Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 49


"Black Dog, are you crazy?! This is a violation of order, how dare you?" Ji Zaiguang cursed, his body, which had been starving for several days, suddenly gained momentum, and his wings were about to go. Peck the dark god.

The Dark God slapped him away with a sullen face, looking unhappy.

Everything in the world is inherently high or low, and there is a difference in dignity from the moment of birth. God is born higher than all living beings, and human beings are born to prostrate to gods. This is order.

No one ever thought of becoming a god. It's like an ant wants to be an elephant, how can it happen

This is ridiculous.

Just thinking about it, his thin claws trembled in panic. There are only two gods in the world, light and darkness. If the God of the Black Sea wants to make Amelia a god, he must take his godhood.

But his skill is not as good as that of a human being, and he is still being hung upside down and tied under the eaves, and his life and death are at the discretion of others.

If the God of Darkness is determined to make Amelia a god, then He...

"Don't forget, now the God Realm can't enter, you will harm her if you let her become a god." In order to survive, the light tried hard to persuade the dark god who had been keeping his eyes silent.

"If you don't want her to die, just use some other method, there's no need... Uhhh!"

The God of Darkness snuffed out the noisy voice.

He is sitting on the throne, looking far out of the window, passing through the layers of buildings, many human beings are kneeling in his direction, humble and pious, just like the one who promises every time he sees him' Pope', annoying as hell.

Especially when someone is praying to the gods, those noisy voices are like annoying mosquitoes, buzzing non-stop in the ear, talking about some boring and trivial topics.

Every time he was awakened by these voices in his deep sleep, the God of Darkness would angrily pinch the source of the voices to death, and then follow the clues to kill a few, and no one dared to pray to Him over time.

Amelia seemed different from those humans.

She is not afraid of him, rather than fear and awe, her eyes are more scrutinized and curious, even if she bends down for a moment, it is not because of his status as a god. There is a special temperament in her that he has never seen in others.

The Dark God is not sure how long this difference can last, maybe forever, maybe he will get bored in less than two days. The torrent of time can always dilute all feelings.

At that time, should He kill her, or just throw her away and let her go back to being an ordinary mortal? If the saint becomes a god, the aftermath will be much troublesome.

The Dark God was contemplating, with no expression on his face, a little gloomy.

"Buckle, buckle." There was a knock on the door.

The Pope came in stooping, prostrated himself on the ground, and said, "My God, your faithful disciples send you greetings."

The light on the ground can be seen, and from the mirror, the Dark God saw the pope's distorted face with excitement and fear.

Those biting greeds were no different from other human types he had seen.

The God of Darkness suddenly felt bored. He suppressed his impatience, and his voice was frighteningly cold: "Close your eyes."

The pope immediately closed his eyes reflexively, not daring to delay. The gods are not so 'approachable' in front of the saint. In fact, most of the time, his behavior is worthy of the name of evil.

If the pope had moved a little slower, the gods would have crippled his eyes on the spot.

The pope closed his eyes, and his hearing became sharp. He heard the sound of fabric rubbing, as if the god had changed his posture. Then he laughed and said lightly:

"From today on, Amelia is my queen,"

pope:? ! ! ! !

He almost opened his eyes in shock, but luckily the desire to survive stopped him.

What queen? Amelia what? What becomes what?

The people under the steps were dumbfounded, but the God of Darkness didn't care about his mood at all, and ordered to himself: "The ceremony will be held in three days and the world will be announced. No delay."

One hundred years, I will give you one hundred years.

The Dark God supported his chin with one hand, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, as if seeing the blond-haired and blue-eyed girl again.

If you have not bored me for a hundred years, Holy Maiden, I will give you the chance of eternal life.

Reborn as a god from a human being, redefining status and identity.

Before that, for the time being, marrying you with the identity of the God of Light does not seem to be an unbearable thing.

The Dark God laughed, his golden pupils faintly revealed some blood-red luster, and the black mist mixed with the giant beast loomed behind him.

The pope closed his eyes obediently, he didn't know what kind of demon he was kneeling down to, and he didn't even know that the god he really served was actually the fat bird hanging from the eaves and cursing.

But he still had to personally handle the matter, and three days later, he would happily marry the carefully cultivated saint to the Dark God.

Watching all the light: vomiting blood.jpg

Amelia was giving alms at the gate of the city when she got the news.

Many residents in the city lost their relatives and money in this catastrophe, were impoverished, and were about to starve to death. In order to save their lives, the gods distributed food and water at the gate of the city every day. Thousands of people gathered here, including civilians, knights, and other believers.

When an unknown saint rushed out and announced the news loudly, the noisy voice fell silent, and everyone's eyes were on Amelia. Some people were envious, some were jealous, and their resentful eyes wished to be on her. Make two holes.

And Amelia...

Amelia dropped the spoon in fright.

what's the situation

What is he going to do

Is it popular to take revenge on someone and marry someone back home first

The saint who reported the letter had complicated eyes, and congratulated: "Congratulations." Others also echoed.

Amelia clutched her beating heart, pretended to be very happy and pleasantly surprised, and managed to cope with it. Under the vague peeps of the crowd, she no longer had the intention of giving, so she simply wiped her hands and prepared to go back.

After returning to the church, she changed her clothes first. She only wore an ordinary plain long dress when she went out. The Pope would definitely not allow her to dress like this to meet the gods.

While putting on a gorgeous dress with exquisite workmanship and jewels, Amelia suddenly remembered the conversation with Black Book that day.

There are three conditions for human beings to become gods, one is the flesh and blood of gods, the other is faith, and the third is to be recognized by heaven and earth.

She had already eaten flesh and blood, and Alfonso drank a lot of his blood for her during the plague incident. Although he hadn't recovered his memory at that time, the effect should be the same.

The point is faith.

The godhead that belonged to the God of Light that she used as a gemstone is an aggregate of beliefs. To condense to that extent, it must continue to accumulate for tens of billions of years. The gods have such time to wait, and human beings have already turned into a pile of bones.

Amelia paused and sighed slightly. The lifespan of human beings is too short to collect enough beliefs to become gods. Unless there is some chance to save hundreds of millions of lives around the world, it is impossible.

It's a pity that the Godhead of the God of Light is gone. If she can keep it, she won't have to worry about it now.

As if understanding Amelia's thoughts, the black book placed under the flower pot suddenly moved, making some noises to attract the saint's attention.

— My lord, your chance has come!

Amelia: "?"

—Godhead, you forgot that there is still a godhead in the world.

—Godhead is the core of a god, it is even more important than the heart, if you get the godhead, your goal can be achieved.

Amelia frowned: "You said it lightly, how can I get it, and ask him to give it?"

—Becoming a god is an opportunity!

——The godhead is buried behind the neck. When you are in close contact with the god, you can quickly dig it out while he is absent-minded. You can rest assured that the god who has lost the godhead will not have the slightest strength to resist.

Lost... Amelia suddenly understood something, blushed a little, and rejected Heishu's proposal: "I see you are making a fuss again, trying to get me to do something bad, right? It would be best if the Dark God could slap me to death, That's what you think, right?"

Heishu stopped talking and shook the pages guiltily.

Amelia sneered, and added another flower pot to it.

The palace where the god lived was not far from her, and Amelia arrived after a short walk, and happened to meet the Pope at the door.

His Majesty the Pope had a complex expression, and patted her on the shoulder: "I told you to serve my God well, what you did...wasn't it too hard?"

Amelia: "…"

What is working hard, she can't understand.

Pushing open the door, the god was sitting on the throne, his sharp eyes staring blankly at the sky, as if in a daze.

Amelia took a deep breath and said respectfully, "My God."

The Dark God lowered his eyebrows and glanced at her. He stood up, dragged the hem of the golden robe over the long steps, and walked towards her silently.

"Get up." His icy hands pinched the arm of the saint, lifted her up directly, pulled her closer, and observed her expression closely.

"After becoming my god, do you have any opinions?"

The god asked, and Amelia heard it, but her eyes couldn't help looking at the slender neck.

It was so fragile, as if it would break if it was folded, but Amelia knew how much power was hidden in it. If the gods were not willing, no one in the world could touch his body, let alone touch the parts that could kill him.

Amelia once met him once, when he was still a dark elf, they were lying on the grass, and the elf turned around unhappily, she stroked the elf's silky long hair, and her fingertips inadvertently ran across that part of the neck .

At that time, she wondered whether the elf's body was so cold, whether it was lack of nutrition, whether it needed some meat protein to nourish the body. She was full of love and affection, and her heart was soft as hell, like the stream of spring water flowing out after the ice and snow melted in winter.

But now, Amelia stared at the slightly sliding Adam's apple, thinking about the godhead and the future after becoming a god.

Immortality, power, future...

She raised her head uncontrollably, met the god's probing eyes, and smiled.

She heard her own voice, unfamiliar, with a smile: "This is my honor."

The Holy Maiden agreed without hesitation, but the Dark God was not happy.

This ruthless saint, don't you remember that you had a dark elf in love before? If he said he forgot, he forgot so simply, without even hesitating.

Or is it that you are so loyal to the God of Light, and you will agree to any request

Ha ha, good, very good.

The dark face darkened, pinched the saint's sharp jaw with his fingers, and said sullenly: "Don't you think about it again?"

"There's nothing to think about." Amelia seemed to have made a decision, and said with a smile on her lips: "The past is already in the past, and I am just a saint at this time, a saint who was born for you. "