Tang Dynasty

Chapter 10: Still alive (below


"Come on... Monk, it's late for dinner..."

In sporadic greetings, Zhou Huaian looked at the soup and rice cakes and biscuits that were put in front of him again. Although they were not good things either, it was just mixed vegetable soup and rice cakes with a lot of bran. The tops were still clean. The ashes of the stove, but at least it looks more decent than the leftovers I ate before, at least the hot food in the broken basket after being made soon.

Did this easily pass the barrier and changed its position and temporarily joined the system? Although it was only a peasant uprising army of the nature of gangsters, Zhou Huaian looked at all of this in a dream. He actually still had to rely on fake monks to pretend to be fools to cheat and cheat. He only felt that the absurdity and swelling came out again. A sense of gap, heavy in Ji’s heart

And he was just an African tribe shaman that scholars had seen. He pretended to read a few circumflex Swahili that he didn't even understand himself, and then followed the beat of Buddhist music like "The Curse of Great Compassion" on the street of later generations. After humming air-to-air for a few moments, it was so easy to get through.

They even didn't even need to examine the things on Zhou Huaian's body, but were directly regarded as Buddhist tools for ditching battlements and other things that had nothing to do with ordinary people. It's not surprising that they turned a blind eye to them.

He even got a blue robe {monk's clothing} that he did not know from whom he had peeled off. Although it was saved and written, it was generally clean, and there were no traces of lice and fleas, so that he could give the rags to his body. Change to

Then he got the treatment that he could eat with the little bosses, as long as he continued to stand in front of the strangely-shaped corpses that needed to be buried, and without changing his face, he would read a self-made transcendence scripture to hum. That's it.

However, after he finished eating the seventh gluten gluten biscuits indifferently, and drank a large spoonful of vegetable soup and rice from the earthen jar, he drank it, and there was a noisy buzzing around him again. But I don't know when a small circle of people has been around; they are all the small leaders of the rebel army who are eating at the same time, just talking about it.

"Good, you can eat monk..."

"It's all seventh... Most of the pot of soup..."

"Can you really eat all of these..."

"Rapid money, everyone lost my three eldest sons..."

"If you can't take it out, use the small things on your body to top it..."

There was another particularly proud voice, yelling in it.

"If you want to gamble, you have to accept it..."

Then the other party carried a basket, and soon piled up some coins and small objects.

Well, it seems that the daily life of these rebel soldiers is really monotonous and lacking in detail. Actually, this kind of thing can be used as a bet for a while. Zhou Huaian muttered indifferently in his heart, and reached out to the end of the straw basket. A piece of bran cake; after he scraped off the last bit of soup, he finally failed to turn his stomach fullness into a real burp.

He couldn't help sighing secretly again. According to the research of later generations, when people are short of oil and salt, relying solely on the involvement of carbohydrates will become especially edible and digestible. Obviously this is his current situation. Up.

Then he suddenly involuntarily took a moment, because he suddenly felt his fixed field of vision, as if it had some kind of looseness, and suddenly it could be pulled up far and near, and then it became a swimming frame that synchronized multiple points of focus, and Various details were presented to his senses, and then disappeared quickly in a certain sense of emptiness.

Although it was only a fleeting change, Zhou Huai'an, who was stunned, was moved in his heart. Could this have something to do with eating after he maintained his hunger? Does this inexplicable ability and sense require enough food to ensure it

In this case, his expectations and plans will be changed.

"By the way, you don't need to bury it."

During this period, Zhou Huaian finally found an opportunity to chip in and test.

"Aren't you afraid that it would rot out of thin air in the wild and become the source of the epidemic..."

"It's just a wild monk with a little adopted son, so he can make noise..."

"What about my rebels, why do you need to talk more"

It's a pity that, except for the bitter and bitter team officer who gave him a meaningful look, he reprimanded him. No one cares about him or cares about his words for the rest.

"The monk is so courageous,"

Before it got dark, the Lieutenant Grey Hair Chai turned back.

"Stay in the empty door, it's really good for Taiwan."

"It's better to follow me and follow Huang Wang's great cause and do something for the world's desperate people..."

Of course, the actual thoughts of this Captain Chai are far more than these, because after watching his words and deeds, he has been somewhat surprised and sighed.

Could it be that this servant is really a disciple of the sect of some famous mountain monastery, without any magical instruments and rituals {disgusting face? }, just relying on Sanskrit singing and harmony can make people hear the respectful compassion and care

It's just that this kind of character can be left among the people and mixed with these hungry people, is it a way to enter the world and practice? The more he thought about it, the more confused and suspicious he became. But at least the suspicion of being an officer and military spy was greatly reduced, which made him think differently.

"Now, do I have other options?"

Of course, Zhou Huaian didn't know the right and wrong of these twists and turns, he could only show his weaknesses in a low-key manner.

"In addition, I am not..."

"Okay, come with me..."

It's a pity that the other party didn't mean to listen at all, and pushed him straight in the other direction.

"First I will find you a place to spend the night... Alright"

When Zhou Huai'an was awakened by the loud noises, from the mosquito bites that could not be prevented all night, he woke up from a door panel and a straw mat, and he saw strange and busy campsites, and those obviously after looting and looting. The materials that were brought back were piled up in the open.

"From now on, you will be the sons of my Stormrage Camp"

The leader was Cheng Dazhe, the previously bitter and bitter team officer, who was speaking loudly to the trembling head.

"From now on, good brothers who share misfortunes and blessings, live and die together"

"Although I can't compare to the camp of Fury, those old camp children from Henan and Huai Shang."

"But it's also the old man who followed Huang Wang from Jinghu all the way to kill,"

"If it weren't for the terrible beating after the break in Dayuling, it would never be cheaper for you guys..."

After the expulsive complaint was over, the Cheng Da Bite waved his hand at his back, and the rebels who had been prepared rushed forward, facing the newly recruited rebel soldiers, and the dumb thing was a beating and yelling. Then they are driven into a pile like ducks;

"Come to get the guy..."

With Cheng Da Bite’s cry, bundles of new weapons were piled up in front of them by Taylor.

The only weapon that everyone gave was the fresh bamboo that had just been chopped down and the tail was sharpened, and there were obviously uncut branches on it. They were named the so-called "Bamboo Spike Team" on the spot. The only thing in common and characteristic is that they are all standing barefoot in the mud.

Under the yelling and cursing of the big and small bosses, they stand in groups in such a disorderly manner. The bamboo poles jerk in the air are smashed and entangled, just like the chaotic grass blown by the strong wind. Endless.

The so-called righteous soldiers who are responsible for suppressing and restraining these new soldiers seem to be slightly better equipped than them. They are those who have accents of Liangzhe and Fujian, and obviously follow and coerce from the local;

Although it is also ragged, the bamboo and wood long rods that I took have been tied with strips and ropes or fixed with different shapes and polished iron tips and blades, so they are called "Pole Team". Wearing straw sandals or wrapping cloth on the feet only accounted for more than 30% of this rebel army.

And the ones with fewer numbers and better equipment than them are the so-called rebel veterans, and they are also the backbone and backbone members of the rebels in this step. They are called the "sentinel team" in daily life; they seem to be approximately There are about two hundred people who spontaneously stand in more than a dozen relatively even groups on the periphery, which seems to be a key position that is convenient for vigilance and mutual support;

They were looking coldly at the jokes of these "Pole Teams" who are in a hurry to suppress and restrain, or "Bamboo Spike Teams" who are at a loss like a mess of sheep or ducks, and they make waves of laughter and ridicule from time to time. ;

Most of them are young and strong men from the north, and they are generally slightly taller in size and spirit. There are still some old and new scars on his body; no matter it is swords, swords, axes, hammers and sticks, everyone has the same iron weapons, at least a half-new leather case or half-studded vest, or another It's tied up with several layers of linen cloth. Everyone has shoes and boots that vary from old to new. They basically also act as the little leader of the rebels.

It can be said that, except for a small number of people who have dirty and worn hats and painted helmets, the others are covered with a plain cloth, which is considered a unified identification method.

Then, with the sound of a dull horn horn, Zhou Huaian saw that the old pawns who were on standby also suddenly moved. (End of this chapter)