Tang Dynasty

Chapter 108: Mu Yu


Amidst the heavier rain, the rear camp, shrouded in silence and little sparks, seemed to be awakened gradually. There were hordes of running and trampling and low-pitched shouts.

But what is more reassuring is that most of the sounds and movements sound relatively neat and orderly. There are occasional signs of noisy and chaos, and they are quickly suppressed and disappear completely. The routine night Passing the password.

Obviously in the past, Zhou Huai'an spent a lot of time keeping the direct team and the apprentice team from sleeping, and from time to time, he repeatedly tossed down other personnel in the rear camp on the grounds of night raids and sudden assembly. Some results and achievements have been made.

"The points of the first and fourth teams of the Hooying Left Brigade have been completed. They are on standby and are preparing equipment..."

Just a few moments after standing on the outpost, the voice of the brigade commander Lao Guan sounded right next to Zhou Huaian.

"The first, third, and fourth teams of the right brigade are all dressed... ready to go to the wall and garrison."

Immediately afterwards, another brigade commander Cheng Dazhe's Bing told.

Zhou Huaian nodded, so that in addition to the three teams on duty, there are five teams of mobile power; although it is not enough to drive out to do anything, or to support other places, it is used to suppress and maintain. The situation in the camp was more than enough.

"The apprentice team, open the B-size machine car and start distributing crossbows and arrows..."

Then, he turned to face the leaders and each team leader who appeared one after another, and continued to give orders.

"Take out the raincoat, rain gear and cover, and quick-to-eat portable rations.... Pile up nearby for use when loading the car..."

"The direct team is divided into half of the horses and began to patrol, and half of them go to the wall guard post..."

"Each team stationed in the team takes the number of odds and evens, alternates in the account, and must not act rashly."

"The flag-bearers of the teams who passed the night, began to change and use semaphores and lights to pass the letter..."

"The room began to cook soup and prepare food, and the ambulance team prepared equipment and continued to be on standby..."

"The charcoal group and the oil group, prepare more campfires and lamps..."

"The night team of the mule and horse team re-examined the fodder, rope bridle, and fence..."

"The woodworking group, the iron working group, and the clay tile group, carrying their utensils, enter under the wall in turn to wait for orders..."

"For the rest of the first to fifth major teams, their members continue to sleep with their heads..."

"It is forbidden to make loud noises and movements. Violators are severely punished."

"Walk around and kill people in series, sitting on each account with a long fire and five heads..."

"Pass the password once in half an hour. If you can't connect it, you will be treated as a spy..."

For Zhou Huai'an at this moment, the so-called "soldiers are expensive but not expensive"; especially in this rainy night when the vision is difficult to distinguish and the enemy's situation is unknown, what can be expected is this. Inside, relying on his forced order, he had to eat all kinds of fish innards every day and vomit, and a dozen teams of soldiers who initially possessed roughly basic night vision capabilities.

As for the number of garrisons, civil servants, and handymen with more than them, they are not in Zhou Huaian's expectations and expectations. Some of them who suffer from night blindness due to general malnutrition, are forced to make up the results on this dark night, which is to cause frequent chaos and troubles to their own people, and even more flaws.

When he issued orders one by one, the small flags and lights swaying in the air, and the figure disappearing into the rain, the entire post-campus location was completely vigilant, excited and panting. In an uneasy atmosphere; but the rain is getting bigger and bigger, making the outline and movement of the main camp in the distance become more vague and obscure.

After more than an hour, Zhou Huaian returned from patrolling the camp again. The messengers sent out to contact the rebel army still did not return anything, and the soldiers on the camp wall were replaced by the second round;

There is also no way. Although after this relatively abundant period of time, various relatively reasonable nutritional intakes and relatively advanced supporting exercise training methods have improved and basic appearance; but still unable to Most of the rebel soldiers had a stroke, and generally won the weak physical foundation, which was made up all at once.

After all, before this, most of them were born in poverty and hunger and cold. It is true that they were forced to go to the rebel army after all kinds of helplessness. At this point, determination, courage and experience can not make up for it. In war, there is a considerable gap between the requirements and burdens of personal physical fitness and the modern and modern armed forces.

Therefore, although the current temperature is not low, under the condition of continuous rain and constant loss of temperature, if they rotate and drink and eat at half an hour intervals, they can still maintain their better preparedness to some extent.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but miss what he knew. The benefits of those firearms troops in history. At least the threshold and requirements for soldiers can be reduced to as long as they are physically sound, able to raise the gun for general aiming and pull the trigger. That's it.

However, in the rain and fog, Zhou Huaian secretly adjusted the sensitivity and resolution of his vision, but suddenly he felt something shaking in the darkness outside of the light, and he could not help but speak:

"Beware of movement outside the camp... Be vigilant..."

After hearing the sound, the sentry soldiers standing under the canopy took out the wooden single crossbows and fortified wooden bows wrapped in the tarp, began to adjust the strings and tighten them, and pressed down the full quiver on some of the crossbow machines; During the passing of the low commands, the soldiers who remained under the wall neatly drew their swords and leaned their single-handed short spears against the wall, making a gesture of preparing for battle.

After a while, a few flickering lights finally appeared in the distance outside the camp gate, and then they turned into hoarse shouts in the rain curtain:

"Houying Xu is here..."

"According to the general order, quickly send troops to the south of the city to provide assistance..."

"Fu Xin is here, please let me come in for inspection..."

What is this messenger who came to the camp for help? Suddenly, Zhou Huaian turned his eyes on him with face to face, and some people asked in a low voice:

"Head, what shall we do..."

"Or, let me go down and hand over one or two..."

At first glance, Zhou Huai calmly saw Zheng Luo Nian from the shooting team nearby. He was also one of the "old men" left behind from Lieutenant Lu, who was responsible for leading the crossbowmen among the soldiers; but when he heard these words, he Suddenly I felt something was wrong and violated, but I just couldn't grasp the important points.

"Please open the door quickly..."

"I want to go inside to meet you..."

After Zhou Huaian was silent for a while, some exhausted hoarse shouts rang again from below. Fortunately, he had always accumulated prestige and confidence, but no one dared to question or urge him, just watching his eyes grow stronger. Especially anxious and anxious.

At this time, the screaming underneath suddenly weakened, and then the lights swaying in the wind and rain, like falling into the dark with their hands dropped, flashed a few flashes and then went out; the soldiers on the wall couldn't help but some* * Get up and look out; at this time, it is still the brigade commander Cheng Dazhe who has taken the initiative to stand up, wanting to speak but stop talking.

"Well, let someone open the door and go out to meet, and then put down all the barriers,"

In an increasingly solemn atmosphere, Zhou Huaian hesitated heavily and decided now.

"The left and right brigade sent a team of people to wait by the door, just in case..."



The left and right voices responded.

"The head has orders..."

"Open the camp gate quickly and lower the fence"

"Wait, wait a minute"

At this moment, after turning a few thoughts in his mind, he suddenly thought of a key point. He hurriedly stopped Luo Nian who volunteered to turn and walk away.

"Ask Daying's password before going out..."

"Yes, it's the password..."

Zhou Huaian was particularly surprised at him, and emphasized every word.

"Just tell me what the passphrase is tonight..."

Then I could hear the sound and movement of the heavy-loaded vehicle behind the camp door, the wooden bracket being removed and the sound and movement of the two sides, as well as the shouts from Luo Nian in the opening of the door.

"Is there anyone out there?"


In the dimly lit shadow, remembered to answer weakly

"How long do I have to wait..."

"Dare to ask today's Daying pass password..."

Then, I heard the other party pause for a while before shouting vaguely.

"Tianbu average, Qingping domestically"

"Sure enough..."

Zhou Huaian couldn't help but smiled like this, and said to the left and right,

"Close the door immediately, and shoot at the sound with all your strength..."


The leaders on the left and right couldn’t help showing their surprised expressions. Although some people still hesitate and hesitate, the old team officers and fire chiefs on the wall are still under a certain inertia and blind obedience, and they will each give their orders. Open.

In a moment, I saw a continuous buzzing rain of arrows on the wall, as if it was completely swallowed by rain and darkness. Then, after a short delay, a series of continuous screams and humming suddenly sounded in the dark, as well as the sound of trampling water hurriedly.

At this moment, even people who don’t understand anymore are awakened. Why is there a reason to bring a whole team of people to ask for help? Now, without Zhou Huaian’s order, everyone is like a top that was suddenly beaten. Xiang ran up to the wall and joined more of Dao's rounds of shooting.

Someone pushed hard to close the camp gate, and then used a cart full of heavy objects and a wooden scooter to top it up again; at this time, Zhou Huaian, who was standing above only the scene and the situation, moved and rushed again Shouted directly to them:

"Don't close it completely... leave a line sideways..."

"Then lower the gate behind the door and use a barrier car to make a narrow path..."

"Let the pole team's spearman lean up to withstand it..."

At this time, in the sparsely falling rain, a lot of bright figures riding on horses suddenly rushed out. Their armors washed clean by the rain, under the shining of the swaying and flickering firelight on the wall, they were a little shimmering. The meaning. Undoubtedly, this is the elite and pioneer of the enemy army who sneaked over.

"The mud is moving..."

Then, amidst the screams of someone, I saw the crowd crawling in the dark, with large areas covered in mud, like mud monkeys.

They wielded knives and guns that were also full of mud, staggering trot deep and shallow, howling and roaring with unidentified sounds and slogans, following the traces of these cavalry tramplings, they quickly slammed toward the camp wall. Pounced.

In between these few breaths, these enemies, who ran through large areas of mud and were quite capable of riding, have successfully circumvented and surpassed the horse-riding and deer villages set up on the periphery, and even dragged them aside. , And opened a tortuous aisle for the descendants who followed; then after being shot and knocked down by about half, he successfully penetrated under the wall and outside the fence.

Along the trenches on the edge of the camp wall, he stumbled and slipped and fell over a dozen riders. After being stabbed to death by the spears stabbed in the cracks of the camp grid, they gathered in front of the camp gate again. It's just that the charcoal basin placed on the side of the door at this time has lost most of its utility due to rain and mud;

Most of the spilled heads were quickly extinguished in the rain and mud, only a small part fell on the enemy riders, but it was fleeting and almost without any influence or hindrance. On the contrary, it was the boiling water from the whole pot that was changed and changed, and the hot enemy riders who squeezed against the wall and couldn't dodge by the wall, all kinds of screams and rolling jumped off the horse.

At this time, the first enemy rider was already running along the gap in the camp gate and struggling to squeeze in; then, before he could make a few steps, he was caught by various obstacles beside the gate and scraped off his horse; The enemy rider who subsequently broke in was trampled underfoot and disappeared.

Suddenly, more and more enemy cavalry rebels came along the opening of the camp door that was knocked loose, and it was a pity that there was no room for them to gallop and accelerate behind the door. There were several barriers. The narrow road formed by the car, Juma, and Luzhai directly squeezed them in.

Once they have lost their speed and impact, the cavalry who have to huddle together in long lines are undoubtedly the pawns guarding behind the bunker, the best target to deal with; although the crossbowmen on the wall cannot turn around for a while. Deal with them; however, just relying on the pole teams standing on the ground is enough to temporarily suppress and confront them.

Even if someone gave up the mount promptly, and tried to jump to a high place or fly over obstacles from horseback, they would quickly be tipped over or stabbed down by a spear.

The large number of troops who jumped into the ditch of the water after paying considerable deaths and injuries under the rain of arrows on the wall; also began to try to chop and destroy the wooden fence, and the soldiers guarding behind came out with the rebel soldiers. His swords and spears began to fight and fight fiercely across the wall.

The night shrouded in reciprocating battles and battles seems to make people have an extraordinarily long time; I don’t know how many waves of damaged or exhausted teams after the replacement, and the whole night is full of bloodshot eyes. Zhou Huai'an finally saw the faint whiteness of the horizon in the distance. (End of this chapter)