Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 58


What nourishing food is the soul of two gods

Although Amelia pushed away the finger of the God of Darkness in distaste after waking up, and the soul of the God of Light was not fully recovered, she still grew rapidly, not only devouring the god, but also left a small piece, the cat Playing like catching a mouse.


The situation was reversed in an instant, and the God of Light, who was suddenly reduced to Daozu, gritted his teeth and cursed.

big liar!

She was pretending too much, with Yazi's eyes struggling, he thought she had really given up. The results are all fake!

asshole! Big bastard! !

"You win!"

At this point, He has already seen it, but he is still a little bit aggrieved and a little inexplicably wronged.

If I had known that there would not be so many BBs, how sweet would it be to do it directly? Now he must be holding the madness of a saint enjoying the dark god in the God Realm.

He wanted to say that he didn't actually intend to let her die, and when he regained his position as a god, he could make another body, which was easy for the gods. He can also give her the right to eternal life, so that she will live forever above all, and be honored forever,

But these words came out as if He was begging for mercy.

So the God of Light didn't say anything, the small fragment of soul that couldn't gather a human form dimmed, his voice was soft and faint, and no emotion could be heard.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Amelia shook her head and said, "I won't kill you."

The already hot fragments in the palm of the hand became even hotter after this sentence.

She smiled, looked closer, and touched the soul of the God of Light carefully. Her fingertips groped in every crack to measure the size. The touch was delicate and ambiguous, and the slightly long nails brought a trembling itch.

What is this for

The God of Light was a little at a loss and couldn't help trembling. Could it be that he abandoned the God of Darkness and fell in love with Him again

Well, it's also possible. After all, it is unbelievable that the Holy Maiden fell in love with the God of Darkness. It is possible that she was blind for a while, but now that she realizes her mistake, she corrects it and returns to continue serving Him. It is not impossible.

Well, it's not impossible for her to know her way back.

The God of Light suddenly felt complacent and sneered, especially wanting to see the expression of the God of Darkness at this time.

The saint suddenly raised the fragment and brought it close to her lips.

The scent of fragrance approached, lightly sprayed on the surface, covering the whole body.

Lips as soft as flower buds are in front of your eyes.

Just because he doesn't have a body now, otherwise he would definitely be stiff all over, his cold white skin would be blushed, and his eyes didn't know where to look, which exposed the fact that he was also a virgin.

—Do you want to kiss

-too fast

He has no eyes now.

But he still saw a soft tip of the tongue between the opened and closed lips.

Soft and bright red.

She said, "I won't kill you."

"—but I'm going to eat you."

As soon as the words fell, five fingers were exerted forcefully, and the ice-like irregular fragments suddenly burst.

Dots of white light radiated out, and the pure and pure soul power of the gods was sucked into Amelia's lips along the wind, circled around the tongue, entered the body, and strengthened her strength.

Light:"… …?"

Are you still human?

Are you doing human affairs? ! ! !

The God of Light was still cursing before the last trace of consciousness dissipated.

However, in the end, it suddenly occurred to him that death by Amelia's hands was better than death by others (especially the black dog).

No loss, no loss.

So far, all the souls of the God of Light have been absorbed by Amelia.

Amelia is now unprecedentedly swollen.

It's like a big balloon that's fully inflated, and it's just about to fly to the sky and float around.

After living for so many years, what kind of experience is it for the first time to feel powerful? Everything in the world seems to be in her hands. She knows what it means to turn hands into clouds and turn hands into rain.

good! Cool!

She closed her eyes, but she seemed to see thousands of miles away, the chaotic and noisy crowd, the temple with a big hole, the messy flowers and plants in the garden, and every inch of detail.

With a thought, the dilapidated house returned to its intact appearance, the big pit was restored, the black mist was dispelled, and a sun was pinched to hang it up. It's easily like the small business simulation game she played in her previous life.

Everything is back to normal, no one was killed, no one was injured.

It was just her effort to think about it casually, and the disaster that was enough to destroy the human beings on land was easily resolved in this way, without any effort.

This is a miracle.

This is the power of God.

Amelia spread out her palms and slowly clenched them into fists, feeling intoxicated by this powerful power that can control her own destiny, her eyes burning.

"Want to be stronger?"

The icy body leaned over and clung tightly.

The dark god who had been watching her quietly and intently embraced her shoulders, his tall body wrapped her in the shadows, and surrounded her with a cold and evil aura.

His slender and strong fingers inserted/entered between her fingers, clenched them tightly, and then let out a comfortable sigh of relief.

There is a deep pain in the soul that can drive anyone crazy. The Dark God didn't care, hugging the beloved human being he finally found, the crazy color in his eyes faded, and he relaxed.

"You can't be called a god yet, at most a false god, do you want to be stronger, do you want...to truly become a god?" He whispered, his voice a little hoarse and tired.

Amelia rolled her eyes and elbowed the man away.

"Don't touch me." Her voice was cold, colder than before.

If it is said that the disparity of identities separated the relationship between them and made it difficult to get in touch with the real each other, then the "Alfonso once wanted to kill Amelia" is a wall.

A wall that reaches into the sky.

This matter can't be solved, there is no way to solve it, and it makes people mad to think about it. Amelia made up her mind to end this relationship, and her growing strength gave her such confidence.

The Dark God frowned, looking down at the saint's expression, and at a very close distance, he clearly saw the cold look in her eyes.

"It was my fault."

Before the saint could speak, the god admitted his mistake first, and his voice, which was pretending to be calm, trembled invisibly.

At first I was reluctant to kneel, but now I get used to kneeling. Alfonso, the dark god who was feared and evil like a hell devil in the population, restrained his haughty eyebrows and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"It's my fault." He repeated, "You can make any kind of compensation you want, you can kill me once, or several times, I promise you all."

He promised that such a thing would never happen again and no one would hurt her again.

What killed her, destroyed her, was just the last struggle of a beast captured by prey, because he knew that if he missed this opportunity, he might be tied tightly to this seemingly thin little girl forever.

like animals in cages tied to ropes.

The god does not want to be an animal, he is free and proud, so he would rather crush his heart than admit that he fell in love with a lowly human being.

Now he has surrendered.

He did fall in love with Amelia.

One human, one saint.

What a humiliating and inconceivable thing this was to the Dark God in the past, but now he doesn't care about it, his terrifying scarlet eyes are dyed with a little soft light, and he reaches out to touch the saint's cheek.

Amelia pursed her lips, lowered her head to avoid His hand, and said, "No, I don't need compensation."

She picked up a piece of minced meat from an unknown person from her knee, and the rain of blood stopped early, but the flesh and blood of the fallen limbs did not fade away, and they were still piled up everywhere. The thick smell of blood in the air smelled It's disgusting.

Here is her soul, and it can also reflect her spiritual world.

Maybe these things will never go away.

I don't know when it started, she changed from a little girl whose legs would go limp when she saw blood, to a person who didn't change her face when she saw a corpse, and didn't even think her hands were dirty when she picked it up.

"You can't make it up to me, Alfonso," Amelia even laughed, pinching the flesh in her hands, and said with a smile: "Have you seen it? My world has become like this, it's disgusting Red, lifeless."

"Have you noticed that even though you're sitting here, so close to me, breathing in touch, has anything changed?"

The spiritual world is a reflection of a person's emotions. When he is happy or sad, the scene in the world will change, either white or black, and even flowers will bloom when he is extremely happy.

If you see someone you like, there should be a change here.

The God of Darkness looked around, seeing a mess.

The sky became darker and darker, and the flesh and blood on the ground condensed into a swamp.

This is the fact, the best ironclad evidence.

Amelia doesn't love him anymore, and his actions can't affect her emotions. Even if he apologizes and compensates, she can't be happy because of it.

Even the sky was even darker, and there were faint thunder lights gathered above his head in the dark clouds, and the golden light shuttled like a snake, pressing down with heavy power.

—she was hating him.

Realizing this, the sharp and bloody truth lay naked in front of the god, piercing deeply into his chest like a thorny branch.

He suddenly remembered what the saint said on the bed that day.

—Love is supposed to be something that makes people better, but you made me worse.

He didn't take it seriously at that time, but now he understands what she really means.

She had long since hated him, a love-hate relationship.

The saint never said anything, and she had an expression of indifference, not because she didn't care, but because she cared too much, so she couldn't say it.

Only when she was absent-minded, did she utter two words of truth.

The long and narrow eyes of the gods were wide open, and his complexion gradually became ferocious as his emotions fluctuated violently. The already cold and terrifying appearance made it even more difficult to look directly at him, and he felt fearful in his heart.

When others saw him like this, they would think he was angry.

Only Amelia could see the helplessness and grievance hidden in it.

The gods who have always been sought after by people may never have been wronged like this, and it is not accepted to be humble and flattering.

… Pitiful.

Amelia admired it for a while before she looked back: "Go, get out of here. The Light God Sect is my territory, and you are not allowed to enter in the future."

"If I see you again, I will kill you, and I will kill you even if I die."