Tang Dynasty

Chapter 112: Zhe Lin


Outside Zhelinzhai on the bank of the confluence of big rivers, it is located in the salt inspection house composed of more than 20 houses on the intersection.

Ouyang Heng, the deputy head of the Quanzhou Water Army, looked at the woman who was unconscious and disgusted. With the green-stained back of the woman who had passed out, she couldn't help sighing that the country women in this small place belonged to imperial court officials who did not understand. Good thing, even dare to resist and crying bad guys. Wasn't it because she beat her family to the countryside and used her husband and parents as a coercion to give up.

You know when he was still in the Quanzhou Army, but as long as he saw something in the street market, someone would spontaneously give up; especially the wives and daughters of the small sea merchants, let him enter the room and give and ask; if it is not boring now The tight days make people suffocate the fire, so how can he like such a country woman with rough hands and rough skin

Thinking of this, he didn't get a little annoyed. These damn ant people and the country-boys with no long eyes didn't understand the court's painstaking efforts and the embarrassment of their officials. They would only hide themselves when they saw the banner of the official army. Running, he couldn't even find a decent woman, so he could only make up the count with the kind of stuff that had given birth to children.

When I think of the generals who came with the ship, they are all spending their time in the city of Kefu, but they can only guard the back road for them in this remote rural place, because he comes from a navy army. More upset and depressed;

And in the port city where their naval forces are temporarily stationed, there are still several people who can ride on his head, point fingers or give orders, even if it is a female artist, it is not comfortable.

So he simply asked himself to come out in this salt patrol house guarding the intersection. It was finally happy and clean for a while; not only could he concoct and abuse those passing business travelers in the name of random inspection, but also go to the countryside from time to time. Playing with the autumn breeze; I live in a Tuya Banhu, and I can get by with only turbid wine and thin chickens and ducks, but I can't help but endure this country woman who smells of soil and chicken dung.

Therefore, if you can wait for the second time as you do in the future, we will go to the city of Nazhou to wrap up the prestigious lady Lv Qiao and take care of it. I thought of seeing Luo skirt sleeves and graceful body at a family dinner. Zi, he suddenly felt that the fainted country woman was not so disgusting and disgusting, and the dark and rough skin turned into another special flavor; it was like the fisherman's daughter he had taken over. general.

"Both...Both...Both heads..."

Suddenly a loud shout outside broke his salty mentality of being a sage, and a little good mood that was brewing.

"Yes... Someone is here..."

"It's really uncomfortable stuff,:

He couldn't help but cursed and tightened his belt again, put a light gauze on his shirt, and then strode out the door.

"It's the one here again, is it Qiu Erma or Li Siyaner"

"Lao Tzu has to beat them back to the autumn wind."

Then, I saw a group of cavalry rushing over in the distance. Although there was no obvious flag, the uniform armor and robes on them looked like quite elite officers and soldiers.

"Brother on which road..."

Ouyang Heng cleared his throat and called out loudly.

"Don't you want to talk about the rules..."

"Don't blame me I turned my face..."

Then, obviously there were other things arriving faster than these cavalrymen; I saw the fierce soldiers around him, suddenly burst out screams and wailing for a while, but they fell to the ground with arrows in the blood; Then the leading cavalry horse on the opposite side had already crossed the bar in the way and leaped in front of him. Suddenly, in a dull cracking sound, he was slammed into the air.

"Fuck your mother..."

This is the last word that General Ouyang Heng, who only feels that the heavens and the earth are reversed, and the whole body is squeezed out of his mouth.

. . . . . .

Soon after, Zhou Huaian stood on the sentry tower, looking at the neighboring but silent village not far away; and below him, a group of corpses and dejected prisoners were being taken from various buildings. Clear out the corners and crevices.

A few unkempt women were found along with them. The oldest were in their 40s and 50s, while the youngest had the highest death penalty in three years. Once they were brought out, they were waiting outside in nearby townships. Min hurriedly flocked up, and then looked at the bruised and bruised person who seemed to be a world away. Eventually, it would become a heart-wrenching scene of the whole family holding their heads together and crying.

However, occasionally, after the person involved was brought out, even the family of the father and brother with swollen noses was not seen; then they stood dumbly and watched the reunion of others, holding their knees in a trance for a while; Riding other people inadvertently and exhausting all their strength to the river, in the exclamation and shouting of other people, it turned into a large splash of water splashing in the deep river water.

"Hurry up and salvage it..."

Zhou Huaian, who had noticed this unexpected change, did not sigh and command to his side.

"Find a way to save it..."

The only consoling thing is that this era did not form an atmosphere of ethics and cannibalism for later generations; nor did it have passed the "civil war insider, foreign war outsider" the iron-blooded emperor Song, who had the highest winning rate, and the conservatism and repression of the internal ideological atmosphere. Cheng Confucianism, the ethics and cleanliness that has become more and more serious in the observance of virgins; therefore, for these humble and poor people, being able to meet again alive for the rest of their lives is the greatest joy and preciousness.

Of course, it seems that these women are all from nearby villages, but none of them are from Zhelinzhai. Even according to the words of these recruited villagers, these villagers even played the role of accomplices in a certain sense during this period.

This seems to be a certain sense of "a friend who is dead but not a poor way", sitting indifferently and conniving others' miserable experiences in exchange for a moment of peace in front of one's own eyes, the so-called "necessary evil of human nature".

This time, with a lot of carriages and horses traveling and taking turns to rest, everyone was able to carry volunteers with similar sizes and large rucksacks. They only relied on two feet to make a jagged march and arrived at the confluence of the river. Zhelin Village, and the salt patrol station specially used to detect smuggling.

And this pass on the main road at the mouth of the river did not actually stop them for long; under the divergent impact of all the horse teams, the salt patrol station that gathered more than two hundred suspected officers and soldiers, and the simple set up by them The checkpoint was easily broken through.

And in the process, some people even regarded them as the native army troops running over to fight the autumn breeze, and they ran out violently and loudly reprimanded and negotiated something, and then they were caught off guard by the unslowed horse team and kicked head-on. Died on the spot; the remaining armed men guessed that they were waking up from a dream, and rushed out to fight as if they had blown up their nests.

Then, after being hacked, killed and torn apart by the battle team that followed closely, they ran away in disarray; most of the rest fled into the river unscrupulously, and were then caught by people from behind. Random arrows shot and killed one after another, turning them into bodies floating on the river.

However, it took a lot of effort and setbacks to clean up and tidy up the recalcitrant enemies hiding in the salt house, because they underestimated the enemy; in the end, more than a dozen people broke through a corner and ran out, leaving a few corpses and then rebuilding. Panic fled into the stockade; but this does not affect the overall situation.

In the end, Zhou Huaian just left a team to guard and besieged the stockade, ensuring that no one can escape to report the letter; the rest of the team regrouped under the leadership of several volunteering local guides, and continued to be located not far away. The Qiling Port on the seashore "now Chenghaigang Township, Guangdong," set off.

After half a day, Zhou Huaian stood on a low mountain again, looking at the larger villages on the beaches hidden in the distance, and dozens of long and short trestle bridges deep in the sea and all kinds of random constructions. Illegal construction, spontaneously formed a messy port city.

And the most conspicuous thing in his zoomed-in resolution vision is undoubtedly the dozens of large and small sea boats surrounded by a pile of tattered fishing sampans;

According to the former merchants who are more acquainted in the team, the current temporary book office Wang Qinian’s on-site introduction: Among them are typical Fujian-style official ships and civilian ships with a flat head and big belly, as well as large-scale large falcons and inland river boats. , There is even a Tianzhu ship with obvious foreign style, two curved tips. Just parked in such a mess.

It seems that this was the important stronghold and bridgehead for the initial landing of officers and soldiers, and also an important external port in Chaozhou. It was mainly developed by exporting local porcelain and transshipping the salt industry along the coast.

"Next, it depends on your performance..."

Zhou Huaian solemnly said to the former officers and soldiers who were brought up with respect and awe.

"This is the last chance for you to redeem yourself and the people of Li people, and then get a new life..."

"Yes, what the master said is really..."

The leading officers and soldiers nodded and bowed, but said.

"Small must strive to change his mind... Poke force to do things for the rebels..."

Then I looked at these figures, under the surveillance and detention of the rebel soldiers who also dressed as officers and soldiers, and gradually disappeared under the hillside; soon afterwards, they became more than a dozen black spots disappearing outside the fishing village and the port city.

Because according to the confession of the captured officers and soldiers, Zhou Huaian also knew that they came from different regions and belongings, in fact, like the tradition of infighting and no lack of friction; thus using these preliminary reformed prisoners as bait, simple traps and ambush methods were specially set up. ; Even if it fails, it won't hurt the overall situation, but it will take more twists and turns to get a direct attack.

However, if it succeeds, it will be possible to mobilize some of the enemies that may exist in the port city and fishing village to break them down, so as to weaken their defense and resistance, and even reduce the casualties and losses of the corresponding rebels. (End of this chapter)