about? How could my aunt deliberately trick me into coming here to die

In the family, besides my mother, my aunt loves me the most. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Hearing Feng Changming's roar, Gong Yang De De snorted coldly and did not respond, because he also knew that what he had just said was nonsense, and continuing to argue with Feng Changming would not help the situation at all.

The four of them formed an offensive and defensive coordination at the first moment. Suzy and the girl in white were still responsible for defense, while Feng Changming and Gong Yangte were responsible for offense.

The situation on Ye Li's side was not so good. He was alone and the pressure he had to bear was far greater than that of Feng Changming and others.

Fortunately, he had accumulated a lot of experience in fighting against the Soul-Splitting Demon before, and he immediately covered the area within five meters around him with the Bone-Sparkling Flame Mist.

After they could no longer see Ye Li, most of the Soul-Splitting Demons selectively attacked Feng Changming and the other three whom they could see. Only a small number of them began to try to dive into the flame mist in an attempt to attack Ye Li inside.

However, any Soul-Splitting Monster that put its head into the flame mist would twitch violently and then its body would roll over and become motionless.

There was no sound of talismans exploding in the flame fog, and there was not even much fluctuation of fire spiritual energy, but the soul-splitting monsters that rushed in fell one after another.

When the corpses of the Soul-Splitting Monsters piled up in one place, Ye Li began to move the Bone-Splitting Flame Mist to other places. This group of mist seemed to have become a huge monster that was constantly devouring the Soul-Splitting Monsters.

The young Soul-Splitting Demons seemed to have noticed this situation quickly. They had no fear at all and instead chose to send more young to attack the fog where Ye Li was.

As more and more Soul-Splitting Monsters attacked him, his mist finally began to become thinner and thinner, and Ye Li's figure gradually revealed.

He was seen moving quickly and continuously, relying on the speed brought by the Wind Ring. Once a Soul-Splitting Demon stuck its head into the mist, he would go straight up to it and use the flaming claws extending from his arms to poke a small area behind the mouthparts of the Soul-Splitting Demon larva.

This area is the vital point of the young Soul-Splitting Demon. This is what Tunri told him. Ye Li finally discovered that if he wanted to attack this area, it would be easier to use close combat.

After he used the Bone-Sparkling Flame Mist to restrict the Soul-Splitting Demons' vision, they could no longer detect his location and could only stick their heads into the mist and feel around.

Ye Li, who could see the movements of the Soul-Splitting Demon clearly, had naturally been waiting in a position where it would be easy to launch a surprise attack.

As soon as the Soul-Splitting Monster enters the fog, he can launch an attack immediately, striking the vital points at the fastest speed and killing these monsters with one blow.

But now, as more and more Soul-Splitting Monsters attacked his mist, more than a dozen huge bodies kept stirring in his mist, and soon dispersed the mist.

Without the protection of the fog, Ye Li suddenly became a target and was immediately attacked by a large number of Soul-Splitting Monsters.

The pressure suddenly increased, and Ye Li's defense was finally broken. After being hit hard by a Soul-Splitting Demon, he flew out of the mist.

Thanks to the Flame Armor Talisman on his body, he was protected from serious injuries and only suffered minor injuries from the impact.

At this time, Feng Changming and the other three were in a slightly better situation. After Ye Li attracted more Soul-Splitting Monsters over, their defense was completely stabilized.

Ye Li also noticed this. A thought flashed through his mind and he turned around and quickly moved towards the defensive circle of four people.

Soon, he changed his route to circle around the defensive formation of Feng Changming and the other three, using the opponent's formation to block some of the attacks of the Soul-Splitting Demon for himself.

After reducing the number of Soul-Splitting Monsters that rushed into the flame mist at the same time, his flame mist became thicker again. As he continued to move, it began to quickly devour and harvest the Soul-Splitting Monsters.

"Damn it, this bastard actually used us as a shield, I'm going to kill him!"

After seeing Ye Li's actions, Feng Changming suddenly became furious and raised his hand to attack Ye Li's flame mist.

Because of Ye Li, their formation was attacked by more Soul-Splitting Monsters. Rams Detroit had no time to attack anymore and could only be forced to defend.

If this continues, even Feng Changming will be forced into a defensive state.

Before Feng Changming could take action, a cold voice was heard.

"Stop, don't get in his way!"

The person who spoke was the girl in white.

Feng Changming was stunned when he heard the words of the girl in white.

The girl in white continued, “He seems to be very good at dealing with these monsters, and he kills them much faster than us.

If you attack him now and he dies, all the monsters will turn around and attack us, and we will be in danger then.

Although he has now brought most of the pressure to our side, he has at least taken on a small part of it. And with his killing speed, he should be able to kill all these monsters soon, and everyone's crisis will be resolved."

After hearing the words of the girl in white, everyone noticed that there were a large number of corpses of Soul-Splitting Demons scattered along the moving path of Ye Li's flame mist.

Feng Changming was stunned when he saw them. Although these Soul-Splitting Monsters were only at the early stage of the Spirit Sea Stage, even he could not deal with them so quickly.

For a moment, several people couldn't help but guess Ye Li's true strength, and Feng Changming's expression became a little uncertain.