Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 66


When the temperature was hot at noon, the flowers in the garden were wilting in the sun. Several graceful and slender girls shuttled among them, holding carved water pots, talking and laughing, laughing and playing.

"That 'sir' is gone, do you know?" The maid in white skirt winked and said.

Another maid in a light green skirt nodded, with some unconcealable joy on her brows, and said with a smile on her lips, "I guess he escaped, such a brilliant gentleman really shouldn't stay here any longer."

"Yo, it's for you to praise." The maid in the white skirt repeated with a smile, with a narrow smile: "Why, have you talked to him?"

The maid in green had red cheeks, but said seriously: "What are you talking about, I just watched him from a distance a few times, and I saw that he has an extraordinary figure, so he should be an excellent person. I don't have any bad intentions, don't you Think about it."

"Really? I don't believe it." The girl laughed like silver bells.

The maid in green was a little annoyed by being teased, but she couldn't help laughing.

She really didn't say anything to that gentleman, but even a few glances from a hundred meters away were enough for her to see what an outstanding man he was.

Excellent opposite sex will always make people feel good.

Even if there is no intersection in the future, the maid in green hopes that this gentleman can escape the fate of being imprisoned, leave the queen who is holding him tightly, and return to his own spacious world.

The Queen of God will definitely send someone to arrest him.

Hope he can escape.

The maid in green was praying so devoutly.

As everyone can see, this handsome and indifferent young gentleman has been imprisoned in a small palace for a long time, living a lonely life.

The God Empress never let him see outsiders or talk to others, and everyone could only catch a glimpse of his thin and tall figure from the window occasionally.

There was a maid who bravely talked to him, but was thrown out in an instant, and she was paralyzed from the fall. Afterwards, she was still full of fear and no one asked her, she just shivered in the quilt, looking like Terrified to the extreme.

Don't think about it, how could other people have such abilities, it must be revenge from the jealousy of the God Empress.

Her desire for monopoly is really strong, everyone sighed like this, and felt even more sympathy for that gentleman.

It's like the king who should have lived in the jungle was forced to be handcuffed for people to watch, and the plight of the strong is also particularly heartbreaking. I don't know how many servants who occasionally saw his demeanor felt sympathy for him, and even the Pope tried to persuade him veiledly, but was rejected impatiently by the Queen of God.

— "Huh? Let him go? When will I not let him go? I have never locked the door. If he wants to go, let him go. Do you still want me to open the door for him?"

When she said this, Amelia was in a period of emotional irritability, her expression was extremely cold, and she looked fierce. Everything she said was the truth, but in the eyes of others, this was the most naked threat.

—Do you dare to come out and try? Even if the door is open, you are not allowed to step out of the door! !

"It's so pitiful. When my god wakes up and knows his existence, he will die."

"No way, who made God Empress like him? She's fine, my God loves her so much, she won't be angry with her, it's just that other people will suffer."

Sighing, everyone finally waited for the news of the poor gentleman's escape. They secretly congratulated and made an agreement with each other to quietly hinder the Queen of God's search for him, so as to buy opportunities for his escape.

This is really a big misunderstanding.

Amelia didn't know about it before, and let the rumors spread everywhere, and was kept in the dark. Until now, when she was about to send someone to find Alfonso, she found that everyone looked very strange, procrastinating, and pushing back and forth, so she realized that there was something wrong. I found someone to force me to find out what happened.

Amelia: "..."

Are you poisonous

Is it because I don't let it go out

Obviously it doesn't like to see people!

It's even more absurd to hit someone, it did it by itself and has nothing to do with her! ! !

Amelia couldn't argue with anything.

She was also reckless. At that time, she had just obtained two pieces of godhead, and when she was inflated, she pulled out the elf without giving a reasonable reason. At most, she just covered up its elf identity and let others Can't see where it is different from ordinary people.

But in the eyes of outsiders, the Queen of God, who was guarding the empty boudoir, suddenly brought a handsome young man from nowhere, with an intimate demeanor, hugging him in the palace all day long and not letting anyone see him, often showing traces of ambiguity.

Isn't this Xiaoqinger

Especially Amelia was heavily affected by the godhead during that time, and her mood was often unstable, and she gnawed the elf's neck all over, which looked like traces of abuse.

Coupled with Alfonso's naturally stern and serious eyebrows...

Alright, here comes the story of a domineering queen who forcibly snatches a weak and weak young master.

Amelia: ...Your imagination is quite rich.

After being speechless, she also put this matter behind her.

It doesn't matter if it's left or right, and Amelia didn't bother to explain too much to outsiders, so she admitted the crime, beat the crowd again, told them to find someone, and then returned to the temple alone.

She opened the door, walked in along the clean and white marble floor, and went to the deepest point. Under the big bed that often swayed, she found a black unknown object poking its head.

Amelia didn't say anything, and asked directly, "Is it in the God Realm?"

Xiaojiao grumbled weakly.

After calming down for a few days, Amelia gradually realized something was wrong, and guessed that this dead elf might have gone to the God Realm! !

Saying not to let her go, and then sneaking in by himself, it has lost its godhead, and it can beat that disgusting thing

Isn't this nonsense

Facing the fire-breathing eyes of the saint at this time, Xiaojiao trembled, hesitated for a while, and finally fell to the ground decisively, pretending not to know anything, pretending to be dead.

Amelia: …

"Okay, I see, in the God Realm."

Amelia let go of the little horn, casually summoned a scepter with dirt on it, left a note saying "I have something to do, come back in a few days", and rushed to the God Realm angrily.

It was her first time in the God Realm.

In the memory of the God of Light, this place is a piece of chaos, a piece of nothingness, no sky above, no land below, nothing, it's boring. Amelia thinks it's a bit like the mythical world before Pan Gu created the world.

But now, everything has changed here, an earth-shaking change.

As soon as Amelia came in, she thought she had gone the wrong way, and she had arrived at some unknown lake, which was seriously polluted, and the lake water was smelly and black.

The pungent smell makes people feel sick.

Amelia stepped in mid-air, walked over carefully without touching her feet, and took a closer look.

Acting as the soil to trap the lake is a flesh-colored film.

Very thin, but extremely strong.

'Evil thoughts' are like acid in the stomach bag, silent and motionless.

But when Amelia approached, as soon as her breath approached, the lake, which was originally calm like a pool of stagnant water, suddenly stirred.

The black liquid is like a living thing, squirming layer upon layer on the layer of film, squeezing out with all its strength, like a vicious dog smelling of meat, desperately trying to bite her, it is best to be able to bite her. eat them all.

Even though the lake has no eyes, Amelia can feel the pervasive greed and appetite surrounding her like needles.

This should be 'evil thoughts'.

As the name suggests, it's really disgusting.

Amelia couldn't help getting goosebumps all over her body, the string in her mind tightened with a crunch, and her slender five fingers clenched the scepter so tightly that the knuckles turned white.

She didn't act rashly, but stood where she was, and first observed the God Realm carefully.

The empty space is full of flesh-colored bags wrapped in black sewage, with no end in sight. The sewage and the meat bags seem to be fighting and devouring each other. The black water is imprisoned to prevent it from leaving.

Good, safe for now.

Amelia breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had time to look for the traces of the elves.

She turned around and called its name in a low voice. While maintaining vigilance, she was looking for someone everywhere. After searching for a long time, she couldn't find anyone for a long time.

Could it be that she was wrong? Did the elf really run away from home

But she didn't do anything excessive that day, did she bite too hard? So angry

Amelia's cheeks puffed up a little, looking a little unhappy. She reluctantly thought: Well, next time she bites lightly.

Since people are not here, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Amelia turned around to leave, thinking about where she might go. Did she go back to the Dark God Cult, just like a wife who went back to her 'natal home' in anger after being bullied

She was amused by this association, her slightly frowned brows and eyes parted, her lips were pursed into a smile, and her eyes inadvertently glanced up, facing a pair of blood-red eyes.

It was resting its chin, looking at her with interest, as if it wanted to see how long it took her to raise her head and see it.

Amelia: "…"

Amelia: "You just watched me running around here looking for you????"

Amelia took a deep breath and clenched her fingers.

Hard and hard, fist hard.

Alfonso twitched his lips, turned his face slightly, and said, "You're here." He didn't say much.

At this moment, the black water suddenly fluctuated violently for a moment, and the shape of the meat bag changed accordingly, revealing the whole picture of the elf that had been invisible before.

Amelia's pupils shrank.

She saw countless small pieces of minced meat falling from Alfonso's body, shining with dark brilliance, converging into a faintly glowing galaxy, slowly flowing down over his body, filling up the missing flesh in the battle against the black water bag.

Alfonso's facial features are deep, and his cold and sharp face is looking at her from top to bottom, but he doesn't feel condescending. Instead, he is a little relaxed and lazy, as if he just saw her every time he pushed the door open. When she came back, she couldn't help the soft light that leaked from the glacier.

To be honest, that face is not pretty.

A piece is missing, and a piece is exposed, the flesh grows wrigglingly, and is also lost at any time, sometimes revealing a little white bone and dark red muscle.

With such a face, if you replace it with Amelia who just crossed over, I am afraid that your legs will be weak in fright.

But now, she didn't change her expression or her heartbeat, and even smiled a little. The soft blond hair set off her fair skin, making her more gentle and amiable, like a living Virgin.

She said, "Don't worry, I can beat you while listening to your explanation."