Tang Dynasty

Chapter 107: Inner city


In the inner city of Chaoyang City and Yacheng, the local Yantie Judge and Water and Land Inspection Office, the officials and generals who fled here from all directions also hurriedly gathered in one place to discuss countermeasures.

"How can this be good..."

"I can't take it off now..."

"Damn grass thief, coming so fast..."

"This can't be resisted... You still boast of being an official health"

"Aren't there any Long March athletes who have fought Nanban..."

"After all, the number of guards and soldiers in the city is too small..."

"Just relying on the dozens of soil groups gathered together, what can you do..."

"Aren't there still unity and patrol soldiers in the city..."

"They are all good players who are waiting for people to collect taxes on weekdays, but when they meet a desperate grass thieves... they show their timidity."

"Just talk about what these are useful for...Aren't we still stuck here..."

"It is true that we should work together and face the current situation and difficulties together..."

"It's the same sentence, where are the reinforcements, where are the reinforcements... Only with foreign aid can we break the situation..."

"The other thing is that the sky is falling into the sky, and it's gone..."

"How good is this, all my wealth and relatives..."

"It was so easy to escape from that place in Xunzhou..."

At this time, the door of the sudden confinement was smashed open amidst anger and shouts from the outside. When I saw the figure that appeared outside the door, the people who were discussing inside could not help but queried and scolded.

"Where is the bastard stuff..."

"Who, who dares to rush to the land..."

"Qiu Yinan, what are you doing..."

"Lieutenant Qiu, the tooth commander and the judge are at present, don't go back and apologize soon..."

"Do you want to take military measures..."

It turned out that the officer outside the gate was called Qiu Yinan. His ancestors were said to be General Jinwu in the Shenlong period, Qiu Shenji. Now he is a Captain of the Water Patrol in the Quanzhou Army. He is only known for his low-eyed and low-eyed but inferior, but because of his ancestors. The family background is highly self-esteem, so the evaluation of the colleague who put it together is extremely bad.

In addition, he is also a typical inferior local navy in the official army. Therefore, in the temporary consultations convened this time, he did not carry or deliberately ignore him, but did not want to give him a chance to connect and raise troubles in private.

"Some came to borrow something from your noble officials..."

And this school lieutenant named Qiu Yinan showed a slightly cruel sneer.


Someone immediately showed a bad feeling in his heart.

"That is to borrow a way to survive for the many sons and men..."

"Qiu, what does this mean..."

"Asshole thing, are you trying to cast a thief..."

"Bold, what can I say..."

Everyone suddenly yelled and cursed, but some people began to shrink and fear, and quietly leaned against the edge of the wall in a gesture of avoiding the limelight, and some people stroked the hilt of the knife, secretly preparing to do the thing. .

"You don't want your wealth and life... and I didn't think of a thief."

However, Qiu Yinan's next sentence stunned them.

"I only need you to hand over all the members of your escorts, obedience, guards, and soldiers to my unified organization."

"Instead of letting the elders argue in vain here, waste time and delay the final opportunity..."

"Asshole, what's your identity..."

Several military generals blew up on the spot.

"Dare to order me to wait..."

"The reverse is reversed..."

"Dog stuff, dare you..."

Before the last half of the voice fell, I saw Qiu Yinan wave his hand, listening to the extremely fine buzzing sound and the rustling of the paper window breaking open, and then turned into an unbelievable expression and muffled sound of the other party; and those few people The high-ranking generals on the scene clutched the arrow shafts pierced in their chests one after another, while struggling and screaming, they collapsed one after another.

Then there was the sound of smashing and smashing open all the windows of this place; everyone was surprised to themselves, but they saw that the windows that were shot through and opened one after another were already standing outside. The crossbowmen, full of bows ready to go, waited for Qiu Yinan's order; even in the back row, there were torches lighting the rockets, and it seemed that they wanted to kill everyone present.

"I would like to look forward to the head of Qiu's captain..."

Someone waved at the scene

"A certain is willing to drive away from his guards and act with Captain Ji..."

Then, someone sensibly echoed his attitude.

. . . . . . . .

But in the camp outside Chaoyang City, it was another brisk atmosphere where success was imminent.

For most of the new pawns who have participated in the offensive and survived, the experience of birth and death will undoubtedly make people be forced to mature in the shortest time, or become numb and indifferent to some things.

"Wazi eh... take your time..."

Because of a scar on his forehead, Wang Jian, who seems to be thin and sophisticated, is also gnawing on the newly pickled pickled radish, while, as a person who has passed by and with his voice, facing the other side and facing the soup cake. Idiot

"It's going to be on the wall... it's best not to eat too much..."

"Once you start running, you will shake your stomach and make people sad..."

"It's useless to vomit accidentally... and you will lose your life..."

"Besides, if there is any injury to the sword and gun, it is good to be saved and healed..."

"You don't have to drink the soup too much, it will be fatal if you don't swell up in a hurry..."

"When the team is going to be assembled, remember to ask for slices of vinegar ginger, dried green plums or other spicy peppers... it will not be easy to think about it..."

"The weapons delivered must be within three inches of your hand, and the bits and pieces on your body must be real...

"Especially the shoes must be tight and the legs must be tied just right,"

"It's best to wrap a few more cloth belts on your hands... It won't stick to other slips when you hold it firmly."

"If you want to stay with your life and eat a few more meals in the camp, you must listen to me..."

In the midst of chattering, I finally waited for the whistle of the whole team; once again checked the weapons and equipment, the whole head was painted with blue-colored sack, water bottle, dry food, etc., all in a team, a lot of points. The camera starts in the sound

After another half of the noise, amidst the humming and leading flute, their team started trotting tightly, passing through the doorways that had been cleared out, and formally entered Chaoyang City; the troops were divided again. Several ways

Among them, Wang Jian’s road climbed up to the top of the city along the inner steps, and along the aisles on the wall, he moved away one after another obstacles and stuffing, toward the sections of the city wall where the official and military flags were still inserted. Culled away.

However, it was as if they were going all-out but they were rushing into the air. They hardly encountered much decent resistance. Under the banners of the officials and the soil groups, there were often only messy waste pieces that were trampled on the ground; By chance, a small group of enemies rushed out of the neglected corner.

It's just that their morale and physical condition are very bad. Although they were punished with a little courage for their surprise, they easily collapsed after facing the rebels' stalemate. Therefore, Wang Jian's team had no chance. Stained with blood, he had already seized another gatehouse, and also brought back dozens of defensive defenders;

On the contrary, the sound of fierce fighting and slaying came from the few men and horses who had entered the city; it was only when he found a few ragged prisoners in a stinking Tibetan army cave. , But heard a call from the outside.

"Eh...it's raining then"

Wang Jian felt the dampness on his face; then they dispersed separately, and hurriedly started looking for a place to hide from the rain, or something that could be used to cover the rain.

. . . . . .

The sudden heavy rain certainly brought a lot of trouble to the defending side, but the obstacle to the offensive side was obviously greater. For example, a bow and arrow used as a long-range killing method will become soft and loose due to dampness and lose sufficient energy storage effect, and the shot arrow will only collapse nearby.

Especially when besieging the city defense, you need to step on the flowing mud and rain, and push all kinds of siege tools up a slope to reach the city wall. The defenders only need to shoot arrows at these severely slowed targets under the shelter of the canopy.

Therefore, for the attack on the inner city wall of Banpo, after a brief taste of the loss of a few cars and hundreds of casualties, it stopped temporarily; and waited for the next step to remove the projectile equipment in the process. But in the cities of this era, the dirt roads that are soaked in mud when it rains have become the biggest trouble for all kinds of heavy-duty transportation vehicles and projection equipment.

But at this point, Wang Pan did not show any anxiety or nervousness. Instead, his opponent emphasized the truth, such as "Haste is not enough"; and then from time to time in the name of discussion, The leaders of them were anxious to go over to have a small meeting, and on the grounds of appreciating Zhou Huaian's craftsmanship, they just had a meal and continued to connect with each other.

From this, Zhou Huaian knew that for the rebels who lacked heavy equipment and professional equipment in their long-stay and mobile operations, there would not be too many opportunities to directly attack the city. Instead, they would use longer-term siege methods. More time to mobilize and clean the surrounding officers and troops;

Especially after a good sweep and search from the surrounding areas, the materials and personnel are still relatively sufficient, from the top down, there is no interest and willingness to insist on the attack.

Although Zhou Huaian felt something wrong about this, he couldn't tell why. I can only try my best to assist and make up for the omissions within my own position. For example, he prepared a large number of rain gear and waterproof cover before, and he collected timely medicines along the way, and moisture-proof materials, etc., which can come in handy.

However, in the next night, he was suddenly awakened in a hurry, and he heard the noise and noise from far and near.

When he walked up to the lookout post with a rain cloth, he saw that on the opposite bank of the Longjiang tributary, in the camp in the south of the city. The flames that originally looked a little dim in the rain and fog have already disappeared for most of them, but each This kind of noise and shouting, but it is intermittent and endless. (End of this chapter)