Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1: Alive


When Zhou Huaian climbed ashore from the water again, he only felt that the gloomy sky looked particularly cordial, and the fresh air full of complex and peculiar smells was also particularly good.

Slowly coughing up the muddy water and foreign objects in his mouth and nose. The long-term suffocation under the water made his mind still a little groggy and weak; after a lot of "Who am I" and "Where is" "Where is he going to play" Nietzsche and Kant's inner philosophical torture did he determine his own situation.

He was still alive, instead of being hidden among the black and green moderates on the way to evacuate the overseas Chinese, he suddenly took off the car bomb of the n7 believers and killed the fish, and even the people and their cars were thrown out into the water. Is it

It was only so easy to break free from the ZTE Picari, which is known as an African artifact, as if everything had disappeared, whether it was the old and rusty bridge built in the 1970s, or the crowds of fleeing people, or The roar of guns on the horizon of the vast grassland was gone.

He was lying on a moss-streaked deep and slippery stone bank. Some familiar grass blades grew sparsely from the cracks in the stone, and they formed small purple and white flower buds in the fine breeze. Trembling. The alleys he climbed out of the river were so clear that there was no way to see anything other than mud and sand;

Then he discovered that it was not without other things. His own pickup truck, which was modified by the African Magic, was lying quietly on the bottom of the riverbed that had been twisted and refracted by the water waves, with only a small edge mark on the top exposed.

He couldn't help sighing, at least in his drenched state with bare hands, he couldn't salvage the belongings from the car.

"this is.."

Then, he was a little dizzy and slowly shifted his attention to the environment he was in, and then words such as "ancient" such as "traversed" suddenly popped up in his mind.

Because standing up and looking out from here, this is a very large and ancient city. Between the scattered residential buildings and the market, there are ubiquitous cornices and ash tiles and thatched roofs during the intricate period, as well as forests. Similar to the remaining wooden buildings of the bell tower and drum tower in later generations.

The other side of the city is faintly in the distance with the skyline of the sea, because it is caught in the air, it is the sea breeze that is obviously salty with the port; only on the other side facing the land is there a faint sea breeze. The half-enclosed low city wall, but there are many pits and gaps in it, like it has been eaten by a dog.

Many plumes of smoke rose faintly over the city, and the scorching smell and ubiquitous black ash began to appear in the air, and the familiar smell that had been smelled many times on the African continent; all of which drove him Involuntarily walked towards the direction where the currents converge,

Suddenly, I saw a shocking scene of splitting the liver and gallbladder with numb hands and feet. It was a wide water system that passed through the city. There were endless crying and trembling on both sides of the bank. Cheers from the sky.

Men, women, children, and children are constantly being escorted to the edge of an unknown river by the uproarious crowd, and then their heads are chopped off on the embankment to throw the corpses into the river, and then wash directly into the open sea where the mouth of the river is located in a large area of blood. .

Therefore, on this seemingly wide-mouthed river surface is already densely packed with all kinds of corpses, and occasionally some people who are not completely dead are struggling, and then slowly disappearing into the distance along with many corpses downstream. In the estuary of the sea.

this moment,

He suddenly felt a certain kind of deep-rooted danger and a great sense of crisis. This is a city that is in the midst of a massacre. No matter which camp it belongs to, these armed men or soldiers who seem to have killed the red eye. He may not easily let go of this stranger who suddenly appeared.

With the sound of footsteps and faintly noisy movements nearby, an inexplicable voice urged him, he must escape here by all means.



In a sharp shout full of malicious intent, he only had time to turn around before he was struck hard from the corner of his forehead.

"Zaiguang these slaves..."

Then, a rather sluggish mechanical voice sounded in his head.

"The host is in danger of life"

"The emergency system is activated, and backup energy is injected."

"Turn into the instinctive mode of animal nerves..."

Soon after, when he woke up again, he was in a pile of bloody corpses, and he was lying on the ground in a five-body stance, spreading half the street along the bloody traces of scattered corpses. , Disappeared at the transit point of an unknown street.

At least dozens of armed personnel were torn and dismembered on the spot with some kind of brutal force, so that the remaining people dropped their weapons, and the fear and horror at the moment before death were still condensed on them. On the distorted face.

And he didn’t even have the kind of conditioned vomiting and nausea that Benn had, but rather like a certain sage’s time after being hollowed out of his body, and he judged with a calm mood that surprised himself Analyze the current situation and what happened in the past.

Before being stunned, something seemed to be activated on his body, and then it became like this.

Just as he racked his brains and thoughts, faint lines and borders suddenly appeared in his vision, and an extremely obscure and dull voice sounded again.

"During the self-inspection... Serious insufficient energy supply"

"It has been converted to passive standby after restart..."

Then these lines and borders representing some kind of data interface disappeared completely, no matter how he used his consciousness to call or shake his head again, he couldn't send it out.

"What the hell is this again"

He couldn't help shouting in horror and madness in his heart.

"It's only a one-time effect for Mao"

"It happened to me again..."

Then it turned into a sense of involuntary shame, and his appearance and appearance must be very strange. It’s just, why other people’s plug-ins are not the grandfather with the body, or the omnipotent system that can be exchanged at will; he is parasitized by such a ghost that seems to be unreliable at all.

I am a materialist,

I am the successor of socialism,

I am a newcomer armed with a scientific outlook on development.

When serving as a volunteer in war-torn areas in Africa, he was a candidate who joined the party through the line of fire.

After Zhou Huaian continued to meditate on these forcing himself to calm down again, the imminent sense of crisis drove him again, and he had to endure the heavy blood and the slowly rising nausea, and began to be among the corpses that had been slaughtered. Look for things you can use.

At least in the later modern society he has lived in, he has a certain psychological tolerance for this kind of things in the developed Internet curiosity style, but when he later walked in the Middle East and Africa with the medical team as a volunteer, it was not. I have not witnessed the tragic and cruel scenes that occurred on the fringe of human civilization.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhou Huaian thought that the most important thing rationally was to let himself live in this unfamiliar age before talking about it. Even abandon some moral cleanliness and ethical discomfort for this.

Although most of the clothing and belongings were torn and cut by the corpse by the terrifying external force, and scattered all over the ground; but he still picked up a handle among the tattered weapon blades abandoned by others. A straight-edged single blade with little rust, a narrow blade and an angled straight front without a gap, which is somewhat deterrent and lethal; find an unsuitable black lacquer sheath and insert it in The right on the waist belt is a weapon for temporary self-defense.

Then, he took the top half of the broken flag, rubbed off the stubble at the root and wrapped it with a cloth head that was easy to hold, and held it in his hand as a crutch in a sense and a secondary weapon that could be thrown at any time. After all, this ancient city is undergoing some kind of killing, who knows what will happen next;

Next, from the shed that was knocked over and collapsed on the side, he cut off a large piece of semi-new and unused shade cloth, and wrapped it on his body in two butt joints so that he didn't look so obtrusive. Although he was still wet and uncomfortable, he didn't have the time to deal with it before he escaped the danger.

Then, wrap the cut cloth strips around the calves and soles of the feet, put them into a pair of old boots that were obviously too large, and replace the pair of wet and ragged canvas hiking shoes. At least he has the basic conditions to initially be able to carry out limited long distances and accelerate running and escape without damaging the legs and feet.

According to the basic common sense that has received survival training in the wild, judging from the location of the sun and the clothes of the locals, this area should belong to the hot and humid southern coastal area; therefore, it also needs sun protection and sun protection, at least on the sides. In a shed of shards of stoneware, he found a ready-made old hat to wear on his head.

Then, in a broken tank, I found the remaining light brown tea water that was not contaminated by splashing blood. This means that it is the drinking water that has been boiled, not the source of suspicious. I don’t know what remains and Ingredients of raw water;

Although it has been splashed with a little dust and fragments fell underneath, after a little taste, it is confirmed that it is similar to the taste of inferior tea bricks and wild thorns; for him, this is a good thing, not only can quench thirst and replenish water , It can also provide refreshing and refreshing effects in a short period of time.

The plan to allow him to escape from this dangerous city during the legitimate killing gave him a little more assurance and confidence. Then he started looking for a suitable portable container, and finally found only a large bamboo tube and half a gourd scoop that had been hollowed out and thinned.

Along with the tea that was drunk, Zhou Huaian's body seemed to wake up with hunger.

He can only search for the existence that can be used as a geographical indicator as soon as possible. To compare one's position to walk out of these maze-like unfamiliar neighborhoods; while looking for food that can feed your stomach; after the inexplicable violent eruption, the body aches and strong hunger pangs appear almost in waves. , Even saliva and saliva can't be swallowed.

Well, at least others are playing survival in the wilderness, but I am playing survival in a city full of death and killing, or a city full of killing.

The good news is that since it is where humans live, it also means relatively abundant tools and sources of materials that can be used, as well as more options for hiding places.

The bad news is that this massacre appears to be organized and orderly, which means that the entrance and exit doors are highly likely to be closed, and it may be necessary to find a way to fight the battle from the sea. (End of this chapter)

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