Talisman Seal Firmament

Chapter 92: Zhang Kui


"Well, I hope you two can come out safely.

When the Thousand Illusion Stones were taken away, there was movement at the Stone Lotus outside. I saw that you two hadn't come out for a long time, and I thought something had happened to you.

Fourteen people from the Ye family have come out so far, and with the two of you, there are sixteen people now. There are still four people who have not come out, and we don’t know whether they are alive or dead.”

When Ye Wujiu said this, he looked at the light gate at the stone lotus again, with a look of worry on his face.

But after a while, Ye Wujiu returned to his normal appearance, and then said to the two of them seriously: "Ye Li, Canglong, the heads of the seven families are here now. You two can show everyone how many waist cards you got in there, and someone will record the scores."

The purpose of the heads of the seven major families standing guard at the door, in addition to welcoming their own children, is to ensure that the scores of the children of each family can be verified by everyone at the first time, which is also to ensure the fairness of the final result.

After Ye Li and Ye Canglong looked at each other, Ye Canglong said, "Grandpa, let me go first. I only got two waist badges, plus my own three, which is only nine points."

As Ye Canglong spoke, he took out the badge on his waist and handed it to Ye Wujiu.

Ye Wujiu originally hoped that Ye Canglong's victory results could be greater, but he didn't expect it to be only nine points.

However, it is already a very good result that our children can return safely.

"Hahaha, Old Man Ye, this Ye Canglong must be one of the most outstanding descendants of your family. I didn't expect that he is just as good-looking as Ye Tianyi before.

The combined score of the two of them is not as high as that of our second most promising disciple Zhang Xiu. As for our Zhang Xun, he will definitely be the winner of the Thousand Fantasy Stones this time, and our Zhang family will once again take first place in the Rune Secret Land Trial Mission."

A pale and haggard old man next to him said to Ye Wujiu with a sarcastic look on his face after hearing Ye Canglong's score.

Hearing his words, not only Ye Wujiu frowned, but even the heads of several other major families also looked quite disgusted.

After hearing Zhang Xun's name, Ye Li and Ye Canglong couldn't help but look at each other with strange expressions.

"Zhang Kui, don't be complacent. Before the final result comes out, no one can guarantee that your Zhang family will be the final winner."

Ye Wujiu frowned and said to Zhang family patriarch Zhang Kui, then looked at Ye Li and said, "Ye Li, how was your harvest this time?"

Hearing Ye Wujiu's words, Ye Li was about to speak, but Zhang Kui's sneer sounded again, saying: "Oh, this is your Ye Li who won the first place in the Ye family competition, right? He is not another boy who looks strong on the outside but is weak on the inside. The younger generation of your Ye family is getting worse and worse."

Hearing Zhang Kui's ridicule, Ye Li noticed that the heads of several other major families around him all had ugly expressions on their faces. He must have had the same experience before.

Ye Li ignored Zhang Kui and casually took out five waist badges from his Qiankun bag. One of them was left by the Tian family's talisman master who killed his earth dragon worm, three were obtained in the battle in the Crystal-Eyed Treasure Ape Cave, and the last one was Zhang Xun's.

Then he suddenly remembered that he had obtained a Qiankun bag of Zhang Xun before, and he wondered if there was a waist badge in it. According to Zhang Xun's personality, he would most likely find someone to snatch the waist badge.

He reached into Zhang Xun's Qiankun bag in his arms and felt around. With a sweep of his spiritual power, he found three more badges.

Ye Li took out the three waist badges at once, then took off his own waist badge and handed it to Ye Wujiu, saying, "Grandpa, here are ten waist badges."

When Ye Wujiu saw Ye Li take out ten badges, the expression on his face was a little surprised at first, and then turned into surprise.

The expressions of the heads of the other major families also changed when they saw this. They looked at Ye Li with more seriousness and vigilance, and began to take seriously this newly rising young master of the Ye family.

Especially Luo Shijiang, the head of the Luo family, had a hint of murderous intent in his eyes when he looked at Ye Li.

After being pleasantly surprised, Ye Wujiu narrowed his eyes, looked at Zhang Kui and said, "How about it, Zhang Kui, Ye Li has obtained ten waist badges, totaling thirty points.

His score has surpassed your Zhang Xiu's by 27 points, and he is currently ranked first. Now, this young man of my family is still worthy of your attention, right?"

Zhang Kui had just opened his mouth to ridicule Ye Li when he was slapped in the face by the facts. There was a hint of shame and anger on his face, and there was a murderous look in his eyes as he looked at Ye Li.

"Hmph, Ye Wujiu, don't be so complacent. These two guys from your family came out together. One of them only has three badges, and the other has ten. There's no guarantee that they didn't do something tricky before they came out, and one of them gave the badge to the other."

Zhang Kui looked at Ye Wujiu, a look of doubt on his thin face.

Hearing the other party's words, Ye Wujiu snorted coldly and said, "Zhang Kui, first of all, these are all your guesses, you don't have any evidence at all.

Second, there are no restrictions on giving waist badges according to the regulations, and I believe that similar situations exist in every family.

Our Ye family keeps records of the disciples who participate in the trial. The more badges one obtains, the greater the reward given by the family. If someone is willing to give up the reward and give the badge away, there is nothing wrong with that.

After all, apart from the Thousand Fantasy Stones, this trial is all about seeing which family's children can get the most waist badges. No matter what method is used, the major families only care about the result.

This trial has been going on for dozens of years. You are not going to pretend that this is your first time participating, are you? Your Zhang family has never gathered together the waist cards when the same clan met before?"

His question made Zhang Kui open his mouth, but he couldn't say anything for a long time. He wanted to deny that the Zhang family had ever collected waist badges in the past, but even though he had a thick face, he really couldn't say it.

"Hmph, Ye Wujiu, your Ye family is pretty good this time. I think you can get the second place. But the first place will definitely belong to my Zhang family. When Zhang Xun comes out, the Thousand Illusion Stone will appear."

Zhang Kui was a domineering person, and like Zhang Xun, he liked to fight bravely and violently. The other six of the seven major families did not have a good impression of him.

"Grandpa, Senior Zhang, and several other seniors, I think my score statistics are not finished yet."

Ye Li felt very unhappy when he heard Zhang Kui's extremely domineering words. He wanted to slap him in the face with facts again, so he greeted everyone in a very serious manner.

His words really attracted everyone's attention. The seven family heads all looked at him. Ye Wujiu asked doubtfully: "Ye Li, do you still have a badge

Then give me your badge quickly so we can calculate your final score."