Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 15


"So, where do we start looking?"

Amelia sat at the table with Rita next to her and Debra opposite her, and there was a plate of fruit in the middle of the table, and Amelia was eating grapes from it.

Debra pondered: "The bishop here is named Clemens. He came from the Inquisition and is very capable. We are new here, and we are not familiar with the place. It is better to ask him."

Amelia chewed the grapes and nodded: "Well, it makes sense."

"Hmph, I don't think so." Rita couldn't see Debra's complacency, and pointedly picked on her: "Can he help us? Don't forget, the Inquisition has always been at odds with the Pope." , he can’t wait to see our mission fail.”

Debra reprimanded: "What are you talking about! Everyone is a member of the divine religion, how could the bishop just watch the witch run away."

Rita rolled her eyes: "It's also possible that he caught it himself and wouldn't give it to us."

Debra is angry: "You!"

"Okay, okay, let's go and have a look first, don't we know?" Amelia quickly smoothed things over, "See what the bishop's attitude is, and then decide whether to seek his help, okay?"

These two people had never seen each other before, and then Debra revealed to everyone the past that Rita wanted to hide the most, and the hatred between the two was completely formed.

I have quarreled countless times along the way, and Debra couldn't hold back her usual gentle expression.

Rita snorted, looked up at her delicate face, and glanced at her triumphantly, "I'd better listen to our chief, someone who is not even the chief, dares to give orders here, haha, really laughing!" gone."

Seeing that Debra's jaw was tense and she slowly creaked her teeth, Amelia quickly pulled away Rita who was still talking.

A group of three came to the local branch in a carriage. This small town is barren, but the buildings of the god religion are the most luxurious and bright here. The roads are paved with pure white jade, the windows are bright and clean, elegant and generous.

The carriage stopped at the door of the church.

Amelia pressed the handrail with one hand and walked down the steps: "Hey, that's really impressive."

There were still a few civilians who came to pay their respects standing in front of the door. They wore simple clothes with patches piled on top of each other and knelt on the luxurious white jade floor. The contrast between rich and poor was extremely glaring at this moment.

Rita followed her gaze and said, "It's pretty, go back and talk to the higher ups, let's change to this kind of floor as well."

Amelia smiled, and took her hand to catch up with Debra who had already walked a distance: "Let's finish the task first."

It was early morning, and Bishop Clemens hadn't gotten up yet. After ordering the maid to call, the three of them waited in the waiting room.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement.

Rita couldn't wait any longer. She stood up and said angrily, "What is this for? Give us a blow?"

Debra also frowned: "Let that maid call again..."


Before she could finish her sentence, the door of the waiting room was suddenly pushed open vigorously.

"My lord!" The maid's face was pale, her hands were trembling, and her brown eyes were full of fear: "My lord bishop, he seems to be dead. He is covered in blood. I called for a long time and he didn't respond."

Amelia suddenly got up, the three of them looked at each other, and hurried to the bishop's room following the footsteps of the maid.

As soon as they entered the room, the three gasped.

The church is a place blessed by the God of Light, and everything should be invincible, especially the bishop's room is right around the statue, where the elements of light are the strongest.

However, here, the dark atmosphere is so strong that it dyes the air gray.

A middle-aged man in pajamas lay face down on the ground, a large scarlet blood stained the white ground on his waist and abdomen, his body was already stiff, and he didn't know how long he had been dead.

Debra was the first to react. She grabbed the tearful maid and told her sharply, "Call the knights guarding nearby and the knights we brought here."

The maid scrambled away.

Amelia covered her nose, glanced at the corpse on the ground, and looked up at the iron cage in the corner of the room.

The cage is made of fine iron, very strong, inside there are water bowls and food bowls, and a tattered bedding.

People poured into the room one after another. Amelia avoided the blood splatters, walked to the cage, squatted down, and twisted a faded hair bow.

Behind her, Debra was still commanding everyone with a sharp expression: "Call the mayor over and order him to seal all exits and no one is allowed to go out. All residents must register for the itinerary for these two days..."

Rita came over with her skirt in her hand, and glanced at the bow in her hand, "Is there anyone else living here? It's still a woman."

Amelia shook her head: "I don't know, I should have stayed in the cage for a long time, and it's still there recently, you see."

She tapped a grimy bedpan in the corner of the cage with her jaw. At least it's still fresh, and it stinks like hell.

After Debra ordered the knight to come over, her gentle eyebrows were as cold as ice: "It's a woman again, could it have something to do with two witches? We came here for this matter. As soon as we arrived here, the bishop died Well, this is too coincidental."

Rita pinched her chin and thought, "It's possible."

Amelia knew the two girls weren't witches, or, at the time, weren't.

She let go of her hand, and let the bowknot dangle on the ground, falling into the pool of blood that spread along the cracks in the floor tiles.

The mayor's actions were extremely fast. Just as the three of Amelia walked out of the bishop's bedroom, a fat middle-aged man ran over on his stomach.

"Three lords, I have completed your orders. Those who can stay are detained in the city, and two teams of knights follow the path to catch those who left these two days. They should be back soon. "The mayor was sweating profusely, bent down flatteringly, with a bright fear in his eyes.

In the area governed by the religion, all officials are under their jurisdiction. The three of Amelia are saints and have the power to depose him directly.

A bishop actually died on his turf. As soon as the mayor heard the news, he rolled off the bed and ran over in fear, fearing that his position would be taken away just like that.

Fortunately, the three saintesses didn't take their anger out on him, and walked straight past without even looking at him.

"Let's start with those non-resident residents."

"Check together, the witch may also replace someone's identity, everyone must not let it go."

The mayor heaved a sigh of relief, followed them with small steps, swaying and swaying.

The brigade of knights left here, some stayed in place to guard the church, and some left with the carriage of the three saintesses.

After they walked for a long time, a gloomy woman in black turned out from a dark alley not far from the church.

Her brown eyes looked closely at the back of the carriage, as if she wanted to see into her heart and firmly remember them in her soul.

After a long time, she put on the hood again and left here.

On the carriage, under the discussion of Debra and Rita "letting go of the past and moving forward hand in hand", the three of them unanimously decided to investigate first the people who came to this small town in recent days.

All those who arrived in this town within two or three days had to line up for inspection and walk in front of the saint to confirm whether there was any dark aura on their bodies.

Amelia sat behind the long table and continued paddling, watching Debra and Rita busy at work, while eating grapes leisurely by herself.

Not to mention, the grapes in this small town are juicy, plump and juicy, and they are even more delicious than those specially offered by the gods.

When you leave, be sure to take some more back home, or bring some grape seeds to plant in the garden.

She was distracted thinking, picked out a round and beautiful one, wiped it with a handkerchief, and sneaked it under the table: "Hey, do you want to eat...."

Her hands stopped in mid-air.

After being with her day and night for half a month, Amelia almost forgot that the elf who was picky, arrogant and busy was gone.

When he left, he gave her a glare, didn't even say a word of thanks, and was especially ruthless, shameless and unreasonable.

I don't know if he found his family.

Amelia felt a little lost, she withdrew her hand, and ate the grape by herself.

With the Cavaliers present, no matter how hot people are, they dare not lose their temper at this time, and they lined up honestly for inspection.

Suddenly, a haggard-looking woman in the middle of the crowd twitched silently, and slowly fell to the ground, waving her hands and feet indiscriminately, muttering incoherent whispers.

"What's wrong with you?" The relative of the woman lowered her body and called her name, pressing the woman's twitching shoulders. The woman struggled endlessly and let out a piercing scream, her expression frantic.

Everyone was in an uproar, and the surrounding civilians retreated one after another. The knight squeezed in from the crowd and pressed his pistol on her, suppressing her rolling and scratching movements.

"Tie it up with a binding belt, and put a wooden strip in her mouth to prevent her from biting her own tongue." Amelia shouted, commanding the knight to tie up the woman.

She frowned slightly, no matter whether this woman was really possessed by a demon or had some kind of strange disease, but let the saints see that this matter cannot be easily ended.

Sure enough, Debra was like a jackal that moved on hearing the wind, and came over upon smelling it.

"What's her name? The locals still come from outside?" Debra squatted down, opened the woman's eyelids to take a look, and said with a sneer, "You run really fast."

Amelia raised her eyebrows: "Possessed?"

"Yes, and the time is not short." Debra wiped off the fingers that touched the woman just now with a handkerchief, raised her eyes and glanced lightly at the woman's family: "Come with me, I have something to ask you."

"Then I'll take her back to church." Amelia voluntarily took over the work, and she didn't have to come back just in time. Wouldn't it be better to lie on a comfortable bed than here

The productivity of this world is low, and the common people are generally poor and ignorant. In other words, I just don't like to take a bath, and I may only take it once or twice a year.

The smell in the house was simply intoxicating.

Holding her breath and walking out the door, Amelia took a deep breath of the fresh air outside, and with the grapes she took out in her arms, she turned her head and said to the knight behind her, "Just carry the man into the carriage, otherwise you Take a bad ride."


The middle-aged woman was still going crazy, her whole body was tied with thick hemp ropes, her eyes were bloodshot, she stared fiercely at the front with such force that she was almost out of frame, and kept making 'uuuuuu' sounds.

Several knights in armor escorted her, and countless pedestrians passing by cast a look of surprise mixed with contempt.

What a familiar scene.

It was as if what had happened to her was happening again.

The woman who had been hiding in the dark and watching couldn't bear it anymore, the memories of hatred surged, and scenes turned in her mind. At this moment, she looked at the miserable woman, as if she saw herself many years ago.

Damn it, these bastards of the Light God Sect, they should all be damned!

She clenched the poisoned long knife, with overwhelming murderous intent and anger, she rushed towards Amelia who was turning her head to talk to someone—

At the same time, in the forest beside the town.

The dark elf walked past a marked tree trunk again, frowned, and glanced back at the way he had come with a blank expression.

He returned to the place where he parted from the woman.