Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 65


Alfonso was beaten again.

Not only was he beaten, but he was also bitten.

Amelia lay on its neck like a vampire, gnawing blood dripping from it.

Considering that the height difference between the two was more than a head, Alfonso had to bend down and take the initiative to bring his neck up, so that the little ancestor could eat it satisfactorily and comfortably.

"Annoying ghost, I'll bite you to death." The saint muttered vaguely, her lips were stained red with blood.

She was wrapping around the elf's waist, which felt unexpectedly thin, and there were tough and firm muscles on both sides, which could not be squeezed.

She couldn't help pinching it a few more times, then touched it upwards, and stretched it into the clothes after touching it.

At last, when Amelia woke up from the fragrant sweet smell, she found that her hand was on an indescribable part of the elf, and the tip was bleeding.

Amelia: …

I seem to be here to talk about business

How did it happen without knowing it

It's all the elf's fault, if she insists on making her angry, she gets angry... but she just wants to vent her anger by messing with the elf.

Amelia suddenly woke up from the beauty, and deeply felt that this was not the time to do such things.

Love can be done at any time, it is not too late to solve the problem of black water first.

So she withdrew her hand, let go of the messy bitten neck, and her expression turned serious, coughing a few times, ready to talk about something serious.

"I found out a bit, the maid I told you about before, she... ah!"

The elf grabbed her waist with one hand, picked her up easily, put her hands back under her clothes, pressed her head on her neck, and forced it to her mouth for her to bite, wanting to do that kind of forced buying and selling .

"Bite, who told you to let go." Alfonso snorted and said, "What maid, am I not enough?"

He directly carried the person back to the bedroom and seduced him with his body.

Amelia hesitated.

So today, when the Pope reported the affairs and left, he put on that complicated and unspeakable expression again, and the maids looked at Alfonso with more sympathy, as if in their hearts Alfonso had become a person who was being treated every day. It's like hitting a poor oppressed person.

Alfonso:"… "

At the end of the day, Amelia finally pulled her head out of the manhood and talked about the things that had eaten Beatrice.

Amelia said: "Those things scare me, it's creepy to see, just like when I saw a snake on the side of the road before."

Ever since she got the godhead, the emotion of fear and retreat seemed to have disappeared from her body, but it reappeared when facing the black water, and it was even more intense, as if it had been accumulated until now.

Alfonso stopped playing with her fingers, and within a few seconds squeezed her fingertips lightly, as if to comfort her, "Don't worry, it won't come out again."

Amelia waited for a while: "...? And then? What is this thing? What is it called? What abilities does it have? You just finished the introduction with this sentence?"

Alfonso said casually: "It has no name, and it has no mind. It is just the energy of the group to act on instinct. It has great power. Animals are smarter than it. If you really want to find a code name for it, call it It's 'evil thoughts'."

Evil thoughts

This word gave Amelia an ominous premonition, and she asked the elf several times, but it refused to say anything, choked its neck and threatened it viciously.

Amelia is furious!

"What are you thinking? Do you think I'm still the weak little saint?" She announced angrily, "Don't think you can't beat me, and neither can I. I'm different from you, I Much stronger than you now."

"Well, strong." The elf nodded.

Amelia slapped the table: "I'm serious!!"

Alfonso: "Well, I'm serious too."

Amelia: "…"

Mad! ! ! !

This time, the dead ghost and elf will not eat hard and soft, and will not eat oil and salt, no matter how much she grinds, she will not be willing to tell the truth.

In the end, Amelia simply put it aside and checked it by herself. She couldn't believe that there was no trace of such a creature that was so powerful that it surpassed the gods!

She looked up the classics everywhere, making insinuations, but no one had heard the rumors related to the 'evil thoughts'.

Not even in the book.

It was as if it had suddenly emerged from a crevice in the stone. Even the gods can find some trivial information, but it has none.

Presumably, it should not be a creature that lives by faith.

Later, Amelia changed her mind and changed the keywords to 'people who disappeared without a trace' and 'strange prayers', and finally found a trace.

Judging from the records of the divine religion, about a hundred years before she picked up Alfonso, there were successive cases of people disappearing inexplicably. At first, everyone thought they had run away from home or were killed.

It wasn't until a certain time that someone uttered a strange and indecipherable prayer in public and disappeared in front of everyone, and these hundreds of disappearance cases that had accumulated to a total of hundreds of cases were regarded as crimes.

The number of a few hundred is only calculated in the big cities. In the invisible countryside, where the people are extremely poor, it is unknown how many people have disappeared.

Thinking about it, that number must not be too small.

The gods tried to find out the source of the prayer, but unfortunately no one could hear what the missing person was chanting. What they heard was always "... great and noble..." and the key words were all silenced and erased.

There are no clues, and the occurrence of disappearances is irregular. Although some people have already seen that the victims are poor and in difficult situations, there are more than tens of millions of poor people on the mainland. The nobles will not have any accidents. There is something to scare the slaves under him to do good work.

As a result, these disappearance cases gradually fell silent, and everyone got used to people disappearing from time to time.

Until Amelia discovered this terrifying shadow from Beatrice.

As she flipped through the file, the doubts in her heart grew bigger and bigger. How did something that appeared in a mere hundred years beat the combination of the God of Light and the God of Darkness

And seriously, a hundred years should be the duration of the fight between two groups of people. She remembered that the fight in the dream lasted for a long time. If it hadn't been dormant all the time, the 'evil thought' should have provoked it as soon as it was born.

This is equivalent to a trembling little baby poking down two giants with one finger.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible, but it is a fact.

The deeper she searched, the more frightened Amelia became. She couldn't sit still any longer, and returned to her former residence, and found the black book that had been exposed to wind and rain for several months from under the flower pot.

—You...you think of me...

Heishu slowly flipped through the cover, a book that didn't even have a face, just showing a weak look.

Amelia tapped the spine of the book with her knuckles and warned, "Stop talking nonsense, I have something to ask you."

Heishu was keenly aware of the sudden change in the attitude and expression of the saint. She was no longer as kind and gentle as before, like a beautiful and harmless white swan. Painful little 'revenge'.

Now she is more like the needle hidden in the cotton, seemingly soft and easy to break, but the needle tip is shining with cold light, it can quickly pierce your heart and take your life at any time.

Coupled with the sense of intimidation emanating from her...

The black book, which bullies the soft and fears the strong, becomes honest all of a sudden, and the words that appear are all curvy and careful.

—O beautiful and honorable Lady Amelia, your servant is at your service.

Amelia: "Have you heard the word 'evil thoughts'?"

-hiss! ! %¥(*…

The first time Heishu heard this word, it typed out a lot of garbled characters, the characters were trembling, and the light was on and off, like the eyes of a person flickering because of fear.

After a while, it squeezed out a few words.

—Where did you hear these two words

Amelia compared the performance of the black book to Alfonso in her memory with its current performance, and slowly frowned.

"I'm asking you, not you. Answer honestly, and I can let you live." She was in a bad mood, and deliberately threatened it.

Unexpectedly, Heishu suddenly closed the pages tremblingly, flew into the flowerpot with a swish, and buried himself in the soil like a soil drill, and couldn't come out even if he was killed.

Amelia: "...?"

"come out."

Heishu expressed his attitude that I would not come out even if I died here.

Amelia: "…"

It's fine if Alfonso of Nima bullies me, and you dare to ignore me! ! !

In a rage, Amelia directly sealed the black book in the soil for a period of one hundred years, and specially asked the maid to move the flower pot to the roof to be exposed to the wind and sun at close range.

The wailing sound of Heishu could be heard faintly above his head.

Amelia let out a sigh of relief, patted the corner of her skirt, all the roads that could be walked were blocked, she thought about it, and decided to go back and continue to press Alfonso.

She came prepared this time, and specially prepared small props, such as XX, XX and XX, and she must make it speak.

But when she returned to the temple and searched back and forth a few times, but couldn't find the black trace, her heart suddenly sank.

"Where are people?"

The maid knelt on the ground, breaking out in cold sweat: "You... haven't come back for a few days, and the husband disappeared at about the same time. We thought, thought, that you took it away..."

As soon as the word 'disappeared' came out, Amelia reflexively thought of those missing people first, but she rejected this idea in an instant. Alfonso did not meet the conditions, so it would not despair.

So I went by myself.

Amelia almost laughed, okay, so you ran away without telling me, wait until I catch you back, and see how I will deal with you then.