Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 43


Floating on the boundless black clouds is a dark throne, dripping with the blood of the gods.

The dark god had a gloomy face, and crushed this disobedient heart.

On His chest, among the layers of bones and meridians, a red heart quickly recovered and regenerated. The Darkness God lowered his head and glanced, his divine power gathered around the heart, restraining its growth.

The dull pain finally stopped for a moment.

The God of Darkness has never experienced this feeling in the tens of billions of years since his birth. It was uncomfortable and strange. He was at a loss, flustered, and disgusted with this feeling.

He doesn't like being controlled by others, let alone such a small ant.

So He decided to destroy this woman, not only to kill her, but also to take away her hope, obliterate her sanity, and completely reduce her to a walking dead.

In this way, when he kills her again, he won't be unable to do so, right

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes, but his attention returned to the saint involuntarily.

The thick smell of blood lingered in the air, and the sky turned red.

Amelia's eyelashes trembled, and drops of blood condensed and fell down, sliding across her cheeks, like teardrops flowing from those beautiful eyes.

She vomited expressionlessly.

ah! ! !

good! evil! Heart!

The meat that I just grilled with the little tentacles rolled in my stomach and stuck in my throat, as if it was about to gush out in the next second.

She lowered her head and saw the round thing with a tail that fell on the upper of the shoe, and finally couldn't help it, squatted down and vomited.


"Ahem, I'm fine..." Amelia pushed away the small tentacles approaching, found the only clean handkerchief on her body, wiped her mouth, and wiped off the blood on her face, her voice trembling.

She didn't dare to look into the eyes of those people. The person who was talking alive just now was lying there with dull eyes, his body was mutilated, and he couldn't see his death.

Fortunately, after several years of training in the religious life, if she saw this scene when she first traveled, she would definitely go crazy.

"Help me go over there to see if anyone is still alive, okay?" Amelia and the little tentacle said, "We need to get out of here quickly."

After the little tentacles went, Amelia made a simple mask with her only clean handkerchief, covered her mouth and nose, and shuttled among the corpses and limbs, looking for the living.

It was so dark that she couldn't see anything clearly, so she had to take out the glowing egg, and leaned down to look for it at a close distance.

Also closer to those faces of death.

"Rita?" Amelia hugged the heavily breathing girl, her eyes flicked over her empty left arm, her voice was tight.

Rita coughed, pulled her sleeve weakly, and said with a sob: "Okay, it hurts..."

"Don't be afraid, I'll be back right away, you'll be fine." Amelia stroked her hair reassuringly, and carried her on her back with difficulty.

Rita was a plump girl, and Amelia couldn't straighten up under her heavy weight. She gritted her teeth and walked forward tremblingly step by step.

The girl's continuous sobs were thin and weak, like a badly injured kitten.

"Ami...I really want to go home..."

"I'll be home in no time, I promise."



The girl's voice became lower and lower.

Amelia held back her tears, but a few choked sobs still escaped from her pursed lips.

The little tentacles came from a distance, carrying a few bloody people on their bodies, their breathing was weak, but they were still alive. In order not to waste time, Amelia didn't say much, just sat on it and was carried by it to swim quickly to the distance.

The distance was much farther than she imagined. They thought they had traveled a long time before, but in fact they only traveled less than one-tenth of the distance. If they had to walk by themselves, it might take several days.

With the help of the little tentacles, they saw the gate of the city within a few minutes.

"Okay, let me down." Amelia patted the little tentacles, and she lifted those people down and put them on the ground. "Go away, don't be seen."

The little tentacles were tearful.

Amelia touched its head: "If he wants to bully you again, he will sneak away and find something to eat by himself. Don't be stupid and hungry, do you understand?"

The whining whining of the little tentacles was even louder.

But it has been working under Goubi's master for a living, and it has long practiced the kung fu of observing words and expressions, and is used to obediently listening to others. Seeing the anxious look on the girl's brows, she knows it's time to leave.

It slowly slid a few steps backwards, finally rubbed against the girl's calf, reluctantly petted it, and gradually disappeared into the darkness.

The task is completed, and the little tentacle returns to the God Realm.

It was greeted by its owner with a terrifying expression.

Little Tentacle:! ! ! hum.

Obediently lower your head and get beaten.jpg

"You are faithful." The dark god's hoarse voice was full of murderous intent. He looked down at the trembling tentacles, but after all, he did not kill it, but picked it up and tied it in a knot, and threw it far away. .

Dirty annoying offal.

He put his eyes back on the saintess, and looked at her bright eyes when she was talking to others. It was obvious that witnessing the death of her companions could not completely destroy her.

She was a tough kid, tough enough to upset.

The dark god's scarlet eyes narrowed, and his expression was cold and heavy. He kept his face sideways and maintained this posture for a long time, when he suddenly thought of a good idea, the corners of his thin lips curled up, and he laughed softly.

Surrounding the darkness were looming hideous giant beasts. Not only did they not heave a sigh of relief when they heard these chuckles, they curled up even more timidly. Although they looked super scary, they trembled like pitiful animals. chick cub.

The Dark God pulled out one casually, twisted its head slowly, crushed the body inch by inch, and tore the soul apart. In the deafening roar of pain, the god's laughter became louder and louder, hoarse and crazy.

"What's the point of just looking at it, the game is more interesting if you have to 'play' it." He flicked the dust in his hand, and his terrifying figure swayed slightly, disappearing into nothingness.

He walked for a long time, and the space gap left by the surge of divine power continued to flash, and many treacherous giant beasts crawled and curled up, terrified with fear.

After a brief exchange with the knight guarding the gate, Amelia showed her ID card. Amelia was so tired that she couldn't stand up. She flicked her skirt and squatted on the ground carelessly waiting.

Fortunately, the sanctuary has not completely collapsed. As she thought, her eyes swept over the bloodstains on the ground that had not been cleaned and the strange faces of the knights.

After waiting for a long time, someone finally came to tell her to go in. Amelia asked the knight to send the injured person to the hospital for treatment. She didn't even have time to change her clothes, so she walked into the church wearing a bloody and hard-to-see dress.

A middle-aged man was waiting for her with his hands behind his back.

The statue of the God of Light that originally stood tall in the center disappeared and was replaced by debris on the ground. No one swept it, and everyone still had a glimmer of hope that it could be restored again.

"Judge." Amelia lifted her skirt and saluted briefly.

The middle-aged man turned around. He was kind-hearted, fat, with a big belly, and he always smiled when he looked at people. "Amelia, have you worked hard on this journey?"

This is the presiding judge of the Inquisition.

Amelia didn't dare to underestimate him. As the presiding judge, this man looked kind, but he had actually killed more people than she had eaten, and he really killed without blinking an eye.

"It's okay." She replied after deliberation, without further words, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Where is His Majesty the Pope?"

The presiding judge smiled: "Your Majesty, he said that he would try to communicate with my God. He has been locked in the cathedral for a long time and has not come out. Now I am in charge of the affairs of the church."

Amelia wanted to ask more questions, but she saw the presiding judge turned around again, staring blankly at somewhere in the sky, and said in a voice that could not be refuted: "Is it tired? Go back and rest first, if you have anything to ask or say, Talk about it in a few days."

She paused for a moment, then lowered her head and replied, "Yes."

There was someone outside the hall leading the way, a maid with an unfamiliar face. During the conversation, Amelia finally knew what had happened in the church recently.

The statue in the cathedral was affected by the God of Light's many landings, and it was the first to reflect his own condition.

The statue began to lose its luster, gradually spreading from cracks at the bottom to the whole body.

This matter cannot be concealed, everyone saw it, knew it, and everyone was at a loss. Some people broke out the turmoil first, took advantage of the chaos and killed many civilians, and the gods sent troops to subdue it.

When Amelia and the others tried to contact the church many times, it was the time when the violence was at its worst.

Repeated this several times, when the sun disappeared and the magic power disappeared together, the city was almost controlled, and the people left did not have the courage to do anything. The whole city was tightly controlled, like an isolated island.

Amelia has a special status, and civilians from other cities came to join her, but they were all turned away.

Overall, the church is relatively safe now, and the supplies are complete, so you don't have to worry about your daily needs.

After inquiring about all this, Amelia happened to arrive home, dismissed the maid, made a bucket of hot water by herself, and took a hot bath first.

"Huh..." After soaking in the hot water, she breathed out comfortably, her tired body opened up, her tense nerves relaxed, and she finally had time to look at her injuries.

Her fair and soft body was covered with bruises, especially the two knees. She fell several times, and now her knees were so painful that she couldn't lift them. The same was true for her buttocks, and her tailbone was a little cracked.

Except for the wound on his lip bitten by himself, fortunately there is no bleeding.

After being nervous, she felt sleepy. Amelia was terribly sleepy. She wiped her body casually, applied some medicine in a mess, put on a light nightdress, and walked towards the soft big bed.

She took a look as she passed the basement.

The book that she didn't have time to take away was still on the ground when she set out. She remembered the dark elf's faintly broken expression when she was tricked by her into cleaning the house. Compared with the present, it was really young and cute.

I'm too lazy to move today, let's throw it away tomorrow.

When she fell into the soft bed, she was overwhelmed by drowsiness. Amelia only had time to think this sentence before she was pulled into a deep dream by the overwhelming drowsiness.

Tiny grunting sounds echoed through the palace.

In the bathroom that hadn't been cleaned, the dirty clothes that were thrown aside suddenly moved.

A white jade egg rolled out.

With a "snap", it hit the wall heavily.

Light opened his eyes from deep sleep.

He smiled, opened his hands, and was about to tell the world the news of the rebirth of the gods, when he saw his current image on the mirror-like wall.

— a fluffy, fluffy, winged... chick.

The chicken cub slowly opened its mouth, and its eyes almost sluggishly widened.