Tang Dynasty

Chapter 102: The city wants to be destroyed


Under the gloomy gray daylight,

Looking over from the top of Chaoyang City, you can see several giants standing on the ground, as well as the tiny operators who are set off on the side, as well as those small boxes holding big signs and long ladders. The roof rushing car and the thin door ramming hammer.

Five big and one small, the big five have extremely thick and long arms, and they are pulled by a long cable with many hands at the front, and they are raised and lowered a little bit; the other is a smaller instrument, It was a huge roulette spinning like a waterwheel, and many humans and animals slowly gathered momentum and lowered the head of the club.

The roof of the car is a wide triangular house with a wooden skin, and it is also covered with a thick layer of wet mud and a layer of coarse cloth, which effectively protects the personnel holding the cart underneath and the large wheel hub. Blunt-headed ram; whether it's a densely thrown rocket or a volley of rocks, hitting it is just extinguishing the white smoke, or it bounces to the sides and slips off the deep and shallow traces of the road.

There are more baffles mounted on simple wheels and cars filled with soil bags and mud slabs, accompanied by these siege equipment, slowly advancing towards the trenches; and against the obstacles on the head of the city, A little bit of the uneven soil under the city, and the crisscrossed deer woods, horses, trenches, etc., were rolled, filled, dismantled, and smoothed.

"The big thing is not good..."

The defenders on the front of the city were stunned from each other.

"What is the situation and situation..."

"How can the grass thief have stone cannons {catapults} these..."

"This is an important weapon that can only be supervised by the imperial military inspector..."

"When did it fall into the hands of these grass thieves..."

"Is it transferred from Guangfu..."

"I just hate that the news on all roads has been cut off..."

Then, with the heavy buzzing sound in the distance, the rocks that broke through the air and screamed crashed down into Chaoyang City. In the semi-dry city full of silt, the brown mud and mud of the big canopy were suddenly splashed. Splash.

Those who have seen a lot of experienced officers and soldiers are okay, they can be self-comfortable; but the larger number of those who have defected from outside or are recruited from local soldiers are also forced to go to the city to cooperate and charge. People who are powerful and powerful will inevitably be unable to hold all the panic and panic successive generations of weapons and tools;

Some people even tried to sneak down the city wall without paying attention, but were driven back by the shocked generals who were beaten and scolded again. They chopped off more than a dozen heads of people who had "fleeed". Stabilized the position in the city. .

However, after seeing the slings thrown by the grass thieves, a dozen or so shots fell in the empty space in front of the city wall, and after no hits, the defenders on the city breathed a sigh of relief and put them down slightly. Some worries are coming.

"Fortunately, these grass thieves can't use anything if they have something..."

Among the defenders, a small school known as "Lucky Sura", who was regarded as a scatterer because he would lose every gambling, forced his left and right directions to be calm and loudly encouraged.

"I ruined these things for nothing..."

"It's God who is helping the puppets... Don't fall into your own ambition..."

It didn’t take long to hear his words. Suddenly, a huge stone ball that screamed and hit the middle and upper part of the nearby city wall with a loud noise, and the room disintegrated and splashed out large pieces of debris. The film came out; even with the fragments flying over the upper battlement, the defenders who had just leaned out loudly mocking and demonstrating immediately screamed and screamed and fell down.

The dust and sand that rose up in the sky also enveloped the defenders behind the nearby battlements, and suddenly turned all the people, including the small school Su surnamed, into mud monkeys.

Fortunately, the stone cannons that had played several rounds in a row stopped. It seemed that some conditions and problems occurred, and they were disassembled on the spot and the bombardment stopped;

"I know, these grass thieves are really useless..."

After vomiting a few mouthfuls of mud and foam, the small school surnamed Su, who resumed his vocalization, once again boasted in hindsight.

"This isn't just a fight... after all, it's all chicken wagul"

"We are the royal masters of the imperial court. We have destiny and vitality in our bodies..."

"The mere grass thief is nothing...only bluffing..."

However, what interrupted his endless words again was the several stone cannons that were quickly reinstalled under the city, and the stone bullets that had been dropped; this time, two stone bullets hit the ground. Above the city wall, one of them slammed directly on the hardened rammed earth wall, breaking apart large pieces of debris and sand, and in the lines of the cobwebs bursting, revealing the yellowed inner billet of the city wall;

The other one hit the crevice of the city wall high up and down, and the fragments wrapped in the bursting fragments would hide behind the defenders holding a card and a bow, causing a piece of flesh and blood to collapse on the spot and bounce again and again. Get up diagonally and penetrate into a temporary wooden arrow tower; the sound of the shouting arrow tower disappeared completely, leaving only the thick blood that was slowly flowing out of the breach.

"Don't panic, this is just an accident..."

The small school surnamed Su continued to shout.

"Grass thieves are all mud legs, absolutely impossible to have such good luck..."

After a while, another projectile hit the top of the city, but it fell on the side wall of the gate tower. Suddenly, the projectile shattered on the wall, turned into countless fragments and splashed on the nearby defenders. On top of his head, he knocked down and overturned many figures;

With the shortening of the frequency and speed of the city's successive rounds, even the dullest person can clearly feel that the grass thieves who use stone cannons are gradually becoming well-trained and skilled.

"Only these stone cannons..."

The small school surnamed Su couldn't help shouting again.

"There are so many of us guarding, we can't beat it..."

"Break one place, we will repair one..."

At this time, the siege array that had become somewhat crippled under the desperate resistance of the city head, especially the heavy equipment that had almost no loss, also filled in the aisles opened up along the front road, and finally reached the position under the city.

Then, hidden behind those wheeled baffles and big car brands, there are densely packed wooden shelves swirling in the middle. As the operator vigorously shakes the handle, the humming and sound will be dense like raindrops. The ordinary huge pebbles were thrown obliquely upwards.

Although most of them fell on the wall of the city, leaving only the pits and pits of the sand and peeling off, many of them fell on the wall and crossed the gap between the crevices; suddenly there was an exclamation. In the midst of screaming, the defenders who could not dodge smashed their skins and limbs.

Although these pebbles are at most as big as a bowl, and after being thrown more than two feet high, they have been castrated, but the remaining heavy weight is still unstoppable once they are directly hit on a person. No matter how thick your armor is, I also screamed vomiting blood and dented a piece of bone to rot.

Even if it hit the wooden arrow tower, it was the result of the fragments falling and the cracks mottled. The people inside rushed out; because just now, another arrow tower was intensively destroyed and the bracket was taken directly by the people. Together with the panicked archers inside, they smashed down the city and overwhelmed the dozens of people who were tight.

"Don't panic, we still have..."

This small school surnamed Su wants to say something more. .

"Drag this dog guy down"

A furious voice rushed over not far away to drink. Suddenly, several sergeants with the same disgraceful faces rushed over, arranging the small school up and down, and escorting it to an invisible place under the city, leaving only a lingering sound of abrupt cessation.

"Wei Du, spared me, I'm a man... ah wah wah wah..."

At this time, the grass thief archers behind the city were covered by a large row, and they began to shoot at the chaotic city head, and immediately covered the city head in the midst of flying silhouettes and splashing blood. Variegated tail feathers in layers.

And with the first vehicle-mounted ladder in the city, it was broken with a reinforced iron-headed claw, and the moment it hit the city head heavily, amidst the sound of the city and the city, the brutal and bloody offensive and defensive battles were also pulled at this moment. Kicked off.

Although this ladder, together with a few people who had just climbed the first ascent, was thrown out by the arrow rain from the top of the city in a blink of an eye, chasing them into several fragments and indiscriminate sludge; but more The ladders, climbing frames, and climbing ropes have been erected on the city wall in an overwhelming frequency and quantity, and the climber is like an ant with many first soldiers with a license, and they are attracted by them. Ash bottles, throwing stones, and rolling logs.

Was someone shot down, and someone came up next to it, along the edge of the city wall dyed red by countless sections of reciprocating competition and fighting, forming a bloody death line that rained like corpses.

And at the location under the city gate, the house-shaped rush car slowly advancing like a tortoise climbed and finally arrived. Amidst the sound of dust splashing, it began to bombard the city gate filled with stuffing again and again; After a dozen or so blows, I was enveloped by the sudden fall of hot coals, gunstone {oiled stone} and boiling oil, and amidst the rising flames and hot smoke, I lost everything.的声动.

However, more soldiers rushed out from behind the big brand, and stepped on the scattered flames on the ground, re-entered under the rush car and pushed out a lot of ugly corpses, causing the rushing car to smash again in a moment.

. . . . . .

And not far from the city, in a yard that was requisitioned and demolished; the former cavalry team Zheng Zhao Yingong, who was released again to treat and recuperate his injuries, was also expressionless, listening to a photo. Lobbying by Zhao Jingfan, the brigade commander who is familiar with the past and nicknamed "Zhao Xin".

"Cui Yajiang has already said..."

"As long as you can come out and continue to contribute..."

"You will be able to lose the merits and forget the past..."

"Now at the time when the employment of people in the city is in danger, if you can make more contributions,"

"Even if you observe in front of the adults again, I'll talk about it for you..."

"How difficult is it even to let you face Chen Zhengming directly..."

Thank you windbreaker 4000 for catching insects (end of this chapter)