Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 68


This series of events happened quickly and hastily.

Alfonso gave her almost no time to react and refuse, and made these decisions on his own. From Amelia's point of view, the whole thing seemed inexplicable.

Why is it suddenly the end of the world

And then suddenly parted from life and death again

The amount of information is too large to accept.

Amelia stood where she was, her eyes were still red, and her eyes were dazed, like a lost lamb, unable to find her way home in this endless wilderness.

But after all, she has experienced so many things, and she quickly realized what was wrong, especially the last sentence.

Is Alfonso the kind of generous person? It's too false to say 'promise you to raise a few things'. If she really did this, wouldn't Alfonso rush over and crush the adulterer first, and then crush her

There is a smell of green tea in these words, not like it can say.

No, there is a conspiracy.

There must be a conspiracy! !

With a sullen face, Amelia tried to return to the God Realm, but the entrance to the God Realm was sealed, and she couldn't open it no matter how hard she knocked. The door was tightly shut, with no gaps showing through.

But she smelled a strong smell of blood, Alfonso's blood, which was getting heavier and heavier.

"Asshole, I know you can hear me, open it!"

Amelia slammed the door several times, gnashing her teeth angrily.

The more she thinks about it now, the more something is wrong. The 'evil thoughts' didn't just appear in these two days. Alfonso has been recovering his memory for so long, so how could he be unprepared? live it.

It would be even more ridiculous if there was anything else that made her cool and unrestrained in the lower realm for thousands of years. Although Alfonso lost his godhead, his body still had the power of being a god. You can come up to see it often, or even stay in the God Realm all the time, so why is it a parting of life and death

Amelia tried desperately to open the closed and silent door, her heart sank into an abyss, and she panicked.

There must be something going on.

That's why Alfonso tricked her into leaving like this.

It was something more unacceptable to her than its death.

What will it be

When it was all in vain, Amelia suddenly remembered that Jason, who had glimpsed probing his brain a few days ago, ran away in a hurry outside the temple, and she didn't know what to discuss with Alfonso.

He must know something.

Amelia went to question aggressively, and found the dark creature's lair, the Dark Cult along the way.

Unlike the Guangming God Sect, which is so rich that it explodes, the Dark God Sect is poor from head to toe. The floor is not a white jade floor, but a muddy dirt road, mixed with livestock feces, which smells bad. The congregation did not live in tall and spacious palaces, but crooked tents.

As soon as she fell down, she stepped into a mud puddle, and a cow wagging its head and tail passed by, walked over slowly, and "mooed" at her.

Amelia: "…"

… which is too poor.

She took out her foot and threw out a cleaning magic to wipe off the muddy water on the shoes. She looked around, but couldn't find where to find someone for a while.

Where is the statue? Amelia remembered that Jason seemed to be an archbishop, and he should serve beside the god statue, but this rural place was full of chickens, ducks, fish and sheep, dilapidated houses and tents, and there was no god statue.

She had no choice but to call a shivering man dressed as a farmer and said, "Call Jason out, I have something to say to him."

This 'farmer' looked like a young man in his twenties. He timidly glanced at the glowing white girl in front of him. The rabbit ears wrapped under the heavy kerchief trembled slightly, and tremblingly responded.

The young man with rabbit ears scrambled and ran out for a few steps, until he could no longer see the unknown girl, then he straightened up and shouted: "Hurry up! Enemy attack!! The white dogs are coming to the door! !!! Brothers copy guys!!!"

At this point Amelia was still waiting anxiously.

Her mind was full of that dead elf and 'evil thoughts', and she never thought that the dress she was wearing, which was printed with the religious emblem of the Light God Cult, would cause so much misunderstanding to the people of the Dark God Cult.

The news spread all the way to the heartland.

"Is there an intruder?" Jason smiled leisurely, "Which little girl is looking for death and found her on our territory."

He picked up the scimitar casually, and said casually: "Let's go, go out and have a look."

It's been too long since it was dispatched, which caused some people to misunderstand. Jason thought, looking cold, how should he deal with this daring thing

Although the description of the person who sent the message was indeed very similar to Amelia, Jason thought it was impossible after thinking about it for a while. That person is my Lord's beloved. Calling someone like a fish in water, how could he come here alone.



Jason froze.

The girl waiting impatiently in front of me, surrounded by many people holding weapons, is not the legendary saint who is favored by the gods

"You, you..." He stuttered a little, thinking to himself whether he should directly detain him and dedicate it to their beloved Lord, so as to relieve His pain of lovesickness.

Then I heard the saint say, "I have something to ask you."

The crowd dispersed (especially the young man with rabbit ears who couldn't speak clearly), and found a secluded room. It took Jason a lot of effort to find a chair worthy of her status for the saint to sit on. On the other hand, he dragged a tattered low stool and sat on it.

Amelia was in a hurry, so she didn't spend time in circles, and asked straightforwardly: "You went to Alfonso a few days ago, what did you say?"

Jason was stunned: "Ah, ah—?"

These three words sounded like garbled characters to his ears, but he could roughly understand who Amelia was talking about, and quickly waved his hand to stop Amelia from continuing to say: "I know, I know gone."

Just kidding, he would die if he heard the real name of God without authorization, and he didn't have God's favor, how could he dare to listen.

Jason was sore for a while, cleared his throat, and said, "It's true, but my lord ordered me to keep it secret. I'm sorry, my lord, it's better not to ask about these things."

No matter how much you are favored, you can't interfere with the affairs of the gods!

Jason felt that she was a little too proud of being favored, and he was a little dissatisfied, so his words inevitably took on a preaching tone.

Amelia still had the mood to explain to him if she wanted to put it aside, but now she was in a state of urgency, how could she have the time to let go of the magic pressure and press heavily on him, with a terribly cold expression: "I'm not I'm asking you."

With a godhead, she can easily overwhelm the top human beings.

In just a split second, Jason was rolled from the chair to the ground, and his whole body stuck to the ground like a piece of paper. He was horrified and annoyed in his heart, clenched his fists, and forcibly gave up the urge to fight back.

Damn, he is also a strong man in the world, if he is bullied like this, if it is not for my lord, he will cut off this woman's head!

Suppressing his anger, Jason was about to continue to speak harshly, when he raised his head, he suddenly felt the familiar aura in the pressure.

How fat four? ?

Why does he feel that the saint is the dark god he has served for a long time?

How can this be? ? ?

Jason hesitated for a moment.

Unable to wait for an answer, Amelia increased the pressure impatiently.

Jason snorted, a little blood dripped from his lips, but he felt that the breath became stronger and stronger in horror.

There is no mistake, the saint in front of me is the God of Darkness! ! !

He was puzzled, but he didn't dare to delay, he suddenly lowered his head, not daring to lie again: "It's like this, you... no, that who..."

Jason was talking nonsense, not knowing what to call Alfonso, so he gritted his teeth, omitted the subject, and said quickly, "...Let me bury these stones at the four border corners of the mainland."

As he spoke, he spread out his hands and respectfully presented four small round stones rolling in his palms.

Amelia continued to ask: "Anything else? Are there any others?"

Jason hesitated for a moment, then murmured: "Also, let me find some romance novels... and send them over."

Romance novel

Amelia reacted for a moment before realizing that this was a love story from another world.

What is Alfonso looking at this thing for

No... that's what she thought...

The corner of Amelia's mouth twitched, but she still put away the four round stones. Seeing that Jason couldn't ask for more information, she didn't say anything, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

After the saint left, Jason lay on the ground, puzzled and forgot to get up.

He can't figure out what's going on now. Why would the beloved of the God of Darkness become the Queen of the God of Light? Why is the Dark God still not angry? Why did the saint become the God of Darkness? Why…

This woman is really too mysterious! Too strong! The wrist is all over the sky!

If a book can be published, he will definitely buy it! Why worry that he won't be favored by the gods

Jason is now seriously thinking about whether he should go there one day and ask for a cheat book or something, so as to gain some insight from my lord.

Don't tell him to feed QAQ every time.

After Amelia went back, she asked several well-informed scholars to help identify the four round, unremarkable small stones.

Among them was the literature and history teacher she used to hate so much. He still had eyes and a gentle look, and he was respectful when he saw her, completely gone from the previous hideous look when he assigned her homework.

Amelia originally wanted to tease him, but when she saw his expression, she suddenly lost her mood.

"Can you see what it is?" she asked.

Several scholars discussed back and forth, took out various small tools and tapped on the stone, and after a while, a representative was sent to tell her: "Maybe some kind of magic pattern has been added, but I can't see any effect for a while. , further testing is required."

Amelia nodded, "Okay, then you can take one back, but be careful, you must not trigger the magic pattern."

When the crowd dispersed, the palace fell into silence again.

Amelia had nothing else to do, so she decided to go to God Realm to knock on the door again, keep knocking until Alfonso opened the door for her.

As soon as she stood up, she felt her skirt tremble. A small doll climbed up, hugged her fingers, and said a small "嘿".

Amelia looked up.

It was the doll that Alfonso had left her.

The workmanship is exquisite, the appearance is a miniature version of the elf, and the expression and appearance are exactly the same.

It raised its head timidly, with tears in Hei Doudou's eyes, as if he was a little afraid of heights, he hugged her fingers with short and fat hands, and rubbed them attentively.

Those lips that looked extremely cold on the real person opened slightly, and let out a tender and resentful voice:

- "Oh."

Amelia: "…"