Tang Dynasty

Chapter 100: Xinsheng (If you are not interested, skip it


On the horizon of the Guanzhong land, the sun after the snow stopped was already over the hills of the mountains, and half of the face was concealed; the pleasing and brilliant rays of the sun were shrouding the magnificent square city.

The sound of the morning bell came from the Great Ci'en Temple and other meditation forests, awakening and dispersing flocks of birds, drifting across the palace walls of the Forbidden Garden, and then disappearing into the sky above the misty and misty city well.

The north wind slid over the Weishui of ice floes, blowing across the two cities, 35th Street, and 109 Fang in Chang'an. Thousands of weeping willows and golden peaches on the banks of the too liquid pool are blowing down; and the remaining popularity that is still in Pingkang Sanli through the night and reveling, is blown away, leaving only a yawn. There was a bitter chill.

With the gradual advancement of the long queue to enter the city, the sky gradually lit up, and the roar of cars and horses on the streets and the hustle and bustle of the Fangtou morning market gradually became dense and high-pitched.

Amidst the cries of one after another, the birds hovering over the market are dancing more and more quickly in the morning light; but anyone who has lived in Chang'an for a long time will know that this is the sound of the two major cities in the city. There was a thumping sound; after the third round of the opening drum was also sounded.

Countless vendors, guys, coachmen traveling from their homes and houses, and even the slaves and maids of large families, as well as villagers from outside the city, are also racing to gather in the streets and lanes of dozens of miles of the city. Source streams of different thicknesses.

After squeezing through the Kangchang team and inspecting the body and flags, the ox cart where Yu Li, the judge of Sizhou at the time, was in, also passed through the inner and outer gates of Sichuanglian City, and formally entered this world. The location of the capital.

His name is Ziyi, his name is Yishi, a native of Yaoshan in Xingzhou {now Longyao County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province}. He is famous for his poems in his youth, and he is known as the style of the suburbs of the teacher {Du}fu and inherit {Meng}. More advocating realist poets who are close to the people's hardships; they are simple and unpretentious, lively and straightforwardly known as the contemporary style of vocal poetry, which is "constrained to vocal and frivolous". They are regarded as the same and different.

Therefore, in the circumstance that his reputation in the literary world and the tactics of drilling are not very pleasing, he used the second year of Xiantong {861} to promote the scholarship, but he has been an ups and downs personnel who has been unsuccessful in official luck. But it was under Wuning Town {Xu Si Jiedu}, a mere Sizhou judge who was in charge of river and water affairs. In contrast, those who stayed in Beijing in the same year were at least bachelors, homeless people, or even cabinet ministers;

And one of his tasks outside of his official duties in Beijing was to bring a large amount of routine light and expensive goods and local products to the prime ministers of the dynasty, Wang Duo and Zheng Tian, as the mutual shade of fellow party members. Capital, and the usual means of filial piety. In addition, there are even more than a dozen cockfighting and big geese, but they are to cater to the young emperor in the palace who likes to have fun.

After visiting the old place a few years later, the basic pattern in the capital seems to have remained largely unchanged; what made him feel a little strange and abrupt is that the shops on the streets were tearing down the signs, and it appeared to be scattered everywhere.

Yu Li asked the friends who accompanied the car a little bit. The scholars of the same year who had fallen in the past, are now based in Beijing for the purpose of entering the curtain. Xu Sizou, who is in charge of the exchange affairs of flying money, enters the hospital, Liu She, just learned Cause and effect.

But it was the father of Da Jung Tian, who was in the Quan Qing Dynasty. When he traveled through the city, he felt that the sign on the street was not regular enough; then, he did not dare to neglect the order of Jingzhaofu and Jinwuwei on the left and right streets. , They all moved hurriedly in unison, and people all over the street came to supervise the removal of the signboards; even the Da Ci'en Temple, Huang Bao Temple, and Qinglong Temple, as the royal meditation forest, belonged to Xuan Yuan Temple.

Then Yu Li can see from time to time, under the eaves along the streets, the ragged people sleeping there in huddles; following the screaming and screaming of the shopkeepers, they staggered to their feet and stood up at a loss. Go to the street; but there are many who are obviously under the eaves, who can't wake up anymore despite the scolding and kicking.

Among them, there is no lack of the whole family hugging each other close together, showing a kind of stiff and weird smile, or the existence of the distorted expression at the moment of death in sleep; this time, from Chang'an County and Wannian County. The bad guy with stomach {ya servicing} will appear in front of the store at the right time;

I saw that they were very powerful, or alarmist, or threatening to negotiate, and after asking for enough benefits and convenience from the store, they turned their heads and instructed the many white soldiers and fire patrols who were pushing the carts. , The husband of the watchman, talk about these stiff corpses entangled in one place, lift them up one by one,

"Why haven't seen it for several years, there are more displaced people in the capital"

Yu Li couldn't help but asked the driver to slow down, and then asked his friend Liu She.

"That's just the little people who practice low-level karma"

Liu She was disapproving.

"It's going to be expelled, in a fair market atmosphere..."

"Ziyi's direct sales will be clear after a while..."

According to his follow-up statement, it turned out that he was doing a good job of promoting peace in the world for the six years of the emperor's ascending to the extreme, and began to drive out the lowly people in Chang'an City, especially those living in the capital who lived in the low-end industry to make a living, calling it "clean up the low-end population", ah no, It should be "low-class people and humble wait."

Then, as the agent of Xu Si Jiedu {Wu Ning Town} staying in Beijing for a long time, managing the properties and accepting goods such as the mansion shop, quality shop, cash cabinet, etc., he also talked about some other recent experiences and customs in Beijing. ,anecdote.

Although there are grass thieves attacking the city and plundering the land outside the ridge, news of Pozhou and the county is constantly coming, but the public statements to the court are only the trouble of the remote places; the so-called thief escapes from the ridge and gains money. This is the greatest victory and staged result of the preservation of the rich land—the southeast roads. To this end, the Zhenhai Jiedu Envoy and the Huainan Jiedu Envoy in Jiangdong Road have successively contributed a large amount of extra gifts to express their stance.

The only thing to worry about is that after the thieves in Guangzhou, not only the Zuozangku and Dayingku in the palace, they undoubtedly cut off the source of wealth for a large number of seas, but also lost many city envoys, many foreign objects and feudal vassals. The source of the tribute to Zhenqi has inevitably overshadowed the scene of the dynasty a lot.

For example, in Dongda City, many shops that specialize in marine and foreign goods, those rare objects such as clamshells, tortoiseshells, pearl shells and pearls, and snails, which are known for their delicate decoration, have been out of stock one after another. The nobles of Wangs and Suns and the young people from Wuling, who were in Pingkang, couldn't help but sing words and lament, "make my makeup colorless... huh."

Yu Pi was a little worried. After all, he came from the land of Huaisi where the Pang Xun Rebellion was overwhelmed. Back then, Pang Xun was able to use Guilin's squadron to serve as a grain judge, and sometimes he swept half of the world by storm. It has been followed by countless displaced and hungry generations; therefore, although his generation has been thwarted by the court for more than ten years, there are still people in the homeland who still miss and secretly worship the chaotic head Pang Xun.

Now, for the sake of the emperor's decency and pomp, these numerous "low-class people" have been driven away from the capital, which of course has made it impossible for the adults in the court to continue to sing and dance;

But after so many people have lost their livelihoods and footholds, they don't know where to go, but they have become a major local tribulation; should we expect them to return to the soil in the countryside to eat? But not to mention that there is some possibility, once it is gathered again to form, and the local fear is not a new source of chaos after imitating the king and the yellow generation.

However, when he revealed this concern to his friends a little bit, what he got was that Liu She was not worried, or that it was an unreasonable and worrying ridicule.

"Zi Yi is filtered..."

"They can't carry many hands, and can't carry them on their shoulders..."

"There is no way to go, food for overnight...Where can I go raging..."

"This is the guard of the army of the eight towns in {Kuan Nei}, and there is also the emperor of the town in the town of Jianer Jianer.

"I'm afraid that in the Weishui and Weishui waters, it is a good place for such competing to pay..."

After he settled down in the Bieshe of Zoujinyuan, washed and changed his clothes and ate the dust washing wine, Yu Li, who was a little confused, also came to the terrace and continued to watch the winter scenery of the imperial capital.

At this time, a group of officials in Xianyi angry horses and noble children with golden fur and tassel crowns flew across the street in a rampage, and went straight to the distance between a Huayuan mansion. Occasionally along the street there are unpaid people hawking in the cold wind, but they are

"They... should be the officials and eunuchs who have just come down and are preparing to participate in the breakfast banquet."

Liu She, a friend around him, was a bit jealous.

"This is the legacy of Mrs. Guo Guo's teaching method..."

"That feather robe, I'm afraid it's a hundred bird fur made of the ancients..."

"I'm afraid it's not going to steal Beili's limelight..."

Yu Li couldn’t help but understand. During the Tianbao period, the Yang brothers and sisters saw Taizhen women favoring the emperor, so they were rich and rich and reveled all night in the Zongma market. Niaoqiu comes from the legacy of the princess Anle, who was very prosperous and extravagant in the past. It is said that after she failed and committed suicide, there was a Baiqiu in her private pocket, which was worth hundreds of millions of dollars in the world.

However, I couldn't help but think of Du Zimei's "500 words from Beijing to Fengxian County Yonghuai", "Zhumen wine and meat are smelly, and the road has frozen bones."

"Ziyi is a blessed person, so it's just right to catch him this time..."

Then, Liu She continued to take out a famous assassin.

"That is Zhang Jingong's special garden for banquets..."

"Wang{ Duo} old Xianggong and Zheng {畋} great Xianggong, and Cui {Anqian} minister..."

"All the old Gemen {Sheren} under Zhongshumen are all likely to come here..."

"Just let us recognize the face of the person..."

Only after returning from the gift list, Yu Li remembered what he had seen before, but he couldn't calm down his heart.

Those luxurious feasts where people don’t think of the government as a hasty retreat, greet guests and gather friends and gather the rare and wonderful water and land; during the journey, the delicate state of the servants and the skirts on the body are on duty for dozens of households to work hard. The price is very expensive; the gorgeous and complex above the high terraces and pavilions, and the shirtless under the shaggy people carrying firewood outside the wall below.

In the end, he was unspeakably frustrated in his heart, so he made an "Ancient Banquet" that was passed down to the world afterwards.

The pheasant fan joined Penglai and returned to Zimo towards the car.

The heavy door gathers neighbouring horses, and the feast of gold and Zhang's house.

Yan'e Fengchen wine, low and weak.

Ten households have hand calluses and a phoenix hairpin.

Looking down at the tall buildings, the sun shines brightly.

Laughing refers to the under-paid people, not believing in China.

{Thank you for the online joke provided by the nameless existence, so that I can make a comment; after looking back on the relevant life and historical materials, this poem and author are actually what is happening at the same time in this book}

In addition, I think this paragraph is surprisingly similar to the legacy of Emperor Sui Yang's reign. The emperor used the Tibetan chiefs to gather in Luoyang, Ding Chou, and held Chen Baixi in Duanmen Street. There were 5,000 steps around the theater, and 8,000 people who held silk and bamboo. ; End of the month, the expense is huge. Self-consciousness. Zhufan invited to Fengdu to trade, Emperor Xuzhi. First ordered to decorate the shop, the eaves are like one, the curtains are set up, the treasures are abundant, the characters are prosperous, and the sellers also use the dragon's beard. The Hu guest may have visited a wine and food shop, and ordered to invite the court to sit, drunk and loose, not taking it straight, and Yu Zhi said: "China is rich, wine and food routines are not straight." Hu guests were all amazed. The people in this group were quite aware of it, and when they saw the tree wrapped in silk and silk, they said: "There are also poor people in China who are not covered in clothes. How can they be wrapped around the tree?" The city people couldn't answer. -"Zi Zhi Tong Jian" just a few years later, the Emperor Yang of Sui, who had traveled to the south and was unable to return the capital, was killed by the betrayal of his relatives; and a few years after Yu Li finished the poem, Huang Chao's uprising When the army invaded Chang'an, Tang Xizong could only "patrol" to Jianchuan to avoid disaster, and was driven out of Chang'an by mutiny several times, and finally died of anxiety on the "patrolling" road of displacement and migration; it can only be said that history is really true. It's amazingly similar. (End of this chapter)