Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 294: Desperate situation


After hearing Tunri's affirmative answer, Ye Li hurriedly took out a huge earthenware jar from his Qiankun bag.

There was still some clean water in the earthen jar, which was obviously used by Ye Li in daily life.

After pouring out the clean water, he put the earthen jar on the ground, then picked up the small tripod in front of him and prepared to pour the water into the jar.

The small tripod doesn't look very big, only slightly bigger than the head, so it shouldn't look too heavy.

Who knew that when he hugged it, he found that the weight of the small tripod was definitely much heavier than he expected.

The slurry inside is as heavy as iron and stone. From this point of view, the Casting Sky Spirit Berry is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Ye Li carefully poured the Zhu Tian Ling Jue from the small cauldron into the earthenware jar. After the gray, sticky and heavy slurry left the small cauldron, the weight of the small cauldron suddenly dropped by more than half.

Putting the small tripod back to a distance, Ye Li asked Tunri, "Senior Tunri, my parents took the Casting Heaven Spirit Juice once twenty years ago. I didn't expect that after twenty years, this tripod can still be filled.

Then in the previous thousand years, wouldn't the Sky-casting Spiritual Slurry flow everywhere and eventually seep into the ground? This is such a pity."

Tunri said: “How could it be so wasteful.

The speed at which the Sky-Casting Spiritual Fluid accumulates is indeed not slow. It should be no problem to fill the entire hall in a thousand years. However, it is obvious that this cauldron should be specially made. Once it is full, the Great Yin-Yang Sky-Casting Furnace will no longer seep out spiritual fluid.

Anyway, these spiritual fluids are refined by the yin and yang energy absorbed by the furnace from the outside world. When the spiritual fluid is not produced, the furnace will stop absorbing spiritual energy..."

Even as Tunri was speaking, the Great Yin-Yang Sky-Forging Furnace seemed to have sensed that the Sky-Forging Spiritual Paste had been taken away, and the Yin-Yang vortex on the gourd's belly began to spin faster.

Ye Li could vaguely feel that the surrounding spiritual energy was being rapidly devoured by the Great Yin-Yang Casting Sky Furnace. It seemed that his speculation about swallowing the sun was correct.

At this time, Feng Changming and the other three had already walked close to the portal, and they also saw the entrance to the hall next to it.

Feng Changming knew that Ye Li was inside. This hall was obviously where the Great Yin-Yang Heaven-Forging Furnace was located.

Looking at the entrance of the hall which was just around the corner, Feng Changming's emotions were rolling like huge waves, and the resentment and anger in his heart were accumulating more and more.

Stimulated by the murderous intent, he couldn't help it for a moment, and the spiritual energy in his body surged and flowed out from between his fingers.

He had experienced the same thing several times before in the medicine garden, but his spiritual energy was absorbed by the earth as soon as it left his body.

However, the situation this time was different from before. For the first time ever, his spiritual energy was not absorbed by the earth.

Feng Changming was stunned and couldn't help but turn his head to look around. He found that they seemed to have left the medicine garden at this time.

There is no longer any land for growing herbs around here, but instead it has been replaced by a brick floor paved with bluestone.

"I can activate my spiritual energy here. I can fight!"

Feng Changming shouted unconsciously, a flash of excitement in his eyes, and then immediately turned into a fierce look.

Without waiting for Suzy and the others to react, he broke free from Suzy's arm, gathered his spiritual energy and rushed towards the entrance of the hall.

While rushing forward, he had already taken out the Golden Phoenix Ball. The exquisite red little ball was now spinning around him.

Xiuzhi and the other two were stunned for a moment, then immediately realized what Feng Changming was going to do.

"Brother Feng, come back soon!"

After Suzy shouted, she hurriedly chased after Feng Changming, and Dongfang Caiyi and Gongyang Te De naturally followed closely behind.

However, at this time, Feng Changming's mind had already been completely occupied by murderous intent and hatred. All his rationality had disappeared, and apart from the thought of killing Ye Li at all costs, he could no longer think of anything else.

Carrying the Golden Phoenix Ball, he rushed to the entrance of the hall in a few steps. At this time, Ye Li had just put the earthenware jar filled with the Zhutian Spirit Juice into his Qiankun bag.

Seeing Feng Changming blocking the door, Ye Li frowned and was about to speak, but suddenly he saw the golden phoenix ball floating next to Feng Changming, and his face was shocked.

“It’s bad, Ye Li, there is no longer any medicine garden formation covering this place, and this kid has recovered his strength.

You should quickly take out the Liuyanyan Suanlu, you can’t stop his talisman with your bare hands…”

However, before Tunri could finish his words, Feng Changming, who had already prepared to kill Ye Li, released the talisman in his hand.

A ray of flame instantly shot into the Golden Phoenix Ball, a clear phoenix cry sounded, and an extremely huge fire phoenix appeared at the entrance of the hall.

"Damn it, it's too late!"

"Damn it, it's too late!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was from Xiuzhi who was chasing Feng Changming, and the other was from Ye Li who was standing in front of the Big Yin-Yang Casting Furnace.

Dongfang Caiyi didn't say anything, but an anxious look appeared on her face.

She immediately summoned out her Seven Shining Sky Crystal Mirror and gathered spiritual energy in her hand, as if she wanted to use a talisman to stop Feng Changming's attack.

The situation on Ye Li's side was extremely bad. The slope of the hall was very narrow, and Ye Li, who was standing at the lower end of the slope, had no place to dodge.

He had seen Feng Changming's talisman attack, which was similar in nature to his Extreme Flame Finger, both using extremely concentrated flames to create powerful killing power.

Moreover, Feng Changming's talisman attack was even thicker than the flame of his Extreme Flame Finger, and in such a narrow passage, he had nowhere to dodge.

In a panic, Ye Li could only send out a beam of bone-sparkling flame mist as quickly as possible, trying to block Feng Changming's sight and prevent him from locking onto him.

But a crazy and complacent smile appeared on Feng Changming's face.

The phoenix in front of him opened its mouth and spewed out a flame, which hit the place where Ye Li had just stood at lightning speed.

Fortunately, Ye Li had just dodged to the side after releasing the Bone-Sparkling Flame Mist, and barely avoided Feng Changming's attack.

However, Ye Li did not even have time to draw the talisman. Feng Changming's phoenix suddenly spewed out three flames in succession, like a Chinese character "品" covering the entire area where Ye Li was.

This time, he really had nowhere to escape.

Ye Li's weakest aspect is his defense. Normally he makes up for it by dodging. But now in this situation, he has no room to dodge. How can he resist the terrifying flames released by the earth-level talisman

It was at this moment that he understood the feelings of those enemies who were forced into a desperate situation and unable to dodge the Extreme Flame Finger.

Dongfang Caiyi's eyes showed a trace of panic when she saw this scene. Her talisman was also released at the same time, bombarding Feng Changming.