Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 50


— Born for you.

When the saint said this, a beautiful flame seemed to bloom in those eyes, burning with all the desperate fanaticism.

She is worthy of being the chief saint carefully cultivated by the divine religion, and her loyalty to the God of Light is unmatched.

The dark god's face was terribly cold, and his mental power suddenly connected to Jason, who was thousands of miles away, and scolded him severely.

Look at the Pope of the Light God Sect, and then look at him, a waste of snacks, who can't even snatch the saint, have you lived in vain all these years? If Amelia had always been a member of the Dark God Cult, would there still be such troubles

Jason, who is earning his own money from sharks: ...?

After scolding people, the Dark God looked down at Amelia.

The Dark God, who had never dealt with relationship issues before, was extremely irritable. He couldn't explain how he felt in his heart. He only felt that the saint's words made him uncomfortable, so his slender eyebrows were frowned, and he asked, "Why? You have never seen a god before, Why are you so loyal to him?"

Amelia randomly made up: "I was abandoned by my parents when I was just born, and I almost starved to death on the street. It was the orphanage established by the God Religion who picked me up and raised me, and has been raising me until now. There is no God of Light If you teach me, I wouldn’t be who I am now.”

— This is of course a nonsense.

In fact, the orphanages funded by the Guangming God Sect were horribly dark.

They will indeed pick up orphans and bring them back. There is enough food, enough rooms, and a few women who are responsible for taking care of the children. An orphanage is built in this way. Picking up orphans and throwing them in will save worry and effort. Propaganda to the outside world of God's "love to the world".

But after picking it up, is the child dead or alive? Nobody cares.

Before the age of six, Amelia's memory was full of hunger from lack of food and clothing, and the impatient fists of adults. It was not until her magical aptitude was tested that her situation improved, and she would not really starve to death.

At that time, the greedy and violent face of the bishop who managed the orphanage left a deep impression on her, which made her always have a bad feeling for the Light God Sect, and she never thought about staying even if the conditions were the best.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Amelia continued: "Everything the God Cult does follows your will. You saved my life. From now on, under your throne is the home of my soul. It is the only hope in my life. direction. You are the only source of all my strength and faith, and the only place to go.”

"My soul and blood belong to you forever, my beloved Lord."


She vomited expressionlessly in her heart, disgusted by these nasty words.

Fortunately, she wasn't lazy during the prayer class. The prayers she had memorized were actually 10,000 times more disgusting than this. But when she thought of the dark god under her skin, she couldn't speak, so she had to be a little reserved.

But even the reserved version of the prayer is quite a shock to the dark god who hasn't heard believers pray for a long time.

The Dark God's expression froze.

He stared blankly at the saint who was surrounded by him under the shadow.

At some point, the two had already retreated to the corner of the wall. Amelia leaned half against the cold wall behind her, feeling that the gaze above her was getting more and more scorching, full of anger, as if it was going to burn her directly.

After a long time, the god squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "... obscene."

Amelia: ...?


No, where am I dirty, did I say something? Nothing.

Amelia looked over in bewilderment, her eyes just glanced over the reddish ears of the gods, and she was silent for a moment.

Can't it? There's nothing blatant about this, is it that virgins can't help flirting

Don't ask Amelia how she knew God was a virgin, it's a secret.

She said tentatively, "Then I... put it another way?"

The god was expressionless: "Shut up."

The words that came out of that mouth only upset Him. Especially when it comes to things related to the Guangming dog thief, you always have to show that annoying look.

And those... words, she didn't change her face when she said it, and she was even a little relaxed, which shows that she said it to the God of Light countless times.

The more the Dark God thought about it, the more angry he became. Suddenly, the flames exploded and the magma burst out. A circle of raging flames appeared on the ground in the palace, crackling the half-dead hanging lights and cracking the clean jade floor.

The god suppressed the murderous anger and irritability, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go."

Amelia glanced at his expression, without saying a word, immediately passed through the flames that separated automatically, and left the volcano that was about to erupt quickly.

Mars swept through the air that was scorched to the point of distorted by the high temperature, and the pungent black smoke gradually rolled up.

The god sitting on the throne, in this hellish scene, raised his hand and removed a golden earring from his ear.

The workmanship of these earrings is mediocre and the material is cheap, but the design is excellent. Now lying obediently in the palm carved like jade, it looks like a priceless treasure worth tens of thousands of gold.

This is the gold jewelry that the saintess bought for the dark elves in the past.

For some unknown reason, the God of Darkness suddenly found it today and hung it in his ears. The saintess' eyes passed by it countless times, but she never stayed on it for even a moment.

She really forgot.

The dark god's palms were tightly closed, and there was a creaking sound of metal deformation. His face was expressionless, but the veins on the back of his hands were bulging.

It doesn't matter, just forget it.

Those memories that were extremely weak due to injuries were humiliating to him, but it was only because of the shadow of the saint that they became more precious. Now that the saint has forgotten it, there is no need for this memory to exist.

The god waved his hand to put away the flames, He let go of his palm, and the fine golden sand flowed from his fingers, fell to the ground, and became one with the dust, making it indistinguishable.

Sands fell little by little.

After the last drop of golden sand flowed away, the expression of the Dark God had returned to its usual appearance.

It's just a human's love, no matter how difficult it is, there will always be a day when you can get it. He has lived for tens of billions of years, and what he lacks most is patience.

Amelia came out of the palace and looked back. Everything outside the palace was normal. There was no flame molten. The roses in the garden were in full bloom, swaying gently in the breeze.

Inexplicably, he suddenly lost his temper.

Amelia touched the cold hairs on her arms, feeling as if she was being targeted by a top predator just now, she almost sat on the ground with her feet limp.

This is the gap between humans and gods. Even a little emotional fluctuation is enough to make ants fearful.

Amelia pursed her lips, patted the corner of her skirt scorched by the fire, and returned to the residence alone.

Three days was an extremely tight time for a grand ceremony. The Pope hadn't slept in the crown, and with two dark circles under his eyes, he arranged the venue intensively.

Fortunately, I have been preparing for the Millennium Holy Code. Although it was stopped in the middle for some reason, it is better than starting from scratch. The half-built square was directly requisitioned.

The congregants were too busy, walking back and forth in the church in a hurry.

Among the many busy voices, there are only two palaces that are extremely quiet. One is where the gods are, and no one dares to approach them. The second is Amelia's residence.

According to the rules, any saint who is about to meet the gods must be alone for more than ten days in advance and avoid contact with outsiders in order to maintain their purity.

For the past three days, Amelia didn't even see animals, not to mention people. She lived alone in the quiet and empty palace, and she felt extremely aggrieved.

Today is the day of the ceremony.

She faced the mirror and put on makeup alone. The golden paint drew complicated patterns on the center of her forehead, which was the mark of the God of Light.

Amelia didn't want to paint at first, fearing that the God of Darkness would be pissed off when she saw it, but the Pope disagreed, so she had no choice but to paint first, and then erase it secretly when no one was around.

Heishu struggled to get a little body out from under four or five flowerpots, and slapped the bookcase.

— Dear Lady, are you ready

Amelia said without looking back, "Shut up and go."

Black Book is in a hurry.

—Don't worry, I have absolutely no malice towards you.

—I’m afraid you don’t know that I was actually a human being before I was alive. After I died, I was skinned by a necromancer and turned into a book. My soul is imprisoned in this broken book forever.

—For hundreds of years, I have been thinking about turning back into a human being again, with a body and a mouth that can speak, even if it is death, it is better than continuing to be like this.

—I never lied to you, I'm telling the truth!

Amelia finally lowered her eyes to look at it, and said coldly: "And then?" She didn't mean to be moved at all.

——How could the great god care about my little dust. But if you can become a god and pull me a little bit, my service these days will be worth it.

Black Book graciously fanned the case to blow the air for the saint.

Amelia put down her pen and stood up, her petal-like skirt spread out, shining dazzlingly in the sun, her blond hair was pulled into a delicate style, and she put on a veil embroidered with gold patterns.

She lowered her eyes, her cobalt blue pupils were as wide as the sea, and her butterfly-wing eyelashes trembled slightly.

—You must remember that you can only strike when the gods are in love, when you are most relaxed, and you must be quick, precise, and ruthless, and you must not hesitate...


Amelia closed the book expressionlessly, eliminating the chattering voice of the black book.

The sun has passed overhead, and it's time to meet the gods.

There was no one on the road, not even an animal, but Amelia knew that countless people were looking at her, at this woman who was so lucky that she bewitched the gods.

They are evaluating her, evaluating where she is so good, why is she worthy of the attention of the gods, such a success cannot be replicated? Can they win the favor of the gods

It seems that everything that is stained with gods is worthy of their careful study with a magnifying glass.

The girl's back gradually disappeared into the residence of the god.

Some rustling whispers sounded.

"It doesn't look very good, why does my god just like her."

"Why doesn't she smile? It's disgusting to look so proud."

"Queen of God, Queen of God... what's her name?" Some people couldn't even remember the girl's name.

"It seems to be called Ami, Amelia?"

The moment the name came out, there was a slight cracking sound, and a cloud of blood blasted out, and the speaker had already been blasted into plasma.

- The name of God cannot be spoken.

Did the gods actually assign this authority to her

For a moment, some people were surprised, some were afraid, some were jealous, all kinds of mixed emotions surged up, no one dared to speak anymore, and obediently shut their mouths.

In just a few minutes, this unknown name was firmly engraved in everyone's hearts along with a sense of fear.

As for Amelia who opened the door, the scene she faced was not as beautiful as others imagined.

I saw the god leaning lazily on the armrest, a piece of paper full of words floated along the wind and landed directly on her hand.

The first line of entry is: Without permission, you are not allowed to touch his body easily.