Taming the Dark Lord

Chapter 70


When Amelia came in, she was afraid of wronging Alfonso, and deliberately suppressed her anger and reminded: "Jason has already confessed everything."

The dark elf understood the expression on her face. It narrowed its eyes and cursed: "Useless things." There was a murderous look on his face.

Very well, unrepentant.

Threats and insults to witnesses!

Amelia rolled up her sleeves, threw herself on its back and started beating people. It didn't play like a fight like usual. She didn't stay strong this time. The kicks were real kicks, and the bites were real bites.

The scene was once very intense.

Alfonso's smooth long hair was messed up, and his cold expression became somewhat manic. He frowned with a headache and remained motionless. He let her punch and kick him anyway. It doesn't hurt much either.

By the way, he slapped back the "evil thoughts" that he thought he could fish in troubled waters and take a bite.

"You can't change the problem of lying to me, can you?" Amelia asked, pulling her ears.

Alfonso just said calmly: "You don't need to know."

Amelia said angrily: "Do I need to know? That's my business. Have you asked me in advance? How can you be so patient and help me decide everything?"

What she said was just angry words, but she didn't expect Alfonso to answer: "I can really help you decide."

Amelia: ? ?

What? Can you say that again

Amelia laughed angrily. Not only did this person not apologize, but he even dared to talk back!

furious! It's crazy!

It seems that I haven't clearly realized where the error is!

With all her strength, Amelia bit her sensitive ear, and red blood flowed down the pinna, and flowed all the way across its bony and sharp neck, soaking the skirt of her clothes.

This is enough punishment to drive any elf mad with pain.

Alfonso acted as if nothing had happened, he didn't move his eyelids, and he didn't stop her, as if he had tacitly let her vent her anger in this way.

It said to itself, "You have found your way."

Use declarative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

Amelia said angrily, "Yes, I found it, thanks to the doll you gave me."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered, and took out the little doll that was soaked in her body temperature from her pocket, "Why can't it move now? You have to fix it for me, it is much cuter than you."

At least she can act like a baby and fake cry, and she's so cute when she's buzzing.

the most important is. Amelia thought to herself, she probably won't have the chance to see Alfonso in this life, so she can get a glimpse of it from the doll. It is for this reason that this doll must stay, must stay!

Alfonso glanced down, took the doll, and stuffed it casually. He didn't know where it was stuffed, and changed the subject: "You should try it, the door can't be opened for now."

"Yes, I tried." When it came to the business, Amelia withdrew her attention and said seriously, "I feel that something is missing, such as a key, but it doesn't seem to be..."

She said while thinking, what is missing

Amelia has never been a good child who studies hard. She still can't understand the books she read in the church, let alone the vast amount of knowledge that Godhead passed on to her. There is so much that she still can't understand. It's a fur, and I really can't think of what else is missing.

But she soon realized that she was going in the wrong direction and that she should think from a different angle, from Alfonso's point of view.

What is missing, Alfonso must know, its current actions, besides restraining 'evil thoughts', what else

—The four stones.

stone = many human lives = …

"Soul!" Amelia's eyes lit up, and she said, "It's the soul."

Alfonso nodded.

It looked down at the pair of blue eyes, which were shining with the fluctuation of the owner's mood at this time, and felt that it was extremely beautiful, and the stars in the sky were not as beautiful as it, so it naturally lowered its head and dropped a picture on the trembling eyelids. Kiss and say, "You're right."

"...so you have to bury them." Amelia spread out her palms, and four small, unremarkable stones rolled among them. Who would have imagined what kind of magic is contained in it.

Holding them, she felt a chill in her heart, reaching her fingertips, making her tremble from the ice.

So now it's a multiple-choice question, either everyone dies together, or they use other people's lives as a stepping stone, and they escape to other worlds.

Of course Amelia didn't want to die!

She also knew that the wisest choice now was to let Alfonso plant four bombs, pretending to be blind and not knowing anything.

Alfonso will do it all, she doesn't have to do it herself, she just has to turn a blind eye, she can go on being her immaculate saint, pretend to be confused, and leave this dying world after she succeeds.

But Amelia thought of so many living beings, those who were talking to her this morning, were about to die, and she couldn't speak because of a lump in her throat.

"Is there... any other way..." Amelia murmured, her fingers clenched into fists, her knuckles turned white, and her veins bulged.

The surefire solution...the way to save everyone's life...

Amelia thought with all her strength, she even opened her eyes and looked at Alfonso beseechingly.

The deep-skinned god just looked at her, his expression not wavering in the slightest.

"You must live." It said, sticking its slender fingers to the root of her hair and inserting it, following her throbbing nerves bit by bit, its movements were patient and completely opposite to its expression, "I will not allow you to die."

It was originally a god of evil, and the life and death of human beings was irrelevant to it. Even if they were all dead, it was not as important as trampling an ant to death. But it knew Amelia wasn't.

She couldn't bear the pressure of carrying so many lives, so she might as well be led by it in a daze without knowing anything.

Alfonso said: "I will erase your memory, you will not remember."

Amelia got into its skirt like an ostrich, sniffing the thick cold fragrance, crying and calling herself a waste.

Empty with power but can't do anything.

The godhead is taken for nothing!

If it were the God of Light, he would definitely sacrifice human life without even thinking about it, but at least he was completely bad, unlike her, who couldn't even make up his mind to do bad things.

It’s fine if you don’t dare to be a bad person, if you don’t dare to be a thoroughly good person, you’re afraid of death, pain, and difficulty, it’s too useless

Amelia was crying deeply, when she suddenly felt a movement in her heart, as if she thought of some key words.

"Wait!" She wiped her tears and patted Alfonso's shoulder excitedly: "Wait! Godhead, Godhead..."

The essence of the godhead is faith, and faith comes from the soul of human beings. In other words, the godhead is the condensed body of the soul! It's still the kind of coagulation with super large pieces. She has two pieces, which must be enough.

"No." Alfonso blocked her mouth neatly, "No."

"Oh!" Amelia stared.

Alfonso said slowly: "Think carefully, are you willing to give up your eternal life, power, and status for these little bugs? You are the only human being who has won this honor in tens of billions of years. Once you give up, you will never be able to do it again get back."

"Think carefully and think clearly."

After being poured with cold water head-on, Amelia was forced to calm down from the excitement, and followed Alfonso's guidance to look down.

Through the layers of white clouds and the circling birds, she saw the dense crowd of ants on the ground.

They are like industrious worker ants, who are oppressed by the nobles and still earn the little coins used to maintain their lives. The number is extremely large, and they spread to every corner of the world.

Vulgar and mediocre, extremely ordinary.

Not even a single flower is so touching.

No wonder the gods use ants to describe humans.

But Amelia saw a lot at the same time.

At the border where black and white meet, Debra, who is covered in wind and frost, is looking up with a fair face without makeup, laughing and cursing with her companions, the corners of her eyes and brows are filled with joy, and she has long lost sight of the pretentiousness of the past Son.

When she saw a remote mountain village, Rita stood under a flower stand full of wisterias and kissed a handsome knight. She blushed with embarrassment, but her eyes were bright, and she refused to leave her lover for a moment.

There are also the Pope praying with his eyes closed under the statue, the impassioned literature and history teacher standing on the podium, and the skinny witch stirring the cauldron in a low cave...

They're all so fresh and alive that people can watch them for a long time just by looking at them.

"What a masterpiece the human race is."

Amelie couldn't help laughing

Gods shouldn't exist.

In her previous world, there were no gods, and the world that relied on human beings alone was much better than it is now. If you have a god, you will still fall into various disputes brought about by your beliefs. Human beings will be forcibly divided into black and white, and heretics will be treated inhumanely.

Amelia suddenly remembered the burning at the stake when she first came to the church.

So many bright and lively girls, if there were no gods, they should still be alive now. Live brightly and freely.

"Come on! It's just a godhead. If you live less, you will live less, and you won't die."

Amelia stretched out her hand arrogantly. Although taking out the godhead caused her body to tremble uncontrollably due to the pain, she still pretended to be indifferent, turned her head, and signaled Alfonso to take the godhead away.

Alfonso:"… "

Alfonso: "I'm going to kill Jason."

This time, it finally remembered Jason's name.

In a not so friendly way.

'The idiot human who sabotaged its plans'

Amelia smiled, and felt that the godhead was taken away. At the same time, a cold current flowed through her body, suppressing the pain, and finally pierced the tip of her nose in retaliation, making her ruthlessly Sneezed.

"Okay, don't be angry anymore." Amelia crawled on the elf's shoulder, and licked the tip of its bitten ear with ease: "Why can't I dispose of what you gave me?"

It is difficult to give up the rights that have already been obtained, but once she re-experiences the feeling of being a human being, Amelia feels that this decision is very right.

It's not easy to be a god!

There is someone BB next to your ear all the time, and you still can't control the feeling of wanting to lose your temper and want to kill someone, why don't you try it?

Amelia was so annoyed that she nearly blew herself up.

There is also the problem of sleeping, since she got the godhead, she has never had a good night's sleep again!

The pain of insomnia would really drive her mad if the gods didn't need sleep anymore.

And with the departure of the godhead, the kind of ambition that was growing day by day also left.

Amelia slumped down leisurely again, not even disliking the disgusting-looking meat membrane beneath her body, and waved her hand like Uncle Alfonso.

"You go, call me when the passage is open, I'll take a nap first, I'm so sleepy."

As soon as the words fell, Amelia tilted her head and fell asleep.

Within half a second he was snoring.

Alfonso:"… "

Is godhood more important than sleep

It's fine if you can't compare to humans, but you can't even sleep...

... Forget it, this result was actually within its expectations.

Alfonso leaned over and hugged the sleeping saint, leaving behind the messy God Realm, first went to find her a comfortable bed to lie on, and then went to solve the mess.

There is no way, the gods who used to be indifferent and determined to go their own way have become accustomed to obeying the command of a human being.

Although this human being is nosy, soft-hearted, and flirtatious, it is the type it hates the most.

But fate is like this, never at the mercy of others.

The arrogant and evil god was captured by human beings after all, and he bowed his head and bowed his head reluctantly but unable to extricate himself.

Willing to call her queen.

Follow-up (end of life version ending):

What happened after that, for Amelia, who was focused on catching up on sleep, passed extremely quickly.

First of all, the door that opened, Amelia never imagined that she not only crossed the world, but also crossed time. Her original world has already ushered in its own doomsday, leaving only a void of nothingness.

She struggled to recall the vague family members in her memory, but their faces were too blurred, so blurred that she couldn't even feel sad, but felt a little regretful.

The new world was destroyed like this, there must be no way for everyone to escape to live in it, Alfonso studied it, and directly led the 'evil thoughts' to that world, diverted the water to the east, and then closed the door of the passage.

Anyway, there is no life there now, and Amelia has no objections. The crisis that could destroy hundreds of millions of lives has been easily resolved.

Maybe one day, the 'evil thoughts' will expand to fill that world, but that must be a long, long time in the future, and Amelia doesn't want to think about it anymore. Being a human being means muddling along and enjoying yourself in time.

Another good news is that although the two of them have lost their godheads, their strength is still there. Alfonso had lied to her before, deliberately coaxing her to choose the path of sacrificing others.

Amelia wasn't very angry either, she had already known what kind of person (god) it was, and had already chosen to accept everything about it, including its cold-bloodedness and bloodlust.

She picked an opportunity to announce the passing of God to the outside world, and with the help of the Pope and Jason (who was almost killed), she successfully led the people on the road to socialism.

Engage in construction, focus on science and technology, vigorously develop people's livelihood, and work diligently for a hundred years, she is still alive! Second-rate! become! god! up!

This time the real goods are all for her faith.

People appreciate her, love her, and even spontaneously write poems for her. There are portraits of her everywhere in the streets. Everyone is proud to look like her, imitate her in dress, and imitate her in speaking.

One day Amelia went to the street quietly and saw many girls who looked exactly like her.

Amelia: ...

That's right, these young geniuses have learned magic plastic surgery without a teacher.

Sensing that the atmosphere was not right, Amelia decisively pulled Alfonso, who had already started to get impatient, away. They disguised themselves and revisited the famous mountains and historic sites, not from a high place, but from the perspective of ordinary human beings. A happy and happy time passed.

In the end, Amelia, who gave up her godhood again and voluntarily died as a human, took the hand of the black-faced elf and said with a smile: "Don't be so unhappy, rare things are cherished. If I always Live, live like an old man, you will definitely bother me."

Alfonso's expression was gloomy, full of anger that was about to come, and he had to bear it down aggrievedly, glaring at her: "Say nonsense."

Amelia's eyelashes trembled when she laughed. Even though her face was getting old, when she smiled, those eyes were still more moving than the stars in the sky.

"I know you won't bother me, and you will go with me." Amelia hooked its fingers, her old body couldn't exert any strength, but those thin and strong hands moved over by themselves, and moved towards it. She drilled it in her hand and held it tightly.

"Listen well. I want a white tombstone. It must be the best white jade. If you dare to make it black, I will beat you. I know you hate white, but didn't I say that you don't like black, although we The two must be used together, but you still have to listen to me. There are also flowers, and the flowers must be white... "

These topics made Alfonso feel unbearable, but he had to listen carefully. Rao's mood that had become peaceful in recent years became ferocious, and his cold and fierce facial features were even more terrifying.

Amelia is not afraid of it at all, a dying person, talking a lot.

"Do you remember everything clearly?"

Alfonso:"… "

"Do you remember clearly?"

"… knew."

The black-skinned god took a breath patiently, and kissed those lips that kept saying heart-wrenching words.

It looked at her, watching the expression in those blue eyes gradually disappear, and the uncontrollable pain in the heart convulsed.

It watched her from birth to death.

That day, in the alley, the elf who lost her memory saw her through the hazy blood color, the petal-like skirt spread out, falling like the moon from the sky, and the magic accumulated in her hand suddenly lost its strength.

Not everyone can pick up an elf disguised as a dark god in the alley, only she can.

In the end the tombstone was still black.

Alfonso will always find the best way to piss off Amelia.

The author has something to say:

It's finally over, it's over, this is the end-of-life version, and tomorrow there will be a live-on version

I believe everyone can see that there are actually a lot of places to write about, such as how they did the construction, but I thought about it, this is not what I want to write in this article, and it’s not what you want to read when you click in This, plus the emotional line has been written, Mi Li’s personal growth line has also gone through the process of human-god-human, the three views have been sublimated, and there will only be dry plots left, so I won’t write , briefly explain the follow-up, fast forward to the end, let’s end here

Of course there are extra episodes, a daily episode, an adult episode where an adult Xiaohei picked up young rice grains, let’s look at abo for inspiration, if there is no inspiration, I won’t write

That’s about it, thank you for your support, I hope to continue to see you in the next book, Chirp~

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