Tang Dynasty

Chapter 111: Chaonan


With the gradual cessation of the light rain in the past few days, the clear day that gradually appeared in the sky, riding on the newly replaced big black horse Zhou Huai'an, was also surrounded by a roaring army, marching in the broad-minded south of Chaoyang. In the wilderness.

A thousand soldiers in uniform, including all members of the rear battalion, 600 troops and more than 400 miscellaneous envoys, five hundred large livestock, and more than two hundred drag wagons. Now his subordinates have mastered all the power of this partial teacher. It was divided into three parts, the front, the middle and the back, and a few cavalry guards guarded the two wings, and there was a lineup and momentum.

Here is a water network area formed by rivers and ditches; it just seems that because of the constant wars in the recent past, there are not many traces of human activities in the countryside. Even if there were occasional figures working in farmland or river channels in the distance, after seeing the signs of these troops, they fled in a hurry.

With Chaoyang as the boundary, the large sugarcane fields, fruit trees, and forest gardens interspersed among the hills began to disappear gradually; and the scenery and sights on the road have also become rather monotonous and irregularly gridded rice fields. ; A variety of rice fields and scattered fish ponds.

Compared with the alluvial plain of the Pearl River Delta where Guangfu is located, the scene of various fish and salt mulberry clusters is different; the main agricultural product structure here is still planted with a variety of rice; its history can even be traced back to the Qin Dynasty. The conquered South Vietnamese, as early as BC, the rebels planted saltwater-tolerant rice crops and levied fish on the Hezhou near the mouth of the Shanghai Sea.

Therefore, the Chaoshan area now includes the early rice-late rice double-cropping system, the autumn rice-soy rice double-cropping system, and the autumn rice-winter horticultural crops double-cropping system. A complete set of cropping systems for rotation (rice and dry rotation), intercropping (interplanting vegetables between oranges), and intercropping (interplanting sweet potatoes with late rice) have been preliminarily formed;

And make full use of ditches, houses, roads, embankments and other five-sided broken land, so that no land space is abandoned. Effective use of natural resources such as water, soil, light and heat, and labor resources, so that they can be transformed into various pieces of material output and supplements to the greatest extent.

It's a pity that no matter how hard you work to dig out the land and the upper limit of land output, you can't change the reality of being heavily exploited and oppressed under the old social system; most people grow rice for generations, but they can only grow rice throughout the year. Use taro stalk bran for food and support.

Just a regular visit to the countryside by a public person to collect meals can easily make a family who was still crying and barely able to live by selling their children and selling their daughters and even bankruptcy and fleeing famine.

Therefore, after the war between the rebels and the official army, although it was still unavoidable that the production was reduced and the harvest was missed because of the mistakes in the farming and the farming time; but it was also because the rebels cleared up a wave of wealthy families, large households, and officials and subordinates. Because of this, in the short term, no one dared or was able to continue to apportion and collect all kinds of taxes and miscellaneous duties from them; compared to the ordinary people in some villages, their lives are actually better than before.

This is the result of the manpower he sent to conduct social surveys and agricultural production along the way. Therefore, after Zhou Huai'an sent the sing-singing team/collection team to come back, there are always more or less courageous young descendants who come back, saying that they want to join the rebels to find a way or eat a meal.

Although Zhou Huaian understood that this was only a temporary phenomenon caused by the ebb of official power and the emptied local tyrants who had not yet filled it up, it was also a gratifying result and development. There are various agricultural data collection and species sampling.

"Master Xu... Seeing that it is not too early."

A voice by his side interrupted Zhou Huaian's thoughts, and pulled back to reality; it was Su Wuming, who was newly added to the lieutenant in the team, and was nicknamed "Su Hou'er" because of some sharp-mouthed monkey gills. I saw the other person salivating in anticipation:

"Can someone start a partnership..."

Because this time the number of people who need to lead has increased. Therefore, his side is composed of brigade commander Cheng Dajiao and Laoguan, the posterity of the rear camp's signature "Huh Ha two generals"; as it is said that because of a mistake, Wang Pan was used as a punitive sect on the grounds of "slaying hands". The Lieutenant Su Wuming, who came over and waited to be used;

Coupled with the newly formed Rebel horse team, Liu Liumao, the deputy lieutenant assigned to join forces, has become the pattern of the so-called Four King Kong. Of course, as far as Zhou Huaian wanted to come, naturally he would not really treat people as just coming here to accept punishment; perhaps this is not a secret and there is no intention to balance and restrict the strength of his subordinates, but it is also a matter of reason.

But I didn’t expect that this kind of temperament would jump off Su Wuming, but it’s also a potential foodie. At least after seeing Zhou Huai’an’s private small stove, I’ve learned something from time to time to come by my side in the name of “seeking”. Relying not to leave, just to eat and drink when Zhou Huaian added a meal.


He couldn't help but shook his head and nodded

"Bring up today's wild catch..."

Subsequently, under Su Wuming's personal escort, a big wild boar with a thick and bloody mane and a few crossbow bolts was loaded on a pallet. After Zhou Huaian thought about it, he had the corresponding treatment. Means.

You don’t have to stop and cook, and use the car’s charcoal fire to patiently burn the hair while you are on the move, and then scrape off the charred skin to reveal the white texture; then, take the most fat and skinny part of the pig’s face and remove it. Cut into small pieces, put them in a boiling soybean oil pan and deep-fry them to make the finished product.

Although the meat of wild boar looks old and firewood by the standards of the people in the future, it is really the enemy of teeth. It needs enough hot sauce or stew, or chopped and fried to make bacon sauce; but it is located in The meat quality of the head and face is an exception, especially the two most frequently used parts of the upper nose and lower jaw, which are rich in layers and delicate in taste.

After deep-fried, drained and let cool, dipped in salty shrimp paste or self-adjusted sweet chili sauce, plum sauce, peanut butter and salted egg sauce, it is a delicious and crispy meal that makes people unstoppable. Up. In fact, since passing through the lower reaches of the Rongjiang River, all kinds of wild things have slowly become more frequent.

Compared to the inland part that is close to Xunzhou and has a considerable degree of development, the coastal area at the southwestern end of the Chaoshan Plain is not a good place; it is said that Han Yu was demoted to Chaozhou in the 14th year of Tang Yuanhe (AD 819), "Xie Shangbiao" says : "In the southern border of the state, the sea is rising, the poisonous mist and the miasma occur day and night."

According to the description of the local guide, the sandbanks naturally formed by various coastal erosion and upstream impacts are full of swamps, wild elephants rampant, crocodiles infested, and the environment is quite harsh. It can be said that there are large areas of wildness that have not been really developed. The soil.

Therefore, on this part of the coastline, which can be used as a place for humans to live in and suitable for larger sea ships to berth ashore, is actually quite limited, that is, where the few fishing villages and small ports are located;

And on this road, Zhou Huaian really saw what is called the wild land of this generation; it is the pig dragon (crocodile) lazily basking in the river and swamp beside the road from time to time. The li is swaggering around the wild elephant group near the farmland of the village; in the forest, tigers, leopards and jackals can be seen from time to time.

Naturally, this also further firmly cut off Zhou Huaian's last bit of fluke psychology of being alone.

Of course, these fierce beasts and the like at the top of the natural ecological food chain, in front of hordes of armed humans, are frightened, driven and crushed by the dregs, or simply are the target of the tooth-slashing sacrifice to improve the taste of wild life.

However, Zhou Huaian's most appreciated food is the meat of wild deer in groups. There is no need for any flavor, just roasting directly on the fire or frying on a red slate is quite delicious; deer tendon can be used directly as snacks after being smoked; and deer blood is also a good tonic, for Rescuing the endangered wounded has a certain effect; but it is not easy to preserve in the current climate, so salt can only be poured into the intestines and tightly tightened to make products similar to blood intestines.

In contrast, the meat of wild goats is a bit older, but more vigorous and chewy. The best food among poultry is undoubtedly the bamboo chickens and red-headed teal ducks that live under the roots in the bamboo thickets. As for the anacondas, civet cats, pangolins, badgers, tapirs, boars, muntjac, etc., which were once included in the cherished recipes, I have tasted them one by one.

I just collected more than a dozen unique leathers, such as the original pig dragon (crocodile) leather case that is enough to make people enviable in later generations, and the leopard skin and bear skin that are enough to be the standard for the shooting of rare and protected animals. Cushions, mattresses, etc.;

Just as a few people were sitting in a specially-made dining cart, and according to the case, they were chewing on the light sweetness as a drink, and they heard the report from the front; the several teams that had gone out to investigate the enemy's situation had been returned one after another.

This time, troops were sent to attack the port used by the army to land. Among the three-way investigative teams, the two roads to Zhanglinzhai and Baishahukou were a step late or rushed to the sky. Only this team was left, but it was not. Found in the salt cruiser near Zhelinshu near the sea.

Although most of the official army in Chaozhou has been destroyed, there are still a large number of unidentified armed personnel gathered there; and from the situation of adventurous disguise and close to spying, although there is no clear flag and logo, the opponent holds armor As for the equipment, it is not something that ordinary local soil regiments or township soldiers can equip.

Moreover, they did not seem to have received the news that the inland officers and army had been defeated, and they continued to collect and apportion money and food in nearby places, and collected taxes and extortions on past pedestrians and business travelers. Some people even took women from nearby villages grandiosely back to the station to spend the night.

Therefore, half of the sentry cavalry team left to continue monitoring, and the rest hurried back to report.

The new year is coming, but looking at the genesis background data, there are about 800 collections and more than 60 average subscriptions, and there is a faint sadness. Is it because the subject matter and writing style are not pleasing . (End of this chapter)