Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 64


Amelia didn't notice the Pope's complicated and unspeakable expression at all, and wrapped one hand around Bai Sensen's hair, while asking thoughtfully, "Where's her family, have you found it?"

The Pope said: "We found it, but one of them was already dead when he rushed there, and the rest were still alive and frightened, but they were fine."

The Pope briefly described the news he had found out.

The maid who looks very similar to her is named Beatrice. It is said that she was not so similar to her before. She was originally a slave of a certain manor owner and lived a life that a slave should have until one day she met the already dead earl.

The earl was shocked when he saw her, he simply paid for Beatrice, took her back, and found many ways to transform her face to be exactly the same as Amelia's. .

Originally, the Earl did this to dedicate Beatrice to the God of Light. During that time, the gods were looking for girls similar to Amelia everywhere. In order to get some rewards and make the gods look differently, many nobles tried their best.

I didn't expect that the person became an adult, but the God of Light was no longer willing to meet outsiders, and the gift was useless.

The Earl had no choice but to let Beatrice find a way to get in and imprison her family as a way to threaten her.

Speaking of this, the Pope suddenly knelt down and said, "My lord, it's because my subordinates are lax in their management and let this kind of people in. This subordinate is guilty and willing to accept punishment."

Amelia called people up: "Okay, it has nothing to do with you."

If the sun had not fallen twice a while ago, causing chaos in the church, no one would have casually mixed in. In addition, there were very few people going in and out around the temple, so the maid was relatively smart, hiding at the border between the temple and the outside world, so she was never noticed.

Strictly speaking, the Pope cannot be blamed for this.

Moreover, the Light God Sect is still standing, most of it is the Pope's credit. Both she and Alfonso didn't care about the matter, they were only used as a deterrent, and without the Pope, I really don't know how to manage this group of people.

Amelia sighed, encouraged him casually, and let him go down.

"Did you hear that? It's you who caused trouble again." When the people left, Amelia grabbed the elf's ear and scolded it: "Look at all the good things you did, I was the one who cleaned up the mess. "

Alfonso was indifferent, and even smiled.

"Well, my fault."

Um? Amelia was taken aback.

Is it so resigned

Although Alfonso had followed her very much recently, it was even more serious today, and he agreed to whatever he said.

It's just weird.

Amelia held back for a while, but couldn't help it, and asked by ear: "What's wrong with you today? Did you do something wrong and dare not tell me?"

Alfonso smiled again: "No."

This expression is obviously there!

Amelia asked for a long time, but she couldn't force her two pointed long ears until they were red. She was so angry that she pushed the person away and went back to the bedroom angrily.

Love to talk or not!

She didn't really want to know anyway.

The elf didn't follow.

Amelia sat in the recliner with a sullen face for a while, and the irritability surged up again like a gangrene, and the burning heart was hot, making people restless.

She couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

What exactly is it trying to do

Is it going to kill her again

Has it really let go of its arrogance as a god these days

Trust is like a shattered mirror, a broken mirror is hard to get round, even if Alfonso makes amends, even if Amelia picks up those pieces bit by bit and puts them back as they are, what is broken is broken.

Rifts are always there.

Amelia thought for a while, and from "Alfonso wanted to kill her" to "Is that damn elf dating someone else, such as the maid who has been sneaking at it for the past few days."

She knew it was impossible, but she still couldn't help but get angry.

Ah. Amelia sneered, broke off the armrest of the chair, and then ground it into a fine powder, which was sprinkled on the ground little by little.

If Alfonso dared to do this, she would burn their bodies to ashes and use them to fill the cesspool!

After imagining the death of the elf for a while, and the flattering begging for mercy before death (emphasis), Amelia felt refreshed, gradually calmed down, stood up and decided to find something to do.

It just so happened that Beatrice's whereabouts were still unknown, so I took advantage of this time to look for her.

No more thinking about that elf face :)

Just doing what she said, she walked around the church following the guidance of magic. She first stayed in the kitchen for a while, and then walked in the garden for a long time. The winding path is difficult to walk and hard to find.

What's wrong with this person, why do he try to get into these corners.

Amelia complained, and with a flick of her finger, she moved away a boulder half a person's height, revealing a hidden cave.

A gust of wind blew through, bringing the rancid smell and damp water vapor in the cave. There were a few puddles of water gathered on the uneven rocky ground, and water droplets kept falling from the cave roof.

Although it was daytime, Amelia could predict how cold it would be at night.

However, in such a harsh environment, there were a few dilapidated quilts and a small lantern with a handle missing.

Amelia squatted down and touched the temperature of the quilt. It was cold and steamy, not like someone had slept on it.

But the tracking magic found it here, and this cave was the last place Beatrice appeared.

Amelia turned around, but found nothing but a few little butterflies made of straw.

"Could it be possible to drill into the ground?" Amelia was puzzled. She turned around a few times, and simply opened the void again, and found the thread belonging to Beatrice from the densely tangled threads of fate.

Already broken.

There is no new thread growing at the fracture.

This means that she has no afterlife, and her soul dissipates completely.

... who did it

Which congregation made such a vicious attack, or did someone else get in

Amelia frowned in confusion, fiddled with the thread back and forth, trying to find the cause of her death.

The thread of destiny records all of a person's past, including her past life and future.

Amelia saw her former life. She was oppressed even worse than a mouse. Later, she had the courage to sneak in when the church was in chaos, and lived here, earning a living by rummaging through garbage dumps.

She really tried very hard to seduce the God of Light, but unfortunately, she was out of luck and never saw his true face.

Until that day, she met the Queen of God who should be regarded as an enemy in the garden.

Amelia looked at herself from her perspective, and she felt as if she had been beautified by at least ten degrees! There is a halo behind it, and even the eyes seem to be shining.

Beatrice looked up at her, trembling with envy. Why do they look exactly the same, but she looks elegant and dignified, and I look like a mouse living in the gutter

They obviously look exactly the same.

The fluke that Beatrice always had in her heart disappeared completely.

Since the God of Light already has such a queen, how could he take a fancy to him

A poor imitation is just not as good as the real thing.

No matter how similar it looks, it can't compare with the brilliance and brilliance of the genuine product.

No matter how long she waited, it would be useless. Even if she saw the God of Light, the God would not choose her.

Realizing this, Beatrice fell into complete despair, returned to the cave in a daze, curled up like a mouse again, and after hearing her father's death, she was bewitched to read out the sentence that must never be said words that come out.

At the last moment of her tragic life, she was still thinking about her brother.

—I'm dead, who will rescue him

—he's so small...so cute...

A little tear fell from the girl's dying eyes, and Amelia caught it with a sigh.

The girl who has been a cow and a horse all her life has never found out who pushed her onto the bed of the noble lord. A mere female slave, normally her face should be so dirty that she couldn't see clearly, why did she happen to have a spare time to wash her face that day, and happened to run into the earl who was a guest

It's a pity that she still couldn't recognize her clearly, and she was still thinking about her family until she died.

After finding out the trace of Tribis, Amelia withdrew her hand, did not stay here any longer, and walked out of the cave without looking back.

She has something to confirm.

When the God of Light invaded her, she once looked back on his past in the form of a dream, and she can't remember other things clearly, only the black water that rushed in like a tide, even the gods dared to swallow it, She was impressed.

She remembered this when she saw the black mist that took her soul in Tribis's memory just now.

Could it be that those treacherous black waters ran down? The gods are not its opponents. If it is allowed to go to the lower realm, wouldn't it eat up the whole world

Even she dare not say that she can beat the black water.

Amelia was worried, and stood on the top of the mountain for a while, looking up at the God Realm, wanting to go up and have a look, but she was afraid that she would die if she tried, and she would not be able to come back after seeing it.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to consult with Alfonso first.

It has fought against Blackwater before, so it should know some details. For example, weaknesses, real identities, and the like.

Fortunately, judging from the process of it eating Tribis, it has not completely run to the lower realm, and it seems that it must rely on prayer to draw it down for a while.

Things have not progressed to the point of urgency, there is still time for them to prepare.

Back at the temple, the elf was leaning against the wall, with his palm outstretched, and there was a shiny thing inside.

"What are you looking at?" Amelia quickly grabbed its hand.

She looked down and saw that it was a finely crafted bracelet, shiny gold, with some white lines mixed inside.

Amelia: "... what?"

Alfonso: "Can't you see?"

"Of course I can see it!" Amelia blushed and roared, "I'm asking why you used my hair to weave a bracelet, and...you added your own hair to it."

Could it be knots and hair knots

Although there is no similar saying in this world, Amelia still couldn't help but feel a little hot on her face.

Alfonso withdrew his hand, flipped his fingers, and clasped the glittering bracelet on his wrist. The golden color is strangely harmonious on the dusky skin, just like the golden scar on its face.

"Because there are not enough materials," it said.

So I pulled out my own hair and added it.

It's not because of other reasons, don't think too much :)

Amelia: "…"

The face is not red all of a sudden.

"Huh?" She suddenly came to her senses: "Wait! You haven't said why you use my hair to weave a bracelet, don't avoid the topic!"

The dark elf rolled his eyelids, and instead of answering her question, he stared at her back and said, "Haven't you noticed anything wrong?"

The tone was a bit helpless, and also a bit of a sense of "I expected it a long time ago".

Amelia: "Huh? What?"

She had a bad premonition in her heart, followed the elf's line of sight, groped behind her back for a while, and felt, she finally found something wrong.

I... Where's my hair

What about my long hair? (make gestures)

Amelia's hair is long and curly. It used to reach down to her knees when she put it down, but now that she touches it, it can reach her waist at most. It's so long! without! La! ! !

The elf was still adding oil and vinegar there: "You can only grow longer if you cut it. Your hair hasn't grown at all recently, which means it needs to be cut. Don't thank me."

Amelia: "…"

Amelia: "..."

Is this what it has been refusing to say

Damn, I want shark people.