Tang Dynasty

Chapter 110: Don't do it


Despite the setbacks and losses in this process, the Chaoyang City has completely fallen into the hands of the rebels anyway. Along with the whole process, there was probably this coastal area in Chaoyang County and even several states, and the last formed armed force was destroyed.

At the beginning, in addition to the local wealthy people, there were hundreds of officials, big households, tycoons, wealthy gentry, boat merchants, and leaders; gathered in this Chaoyang city, they all fled from all directions. Now, together with their weak net worth, relatives and servants, there are probably as many as thousands of people, all of which have been blocked by the rebels in this tooth city. This is quite a huge gain.

Although they seem to be very tragic, in a desperate and miserable atmosphere, they took a posture of disposing of their wealth, and planned to re-recruit people to do the stubborn resistance; but the local residents in the city are not all fools. After the orthodox official army and the conglomerate came to an end, no one would like to be the first bird of this praying man's arm as a cart anymore;

On the contrary, some people started to go out of the city speculatively, in the name of protecting Li Shu, who was entrapped in the city, had private contacts and negotiations with the rebels, hoping to seek some follow-up benefits and capital for themselves in the situation after the rebels entered the city. Come.

As a result, after the last bit of domestic slaves and the meager armed resistance put together by the guards, these groups who were abandoned from the inside out in disguised form have already gone and lost their lives, and the sky has collapsed. In despair and powerlessness, he was completely captured by the rebels.

In the subsequent rough identifications, it was found that there were many big fish who had hidden their identities, such as the local salt and iron judges and the inspectors, and a new "Chaozhou governor" who came across the sea from Fujian, and The official and personal documents that he brought. As for other people with titles such as Sima, Changshi, Biejia, Master Book, Joining the Army, and even the titles of county magistrate, county lieutenant, and county prime minister, there are as many as 20 people.

There are also dozens of other leading figures with official or official background. It looks like the cleansing operation in the previous stage. In a disguised way, the nearby states and counties, as well as the existence of relations and connections with the government, have been driven and forced to gather here; it is to let the rebels take the next step. The cleaning up of the place has saved a lot of effort.

However, when the heads and captives were counted after the incident, it was found that a few people had run away or disappeared, such as an official fang general who should have appeared among the captives, a number of people including the head, etc. ; And on the north wall of the city, several ropes that fell straight down the city were also found, as well as two corpses that had fallen to death and were abandoned; it seemed that while breaking through the city on a large scale, someone else came down from here overnight. After fleeing, you ran straight to the north and into the forest.

However, the rebels did not continue to pursue their pursuit. After all, in these mountains and forests, there are still various poisonous insects and miasma battles, as well as the main venues where various colors are quite active. For the time being, the rebels had no plans to make contact and conflict with them.

The identities of these officers and soldiers who appeared on the coast of Lingdong in the city have also been further confirmed;

Their emergence due to the situation can be said to be the result of many mistakes, full of chances of coincidence; because among them, there are both the rebuilt Quanzhou Army and Zhangzhou Army who crossed the sea from the north of Fujian. There are also attackers from the west side of the Guangxi administration and economic envoys, and the guards of the frontiers under the command of the Annan Duhufu/Jinghai Jiedu;

It can be said that the expeditions sent by several parties landed on the coast one after another, and after receiving the echo of the local groups and village soldiers, they easily overturned and destroyed the rebels. On the local side, they were originally quite extensive and disordered. State of occupation. It was only afterwards that there were inevitably some boycotts and contradictions of uneven distribution of fat in the locality.

Among them, the most powerful force is the Zhangquan Allied Forces from Fujian, which has more than 2,000 water infantry and horses with complete armor. Later, they have successively received some support from the Zhedong Observatory Cui Zhu from the sea. And to supplement, the corresponding follow-up officials were also sent over to maintain the state of regaining the ground. Therefore, in the later development, almost occupied the dominant position of most of these officers and army; the land occupied and the official posts granted by this are also the most.

Among them, the most vigorous and vigorous one is from the frontier guard under the command of Zeng Dang from the Jiedu Prefecture Jiedu of the Annan Prefecture in the west; although there is only one fang general led by more than 800 people, they are attacking in the local area. The city was uprooted, but the rebels stationed in several times or even ten times were completely unstoppable.

The second one is the 1,000 attackers sent by Li Zan, the governor of Guizhou, and most of them are native soldiers and native soldiers from the local Jizhou. Although they are brave but brutal and bloodthirsty, they are also the most disciplined. It was depraved; because of this, many conflicts occurred quickly with the local area, and after several infighting, he fled and dispersed a lot, and finally became a vassal of Annan garrison. Therefore, among the three main forces of the official army, accompany the last one.

However, compared to the area of Lingdong which is located in the Pearl River Delta plain and is relatively densely populated and relatively mature; although there are more than 30 states under the name of Lingxi Zhuguan, there are many mountains and less land, relatively barren, and many hukou; plus Shangtu's miscellaneous and complex constrained a large part of its forces; therefore, it was because they did not have enough spare energy to organize more troops and support, but instead told them to get their own money and food on the spot.

Therefore, although they were ordered to disrupt the rear of the rebels, they lacked follow-up support and supplements, and were basically in the predicament of one death less than one death; therefore, in order to compete with the Fujian army and horses for benefits, they could only use the remnants gathered locally. With the elite recruits from the earth group to make up the number, and then divided the troops to seize several cities, the specific combat effectiveness has also declined more obviously.

It’s just that Zhou Huaian is more surprised that he seems to have fought with him twice inadvertently; the first time was actually during the offensive and defensive battle of Changle County, that group captured the gatehouse by night assault, and was taken by himself again. The officer who was beaten back is one of them;

Then, in the unsuccessful attack on the camp the night before, the cavalry and infantry responsible for leading the way were the only more than three hundred Annan pawns and more than one hundred Guizhou conquerors remaining in the city. There are also a number of guards and soldiers; so the fight is tough and there is no lack of co-ordination, and there is a lot of bravery to succeed.

After all, according to his understanding of this era, these frontier guards of Annan’s Protectorate are often referred to as "Long March athletes." In the military system of the Tang Dynasty, they were the earliest professional soldiers and they often served for a period of time. They are much longer than other officers and soldiers; in particular, they are in the Annan Prefecture, which has always been at the forefront of high-frequency military conflicts to suppress the barbarians and fight against Nanzhao.

Therefore, even among the various people in the world where the imperial court is weak and disputed, it can be regarded as a fairly advanced existence. You know, the source of the Pang Xun chaos that disrupted most of the world in the past, that is, a group of overdue Guizhou soldiers wanted to return to their hometown in Xuzhou on their own.

If it weren’t for the troops from the rear division to be mobilized by him in advance, they would increase the defensive counterattack according to the well-prepared fortifications; I’m afraid to face these enemies who have moved from the southern city camp and have justified their superiority and superiority. It's a bit mysterious and sad; the proportion of the least casualties needs to be reversed.

However, for Zhou Huai'an, whether it was the soldiers and horses of Fujian Province or the soldiers of Annan, these events seemed not in the historical records he knew; could it be because the scale was too small and the impact was too limited, or Is it the relative geographic closure of the Lingnan region that has been submerged in the long river of history and is unknown? Or is it because of the emergence of myself that the Rebels have slightly changed in the historical event line here

Of course, this is not without potential opportunities and benefits, at least he has mastered at least more than 300 prisoners in his post camp. If you can absorb the last part in the follow-up ideological transformation and labor; even if you can't use it directly, but as a ready-made teaching and guidance, it will be good for improving the combat effectiveness and organization of this team.

After all, as far as Zhou Huai'an knows, during the transition process of Huang Chao's peasant army, there are actually many examples of directly incorporating and absorbing the defeated officers and army, but most of them are mainly middle and lower-level officers and soldiers; although this has brought There are many potential hidden dangers and instabilities, such as fleeing before battle or afterwards, and time to backwater; but it has also increased the regularization and organization of its army in disguise.

As for Zhou Huai'an, the vision and experience and lessons from later generations are enough to give him a variety of means to make people trade names and ways to stop themselves, to slowly concoct, reform, and tune/teach these prisoners. Yes.

In the next period of time, three teams, including the exploratory team, the census team, and the work team, were dispatched to cooperate with the rebel forces that controlled the key points in the city, against the reactionary forces and their party members of the old regime. Stooges, a series of routine procedures of liquidation, torture and public review have been carried out;

Although there were such out-of-date voices during this process, for example, a new leader named Li Yuyuan offered to slaughter the city or wash the streets to give it a good vent; but he was quickly caught up by these leaders who were initially apprehensive. After watching with the eyes that care for the mentally retarded and the expression of "you shameless, I still want to face", he was sent to the labor brigade to guard the reformers.

As a result, batches of trials and punishments were being carried out almost every day; other goods and materials like flowing water were shipped from the mansion compound and gathered into the rebels' garrison. Every day, many people in the city are mobilized voluntarily or not so voluntarily.

Driven by the dissemination of materials on the streets, they gathered around the designated venues; then witnessed, exposed, and condemned these with their own eyes. They were always hidden under the dignified disguise and the superior detached identity. Various indulgences instigated the common people. The fate of the remnants of the people, the official figures and the rich family and the extremely accomplices.

However, after finishing the many tasks of cleaning up the mess outside the city, Zhou Huaian unexpectedly received a new task, or a kind of compensation and reward in disguise; it was to lead his subordinates who are still well-known as the back camp, together with A little mobile force drawn from the other sub-battalions formed a partial division heading to the coast to pursue the remnants of the officers and soldiers who might stay on the coast to respond. (End of this chapter)