Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 44


this? ! ! !

The chicken cub stretched out the tip of its wings dully, and touched the jade wall still covered with water vapor, as if to determine whether it was an illusion or reality in front of it.

The answer is obvious, and it is true.

He, the majestic God of Light, the ruler of the world (one of them), the supreme god who rules billions of lives, turned out to be a stupid chicken cub after being reborn from the shell! ! !


A milky chicken crow resounded through the sky.

There are no lights in the spacious bathroom, only a few sporadic torches emitting warm light, reflected on the white ground and walls.

In the corner of the wall, there is a chubby chicken cub with two slender legs spread apart, sitting on the ground with its buttocks, its soft feathers are wetted by the moisture left on the bathroom floor, but it is motionless like a petrified sculpture , the whole chicken is congealed.

This was what Amelia saw when she opened the door with a yawn.

"Where did the chick come from?" She was still terribly sleepy, her speech was a little vague, and every word was fluttering.

Chicken Cub's tender body shook, and her rice-like black eyes looked at her, containing complex emotions that were difficult for outsiders to understand.

The cool wind blows in through the open window, and the light egg shell is shaken by the wind, making the crisp sound of jade and stone hitting each other.

Only then did Amelia see the broken egg shells on the ground, she thought about it for a while, and quickly guessed that the chick was hatched from an egg. She yawned again, walked up to the chicken cub, and lifted Mao Mao up.

"Hey!..." The unexpected weightlessness made the chicken cub scream, but it quickly closed its beak, its fluffy face seemed a little embarrassed, and its eyeballs were fixed on the woman in front of it.

Amelia pulled out the belt of the nightgown casually, and the placket was spread out, revealing her soft and dazzlingly white breasts under the dim light.

Chicken cub:!

Then the white silk belt was wrapped up, tightly bound its small body in circles, and finally went around the tender beak, and tied a delicate bow on it.

Chicken cub:! ! ! ! !

"Be honest." The woman's soft voice was like a sticky candy on the tip of her tongue, with a bit of watery sound, soft and lingering.

The chicken cub struggled a few times, but did not break free, so he simply let her take it away to see what she wanted to do.

The fat chicken cub was tied up and brought to the bedroom.

The holy woman didn't say much, she threw the chicken cub onto the bed and covered it with a thick quilt, almost crushing it to death.

Ji Zai looked dazed, and struggled to get out of the quilt, and when he turned his head, he saw the sleeping face of a woman.

She fell asleep right away, and she hadn't touched the pillow for more than a few seconds, so she was terribly sleepy.

Just looking at her slightly parted lips, pale and wounded, like plump petals that have been hit by wind and rain, pitifully fatigued.

fair enough.

Guang thought calmly, although he didn't know why the carrier of rebirth shifted, but He could come again.

It's not difficult, it just requires gathering special materials and some divine blood.

Before the preparations are completed, he cannot leave this woman, and must follow her closely, looking for a chance to be resurrected again.

That is, the opportunity to take her body.

Light rubbed the pillow, lay down in a comfortable sleeping position, and gradually closed his eyes following the breathing rhythm of the woman beside him.

Waking up the next day, Amelia sat up, and the soreness from her limbs instantly spread to her brain.

She hadn't exercised for a long time, and suddenly ran for a few hours, her limbs were terribly sore, she fell on the bed and hissed several times, and when she looked sideways, two round corns were looking at her, with some inexplicable familiar smiles inside. meaning.

Amelia: What is this?

After thinking about it for a long time, she realized that this was the chicken cub she picked up from the bathroom last night.

Can those glowing eggs really hatch things

Amelia was a little dazed, she stared at Ji Zai for a while, and said tentatively, "...how are you?"

Chicken Cub was stunned for a moment, his smile deepened, he lowered his furry head, and gently rubbed against her bare knee.

Amelia shivered from being rubbed, and moved her body at a loss, looking down at it with flickering eyes.

It's this kind of magical creature that doesn't know where it came from. As she thought about it, she suddenly felt that this scene looked very familiar. This was already the third small animal she had picked up this year.

Think about the two I picked up earlier... one is more beautiful than a dog, but it has a beautiful and cute appearance, but it is actually a devil inside, a devil! !

Amelia's face darkened, and the way she looked at the chicken cub in front of her became strange.

— I see something is wrong with this guy too.

— Let’s throw it away.

She stood up resolutely, took the weak cub who didn't know the dangers in the world, opened the window, found a dense grass, aimed at it, and threw it.

An arc crossed.

With the sound of thud, Amelia ruthlessly closed the window.

Light:… ?

What's the situation with this person.

Is it because he is not good-looking? Is the coat not thick enough? Or is the character not docile enough

You just threw away such a lonely, cute and lovable little cub?

Are you still human? ?

He just squatted in the grass for a long time but couldn't come back to his senses. After a long while, he took a few steps and tentatively waved his small wings to jump up.

The distance from the balcony to the ground is only about half a meter. For an adult, it is a length that can be easily climbed over, but for a newborn chicken cub, it is like a natural barrier.

After trying a few times, I couldn't jump up, so I decided to save the country and enter through the gate.

However, walking from the ground outside the window to the gate, this short distance is not a small challenge for Him now.

He walked for a long time, panting, his throat tightened, and his soft and neat down became messy.

After finally seeing the side of the gate, before he had time to get close, he saw Amelia, who was fully dressed, suddenly come out, close the door, and then walked away at an extremely fast speed.

It was so fast that he didn't have time to squeak.

Guang: ... Lie down.

I have never been wronged like this.jpg

Amelia went to see Rita first.

She was still in a coma, and her lost right hand was tightly wrapped in a bandage. Without magic, limb regeneration became almost impossible.

"It's so pitiful, I don't know what to do in the future." The therapist sighed sympathetically.

Amelia held the girl's still wounded hand, and watched her proud and lively face become lifeless, her eyelashes drooped, revealing a somewhat sad and gloomy gaze.

Debra also survived. Among the seriously injured people brought out by the little tentacles, she was extremely lucky and did not suffer any irreversible injuries.

Amelia spoke a few words with her in the past, communicated her current state, and prepared to leave.

Debra suddenly hesitated and called to her: "Hey, Amelia, be careful, I always feel that something is wrong..."

Amelia paused and nodded: "Okay, I see."

When she came out, she turned into a path, dodging the passing crowd, and went through the dense woods to the cathedral.

As Debra said, she also felt that something was wrong.

First, the Pope has become so chaotic recently, just when someone needs to take charge of the overall situation, but he has been hiding in the cathedral and not coming out, saying that he is praying, but Amelia always feels that this is not the case.

As far as the pope's solemn and upright temperament is concerned, how could he not be able to escape like this without seeing the turmoil subside and everything return to calm with his own eyes, and leave everything at ease to the presiding judge who has always been at odds with him

The pope faction and the presiding judge faction have been fighting for a long time, and the pope suddenly gave up control of the army, which is really unreasonable.

All this has an ominous air.

Amelia frowned, peering in from behind the stained glass windows of the cathedral.

A few fire lamps hung on the wall and were lit all night long. At the end of the long white stairs, there was a fallen corpse.

He was wearing a platinum embroidered robe and a high crown on his head. He was tall and thin, and the mottled corpse spots had climbed up his thin fingers.

Amelia's heart sank heavily.

Although she couldn't see the man's face clearly, she could tell with just one glance that it was His Majesty the Pope.

A sword was stuck in the vest of the corpse, protruding from the chest, blood trickled down the steps, and gathered at the bottom of the steps to form a pool of dried red spots.

He was attacked by someone he trusted, and he lay here alone, dead for a long time.

And the person who planned all this is obviously the presiding judge who declared that the Pope would stay behind closed doors.

Do you want to expose all this to the outside world

Amelia's breathing became heavy, she clenched her palms tightly, thinking of the tens of thousands of troops in the hands of the presiding judge for a while, and thinking of the gentle eyes of the Pope when he looked at her. The appearance of helping her plan...

He is an excellent leader, unsmiling, and will never take sides with anyone. Although he is sometimes too extreme, he is really good to her.

She has never had the chance to reciprocate, maybe now is the chance.

And she didn't need to do anything, the Pope was majestic, and many people yearned to love him. As long as the news of his death was disclosed, many people would be willing to risk their lives to avenge him.

Thinking of this, Amelia squeezed out the last bit of magic power left in her body without hesitation, and drew an eavesdropping rune on the wall. This rune will automatically attach to the judge when he passes by, recording what he said every word.

The rune of eavesdropping used to be one of the lowest runes, and anyone who knew magic could detect its presence. But now that the light magic is gone, the eavesdropping rune has become a big killer, invisible and invisible, and no one can detect it.

If you can really write down something crucial, then secretly put it on the square, let everyone hear the presiding judge's despicable and shameless behavior, punish him to the dungeon, and remove him from his post. His Majesty the Pope... should be able to rest in peace, right

Amelia left the cathedral according to the original route, without disturbing anyone.

When she opened the door, she was about to take off her coat, when she lowered her head and saw a group of small things squatting in front of her.

Amelia: ? ? how did you get in

Ji Zaizi grumbled aggrievedly, lowered his figure without hesitation, and looked at her with tearful eyes beseechingly.

Anyway, no one knows his identity now, so in order to achieve his goal, acting like a baby is nothing. His Excellency the great God of Light thought frankly and naturally.

The saint looked at him for a while, then wrapped her in the coat she had just taken off and hugged him, the chick sank into the soft cloth, and breathed a comfortable sigh of relief.

See, no one can deny His will (cute).

Guang Youzai stretched out his claws, and the bloodstains scratched by the stones split open again with his movements, but he just glanced at it casually, and closed his eyes tiredly.

I'm so tired, let's sleep for a while.

The saint didn't know where to take him, and she kept walking, but her hands were steady and light, and she couldn't feel the bumps in her arms, but felt an inexplicable sense of security.

This feeling made him fall asleep quickly.

I don't know how long it took, maybe only a short while, before Guang had rested enough, he was suddenly shaken out of his clothes, pia fell to the ground with a groan, raised his little head in a daze, and looked around.

The saint brought him to a wasteland, which was so desolate that there were no buildings around it, and the weeds grew half a person's height, swaying slowly with the wind in the eerie darkness.

"... Ji?" There was an ominous premonition in Guang's heart.

The saint neatly folded the coat to form a nest shape, then found a big stone and placed the nest in a place sheltered from the wind.

She even thoughtfully pressed a few small stones to prevent the nest from being blown away by the strong wind.

Then she trotted and left here quickly without looking back.

Light:! ! ! 色[a kind of plant]