Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 85: Fight Zhang Xun again


The attacks of the six people quickly destroyed Tiangui's defense. Ye Canglong, who turned into a Cang Yuan, suddenly jumped up and smashed Tiangui's wooden head with a punch.

Zhang Xun shot and blew up Tiangui's gold-type head with an arrow, while Luo Kui's magma ball blew up Tiangui's earth-type head.

The last remaining water-based head of the demon snake was smashed to pieces under the huge pagoda condensed by Cao Yunhe using the three-line talisman of gold, wood and earth.

At the moment when Tiangui's last head was destroyed, the cooperative relationship between the six people completely ended, and everyone's eyes were focused on the Thousand Illusion Stone on the stone platform.

The Thousand Illusion Stone is a rare treasure that contains a vague image of the Origin Mother Talisman. It is said that looking at the image in the Thousand Illusion Stone can improve the quality of the Spirit Gathering Technique. For a family, its value is naturally self-evident.

After taking a look at the Thousand Illusion Stone, the six people's eyes fell on each other. They all knew that anyone who dared to rush towards the Thousand Illusion Stone would inevitably be besieged by others.

At this time, the spiritual energy that exploded after Tiangui's death had gathered on a wall of the eighth-floor tower, where a light gate appeared, which seemed to be a way out.

On the other side, there was a stone door with a circle of talismans painted on it, ten in total, which seemed similar to the gate when entering the tower.

“Hehe, six people are fighting for the Thousand Illusion Stone, and it seems a bit chaotic.

We have to fight anyway, so we might as well fight a round first and get rid of three of them first.

Ye Li, the battle between you and me is not over yet, I will get my place back no matter what. "

Zhang Xun glanced at everyone and suddenly made a suggestion.

Cao Yunhe immediately responded to his proposal and said, "This seems to be a good idea, Ye Canglong. Before you lost the Ye Family Competition, the Ye and Cao families had always rumored that you were my biggest rival. I have always wanted to see what qualifications you have to be my rival.

Come on, let’s have a round of battle here today to see who’s the better of us.”

Ye Li and Ye Canglong looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Tian Bula saw that the other four had already chosen their opponents, so he looked at Luo Kui who had been silent the whole time and said, "Brother Luo, it seems that there are only two of us left, so I will also learn from your skills."

Luo Kui glanced at Ye Li calmly, then nodded and walked aside with Tian Bula.

The space inside the eighth floor of the tower is very spacious. Without the huge Sky Snake, the three groups of people can stay on their own and fight each other without affecting each other.

After the six people decided to fight, they paired up in pairs and occupied a piece of land respectively. This battle was not only for the fight for the Thousand Illusion Stones, but also involved the grudges between them.

Ye Li and Zhang Xun also chose a place on the floor and stood opposite each other. Zhang Xun's face was once again filled with madness.

"Ye Li, the last time I lost to you was because I underestimated you, but that won't happen this time.

Although your Flame Spell is very powerful, having seen it so many times, I also understand its weakness, which is that it is easy to dodge.

I want to see how you fight me this time. You must pay for my failure last time with your life!"

Ye Li also looked at him coldly. Zhang Xun without the mask was even more disgusting than the one he saw in the gambling arena.

The madness, bloodthirstiness and viciousness emanating from him made Ye Li think of him as being like a poisonous snake.

"Humph, if you want to kill me, then I'll see if you have the ability to do it.

The rune breastplate on you was able to block my attack last time, but it won’t be so easy this time.”

Ye Li said to Zhang Xun without showing any weakness.

Hearing Ye Li's words, a hint of viciousness flashed in Zhang Xun's eyes. He reached out and took out a pill from his arms, then threw it directly into his mouth.

A moment after he swallowed the pill, a strong fluctuation of spiritual energy suddenly surged from his body. The intensity of this spiritual energy even exceeded the intensity of the spiritual energy emitted from his body when he was fighting Tiangui before.

Ye Li was shocked to find that the opponent not only replenished the spiritual energy consumed in the previous battle in a short moment, but also directly raised his realm to the middle stage of the Spiritual Mist Stage.

"Hahahaha, Ye Li, you didn't expect that this top-grade earth-level medicine 'Spiritual Ascension Pill' of mine was originally intended to be used at the critical moment of the fight for the Thousand Illusion Stones. But it doesn't hurt to use it a little earlier now. As long as I defeat you, how can others stop me

I have now reached the middle stage of the Spiritual Pill Stage, and the power of my spells has increased again. I want to see how you can defeat me!"

As Zhang Xun spoke, the smile on his face was extremely ferocious and complacent, as if Ye Li had already become fish on the chopping board.

Although Ye Li was a little surprised, his expression did not change much, and there was even a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

The battle in the Crystal-Eyed Treasure Ape's cave completely activated Ye Li's self-confidence and gave him a sense of dominance.

Without waiting for the smug look on Zhang Xun's face to disappear, Ye Li suddenly released all his aura completely, and the strong spiritual energy fluctuations brought by the late Spiritual Mist Stage instantly hit Zhang Xun.

The smug look on Zhang Xun's face instantly froze, and then turned into shock and disbelief.

“How is it possible? How could you be at the late stage of the Spirit Mist Stage? A month and a half ago, you were only at the Gathering Spirit Stage. You and I just broke through recently.

Could it be that after you helped the Zhao Chamber of Commerce win the gambling fight last time, they gave you a heavenly-grade elixir, which allowed you to improve your strength to the late stage of the Spiritual Mist Stage in a short period of time? "

Zhang Xun didn’t believe that Ye Li had reached the late Lingwu stage at all. He thought that he had taken the elixir when he was not paying attention and had achieved a short-term improvement.

Ye Li certainly had no obligation to explain. He just sneered and said, "Do you want to fight or not? If you want to admit defeat, just leave through that door. I won't have to fight you."

Of course Zhang Xun couldn't admit defeat. On the contrary, after knowing that Ye Li's realm was higher than his, the warlike man felt a surge of fighting spirit in his heart and a murderous aura emanated from his body.

He was in no mood to continue chatting, and with a flick of his fingers, he went straight into the battle.

Ye Li naturally added the two talismans of light body and spirit bell to himself at the first moment, and then a stream of flame appeared beside him.

When it comes to the speed of drawing talismans, no one here can compare to him.

Ye Li's flowing flames were no longer used in large pieces as in the past. Instead, he gathered them into fire paths that were one person wide to control them.

He gathered a ball of flowing flames around himself as a simple defense and to provide power for other talismans to attach to.

Then he created two additional fire paths, burning towards Zhang Xun from the left and right.

Zhang Xun also completed his talisman at this time, and a ball of electric plasma began to spread around him.

The Electric Plasma is similar to the Flowing Flame Talisman, and it also uses the condensed attribute spiritual energy to harm the enemy.